This cartridge is running WildFly 8.0.1.SNAPSHOT from the HornetQ Wildfly fork and uses the HornetQ snapshot
This cartridge is based on the JBoss AS cartridge found in OpenShift Origin here.
You can build a gear using this cartridge with the following command:
rhc app create -s wildfly
We need the '-s' as ot needs to be scalable
It will take a few minutes to build, so be patient.
If you want to upgrade the HornetQ version simply build the HQ Wildfly branch and overlay it over versions/8 directory and commit.
This cartridge provides an OpenShift compatible wrapper of the JBoss CLI tool on the gear PATH, located at $OPENSHIFT_WILDFLY_DIR/bin/tools/ Use the following command to connect to the WildFly instance with the CLI tool: -c --controller=$OPENSHIFT_WILDFLY_IP:$OPENSHIFT_WILDFLY_MANAGEMENT_HTTP_PORT
###Super Secret Hint (Don't tell anyone)
If you run the rhc port-forward command, you can access the WildFly management interface on port 9990
A username and password is created when you install this cartridge.
If you don't write it down, fear not, the following environment variables will contain them.
corey$ rhc port-forward wildfly
Checking available ports ... done
Forwarding ports ...
To connect to a service running on OpenShift, use the Local address
Service Local OpenShift
------- -------------- ---- -------------------
java =>
java =>
java =>
In this example you would visit to view the wildfly admin panel from your local computer.