Betsy Bolman
Red monastery
- never imagined engaging with technologists or sciences
- arose out of a conservation effort
- only using a small portion of laser scan data on HoloLens
- quality of rendering needs improving - aware of what we are not seeing
- ask Betsy for article on laser scanning
- 2 weeks to gather data and 4 months to complie
- to scale of 'original' monument
- 8 wanted to make as "place like" as possible - forget they are in Tink
- this is strange use of MR, seems more like VR?
- 5 class sessions - first as introduction to APP about 1.5 hours a piece
- students surprised by the scale and complexity
- students loved the rising levels etc.
- 'best of both worlds' cause scaffolding not in the way
- want to extend experience beyond Case and Higher Ed
- you can be differently present due to comfort
- HoloLens could provide a bit of a social buffer to enable more willingness to participate in group work
- how did HoloLens foster sense of togetherness in the space?