var StorageAPI = require('client-side-storage');
//Optional name 'MyStorage' prevents namespace collisions
var MyStorage = new StorageAPI('MyStorage');
MyStorage.set('stuff', 'things')
.then(function() {
return MyStorage.get('stuff');
.then(function(stuff) {
console.log(stuff); // 'things'
MyStorage.set({stuff: 'things', children: 'the future'})
.then(function() {
return MyStorage.get(['stuff', 'children']);
.then(function(obj) {
console.log(obj); // {stuff: 'things', children: 'the future'}
.then(function() {
console.log('stuff is gone');
.then(function() {
console.log('the past is dead, hoss...');
Implementing new methods is easy. Simply return a value from your implemented methods as below. See client-side-storage/methods/localStorage.js for example
class MyStorageMethod() {
constructor(name) {
//Save use for prefixing when viable = name;
//This method must be synchronous
isSupported() {
//Return true if the storage method will work in the current enviroment
if (typeof(RandomGlobal.Storage.Plugin) != 'undefined') {
return true;
get(variable) {
return '42';
//OR - if you need async, simply return a promise
var deferred = Q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
getMultiple(array_of_values) {
//getMultiple will be called when Storage.get is called with an array of values
//Your class should return an object of key-value pairs (or a promise which resolves to one)
return {key1: 'cool_value', key2: 'cool_value2'}
set(key, value) {
//set key equal to value in your method
//if async, return a promise that will resolve when the process is complete
var deffered = Q.defer();
setValueOnServer(function() {
return deferred.promise;
setMultiple(obj) {
//Called when Storage.set is called with an object of key value pairs
//Set all keys in storage, return a promise or value as above
remove(variable) {
//Delete variable, then return promise or value as above
clear() {
//Clear your storage then return promise or value as above