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【回馈社区】跟踪SLAM前沿动态 (2018),技术更新太快,开启paper暴走模式,精选paper包括纯视觉SLAM,三维重建,基础数学工具,导航路径规划,深度学习SLAM,激光与视觉融合等类别。

SLAM 能力图


Visual SLAM

115. 2018-12-18-Image-based Navigation using Visual Features and MapETH formulate the map construction and self-localizationproblems as convex quadratic and second-order cone programs,respectively

114. 2018-12-18-From Coarse to Fine: Robust Hierarchical Localization at Large Scale HF-Net, a hierarchical localization approach based on a monolithic CNN that simultaneously predicts local features and global descriptors foraccurate 6-DoF localization

105. 2018-12-07-Depth from Motion for Smartphone AR google 单目深度估计,效果很好

104. 2018-12-06-Stereo Visual-Inertial SLAM With Points and Lines 双目IMU加点线

98. 2018-11-18-DynaSLAM: Tracking, Mapping and Inpainting in Dynamic ScenesFCN 辅助动态场景SLAM,代码

95. 2018-11-16-RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments Using Points Correlations 解决动态物体影响

89. 2018-11-06-Non-iterative RGB-D-inertial odometry轻量型融合

88. 2018-11-06-Dense RGB-D-Inertial SLAM with Map Deformations RGBD 与IMU融合

87. 2018-11-06-Autonomous flight with robust visual odometry under dynamic lighting conditions很少见到韩国人做的SLAM,好像基本不开源,这个光照鲁棒性方法就无从验证了。

76. 2018-10-15-Analysis of the Impact of Field of View on WideAngle Cameras in SLAM 一篇分析视场角对SLAM影响的硕士论文

74. 2018-10-11-SE(2)-Constrained Visual Inertial Fusion for Ground Vehicles 贡献:This paper proposed a new visual inertial fusion framework for ground vehicles, based on an SE(2)-constrained pose parameterization.

73. 2018-10-11-A Structureless Approach for Visual Odometry 三点改进: 1) the complexity of our solution is lower than those of the state-of-the-art methods, 2) no extra matrix operations required to eliminate map points, 3) no need guesses on map points’ initial locations.

68. 2018-09-26-Linear SLAM: Linearising the SLAM Problems using Submap Joining 创建大地图,有代码在openslam上,但是没找到

67. 2018-09-26-Gaze Selection for Enhanced Visual Odometry During Navigation 控制机器人“眼球”看向特征点多的地方

63. 2018-09-17-Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization 已有地图时,做定位.

62. 2018-09-17-DSVO: Direct Stereo Visual Odometry没有双目的matching,另一个摄像头的作用是优化尺度,代码在此.

59. [CVPR 2018] Polarimetric Dense Monocular SLAM 偏振光传感器SLAM,传感器原理

54. [CVPR 2018] Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Conditions 针对于场景变化较大时,例如四季变换的SLAM数据集

53. [ICRA 2018] Online Initialization and Automatic Camera-IMU Extrinsic Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM 单目IMU自动标定,老铁知道比VINS好在哪里么

51. [ICRA 2018] Assigning Visual Words to Places for Loop Closure Detection 使用GNG clustering algorithm

48. [ICRA 2018] Feature-constrained Active Visual SLAM for Mobile Robot Navigation路径规划时候考虑特征点数量,代码在此

45. [ICRA 2018] Detection and Resolution of Motion Conflict in Visual Inertial Odometry 解决视觉与IMU估计值之间冲突问题

----------ECCV 2018【都无代码,可惜】----------

44. 2018-09-14-Realtime Time Synchronized Event-based Stereo 双目事件相机,第一家吧

43. 2018-09-14-Stereo relative pose from line and point feature triplets 点线结合,但是匹配的是三帧图像

40. 2018-09-14-Stereo Vision-based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-motion Tracking for Autonomous Driving 沈老师出品,既估计相机位姿,也估计物体位置,对动态物体鲁棒

38. 2018-09-14-Semantically Aware Urban 3D Reconstruction with Plane-Based Regularization 最近都很喜欢加平面信息做SLAM

37. 2018-09-14-VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry 题目越短,文章越牛逼?

36. 2018-09-14-Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter 同样是Cremers出品,看题目就知道了

35. 2018-09-14-Modeling Varying Camera-IMU Time Offset in Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry 科大沈老师门生根叔出品,解决了卷帘快门问题,加速IMU预积分,以及使初始化更鲁棒,AR界梦寐以求的算法,可惜没代码

33. 2018-09-14-Good Line Cutting: towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-assisted VO/VSLAM 对于线特征提取线内信息最多的一段做SLAM,声称对低纹理,运动模糊鲁棒

32. 2018-09-14-Linear RGB-D SLAM for Planar Environments 卡尔曼滤波估计位姿与平面特征

----------ECCV 2018 ----------

31. 2018-09-10-Monocular Object and Plane SLAM in Structured Environments. 约束中加入识别的物体与平面

30. DOVO: Mixed Visual Odometry Based on Direct Method and Orb Feature: 通过特征点个数判断用直接法与光流法。交替使用


28. A Review of Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping from Filtering-Based and Optimization-Based Perspectives: VINSLAM 综述

27. A Loop Closure Detection Algorithm in Dynamic Scene: 动态环境下回环检测

26. Directional grid maps: modeling multimodal angular uncertainty in dynamic environments

25. Grid Map Guided Indoor 3D Reconstruction for Mobile Robots with RGB-D Sensors

24. Robustness Improvement of Long Range Landmark Tracking for Mobile Robots

23. Lightweight Visual Odometry for Autonomous Mobile Robots

22. Enhanced Visual Loop Closing for Laser-Based SLAM

21. A Fast Stereo Visual-Inertial Odometry for MAVs

20. Low-Cost Multiple-MAV SLAM Using Open Source Software

19. PCR-Pro: 3D Sparse and Different Scale Point Clouds Registration and Robust Estimation of Information Matrix For Pose Graph SLAM

18. Comparison of two different objective functions in 2D point feature SLAM

17. Pose Estimation with Dual Quaternions and Iterative Closest Point

16. SLAMBench2: Multi-Objective Head-to-Head Benchmarking for Visual SLAM

15. Estimating Metric Poses of Dynamic Objects Using Monocular Visual-Inertial Fusion

14. Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM

13. Direct Sparse Visual-Inertial Odometry using Dynamic Marginalization

12. A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration :

10. DS-PTAM: Distributed Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping SLAM System

9. A Robust and Accurate Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System for RGB-D Cameras

8. Online Photometric Calibration of Auto Exposure Video for Realtime Visual Odometry and SLAM (对于光照变化很鲁棒)

7. Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter

6. Online Temporal Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial Systems

5. PL-VIO: Tightly-Coupled Monocular Visual–Inertial Odometry Using Point and Line Features

4. Gaoxiang: LDSO: Direct Sparse Odometry with Loop Closure 带有回环检测的DSO


2. Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM

1. Absolute Orientation and Localization Estimation from an Omnidirectional Image


12. 2018-12-30-Robust Path Planning Against Pose Errors for Mobile Robots in Rough Terrain 机器人位姿有误差时候规划路径

基础工具 Basic tools

29. 2018-12-30-Calibration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems 各种传感器之间标定

27. 2018-12-27-Impact of light on augmented reality 光照对AR影响

26. 2018-12-20-An Extrinsic Calibration Method for Binocular Cameras and Swing 2D Laser Rangefinder 相机与旋转2D激光标定

24. 2018-12-07-Two-pass K Nearest Neighbor Search for Feature Tracking 增强的KNN特征匹配方法

22. 2018-11-22-A FAST-BRISK Feature Detector with Depth Information 融合深度的特征点提取方法

19. 2018-10-20-Accurate Sparse Feature Regression Forest Learning for Real-Time Camera Relocalization 机器学习与特征点的混合方法做重定位

18. 2018-10-20-Four- and Seven-Point Relative Camera Pose from Oriented Features 利用特征点方向信息计算相对位姿

16. 2018-10-08-A Tutorial on Quantitative Trajectory Evaluationfor Visual(-Inertial) Odometry SLAM 误差专门评测方法,终于有大佬说清楚了。代码在此

14. 2018-09-25-A Versatile Method for Depth Data Error Estimation in RGB-D Sensors 判断RGBD深度信息准确性的方法

11. An Improved RANSAC Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

10. Baidu Apollo Auto-Calibration System - An Industry-Level Data-Driven and Learning based Vehicle Longitude Dynamic Calibrating Algorithm

9.RES-Q: Robust Outlier Detection Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation

8.Fast and robust local feature extraction for 3D reconstruction

7.Matrix Difference in Pose-Graph Optimization

6. Nonlinear Distortion Calibration of an Optical Flow Sensor for Monocular Visual Odometry

5. Five-point algorithm: an efficient cloud-based FPGA implementation

4. SC-RANSAC: Spatial consistency on RANSAC

3.Towards A Deep Insight into Landmark-based Visual Place Recognition: Methodology and Practice

2. In Defense of Relative Multi-View Geometry

1. MatchBench: An Evaluation of Feature Matchers

视觉激光融合 Fusion of visual and laser

3. Laser-visual-inertial odometry and mapping with high robustness and low drift1


1.Scale Correct Monocular Visual Odometry Using a LiDAR Altimeter

三维重建 3D reconstruction

7.2018-09-17-Building Dense Reflectance Maps of Indoor Environments using an RGB-D Camera 去除光源条件对重建的影响.

6.2018-09-15-Real-time High-accuracy Three-Dimensional Reconstruction with Consumer RGB-D Cameras加入了uncertaintyaware,and local-to-global RGB-D bundle adjustment strategy

5.Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image using Multi-View Keypoint Correspondence

4.Depth Super-Resolution Meets Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo (低分辨率depth+不同光照下,同一视角高分辨率RBG => 高分辨率深度图)

3. Robust 3D Surface Reconstruction in Real-Time with Localization Sensor

2. EchoFusion: Tracking and Reconstruction of Objects in 4D Freehand Ultrasound Imaging without External Trackers

1. PSDF Fusion: Probabilistic Signed Distance Function for On-the-fly 3D Data Fusion and Scene Reconstruction


37. 2018-12-28-MID-Fusion: Octree-based Object-Level Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM分割出动态物体 ,Andrew Davison

36. 2018-12-28-SfMLearner++: Learning Monocular Depth & Ego-Motion using Meaningful Geometric Constraints sfmLearner加强版,加入了对极约束,减少参数和模型大小

34. 2018-12-18-Self-Improving Visual Odometry magic leap出品,可以线上训练网络,自我提升vo性能,厉害了!

31. 2018-12-06-Matching Features without Descriptors: Implicitly Matched Interest Points (IMIPs)Davide Scaramuzza Michael Bloesch 发表不需要描述子使用CNN就能匹配特征点方法

30. 2018-12-06-DeepMapping: Unsupervised Map Estimation From Multiple Point Clouds利用深度学习做激光点云匹配

23. 2018-10-19-Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection Loss for Camera Relocalization同下,合在一起读,可以加强理解

22. 2018-10-19-DSAC - Differentiable RANSAC for Camera Localization 深度学习重定位,代码

19. 2018-10-15-Learning to Solve Nonlinear Least Squares for Dense Tracking and Mapping Andrew J. Davison 的 learned optimizer

8. 2018-07-25 Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry: Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry.TUM DL+DSO大作

7. Fusion++: Volumetric Object-Level SLAM

6. UnDeepVO: Monocular Visual Odometry through Unsupervised Deep Learning github:

5. Learning-based Image Enhancement for Visual Odometry in Challenging HDR Environments

4. Graph-Based Place Recognition in Image Sequences with CNN Features

3. VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry

2. Real-time Dense Monocular SLAM with Online Adapted Depth Prediction Network

1. DeepTAM: Deep Tracking and Mapping