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A minimalist deep learning framework with Define-by-Run schema written in C++

Project purpose

This is a build-it-yourself project for learning about the internal concepts underlying deep learning framework with C++. The only external dependency of this project is xtensor, a NumPy-like library for C++ (other than non-essential ones such as curl and gzip-hpp).

The only prerequisite to build and run this project is:

That's it. All of the external dependencies needed for this project will be installed automatically when building by Bazel.

Architecture overview

The figure below shows the relationship between each class when we run a model that is composed of a single linear layer and use cross entropy error as a loss function.


Basically the process flow is like: a Tensor is inputted to a Function and it outputs a new Tensor, and the outputted Tensor is then inputted to another Function and it outputs another new Tensor ... and so on. It flows in forward direction. However the relationship between each Tensor and Function is connected in backward direction, and this backward connection is established when each Function executes its forward calculation. This enables automatic gradient through backpropagation with Define-by-Run schema.

To implement the Define-by-Run schema by imitating Python memory management, C++ shared pointer is chosen as the key ingredient of this project (Circles with a solid/dashed arrow in the figure above denote shared/weak pointer). For more details about the similarity between C++ shared pointer and Python memory management, see this page: Memory management in C++ and Python

Example code

An example usage of this project would be like this:

namespace tw = tensorward::core;
namespace F = tensorward::function;
namespace M = tensorward::model;
namespace O = tensorward::optimizer;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  /* Some pre-process code ... */

  // Model
  M::MultiLayerPerceptron model({kHiddenSize, kHiddenSize, kOutSize}, tw::AsFunctionSharedPtr<F::ReLU>());

  // Optimizer
  O::StochasticGradientDescent optimizer(kLearningRate);

  for (std::size_t epoch = 0; epoch < kMaxEpoch; ++epoch) {
    //// Train ////
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < train_data_loader.max_iteration(); ++i) {
      // Batch data and label
      const auto [batch_x, batch_t] = train_data_loader.GetBatchAt(i);
      const tw::TensorSharedPtr batch_x_ptr = tw::AsTensorSharedPtr(batch_x, "batch_x");
      const tw::TensorSharedPtr batch_t_ptr = tw::AsTensorSharedPtr(batch_t, "batch_t");

      // Prediction
      const tw::TensorSharedPtr batch_y_pred_ptr = model.Predict({batch_x_ptr})[0];

      // Loss
      const tw::TensorSharedPtr batch_loss_ptr = F::softmax_cross_entropy_error(batch_y_pred_ptr, batch_t_ptr);

      // Backpropagation

      // Parameter update

  /* Some post-process code ... */

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

This repository contains an example code for MNIST classification here. It can be run by:

$ bazel run //example/6_classification_mnist_dataset:main

and the result would look like below. The loss decreases as epoch iterates and the accuracy after 5 epochs is more than 85%.

epoch = 0
average_train_loss = 1.68154
average_test_loss = 0.992631
average_train_accuracy = 0.580667
average_test_accuracy = 0.782

epoch = 1
average_train_loss = 0.75271
average_test_loss = 0.597104
average_train_accuracy = 0.823333
average_test_accuracy = 0.843

epoch = 2
average_train_loss = 0.538268
average_test_loss = 0.496765
average_train_accuracy = 0.8595
average_test_accuracy = 0.858

epoch = 3
average_train_loss = 0.45299
average_test_loss = 0.45914
average_train_accuracy = 0.878333
average_test_accuracy = 0.862

epoch = 4
average_train_loss = 0.407395
average_test_loss = 0.42503
average_train_accuracy = 0.8885
average_test_accuracy = 0.869


average_train_losses = [1.68154, 0.75271, 0.538268, 0.45299, 0.407395, ]
average_test_losses = [0.992631, 0.597104, 0.496765, 0.45914, 0.42503, ]


average_train_accuracies = [0.580667, 0.823333, 0.8595, 0.878333, 0.8885, ]
average_test_accuracies = [0.782, 0.843, 0.858, 0.862, 0.869, ]

Future work

  • Add wrapper classes for tw::XxxSharedPtr classes for usability
  • Add more layers such as Dropout, Convolution, Recurrent, etc.
  • Support Graphviz to visualize computational graphs
  • Support GPU acceleration