- Split Pane Control
- UDMap Component
- -Force parameter for Start-UDDashboard
- Support for floating action button expand direction
- Nivo axis/text color
- 2.4.1 form login font colour not applying
- Export a UDGrid to csv
- New-UDInputfield unable to get file name only file content
- Nivo Chart needs better default values
- New-UDInputAction -Content should accept a scriptblock
- Update Demo Dashboard
Start-UDDashboard -Force throws an exception when no dashboards are running - Reported
by adamdriscoll
UDGrid doesn't work with New-UDInputAction - Reported by adamdriscoll
New-UDPage endpoint + Name not working anymore. - Reported by itfranck
UDCollapsible icon looks weird - Reported by adamdriscoll
LoginPage - RedirectURL support not working - Reported by itfranck
Module help is missing for many commands. - Reported by adamdriscoll
Get-UDElement not working for UDSelect within OnClick handler - Reported by jmknight2
Out-UDGridData does not retain custom filter when trying to sync-udelement - Reported by wsl2001
New-UDDashboard -NavBarColor 'black' no longer changes the colour in 2.4.1 - Reported by Zuldan
Footer Default Link not removeable since 2.4.0 - Reported by e1ze
Floating Action Button not working in 2.4.1 - Reported by mylabonline
New-UDNivoChart -Responsive causes the chart to disappear. - Reported by adamdriscoll
UDSideNavItem -OnClick not working - Reported by gitbute
2.4.1 form login font colour not applying - Reported by psDevUK
Radio buttons on different input cannot select even with different values - Reported by psDevUK
UDInput black text when dark theme - Reported by adamdriscoll
Nivo chart tree map Onclick - Reported by mattmcnabb
New-UDNivoChart -Bar (Missing labelTextColor Property) - Reported by BlairKingsley
New-UDNivoChart + Full width of UDColumn - Reported by mkellerman