Make sure you have:
JDK 8 for the build (the created artifacts are compatible with Java 7)
all the permissions required to perform the release process:
To prepare and release a new version of Hibernate OGM follow these steps (executed against the branch you intend to release):
the project status on Jenkins
the latest version of Hibernate ORM is used
there are no outstanding issues in JIRA
tests and artifacts:
mvn clean install
the distribution package as built by Maven (distribution/target/hibernate-ogm-[version]-dist).
They should contain the appropriate dependencies, without duplicates. The creation of these directories is driven by the assembly plugin (see distribution/src/main/assembly/dist.xml) which is very specific and might break with the inclusion of new dependencies.
Especially check the jar files in the subdirectories:
- optional
- required
- provided
Do NOT update changelog.txt in project root: it will be automatically updated
Verify readme.txt:
- content is up to date
- links are not broken
- don't change the version number, it will be automatically updated
Commit any outstanding changes
Go to CI and execute the release job.
- Be careful when filling the form with the build parameters.
Log in to Nexus:
- check all artifacts you expect are there
- close and release the repository. See more details about using the staging repository
- if there is a problem, drop the staging repo, fix the problem and re-deploy
The CI job automatically pushes the distribution to SourceForge and publishes the documentation to
Update the community pages. In particular, update the migration notes. When doing the latter, create an API change report by running
mvn clirr:clirr -pl core
. The report created at core/target/site/clirr-report.html provides an overview of all changed API/SPI types. After you have created the change log, don't forget to update the comparisonVersion in the configuration of the Maven Clirr plug-in in pom.xml.
Blog about the release on, make sure to use the tags Hibernate OGM, Hibernate and news for the blog entry. This way the blog will be featured on the web-site and on the JBoss blog federation.
Update by adding a new release file to data/projects/ogm/releases and by updating the roadmap in ogm/roadmap.adoc If you don't want to display an older release, set the property displayed to false in the corresponding .yml file.
- If it is a new major release, add a data/projects/ogm/releases/series.yml file and an ogm/releases//index.adoc file
- Add a new release file to data/projects/ogm/releases
- Remember to add a one line summary using the property summary
- Depending on which series you want to have displayed, make sure to adjust the displayed flag of the series.yml file of the old series
- Deploy to production
Check the getting started guide on the website. It is mostly copied from the reference documentation with a few twists. Likewise, check the roadmap, move the new released to the previous section and adjust the roadmap as needed. When ready, deploy everything on production.
Update the sticky post in the forum:
Send email to hibernate-dev and hibernate-announce. A quick sum up paragraph in the email is necessary before pointing to the blog entry.