length: 1.5 hours date: Nov 5, 2021 time: noon
- focus on HL in higher ed
- using HL to exploit its own limits
- framing the HoloLens module - maybe build a canvas module that all classes using HL would use to set dispositions around these technologies
- real/virtual - translating space
- DIFFERENT EMBODIMENTS - not reproduction or less than
- training/education
- talk about h.lab principles
- individual/collaborative
- seer/object seen - dominance of the visual
- what does mixed mean?
- history of hegomonic gaze (matrix of domination) - white body supremacy
- present our work
- tell our story (people and partners)
- start with h.lab principles
- frame education as connection and liberation
- bring lenses and pass them around with sample experience
- where we are - principles/practices
- next steps/iteration and questions
- tell our story (people and partners)
- responses - based on your experience, what suggestions/questions do you have
- open up to all present