Hook provides a range of convenient built-in functions that serve various purposes such as printing to the terminal, type checking, and more. These functions can be accessed globally, and this document provides a comprehensive list of all of them.
Here is a quick overview of all the functions. Click on a function name to jump to its documentation.
Below you will find all functions presented with their signatures, a brief description of their functionality, and examples of how to use them.
Prints the given value without a newline.
fn print(value);
print("Hello, "); // Hello, world!
print("World!"); //
Prints the given value with a newline.
fn println(value);
println("Hello, "); // Hello,
println("World!"); // World!
Returns the type of the given value as a string.
fn type(value) -> string;
println(type(1)); // number
println(type(3.14)); // number
println(type("foo")); // string
println(type(true)); // bool
println(type(nil)); // nil
Returns true
if the given value is nil.
fn is_nil(value) -> bool;
println(is_nil(nil)); // true
println(is_nil(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is a boolean.
fn is_bool(value) -> bool;
println(is_bool(true)); // true
println(is_bool(false)); // true
println(is_bool(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is a number.
fn is_number(value) -> bool;
println(is_number(1)); // true
println(is_number(3.14)); // true
println(is_number("foo")); // false
Returns true
if the given value is an integer number.
fn is_int(value) -> bool;
println(is_int(1)); // true
println(is_int(3.14)); // false
println(is_int("foo")); // false
Returns true
if the given value is a string.
fn is_string(value) -> bool;
println(is_string("foo")); // true
println(is_string(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is a range.
fn is_range(value) -> bool;
println(is_range(1..10)); // true
println(is_range(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is an array.
fn is_array(value) -> bool;
println(is_array([1, 2, 3])); // true
println(is_array(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is a structure.
fn is_struct(value) -> bool;
struct Point { x, y }
println(is_struct(Point)); // true
println(is_struct(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is an instance of a structure.
fn is_instance(value) -> bool;
println(is_instance(Point { 1, 2 })); // true
println(is_instance(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is an iterator.
fn is_iterator(value) -> bool;
println(iter(1..10)); // true
println(iter([1, 2, 3])); // true
println(1); // false
Returns true
if the given value is callable (i.e. a function).
fn is_callable(value) -> bool;
fn foo() {}
println(is_callable(foo)); // true
println(is_callable(|| {})); // true
println(is_callable(print)); // true
println(is_callable(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is a userdata.
fn is_userdata(value) -> bool;
import { stdout } from io;
println(is_userdata(stdout)); // true
println(is_userdata(1)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is an object.
fn is_object(value) -> bool;
println(is_object(1)); // false
println(is_object(3.14)); // false
println(is_object(1..10)); // true
println(is_object("foo")); // true
println(is_object([1, 2, 3])); // true
println(is_object(print)); // true
Returns true
if the given value is comparable.
fn is_comparable(value) -> bool;
println(is_comparable(1)); // true
println(is_comparable(3.14)); // true
println(is_comparable(1..10)); // true
println(is_comparable("foo")); // true
println(is_comparable([1, 2, 3])); // true
println(is_comparable(print)); // false
Returns true
if the given value is iterable.
fn is_iterable(value) -> bool;
println(is_iterable(1)); // false
println(is_iterable(3.14)); // false
println(is_iterable("foo")); // false
println(is_iterable(1..10)); // true
println(is_iterable([1, 2, 3])); // true
println(is_iterable(print)); // false
Converts a value to a boolean. In Hook, only nil
and false
are considered false. All other values are considered true
fn to_bool(value) -> bool;
println(to_bool(false)); // false
println(to_bool(nil)); // false
println(to_bool(true)); // true
println(to_bool(0)); // true
println(to_bool(1)); // true
println(to_bool(3.14)); // true
println(to_bool("")); // true
Converts a floating point number or a string to an integer number. This function rises an error if the value cannot be converted. In fact, all numbers in Hook are floating point numbers. This function converts the number to an integer by truncating the fractional part.
fn to_int(value: number|string) -> number;
println(to_int(1)); // 1
println(to_int(3.14)); // 3
println(to_int("3.14")); // 3
println(to_int("foo")); // Raises an error.
Converts a string to a floating point number. This function rises an error if the value cannot be converted.
fn to_number(value: number|string) -> number;
println(to_number(1)); // 1
println(to_number(3.14)); // 3.14
println(to_number("3.14")); // 3.14
println(to_number("foo")); // Raises an error.
Converts a value to a string. Some types of values aren't convertible to a string.
fn to_string(value: nil|bool|number|string) -> string;
println(to_string(1)); // "1"
println(to_string(3.14)); // "3.14"
println(to_string(true)); // "true"
println(to_string(nil)); // "nil"
println(to_string([1, 2, 3])); // Raises an error.
println(to_string(print)); // <callable print>
Returns the ASCII code of the first character of the given string.
fn ord(value: string) -> number;
println(ord("a")); // 97
Returns a string that contains the character with the given ASCII code.
fn chr(value: number) -> string;
println(chr(97)); // "a"
Converts a string to a hexadecimal string.
fn hex(value: string) -> string;
println(hex("foo")); // "666f6f"
Converts a string to a binary string.
fn bin(value: string) -> string;
println(bin("666f6f")); // "foo"
Returns a hexadecimal string that represents the memory address of the given value if it is an object. Otherwise, it returns "(nil)".
fn address(value) -> string;
println(address(1)); // (nil)
println(address(3.14)); // (nil)
println(address("foo")); // 0x563ff4a0f730
println(address(1..10)); // 0x555b2c87dac0
Returns the reference count of the given value if it is an object. Otherwise, it returns 0.
fn refcount(value) -> number;
println(refcount(1)); // 0
println(refcount(3.14)); // 0
println(refcount("foo")); // 1
println(refcount(1..10)); // 1
Returns the capacity of the given string or array.
fn cap(value: string|array) -> number;
println(cap("foo")); // 8
println(cap([1, 2], 3)); // 8
Returns the length of the given compond value.
fn len(value: string|range|array|struct|instance) -> number;
println(len("foo")); // 3
println(len([1, 2, 3])); // 3
println(len(1..10)); // 10
Returns true
if the given compound value is empty.
fn is_empty(value: string|range|array|struct|instance) -> bool;
println(is_empty("")); // true
println(is_empty([])); // true
println(is_empty(1..1)); // false
println(is_empty("foo")); // false
println(is_empty([1, 2, 3])); // false
Compares two values and returns a number that represents the result of the comparison.
fn compare(val1, val2) -> number;
println(compare(1, 2)); // -1
println(compare(2, 1)); // 1
println(compare(1, 1)); // 0
Splits the given string into an array of strings using the given separator.
fn split(str: string, separator: string) -> array;
println(split("foo,bar,baz", ",")); // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
Joins the given array of strings into a single string containing the given separator between each element.
fn join(arr: array, separator: string) -> string;
println(join(["foo", "bar", "baz"], ",")); // "foo,bar,baz"
Creates an iterator from a range or an array. This function raises an error if the given value is not iterable.
fn iter(value: iterator|range|array) -> iterator;
for (x in iter(1..3)) { // 1
println(x); // 2
} // 3
Returns true
if the given iterator has a valid current value.
fn valid(it: iterator) -> bool;
var it = iter(1..3);
println(valid(it)); // true
it = next(it);
println(valid(it)); // true
it = next(it);
println(valid(it)); // true
it = next(it);
println(valid(it)); // false
Returns the current value of the given iterator.
fn current(it: iterator) -> any;
var it = iter(1..3);
println(current(it)); // 1
it = next(it);
println(current(it)); // 2
it = next(it);
println(current(it)); // 3
it = next(it);
println(current(it)); // nil
Advances the given iterator to the next value and returns an updated iterator.
fn next(it: iterator) -> iterator;
var it = iter(1..3);
println(current(it)); // 1
it = next(it);
println(current(it)); // 2
it = next(it);
println(current(it)); // 3
Sleeps for the given number of milliseconds.
fn sleep(ms: number);
sleep(1000); // Sleeps for 1 second.
Exits the program with the given exit code.
fn exit(code: number);
exit(0); // Exits the program with exit code 0.
Raises an error if the given assertion is false
fn assert(assertion: bool, msg: string);
assert(1 == 2, "1 is not equal to 2"); // Raises an error.
Raises an error with the given message.
fn panic(msg: string);
panic("something went wrong!"); // panic: something went wrong!