Permanently free DeepL API written in Golang
is listening to0.0.0.0:1188
by default. You can modify the listening port by yourself.DeepLX
is usingDeepL
Free API.DeepLX
is unlimited to the number of requests.
- text: string
- source_lang: string
- target_lang: string
"alternatives": [
"code": 200,
"data": "Undoubtedly",
"id": 8300079001
Thanks to cijiugechu for his contribution to make this feature possible for this project!
./deeplx -p 3333
# or
./deeplx -port 3333
docker run -itd -p 1188:1188
# dockerhub
docker run -itd -p 1188:1188 missuo/deeplx:latest
mkdir deeplx
cd deeplx
# docker compose v1
docker-compose up -d
# or docker compose v2
docker compose up -d
bash <(curl -Ls
# or
bash <(curl -Ls
For unknown reasons v0.7.8 does not work properly with Homebrew, so we are still using v0.7.7 for our version of Homebrew, it has no bugs and it is almost perfect.
brew tap owo-network/brew
brew install deeplx
brew services start owo-network/brew/deeplx
# Update to the latest version
brew update
brew upgrade deeplx
brew services restart owo-network/brew/deeplx
# View the currently installed version
brew list --versions deeplx
- Download the latest release of DeepL X.
sudo mv deeplx_darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/deeplx
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/deeplx
- Download the
wget -O ~/Library/LaunchAgents/me.missuo.deeplx.plist
- Run following command.
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/me.missuo.deeplx.plist
launchctl start ~/Library/LaunchAgents/me.missuo.deeplx.plist
paru -S deeplx-bin
After installation, start the daemon with the following command.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable deeplx
Setup on Bob App
Install bob-plugin-deeplx on Bob.
Setup the API. (If you use Brew to install locally you can skip this step)
Setup on immersive-translate
It is not recommended, because the immersive-translate
will send many requests in a short time, which will cause the DeepL API
to block your IP.
Install Latest immersive-translate on your browser.
Click on Developer Settings in the bottom left corner. Enable Beta experimental features.
Set the URL. (If you are not deploying locally, you need to change to the IP of your server)
import httpx, json
deeplx_api = ""
data = {
"text": "Hello World",
"source_lang": "EN",
"target_lang": "ZH"
post_data = json.dumps(data)
r = = deeplx_api, data = post_data).text
docker run -itd -p 1188:80 missuo/deeplx-bk
This docker image is not related to this project, as the original author deleted the image, it is only for backup.
DeepL X © DeepL X Contributors, Released under the MIT License.