Released: June 5th, 2018
- #104 - New-UDEndoint does not work when having two routes using same method (1.6.0.b2)
- #84 - Error running on Raspbian (Stretch)
- #106 - RestEndpoint : conversion error when the parameter type is defined to Int when using POST method
- #205 - New-UDDashboard -Scripts — ReferenceError: file is not defined - fetch-service.jsx:22
- #178 - New-UDGrid sorting doesn't work consistently
- #165 - has is not a function when using UDGridfinal
- #186 - Unable to run UD on Ubuntu
- #119 - New-UDCollapsible - set-UDElement doesn't give access to anything
- #175 - Documentation update : .NET Framework requirements for Windows PowerShell
- #195 - Email exposure through /license URL (privacy concern)
- #66 - New-UDEndPoint issue with accented characters
- #167 - Publish-UDDashboard -Manual fails.
- #137 - Send-UDToast - Duration parameter issue
- #148 - Cannot read property 'map' of null
- #144 - Integrated Examples not accessible - Start-UDDashboard without any dashboard does not work in 1.6.0 final
- #154 - Cmdlets are not exported in v1.6.1
- #102 - Write-UDLog -Level 'Warning'