diff --git a/app/components/ui/deactivation-email-templates/checked-deactivation-email.tsx b/app/components/ui/deactivation-email-templates/checked-deactivation-email.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db429d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/components/ui/deactivation-email-templates/checked-deactivation-email.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+ * Author: Bravin Atonya (bravin-atonya)
+ *
+ * Concept: Deactivation Email template component
+ *
+ * params: deactivationDetails:{name: string, email: string, dateTime: string}
+ *
+ * figmaFile Link: https://www.figma.com/design/VEItfX6St5NSAqqNHImcxD/HNG-Boilerplate-Designs?node-id=1995-24485&m=dev
+ *
+ */
+import {
+ Body,
+ Column,
+ Container,
+ Head,
+ Heading,
+ Html,
+ Img,
+ Preview,
+ Row,
+ Section,
+ Text,
+} from "@react-email/components";
+import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+//This Component is an email template that is used to push mails of deactivation to users of BoilerPlate
+ *
+ * @param deactivationDetails: {name: string, email: string, dateTime: string}
+ * @returns Jsx object
+ */
+const CheckedDeactivationEmail = ({
+ deactivationDetails = {
+ name: "John Doe",
+ email: "johndoe@gmail.com",
+ dateTime: "20th July, 2024 / 11:56pm",
+ },
+}: {
+ deactivationDetails: { name: string; email: string; dateTime: string };
+}) => {
+ //state to help in ensurering that the checkmark is present to be included in the email template
+ const [checkImageExists, setCheckImageExists] = useState(false);
+ const checkImageSource = "./Deactivation_Email_assets/deactivation_check.png"; // Image source
+ //This method is used to ensure that the checkmark is present in the file location provided before adding it
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const img = new Image();
+ img.src = checkImageSource;
+ const handleLoad = () => setCheckImageExists(true);
+ const handleError = () => setCheckImageExists(false);
+ img.addEventListener("load", handleLoad);
+ img.addEventListener("error", handleError);
+ // Cleanup the event listeners on component unmount
+ return () => {
+ img.removeEventListener("load", handleLoad);
+ img.removeEventListener("error", handleError);
+ };
+ }, [checkImageSource]);
+ return (
+ {checkImageExists ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ Account Successfully Deactivated
+ Hi {deactivationDetails.name},
+ We wanted to let you know that your Boilerplate
+ account has been successfully deactivated as per
+ your request.
+ Your deactivation deatails:
+ Account Email:
+ {deactivationDetails.email}
+ Deactivation Date:
+ {deactivationDetails.dateTime}
+ If you would like to re-activate your account, you
+ can easily do so by contacting our support team
+ via the details below.
+ Give us a call at{" "}
+ (+234)-456-7890
+ {" "}
+ or shoot us an email at{" "}
+ support@llaihng.com
+ We value your membership and would love to have
+ you back.
+ Regards,
+ Boilerplate
+ Thank you for choosing Boilerplate.com Need help?{" "}
+ Contact our customer support
+ You are receiving this email because you signed up at
+ Boilerplate.com. Want to change how you receive these
+ emails?
+ You can update your preferences or{" "}
+ unsubscribe from this list.
+ );
+export default CheckedDeactivationEmail;
+//This is the overal container of the email template.
+const container = {
+ margin: "auto",
+ maxWidth: "790px",
+//This is the section containing the company logo which is centered both vertically and horizontally
+const email_intro = {
+ height: "108px",
+ backgroundColor: "#E1D6D6",
+ display: "flex",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+//This is the section containing the Image intro title.
+const email_title = {
+ textAlign: "center",
+ height: "29px",
+ fontSize: "clamp(20px, 3.27vw, 24px)",
+ fontWeight: "600",
+ text: "#0A0A0A",
+//This section is used to provide padding in the email content
+const email_container_holder = {
+ padding: "clamp(40px, 7.08%, 56px)",
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "clamp(40px, 7.08%, 56px)",
+//This section is used to provide the gap between the greetings and the main email
+const email_content_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "clamp(28px, 4.36vw, 32px)",
+//This is the overal container of the email content and that provides the gap between the different elements in it
+const email_text_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "clamp(24px, 4.36vw, 28px)",
+//This is the rule that makes sure anything in the design sized 16px has the font size applied to it
+const large_body_text = {
+ fontSize: "16px",
+//This is the rule that makes sure anything in the design sized 14px has the font size applied to it
+const small_body_text = {
+ fontSize: "14px",
+//This is the rule used to style the greetings element
+const greeting = {
+ fontSize: "18px",
+ fontWeight: "600",
+//This is the rule that is used to style the deactivation title.
+const deactivation_title = {
+ fontSize: "16px",
+ fontWeight: "600",
+//This are the rules used to style the section in the email container just before the footer
+const email_end = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "8px",
+ fontSize: "14px",
+ fontWeight: "500",
+//This are the rules used to style the deactivation details content and providing the gap between them
+const deactivation_details_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "20px",
+//The list idicator is the circle infront of each deactivation detail.
+const listIndicator = {
+ width: "10px",
+ height: "10px",
+ borderRadius: "50%",
+ backgroundColor: "#FDC7A2",
+//This are the rules that make sure that the deactivation details look seamingly like list items.
+const deactivation_detail = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ gap: "16px",
+ alignItems: "center",
+//The footer of the email template. The rules here ensure that the footer has a background.
+const footer = {
+ backgroundColor: "#F3EFEF",
+//These are the rules that make sure that we have a padding around the footer.
+const footer_content_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ padding: "32px 48px",
+ gap: "30px",
+//This is the section that holds the social links that creates a gap around them.
+const socials_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ gap: "33px",
+//This is the horizontal line that we use the borderTop rule to make it dashed.
+const dotted_horizontal_rule = {
+ borderTop: "dashed 0.3px #5B5B5D",
+const footer_thank_you = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "30px",
+const reason_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ gap: "8px",
+//This is the container that contains the image and the one that enables us to center it.
+const check_container = {
+ display: "flex",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+//This rule makes sure that the image is responsive to the change in width reducing by 17.9% of it
+const check_image = {
+ width: "clamp(100px, 17.98%, 132px)",
+ height: "clamp(100px, 17.98%, 132px)",
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/Instagram.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/Instagram.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76ddaee9
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/Instagram.png differ
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/X.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/X.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79acd3ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/X.png differ
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/linkedIn.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/linkedIn.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c9a942d
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/linkedIn.png differ
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/redit.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/redit.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..275eb1d0
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/redit.png differ
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/tik_tok.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/tik_tok.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..181007f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Footer_Icons/tik_tok.png differ
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Logo.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6603d018
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/Logo.png differ
diff --git a/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/deactivation_check.png b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/deactivation_check.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2bb0a6e
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/Deactivation_Email_assets/deactivation_check.png differ