From c9f20ce55657b3d55fe49861fc57e2efb7972de8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tony Heap If you’ve already been issued a valid OAuth 2.0 For a working example see the application-restricted endpoint tutorial. For a working example, see the application-restricted endpoint tutorial. For a working example see the open access endpoint tutorial. For a working example, see the open access endpoint tutorial. These endpoints require specific authorisation from the end user. They generally give access to sensitive personal data. We use the open standard OAuth 2.0 (opens in a new tab). This lets the end user grant authority to a third-party application to interact with HMRC on their behalf, without sharing their access credentials. We use the open standard OAuth 2.0 (opens in a new tab). This lets the end user grant authority to your application to interact with HMRC on their behalf, without sharing their access credentials. The end user authenticates directly with us using their Government Gateway account, and grants authority for specific scopes. We then issue an OAuth 2.0 access token (opens in a new tab) that’s specific to the end user. The third-party application passes the access token in subsequent API requests to user-restricted endpoints. We then issue an OAuth 2.0 access token (opens in a new tab) that’s specific to the end user. Your application passes the access token in subsequent API requests to user-restricted endpoints. There are separate Government Gateway accounts for individuals, agents and organisations. For individuals and organisations, the access token only gives access to the end user’s own data. For agents the access token gives access to their clients’ data. Authorisation rules for specific API resources are given in the API documentation. Authorisation rules for specific API endpoints are given in the API documentation. The access token expires every 4 hours and must be refreshed using a single-use refresh token. After 18 months you can no longer refresh the access token and the end user must grant authority again.
+ For a working example, see the user-restricted endpoint tutorial.
+ If there are any issues with your call to our authorisation endpoint, we return an HTTP error status to your user’s browser. Any errors not listed have probably not come from us. One possible cause is a network access issue. The error codes listed are fixed, but the associated error messages can change without notice. For details of which browsers we support for the authorisation journey see
@@ -243,25 +257,25 @@ Here’s an example of a redirect we issue after a successful authorisation: Here’s an example of a redirect we issue after an unsuccessful authorisation: When you get the authorisation code, your application must exchange this for an access_token within 10 minutes before it expires.
+ When you get the authorisation code, your application must exchange this for an Do this via a POST to our token endpoint using grant_type of authorization_code. Do this via a POST to our token endpoint using grant_type of The response contains the access token used for calling the APIs and a refresh token used to obtain a new access token once the current one expires. If there are any issues with your call to our token endpoint, we return an HTTP error status. Any errors not listed have probably not come from us. One possible cause is a network access issue, for example your network might allow GET requests but not POST requests. The error codes listed are fixed, but the associated error messages can change without notice. You can now call an API using the access_token we issued. Do this with an Authorization header containing this access_token as an OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token with the correct API scope. You can now call an API using the A user's access_token expires after 4 hours. A user's If the user's access_token has expired, when your application calls an API it receives a response with an HTTP status code of 401 (Unauthorized) and an error code of INVALID_CREDENTIALS. If the user's To refresh the access_token, submit the expired token’s corresponding refresh_token to our token endpoint using grant_type of refresh_token. To refresh the You can only use a refresh_token once. When you refresh an access_token, it invalidates the original access_token immediately if it has not already expired. You can only use a Therefore, be careful to avoid creating any race conditions when refreshing access tokens if your application supports concurrent API access. If there are any issues with your call to our token endpoint, we return an HTTP error status. Any errors not listed have probably not come from us. One possible cause is a network access issue. Unless revoked earlier by the user, or tampered with, the authorisation granted to your application expires after 18 months, and you can no longer refresh the user's access_token. Unless revoked earlier by the user, or tampered with, the authorisation granted to your application expires after 18 months, and you can no longer refresh the user's If the user's refresh_token has expired, when your application calls our token endpoint, it receives a response with an HTTP status code of 400 (Bad Request) and an error code of invalid_request. If the user's When this happens, your application must send the user back through the full process for Getting an OAuth 2.0 access token.
- For a working example see the user-restricted endpoint tutorial.
+ For a working example, see the user-restricted endpoint tutorial.
+ Authorisation
@@ -90,11 +70,11 @@ Introduction
- server_token
+ server_token
diff --git a/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisation2SV.scala.html b/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisation2SV.scala.html
index 4ae8f034..5700e95b 100644
--- a/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisation2SV.scala.html
+++ b/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisation2SV.scala.html
@@ -27,34 +27,14 @@
- OAuth 2.0 access_token
+ OAuth 2.0
diff --git a/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisationAppRestrictedEndpoints.scala.html b/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisationAppRestrictedEndpoints.scala.html
index 54e47c3d..1c5ff078 100644
--- a/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisationAppRestrictedEndpoints.scala.html
+++ b/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/authorisationAppRestrictedEndpoints.scala.html
@@ -24,37 +24,17 @@
@apiMain(pageAttributes) {
- Authorisation
+ Authorisation
@@ -68,15 +48,15 @@ Application-restricted endpoints
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR-SERVER-TOKEN]' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json' \
you can substitute this with a server_token
+ Authorisation
Open access endpoints
-curl -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.hmrc.v1+json' \
+curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json' \
- Authorisation
@@ -64,18 +45,24 @@ User-restricted endpoints
Getting an OAuth 2.0 access token
@@ -96,7 +83,7 @@ Getting an OAuth 2.0 access token
1. Request authorisation
1. Request authorisation
alt="API user auth journey" width="50%"/>
- Example
+ Syntax
GET @{applicationConfig.sandboxApiBaseUrl}/oauth/authorize?response_type=code
+ Example
+GET @{applicationConfig.sandboxApiBaseUrl}/oauth/authorize?response_type=code
- Example
- The OAuth 2.0 response type. Currently the only acceptable value is "code".
+ response_type
The OAuth 2.0 response type. Currently the only acceptable value is
+ client_id
The Client ID of your application.
- A space-delimited list of scopes you would like to have permission to access on behalf of your user.
+ scope
A space-delimited list of scopes you would like to have permission to access on behalf of your user. Must be percent-encoded, so spaces must be represented as either
or +
state (optional)
- An opaque value used to maintain state between the request and callback and to prevent tampering as described in the OAuth 2.0 specification (opens in a new tab). This is passed back to your application via the redirect_uri.
+ state
(optional)An opaque value used to maintain state between the request and callback and to prevent tampering as described in the OAuth 2.0 specification (opens in a new tab). This is passed back to your application via the
+ redirect_uri
The URI that we use to send users back to your application after successful (or unsuccessful) authorisation.
@@ -155,67 +151,85 @@
For more details see our reference guide.
Error codes
+ Error scenarios
Error scenario
HTTP status
- Code
+ Error code
+ Error message
Client ID is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
client_id is required
Client ID is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
client_id is invalid
Redirect URI is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
redirect_uri is required
Redirect URI is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
redirect_uri is invalid
Response Type is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
response_type is required
Response Type is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- unsupported_response_type
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ unsupported_response_type
response_type must be 'code'
Scope is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
scope is required
Scope is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_scope
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_scope
scope is invalid
Unexpected error occurred
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
- server_error
+ 500
(Internal Server Error)
+ server_error
Browser support
+ Browser support
2. Receive authorisation results
- The authorisation code, if authorisation is successful.
+ code
The authorisation code, if authorisation is successful.
This is a single-use token that expires 10 minutes after it's issued.
+ state
The value of the state parameter you provided in the authorisation request, whether or not authorisation is successful.
- Always access_denied, if authorisation failed.
+ error
, if authorisation failed.
+ error_description
Human readable description of the error, if authorisation failed, for example, “user denied the authorization”.
@@ -269,12 +283,12 @@ error_code
- Error code, if authorisation failed, for example, USER_DENIED_AUTHORIZATION
+ error_code
Error code, if authorisation failed, for example,
The full list of error codes can change over time, so we recommend you do not cater for specific error codes.2. Receive authorisation results
@@ -286,16 +300,16 @@
2. Receive authorisation results
3. Exchange authorisation code for access token
- access_token
within 10 minutes before it expires.
.Example request
curl -X POST --data \
'client_secret=[YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET]&client_id=[YOUR-CLIENT-ID]&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=[YOUR-REDIRECT-URI]&code=[AUTHORIZATION-CODE]' \
@@ -303,7 +317,7 @@
Example request
Example response
"access_token": "QGbWG8KckncuwwD4uYXgWxF4HQvuPmrmUqKgkpQP",
"token_type": "bearer",
@@ -313,72 +327,92 @@
- Example response
Error codes
+ Error scenarios
@@ -389,11 +423,11 @@
Error scenario
HTTP status
- Code
+ Error code
+ Error message
Client ID is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
client_id is required
Client ID is invalid
- 401 (Unauthorized)
- invalid_client
+ 401
+ invalid_client
invalid client id or secret
Client Secret is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
client_secret is required
Client Secret is invalid
- 401 (Unauthorized)
- invalid_client
+ 401
+ invalid_client
invalid client id or secret
Grant Type is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
grant_type is required
Grant Type is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
unsupported grant_type
Redirect URI is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
redirect_uri is required
Redirect URI is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
redirect_uri is invalid
Code is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
code is required for given grant_type
Code is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)
+ invalid_request
code is invalid
Unexpected error occurred
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
- server_error
+ 500
(Internal Server Error)
+ server_error
Error codes
4. Call an API
- access_token
we issued. Do this with an Authorization header containing this access_token
as an OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token with the correct API scope.Example request
curl -X GET @{applicationConfig.sandboxApiBaseUrl}/oauth/token \
-H ‘Accept: application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json’ \
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS-TOKEN]’
@@ -404,19 +438,19 @@ Example request
5. Refreshing an access token
- access_token
expires after 4 hours.access_token
has expired, when your application calls an API it receives a response with an HTTP status code of 401 (Unauthorized)
and an error code of INVALID_CREDENTIALS
, submit the expired token’s corresponding refresh_token
to our token endpoint using grant_type
of refresh_token
once. When you refresh an access_token
, it invalidates the original access_token
immediately if it has not already expired. Example request
curl -X POST --data \
'client_secret=[YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET]&client_id=[YOUR-CLIENT-ID]&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=[REFRESH-TOKEN]' \
@@ -424,69 +458,73 @@
Example request
Example response
"access_token": "unJkSs5cvs8CS9E4DLvTkNhcRBq9BwUPm23cr3pF",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 14400,
"refresh_token": "jPtmQuLtKmLhGURk8CmR2sWPmffBhDhPyFEEF4ay"
- Error codes
+ Error scenarios
@@ -497,15 +535,15 @@
Error scenario
HTTP status
- Code
+ Error code
Client ID is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)invalid_request
Client ID is invalid
- 401 (Unauthorized)
- invalid_client
+ 401
Client Secret is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)invalid_request
Client Secret is invalid
- 401 (Unauthorized)
- invalid_client
+ 401
Grant Type is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)invalid_request
Grant Type is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)invalid_request
Refresh Token is missing
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_request
+ 400
(Bad Request)invalid_request
Refresh Token is invalid
- 400 (Bad Request)
- invalid_grant
+ 400
(Bad Request)invalid_grant
Unexpected error occurred
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
- server_error
+ 500
(Internal Server Error)server_error
Error codes
Requesting a new token
- access_token
has expired, when your application calls our token endpoint, it receives a response with an HTTP status code of 400 (Bad Request) and an error code of invalid_request
.authorization_code is returned to your application.
The Redirect URI determines how the authorization_code
is returned to your application.
Where your application is running on a remote web server, your Redirect URI returns the authorization_code to that server. You can then centrally manage your authorisation tokens.
+Where your application is running on a remote web server, your Redirect URI returns the authorization_code
to that server. You can then centrally manage your authorisation tokens.
In distributed applications, where your application is installed on a user's device and there's no centralised web server, you have the following options for a Redirect URI:
The authorization_code is returned to a web server running on the client at the specified port.
+The authorization_code
is returned to a web server running on the client at the specified port.
This isn’t suitable in some situations, such as where a firewall stops your client from listening on a HTTP port.
@@ -553,9 +591,9 @@The authorization_code is rendered in the title of a HTML page where you can parse the DOM to retrieve the code. You can then programmatically close the window before the user sees the rendered web page.
+The authorization_code
is rendered in the title of a HTML page where you can parse the DOM to retrieve the code. You can then programmatically close the window before the user sees the rendered web page.
If your application can't parse the DOM or close the window, the HTML page renders the authorization_code along with a message asking the user to copy the code and paste it into your application, before closing the window.
+If your application can't parse the DOM or close the window, the HTML page renders the authorization_code
along with a message asking the user to copy the code and paste it into your application, before closing the window.
Your client_secret is embedded in the source code of your application, and therefore isn't as secret as it would otherwise be.
+Your client_secret
is embedded in the source code of your application, and therefore isn't as secret as it would otherwise be.
You should consider a rotation strategy for your client_secret, so that secrets are periodically rolled over to a new value. To support this the sandbox environment lets you simultaneously support multiple client_secret values for a single application.
+You should consider a rotation strategy for your client_secret
, so that secrets are periodically rolled over to a new value. To support this the sandbox environment lets you simultaneously support multiple client_secret
values for a single application.
+ @{head.mkString("/")}/@tail
The base URL for sandbox APIs is:
The base URL for production APIs is:
Configure your proxy to allow full access to the following domains, including HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
For testing in sandbox:
-+@applicationConfig.sandboxApiHost @applicationConfig.sandboxWwwHostFor production use:
-+@applicationConfig.productionApiHost @applicationConfig.productionWwwHost
There might be other error-specific information (such as a list of fields that are in error). For example:
-{ +{ "code" : "ACCOUNT_SUSPENDEDSA-100201", "message" : "Account is temporarily suspended", "reactivationTimestamp" : 1431448640718 }Multiple errors can also be returned in a single field called errors. For example:
-+{ "code": "BAD_REQUEST", "message": "Bad request", @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@Common API Errors
}Here is an example error response in XML format
-+<error> <code>ACCOUNT_SUSPENDEDSA-100201</code> <message>Account is temporarily suspended</message> @@ -212,19 +212,19 @@401 (Unauthorized)
No OAuth token supplied for user-restricted or application-restricted resource -MISSING_CREDENTIALS +MISSING_CREDENTIALS
Invalid OAuth token supplied for user-restricted or application-restricted resource (including expired token) -INVALID_CREDENTIALS +INVALID_CREDENTIALS
Supplied OAuth token not authorised to access data for given tax identifier(s) -UNAUTHORIZED +UNAUTHORIZED
@@ -241,19 +241,19 @@ User-restricted API is being accessed with a server token -INCORRECT_ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE +INCORRECT_ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE
403 (Forbidden)
The OAuth token's application is not subscribed to the API -RESOURCE_FORBIDDEN +RESOURCE_FORBIDDEN
@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ The scope of the OAuth token is not sufficient to access the API -INVALID_SCOPE +INVALID_SCOPE
404 (Not Found)
No endpoint could be found in the API for the request path -MATCHING_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND +MATCHING_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ No API could be found for the context -NOT_FOUND +NOT_FOUND
405 (Method Not Allowed)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Request method is not GET, PUT, POST, DELETE or OPTIONS -METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED +METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
406 (Not Acceptable)
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Missing or invalid Accept header -ACCEPT_HEADER_INVALID +ACCEPT_HEADER_INVALID
429 (Too Many Requests)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ The application has reached its maximum rate limit -MESSAGE_THROTTLED_OUT +MESSAGE_THROTTLED_OUT
500 (Internal Server Error)
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ Internal server error -INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR +INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
501 (Not Implemented)
@@ -378,11 +378,11 @@ API not implemented/deployed -NOT_IMPLEMENTED +NOT_IMPLEMENTED
503 (Service Unavailable)
Service unavailable -SERVER_ERROR +SERVER_ERROR
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Scheduled maintenance -SCHEDULED_MAINTENANCE +SCHEDULED_MAINTENANCE
504 (Gateway Timeout)
@@ -453,11 +453,11 @@ Request timed out -GATEWAY_TIMEOUT +GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
You can request a specific version of an API by using an
header with a media type of:application/vnd.hmrc.[version]+[content-type]+application/vnd.hmrc.[version]+[content-type]For example:
-application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json+application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+jsonMedia types are specific to each resource, which lets them change separately from one another.
@@ -522,21 +522,21 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Public-IP +Gov-Client-Public-IP
The public IP address of the originating client machine.
For example,
- Gov-Client-Public-Port +Gov-Client-Public-Port
The port component of the Gov-Client-Public-IP.
For example,
- Gov-Client-Device-ID +Gov-Client-Device-ID
A consistent ID representing the originating client machine. This depends on the context. @@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
Header Contents
- Gov-Client-User-ID +Gov-Client-User-ID
The identifier that the customer used to login to the client machine, and/or the software vendor’s software or website. Provide multiple identifiers as a comma-delimited list. Use N/A if no identifiers are available. @@ -561,21 +561,21 @@
Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Timezone +Gov-Client-Timezone
Timezone of the clock on the client machine.
For example,
- Gov-Client-Local-IP +Gov-Client-Local-IP
Internal private IP address used by the client machine.
For example,
- Gov-Client-Screen-Resolution +Gov-Client-Screen-Resolution
Methods A to E only.
Screen resolution of the client machine in pixels.
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Window-Size +Gov-Client-Window-Size
Methods A to E only.
Size of the application or browser window on the client machine in pixels.
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Colour-Depth +Gov-Client-Colour-Depth
Methods A to E only.
Colour depth of the client machine in bits per pixel.
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-User-Agent +Gov-Client-User-Agent
For methods A to D and F: "<OS Family>/<OS Version> (<Manufacturer> <Model>)"
For example,
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@Android/6.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S4)
Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Browser-Plugins +Gov-Client-Browser-Plugins
Method E only.
List of installed browser plugins.
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Browser-JS-User-Agent +Gov-Client-Browser-JS-User-Agent
Method E only.
User Agent value as reported by Javascript.
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Browser-Do-Not-Track +Gov-Client-Browser-Do-Not-Track
Method E only.
Whether the browser has set the Do Not Track flag or not, if the client machine is using a web browser.
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Client-Multi-Factor +Gov-Client-Multi-Factor
Method E only.
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
Header Contents
- Gov-Vendor-Version +Gov-Vendor-Version
The vendor’s software version.
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@Header Contents
- Gov-Vendor-Instance-ID +Gov-Vendor-Instance-ID
An identifier unique to a specific installation of the vendor’s software, either on a client @@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
Header Contents
- Gov-Vendor-Public-IP +Gov-Vendor-Public-IP
The public IP address that the customer’s machine used to send requests to the software vendor.
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
Header Contents
- Forwarded +Forwarded
Methods C to E.
The Forwarded header is created and appended to by any intermediary server that handles the @@ -781,54 +781,52 @@
- +
Valid - when creating your application, you can use the full redirect URI or a partial URI, for example:
- +
- +
When calling our authorisation endpoint, your redirect URI must be percent-encoded, for example:
- +
Valid - includes a port number - +
Invalid - uses HTTP, not HTTPS (HTTP is OK for installed applications - see example below) - /auth-redirect +/auth-redirect
Invalid - is a relative URI, not an absolute URI - +
Invalid - uses an IP address, not a DNS name - +
Valid - includes a query component - +
Invalid - includes a fragment component - http://localhost:8080 +http://localhost:8080
Valid - as explained in OAuth 2.0 for installed applications - urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob +urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Valid - as explained in OAuth 2.0 for installed applications - diff --git a/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/testUsersDataStatefulBehaviour.scala.html b/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/testUsersDataStatefulBehaviour.scala.html index c272d02a..971d266c 100644 --- a/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/testUsersDataStatefulBehaviour.scala.html +++ b/app/uk/gov/hmrc/apidocumentation/views/testUsersDataStatefulBehaviour.scala.html @@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ @apiMain(pageAttributes) { -urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto +urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto
Valid - as explained in OAuth 2.0 for installed applications Testing in the sandbox
+Testing in the sandbox