diff --git a/messages/en.json b/messages/en.json
index 2a941f571..c1252113b 100644
--- a/messages/en.json
+++ b/messages/en.json
@@ -8,6 +8,46 @@
"pricing": "Pricing",
"careers": "Careers"
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Login",
+ "welcomeBack": "Welcome back, you've been missed!",
+ "continueWithGoogle": "Continue with Google",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Enter Email Address",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Enter Password",
+ "rememberMe": "Remember me",
+ "forgotPassword": "Forgot Password?",
+ "loginButton": "Login",
+ "signInWithMagicLink": "Sign in with magic link",
+ "noAccount": "Don't Have An Account?",
+ "agree": "By logging in, you agree to the",
+ "and": "and",
+ "signUp": "Sign Up",
+ "termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
+ "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
+ "loggingIn": "Logging in..."
+ },
+ "register": {
+ "signUp": "Sign Up",
+ "createAccountDesc": "Create an account to get started with us.",
+ "continueWithGoogle": "Continue with Google",
+ "firstName": "First Name",
+ "firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter your first name",
+ "lastName": "Last Name",
+ "lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter your last name",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Enter Email Address",
+ "password": "Password",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Enter Password",
+ "createAccount": "Create Account",
+ "loggingIn": "Logging in...",
+ "emailVerification": "Email Verification",
+ "emailVerificationDesc": "We have sent a code to your email {email}",
+ "checkSpam": "check your spam if you do not receive the email",
+ "otpExpiresIn": "OTP expires in: {timeLeft}",
+ "resendCode": "Didn't receive the code? resend",
+ "dataProcessing": "We would process your data as set forth in our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Data Processing Agreement",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "Already Have An Account? Login"
+ },
"HomePage": {
"title": "Hello world!"
@@ -80,5 +120,70 @@
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use",
"copyright": "2024 All Rights Reserved"
+ },
+ "pricing": {
+ "pricingTitle": "Simple and {{Affordable}} Pricing Plan",
+ "pricingContent": "Our flexible plans are designed to scale with your business. We have a plan for you.",
+ "monthly": "Monthly",
+ "annual": "Annual (save 20%)",
+ "billingPlansNotAvailable": "Billing plans not available",
+ "features": {
+ "feature1": "2 Projects",
+ "feature2": "Up to 100 subscribers",
+ "feature3": "Basic analytics",
+ "feature4": "24-hour support response time",
+ "feature5": "Marketing advisor",
+ "feature6": "Custom integration",
+ "continue": "Continue"
+ },
+ "essentials": "The essentials to provide your best work for clients.",
+ "faqHeader": "Frequently Asked Questions",
+ "faqSubHeader": "We couldn’t answer your question?",
+ "contactUs": "Contact us",
+ "continue": "Continue"
+ },
+ "faq": {
+ "question1": "What is the purpose of this application?",
+ "answer1": "This application is designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently by providing tools for scheduling, tracking progress, and setting reminders.",
+ "question2": "How do I reset my password?",
+ "answer2": "To reset your password, go to the login page and click on the 'Forgot Password' link. Follow the instructions to receive a password reset email and create a new password.",
+ "question3": "Can I use this application on multiple devices?",
+ "answer3": "Yes, the application is accessible from multiple devices including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Your data will be synced across all devices, ensuring a seamless experience."
+ },
+ "noJobs": {
+ "noJobsTitle": "No available Jobs at the moment",
+ "noJobsContent": "Come back later!"
+ },
+ "ourServices": {
+ "title": "Our Services",
+ "description": "Trained to Give You The Best",
+ "details": "Since our founding in, Hng Boilerplate has been dedicated to constantly evolving to stay ahead of the curve. Our agile mindset and relentless pursuit of innovation ensure that you're always equipped with the most effective tools and strategies."
+ },
+ "mission": {
+ "title": "Our Mission & Vision",
+ "subtitle": "Leading the Way, Redefining Industries",
+ "description": "At Hng Boilerplate, we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations. We strive to understand your unique needs and challenges, providing tailored solutions that drive real results and empower your success."
+ },
+ "coreValues": {
+ "title": "Our Core Values",
+ "description": "Our Values shape the core of our organization and define the character of our industry.",
+ "values": {
+ "integrity": {
+ "title": "Integrity",
+ "description": "We uphold the highest ethical standards in everything we do, fostering trust and transparency with our clients, partners, and employees. We believe that honesty and integrity are the foundation of lasting success."
+ },
+ "customerCentricity": {
+ "title": "Customer Centricity",
+ "description": "Our customers are at the heart of our business. We strive to understand their needs, exceed their expectations, and build lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. We believe that putting our customers first is the key to long-term success."
+ },
+ "innovation": {
+ "title": "Innovation",
+ "description": "We embrace a culture of continuous improvement and creativity, constantly seeking new ways to evolve and enhance our products, services, and processes. We encourage experimentation and risk-taking, recognizing that innovation is essential for growth."
+ },
+ "excellence": {
+ "title": "Excellence",
+ "description": "We are committed to delivering exceptional quality in everything we do, from our products and services to our customer interactions and internal processes. We strive for continuous improvement and hold ourselves to the highest standards of performance."
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/messages/es.json b/messages/es.json
index 1d45fd409..2cedb5f4f 100644
--- a/messages/es.json
+++ b/messages/es.json
@@ -8,6 +8,46 @@
"pricing": "Precios",
"careers": "Carreras"
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "welcomeBack": "¡Bienvenido de nuevo, te hemos extrañado!",
+ "continueWithGoogle": "Continuar con Google",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Ingrese dirección de correo electrónico",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Ingrese contraseña",
+ "rememberMe": "Recuérdame",
+ "forgotPassword": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?",
+ "loginButton": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "signInWithMagicLink": "Iniciar sesión con enlace mágico",
+ "noAccount": "¿No tienes una cuenta?",
+ "agree": "Al iniciar sesión, aceptas los",
+ "and": "y",
+ "signUp": "Regístrate",
+ "termsOfService": "Términos del Servicio",
+ "privacyPolicy": "Política de Privacidad",
+ "loggingIn": "Iniciando sesión..."
+ },
+ "register": {
+ "signUp": "Regístrate",
+ "createAccountDesc": "Crea una cuenta para comenzar con nosotros.",
+ "continueWithGoogle": "Continuar con Google",
+ "firstName": "Nombre",
+ "firstNamePlaceholder": "Ingresa tu nombre",
+ "lastName": "Apellido",
+ "lastNamePlaceholder": "Ingresa tu apellido",
+ "email": "Correo electrónico",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Ingresa la dirección de correo",
+ "password": "Contraseña",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Ingresa la contraseña",
+ "createAccount": "Crear cuenta",
+ "loggingIn": "Iniciando sesión...",
+ "emailVerification": "Verificación de correo electrónico",
+ "emailVerificationDesc": "Hemos enviado un código a tu correo {email}",
+ "checkSpam": "verifica tu spam si no recibes el correo",
+ "otpExpiresIn": "OTP expira en: {timeLeft}",
+ "resendCode": "¿No recibiste el código? reenviar",
+ "dataProcessing": "Procesaremos tus datos según lo establecido en nuestros Términos de uso, Política de privacidad y Acuerdo de procesamiento de datos",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "¿Ya tienes una cuenta? Iniciar sesión"
+ },
"HomePage": {
"title": "¡Hola, mundo!"
@@ -82,5 +122,70 @@
"termsOfUse": "Términos de Uso",
"copyright": "2024 Todos los Derechos Reservados"
+ },
+ "pricing": {
+ "pricingTitle": "Plan de Precios Simple y {{Asequible}}",
+ "pricingContent": "Nuestros planes flexibles están diseñados para adaptarse a su negocio. Tenemos un plan para usted.",
+ "monthly": "Mensual",
+ "annual": "Anual (ahorra un 20%)",
+ "billingPlansNotAvailable": "Planes de facturación no disponibles",
+ "features": {
+ "feature1": "2 Proyectos",
+ "feature2": "Hasta 100 suscriptores",
+ "feature3": "Análisis básico",
+ "feature4": "Tiempo de respuesta de soporte de 24 horas",
+ "feature5": "Asesor de marketing",
+ "feature6": "Integración personalizada",
+ "continue": "Continuar"
+ },
+ "essentials": "Los elementos esenciales para ofrecer tu mejor trabajo a los clientes.",
+ "faqHeader": "Preguntas Frecuentes",
+ "faqSubHeader": "¿No pudimos responder a su pregunta?",
+ "contactUs": "Contáctanos",
+ "continue": "Continuar"
+ },
+ "faq": {
+ "question1": "¿Cuál es el propósito de esta aplicación?",
+ "answer1": "Esta aplicación está diseñada para ayudar a los usuarios a gestionar sus tareas de manera eficiente proporcionando herramientas para la programación, el seguimiento del progreso y el establecimiento de recordatorios.",
+ "question2": "¿Cómo restablezco mi contraseña?",
+ "answer2": "Para restablecer tu contraseña, ve a la página de inicio de sesión y haz clic en el enlace 'Olvidé mi contraseña'. Sigue las instrucciones para recibir un correo electrónico de restablecimiento de contraseña y crear una nueva contraseña.",
+ "question3": "¿Puedo usar esta aplicación en varios dispositivos?",
+ "answer3": "Sí, la aplicación es accesible desde múltiples dispositivos, incluidos escritorios, tabletas y teléfonos inteligentes. Tus datos se sincronizarán en todos los dispositivos, garantizando una experiencia fluida."
+ },
+ "noJobs": {
+ "noJobsTitle": "No hay trabajos disponibles en este momento",
+ "noJobsContent": "¡Vuelve más tarde!"
+ },
+ "ourServices": {
+ "title": "Nuestros Servicios",
+ "description": "Capacitados para Ofrecerte Lo Mejor",
+ "details": "Desde nuestra fundación, Hng Boilerplate se ha dedicado a evolucionar constantemente para mantenerse a la vanguardia. Nuestra mentalidad ágil y nuestra búsqueda incesante de innovación garantizan que siempre estés equipado con las herramientas y estrategias más efectivas."
+ },
+ "mission": {
+ "title": "Nuestra Misión y Visión",
+ "subtitle": "Liderando el Camino, Redefiniendo Industrias",
+ "description": "En Hng Boilerplate, estamos dedicados a superar tus expectativas. Nos esforzamos por entender tus necesidades y desafíos únicos, proporcionando soluciones personalizadas que generan resultados reales y potencian tu éxito."
+ },
+ "coreValues": {
+ "title": "Nuestros Valores Fundamentales",
+ "description": "Nuestros Valores forman el núcleo de nuestra organización y definen el carácter de nuestra industria.",
+ "values": {
+ "integrity": {
+ "title": "Integridad",
+ "description": "Mantenemos los más altos estándares éticos en todo lo que hacemos, fomentando la confianza y la transparencia con nuestros clientes, socios y empleados. Creemos que la honestidad y la integridad son la base del éxito duradero."
+ },
+ "customerCentricity": {
+ "title": "Enfoque en el Cliente",
+ "description": "Nuestros clientes están en el corazón de nuestro negocio. Nos esforzamos por entender sus necesidades, superar sus expectativas y construir relaciones duraderas basadas en la confianza y el respeto mutuo. Creemos que poner a nuestros clientes en primer lugar es la clave para el éxito a largo plazo."
+ },
+ "innovation": {
+ "title": "Innovación",
+ "description": "Adoptamos una cultura de mejora continua y creatividad, buscando constantemente nuevas formas de evolucionar y mejorar nuestros productos, servicios y procesos. Fomentamos la experimentación y la toma de riesgos, reconociendo que la innovación es esencial para el crecimiento."
+ },
+ "excellence": {
+ "title": "Excelencia",
+ "description": "Estamos comprometidos a ofrecer una calidad excepcional en todo lo que hacemos, desde nuestros productos y servicios hasta nuestras interacciones con los clientes y procesos internos. Buscamos la mejora continua y nos mantenemos a los más altos estándares de desempeño."
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/messages/fr.json b/messages/fr.json
index 690a448bb..e258487f0 100644
--- a/messages/fr.json
+++ b/messages/fr.json
@@ -8,6 +8,46 @@
"pricing": "Tarification",
"careers": "Carrières"
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Connexion",
+ "welcomeBack": "Bon retour, tu nous as manqué !",
+ "continueWithGoogle": "Continuer avec Google",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Entrez l'adresse e-mail",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Entrez le mot de passe",
+ "rememberMe": "Se souvenir de moi",
+ "forgotPassword": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
+ "loginButton": "Connexion",
+ "signInWithMagicLink": "Se connecter avec un lien magique",
+ "noAccount": "Vous n'avez pas de compte ?",
+ "agree": "En vous connectant, vous acceptez les",
+ "and": "et",
+ "signUp": "S'inscrire",
+ "termsOfService": "Conditions d'utilisation",
+ "privacyPolicy": "Politique de confidentialité",
+ "loggingIn": "Connexion en cours..."
+ },
+ "register": {
+ "signUp": "S'inscrire",
+ "createAccountDesc": "Créez un compte pour commencer avec nous.",
+ "continueWithGoogle": "Continuer avec Google",
+ "firstName": "Prénom",
+ "firstNamePlaceholder": "Entrez votre prénom",
+ "lastName": "Nom",
+ "lastNamePlaceholder": "Entrez votre nom",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Entrez l'adresse email",
+ "password": "Mot de passe",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Entrez le mot de passe",
+ "createAccount": "Créer un compte",
+ "loggingIn": "Connexion en cours...",
+ "emailVerification": "Vérification de l'email",
+ "emailVerificationDesc": "Nous avons envoyé un code à votre email {email}",
+ "checkSpam": "vérifiez votre spam si vous ne recevez pas l'email",
+ "otpExpiresIn": "OTP expire dans : {timeLeft}",
+ "resendCode": "Vous n'avez pas reçu le code ? renvoyez",
+ "dataProcessing": "Nous traiterons vos données comme indiqué dans nos Conditions d'utilisation, Politique de confidentialité et Accord de traitement des données",
+ "alreadyHaveAccount": "Vous avez déjà un compte ? Connexion"
+ },
"HomePage": {
"title": "Bonjour le monde !"
@@ -82,5 +122,70 @@
"termsOfUse": "Conditions d'Utilisation",
"copyright": "2024 Tous Droits Réservés"
+ },
+ "pricing": {
+ "pricingTitle": "Plan de Tarification Simple et {{Abordable}}",
+ "pricingContent": "Nos plans flexibles sont conçus pour évoluer avec votre entreprise. Nous avons un plan pour vous.",
+ "monthly": "Mensuel",
+ "annual": "Annuel (économisez 20%)",
+ "billingPlansNotAvailable": "Plans de facturation non disponibles",
+ "features": {
+ "feature1": "2 Projets",
+ "feature2": "Jusqu'à 100 abonnés",
+ "feature3": "Analyse de base",
+ "feature4": "Délai de réponse du support de 24 heures",
+ "feature5": "Conseiller marketing",
+ "feature6": "Intégration personnalisée",
+ "continue": "Continuer"
+ },
+ "essentials": "Les éléments essentiels pour fournir votre meilleur travail aux clients.",
+ "faqHeader": "Questions Fréquemment Posées",
+ "faqSubHeader": "Nous n'avons pas pu répondre à votre question ?",
+ "contactUs": "Contactez-nous",
+ "continue": "Continuer"
+ },
+ "faq": {
+ "question1": "Quel est le but de cette application ?",
+ "answer1": "Cette application est conçue pour aider les utilisateurs à gérer leurs tâches efficacement en fournissant des outils pour la planification, le suivi des progrès et la définition de rappels.",
+ "question2": "Comment réinitialiser mon mot de passe ?",
+ "answer2": "Pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, allez sur la page de connexion et cliquez sur le lien 'Mot de passe oublié'. Suivez les instructions pour recevoir un e-mail de réinitialisation de mot de passe et créer un nouveau mot de passe.",
+ "question3": "Puis-je utiliser cette application sur plusieurs appareils ?",
+ "answer3": "Oui, l'application est accessible depuis plusieurs appareils, y compris les ordinateurs de bureau, les tablettes et les smartphones. Vos données seront synchronisées sur tous les appareils, garantissant une expérience fluide."
+ },
+ "noJobs": {
+ "noJobsTitle": "Aucun emploi disponible pour le moment",
+ "noJobsContent": "Revenez plus tard !"
+ },
+ "ourServices": {
+ "title": "Nos Services",
+ "description": "Formés pour Vous Offrir le Meilleur",
+ "details": "Depuis notre création, Hng Boilerplate est dédié à évoluer constamment pour rester en avance. Notre état d’esprit agile et notre quête incessante d'innovation garantissent que vous disposez toujours des outils et des stratégies les plus efficaces."
+ },
+ "mission": {
+ "title": "Notre Mission & Vision",
+ "subtitle": "Ouvrir la Voie, Redéfinir les Industries",
+ "description": "Chez Hng Boilerplate, nous sommes dédiés à dépasser vos attentes. Nous nous efforçons de comprendre vos besoins et défis uniques, en fournissant des solutions sur mesure qui génèrent des résultats réels et favorisent votre succès."
+ },
+ "coreValues": {
+ "title": "Nos Valeurs Fondamentales",
+ "description": "Nos Valeurs forment le cœur de notre organisation et définissent le caractère de notre secteur.",
+ "values": {
+ "integrity": {
+ "title": "Intégrité",
+ "description": "Nous maintenons les plus hauts standards éthiques dans tout ce que nous faisons, favorisant la confiance et la transparence avec nos clients, partenaires et employés. Nous croyons que l'honnêteté et l'intégrité sont les fondements d'un succès durable."
+ },
+ "customerCentricity": {
+ "title": "Centricité Client",
+ "description": "Nos clients sont au cœur de notre activité. Nous nous efforçons de comprendre leurs besoins, de dépasser leurs attentes et de construire des relations durables basées sur la confiance et le respect mutuel. Nous croyons que placer nos clients en premier est la clé du succès à long terme."
+ },
+ "innovation": {
+ "title": "Innovation",
+ "description": "Nous adoptons une culture d'amélioration continue et de créativité, cherchant constamment de nouvelles façons d'évoluer et d'améliorer nos produits, services et processus. Nous encourageons l'expérimentation et la prise de risques, reconnaissant que l'innovation est essentielle pour la croissance."
+ },
+ "excellence": {
+ "title": "Excellence",
+ "description": "Nous nous engageons à offrir une qualité exceptionnelle dans tout ce que nous faisons, de nos produits et services à nos interactions avec les clients et nos processus internes. Nous visons l'amélioration continue et nous nous tenons aux plus hauts standards de performance."
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/(auth-routes)/login/page.test-backup.tsx b/src/app/(auth-routes)/login/page.test-backup.tsx
index 45d6ea9ad..2fcfec8a9 100644
--- a/src/app/(auth-routes)/login/page.test-backup.tsx
+++ b/src/app/(auth-routes)/login/page.test-backup.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
+import { fireEvent, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
import React from "react";
import { describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
+import { renderWithIntl } from "~/test/utils";
import Login from "./page";
vi.mock("next/link", () => ({
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ describe("login", () => {
it("renders login form", () => {
- render(
- Welcome back, you've been missed! + {t("welcomeBack")}
- Don't Have An Account?{" "} + {t("noAccount")}{" "} - Sign Up + {t("signUp")}
- Create an account to get started with us. + {t("createAccountDesc")}
- We have sent a code to your email{" "} + {t("emailVerificationDesc")}{" "} {maskEmail(form.getValues().email)}
- Didn't receive the code?{" "} + {t("resendCode")}{" "} resendOtpreq()} @@ -377,14 +381,13 @@ const Register = () => {
- We would process your data as set forth in our Terms of Use, - Privacy Policy and Data Processing Agreement + {t("dataProcessing")}
- Already Have An Account?{" "}
+ {t("alreadyHaveAccount")}{" "}
it("should render correctly", () => {
- render(
- We couldn’t answer your question? + {t("faqSubHeader")}
- Contact us + {t("contactUs")} diff --git a/src/app/(landing-routes)/career/Nojobs.tsx b/src/app/(landing-routes)/career/Nojobs.tsx index 2775c210c..7408b1afc 100644 --- a/src/app/(landing-routes)/career/Nojobs.tsx +++ b/src/app/(landing-routes)/career/Nojobs.tsx @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ +import { useTranslations } from "next-intl"; + function Nojobs() { + const t = useTranslations("noJobs"); return (- Come back later! + {t("noJobsContent")}
- Our Value shapes the core of our organization, and defines the - character of our industry + {t("description")}
- We uphold the highest ethical standards in everything we do, - fostering trust and transparency with our clients, partners, and - employees. We believe that honesty and integrity are the - foundation of lasting success. + {t("values.integrity.description")}
- Our customers are at the heart of our business. We strive to - understand their needs, exceed their expectations, and build - lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. We - believe that putting our customers first is the key to long-term - success. + {t("values.customerCentricity.description")}
- We embrace a culture of continuous improvement and creativity, - constantly seeking new ways to evolve and enhance our products, - services, and processes. We encourage experimentation and - risk-taking, recognizing that innovation is essential for - growth. + {t("values.innovation.description")}
- We are committed to delivering exceptional quality in everything - we do, from our products and services to our customer - interactions and internal processes. We strive for continuous - improvement and hold ourselves to the highest standards of - performance. + {t("values.excellence.description")}
- At Hng Boilerplate, we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations. - We strive to understand your unique needs and challenges, providing - tailored solutions that drive real results and empower your success. + {t("description")}
- Trained to Give You The Best
+ {t("description")}
- {`Since our founding in, Hng Boilerplate has been dedicated to
- constantly evolving to stay ahead of the curve. Our agile mindset
- and relentless pursuit of innovation ensure that you're always
- equipped with the most effective tools and strategies.`}
+ {t("details")}
diff --git a/src/constants/faqsdata.ts b/src/constants/faqsdata.ts
index 3ef833759..420020512 100644
--- a/src/constants/faqsdata.ts
+++ b/src/constants/faqsdata.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
export const faqData = [
- question: "What is the purpose of this application?",
- content:
- "This application is designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently by providing tools for scheduling, tracking progress, and setting reminders.",
+ question: "question1",
+ content: "answer1",
- question: "How do I reset my password?",
- content:
- "To reset your password, go to the login page and click on the 'Forgot Password' link. Follow the instructions to receive a password reset email and create a new password.",
+ question: "question2",
+ content: "answer2",
- question: "Can I use this application on multiple devices?",
- content:
- "Yes, the application is accessible from multiple devices including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Your data will be synced across all devices, ensuring a seamless experience.",
+ question: "question3",
+ content: "answer3",
diff --git a/src/test/pricingpage/pricing.test.tsx b/src/test/pricingpage/pricing.test.tsx
index 4cb35f5a5..06fce67f3 100644
--- a/src/test/pricingpage/pricing.test.tsx
+++ b/src/test/pricingpage/pricing.test.tsx
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
+import { screen } from "@testing-library/react";
import "@testing-library/jest-dom";
import Pricing from "~/app/(landing-routes)/(home)/pricing/page";
+import { renderWithIntl } from "../utils";
describe("pricing Component", () => {
it("renders the pricing header", () => {
- render(