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Skeletor Starter

Opinionated Eleventy Starter

Run Locally

  1. Install dependencies npm install
  2. Start server npm run serve


  • Contents of directory source/static/ gets passed to the root during build
  • Both the HTML & Markdown template engines are set to liquid

Directory Structure

Directory Value
Input source
Includes templates/partials
Layouts templates/layouts
Data data
Output build
Image source/images
Static source/static
Styles source/styles


Date Format

For formatting dates on the fly. Takes Day.js's formatting tokens as input.

Inspired by Max Böck's dateToFormat filter from their personal site.

{{ | formatDate: "MMM D, YYYY" }}

URI Encode

Liquid filter implementation of encodeURIComponent(). Mostly just for inlining SVG favicons.

{% capture favicon %}{% include 'favicon.svg' %}{% endcapture %}
<link rel='icon' href='data:image/svg+xml,{{ favicon | encodeURI }}' type='image/svg+xml'>

Attributions & Inspirations

This Eleventy starter was inspired by:

The formatDate filter was inspired by Max Böck's dateToFormat filter from their personal site.

The plugins and configuration files were organized based on Lene Saile's methodology.

The directory structure was inspired by Elly Loel's personal site.