From 448c8f5ae01bf37241da0ea658d68518b3457ff2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Schneems <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:58:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Remove Buildpack Output module

---                                  |   4 +
 .../src/buildpack_output/       | 115 ---
 .../src/buildpack_output/   |  66 --
 .../src/buildpack_output/               | 865 ------------------
 .../src/buildpack_output/             |  28 -
 .../src/buildpack_output/              | 229 -----
 libherokubuildpack/src/                 |   2 -
 7 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1305 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
 delete mode 100644 libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
 delete mode 100644 libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
 delete mode 100644 libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
 delete mode 100644 libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/

diff --git a/ b/
index 7cde012d..7605cd0d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ## [Unreleased]
+### Changed
+- `libherokubuildpack`:
+  - Removed `buildpack_output` module. This functionality from ([#721]( was experimental. The API was not stable and it is being removed. A similar API is available at [bullet_stream](
 ## [0.22.0] - 2024-06-18
diff --git a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/ b/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd7ea11..00000000
--- a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-/// Wraps each line in an ANSI escape sequence while preserving prior ANSI escape sequences.
-/// ## Why does this exist?
-/// When buildpack output is streamed to the user, each line is prefixed with `remote: ` by Git.
-/// Any colorization of text will apply to those prefixes which is not the desired behavior. This
-/// function colors lines of text while ensuring that styles are disabled at the end of each line.
-/// ## Supports recursive colorization
-/// Strings that are previously colorized will not be overridden by this function. For example,
-/// if a word is already colored yellow, that word will continue to be yellow.
-pub(crate) fn wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(ansi: &ANSI, body: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-    let ansi_escape = ansi.to_str();
-    body.as_ref()
-        .split('\n')
-        // If sub contents are colorized it will contain SUBCOLOR ... RESET. After the reset,
-        // ensure we change back to the current color
-        .map(|line| line.replace(RESET, &format!("{RESET}{ansi_escape}"))) // Handles nested color
-        // Set the main color for each line and reset after so we don't colorize `remote:` by accident
-        .map(|line| format!("{ansi_escape}{line}{RESET}"))
-        // The above logic causes redundant colors and resets, clean them up
-        .map(|line| line.replace(&format!("{ansi_escape}{ansi_escape}"), ansi_escape)) // Reduce useless color
-        .map(|line| line.replace(&format!("{ansi_escape}{RESET}"), "")) // Empty lines or where the nested color is at the end of the line
-        .collect::<Vec<String>>()
-        .join("\n")
-const RESET: &str = "\x1B[0m";
-const RED: &str = "\x1B[0;31m";
-const YELLOW: &str = "\x1B[0;33m";
-const BOLD_CYAN: &str = "\x1B[1;36m";
-const BOLD_PURPLE: &str = "\x1B[1;35m";
-pub(crate) enum ANSI {
-    Red,
-    Yellow,
-    BoldCyan,
-    BoldPurple,
-impl ANSI {
-    fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
-        match self {
-            ANSI::Red => RED,
-            ANSI::Yellow => YELLOW,
-            ANSI::BoldCyan => BOLD_CYAN,
-            ANSI::BoldPurple => BOLD_PURPLE,
-        }
-    }
-mod test {
-    use super::*;
-    #[test]
-    fn empty_line() {
-        let actual = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, "\n");
-        let expected = String::from("\n");
-        assert_eq!(expected, actual);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn handles_nested_color_at_start() {
-        let start = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::BoldCyan, "hello");
-        let out = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, format!("{start} world"));
-        let expected = format!("{RED}{BOLD_CYAN}hello{RESET}{RED} world{RESET}");
-        assert_eq!(expected, out);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn handles_nested_color_in_middle() {
-        let middle = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::BoldCyan, "middle");
-        let out = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, format!("hello {middle} color"));
-        let expected = format!("{RED}hello {BOLD_CYAN}middle{RESET}{RED} color{RESET}");
-        assert_eq!(expected, out);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn handles_nested_color_at_end() {
-        let end = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::BoldCyan, "world");
-        let out = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, format!("hello {end}"));
-        let expected = format!("{RED}hello {BOLD_CYAN}world{RESET}");
-        assert_eq!(expected, out);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn handles_double_nested_color() {
-        let inner = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::BoldCyan, "inner");
-        let outer = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, format!("outer {inner}"));
-        let out = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Yellow, format!("hello {outer}"));
-        let expected = format!("{YELLOW}hello {RED}outer {BOLD_CYAN}inner{RESET}");
-        assert_eq!(expected, out);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn splits_newlines() {
-        let actual = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, "hello\nworld");
-        let expected = format!("{RED}hello{RESET}\n{RED}world{RESET}");
-        assert_eq!(expected, actual);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn simple_case() {
-        let actual = wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Red, "hello world");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{RED}hello world{RESET}"), actual);
-    }
diff --git a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/ b/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
deleted file mode 100644
index 927e572e..00000000
--- a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-use std::time::Duration;
-pub(crate) fn human(duration: &Duration) -> String {
-    let hours = (duration.as_secs() / 3600) % 60;
-    let minutes = (duration.as_secs() / 60) % 60;
-    let seconds = duration.as_secs() % 60;
-    let milliseconds = duration.subsec_millis();
-    let tenths = milliseconds / 100;
-    if hours > 0 {
-        format!("{hours}h {minutes}m {seconds}s")
-    } else if minutes > 0 {
-        format!("{minutes}m {seconds}s")
-    } else if seconds > 0 || milliseconds >= 100 {
-        format!("{seconds}.{tenths}s")
-    } else {
-        String::from("< 0.1s")
-    }
-mod test {
-    use super::*;
-    #[test]
-    fn test_display_duration() {
-        let duration = Duration::ZERO;
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "< 0.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(99);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "< 0.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "0.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(210);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "0.2s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(1100);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "1.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(9100);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "9.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(10100);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "10.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(52100);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "52.1s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(60 * 1000);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "1m 0s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(60 * 1000 + 2000);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "1m 2s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(60 * 60 * 1000 - 1);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "59m 59s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(60 * 60 * 1000);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "1h 0m 0s");
-        let duration = Duration::from_millis(75 * 60 * 1000 - 1);
-        assert_eq!(human(&duration), "1h 14m 59s");
-    }
diff --git a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/ b/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
deleted file mode 100644
index b61d8b40..00000000
--- a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
-//! # Buildpack output
-//! Use [`BuildpackOutput`] to output structured text as a buildpack executes. The buildpack output
-//! is intended to be read by the application user running your buildpack against their application.
-//! ```rust
-//! use libherokubuildpack::buildpack_output::BuildpackOutput;
-//! let mut output = BuildpackOutput::new(std::io::stdout())
-//!     .start("Example Buildpack")
-//!     .warning("No Gemfile.lock found");
-//! output = output
-//!     .section("Ruby version")
-//!     .finish();
-//! output.finish();
-//! ```
-//! ## Colors
-//! In nature, colors and contrasts are used to emphasize differences and danger. [`BuildpackOutput`]
-//! utilizes common ANSI escape characters to highlight what's important and deemphasize what's not.
-//! The output experience is designed from the ground up to be streamed to a user's terminal correctly.
-//! ## Consistent indentation and newlines
-//! Help your users focus on what's happening, not on inconsistent formatting. The [`BuildpackOutput`]
-//! is a consuming, stateful design. That means you can use Rust's powerful type system to ensure
-//! only the output you expect, in the style you want, is emitted to the screen. See the documentation
-//! in the [`state`] module for more information.
-use crate::buildpack_output::ansi_escape::ANSI;
-use crate::buildpack_output::util::{prefix_first_rest_lines, prefix_lines, ParagraphInspectWrite};
-use crate::write::line_mapped;
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-use std::io::Write;
-use std::time::Instant;
-mod ansi_escape;
-mod duration_format;
-pub mod style;
-mod util;
-/// Use [`BuildpackOutput`] to output structured text as a buildpack executes. The buildpack output
-/// is intended to be read by the application user running your buildpack against their application.
-/// ```rust
-/// use libherokubuildpack::buildpack_output::BuildpackOutput;
-/// let mut output = BuildpackOutput::new(std::io::stdout())
-///     .start("Example Buildpack")
-///     .warning("No Gemfile.lock found");
-/// output = output
-///     .section("Ruby version")
-///     .finish();
-/// output.finish();
-/// ```
-pub struct BuildpackOutput<T> {
-    pub(crate) started: Option<Instant>,
-    pub(crate) state: T,
-/// Various states for [`BuildpackOutput`] to contain.
-/// The [`BuildpackOutput`] struct acts as an output state machine. These structs
-/// represent the various states. See struct documentation for more details.
-pub mod state {
-    use crate::buildpack_output::util::ParagraphInspectWrite;
-    use crate::write::MappedWrite;
-    use std::time::Instant;
-    /// An initialized buildpack output that has not announced its start.
-    ///
-    /// It is represented by the `state::NotStarted` type and is transitioned into a `state::Started` type.
-    ///
-    /// Example:
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// use libherokubuildpack::buildpack_output::{BuildpackOutput, state::{NotStarted, Started}};
-    /// use std::io::Write;
-    ///
-    /// let mut not_started = BuildpackOutput::new(std::io::stdout());
-    /// let output = start_buildpack(not_started);
-    ///
-    /// output.section("Ruby version").step("Installing Ruby").finish();
-    ///
-    /// fn start_buildpack<W>(mut output: BuildpackOutput<NotStarted<W>>) -> BuildpackOutput<Started<W>>
-    /// where W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static {
-    ///     output.start("Example Buildpack")
-    ///}
-    /// ```
-    #[derive(Debug)]
-    pub struct NotStarted<W> {
-        pub(crate) write: ParagraphInspectWrite<W>,
-    }
-    /// After the buildpack output has started, its top-level output will be represented by the
-    /// `state::Started` type and is transitioned into a `state::Section` to provide additional
-    /// details.
-    ///
-    /// Example:
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// use libherokubuildpack::buildpack_output::{BuildpackOutput, state::{Started, Section}};
-    /// use std::io::Write;
-    ///
-    /// let mut output = BuildpackOutput::new(std::io::stdout())
-    ///     .start("Example Buildpack");
-    ///
-    /// output = install_ruby(output).finish();
-    ///
-    /// fn install_ruby<W>(mut output: BuildpackOutput<Started<W>>) -> BuildpackOutput<Section<W>>
-    /// where W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static {
-    ///     let out = output.section("Ruby version")
-    ///         .step("Installing Ruby");
-    ///     // ...
-    ///     out
-    ///}
-    /// ```
-    #[derive(Debug)]
-    pub struct Started<W> {
-        pub(crate) write: ParagraphInspectWrite<W>,
-    }
-    /// The `state::Section` is intended to provide additional details about the buildpack's
-    /// actions. When a section is finished, it transitions back to a `state::Started` type.
-    ///
-    /// A streaming type can be started from a `state::Section`, usually to run and stream a
-    /// `process::Command` to the end user.
-    ///
-    /// Example:
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// use libherokubuildpack::buildpack_output::{BuildpackOutput, state::{Started, Section}};
-    /// use std::io::Write;
-    ///
-    /// let mut output = BuildpackOutput::new(std::io::stdout())
-    ///     .start("Example Buildpack")
-    ///     .section("Ruby version");
-    ///
-    /// install_ruby(output).finish();
-    ///
-    /// fn install_ruby<W>(mut output: BuildpackOutput<Section<W>>) -> BuildpackOutput<Started<W>>
-    /// where W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static {
-    ///     let output = output.step("Installing Ruby");
-    ///     // ...
-    ///
-    ///     output.finish()
-    ///}
-    /// ```
-    #[derive(Debug)]
-    pub struct Section<W> {
-        pub(crate) write: ParagraphInspectWrite<W>,
-    }
-    /// This state is intended for streaming output from a process to the end user. It is
-    /// started from a `state::Section` and finished back to a `state::Section`.
-    ///
-    /// The `BuildpackOutput<state::Stream<W>>` implements [`std::io::Write`], so you can stream
-    /// from anything that accepts a [`std::io::Write`].
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// use libherokubuildpack::buildpack_output::{BuildpackOutput, state::{Started, Section}};
-    /// use std::io::Write;
-    ///
-    /// let mut output = BuildpackOutput::new(std::io::stdout())
-    ///     .start("Example Buildpack")
-    ///     .section("Ruby version");
-    ///
-    /// install_ruby(output).finish();
-    ///
-    /// fn install_ruby<W>(mut output: BuildpackOutput<Section<W>>) -> BuildpackOutput<Section<W>>
-    /// where W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static {
-    ///     let mut stream = output.step("Installing Ruby")
-    ///         .start_stream("Streaming stuff");
-    ///
-    ///     write!(&mut stream, "...").unwrap();
-    ///
-    ///     stream.finish()
-    ///}
-    /// ```
-    #[derive(Debug)]
-    pub struct Stream<W: std::io::Write> {
-        pub(crate) started: Instant,
-        pub(crate) write: MappedWrite<ParagraphInspectWrite<W>>,
-    }
-trait AnnounceSupportedState {
-    type Inner: Write;
-    fn write_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParagraphInspectWrite<Self::Inner>;
-impl<W> AnnounceSupportedState for state::Section<W>
-    W: Write,
-    type Inner = W;
-    fn write_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParagraphInspectWrite<Self::Inner> {
-        &mut self.write
-    }
-impl<W> AnnounceSupportedState for state::Started<W>
-    W: Write,
-    type Inner = W;
-    fn write_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParagraphInspectWrite<Self::Inner> {
-        &mut self.write
-    }
-impl<S> BuildpackOutput<S>
-    S: AnnounceSupportedState,
-    /// Emit an error and end the build output.
-    ///
-    /// When an unrecoverable situation is encountered, you can emit an error message to the user.
-    /// This associated function will consume the build output, so you may only emit one error per
-    /// build output.
-    ///
-    /// An error message should describe what went wrong and why the buildpack cannot continue.
-    /// It is best practice to include debugging information in the error message. For example,
-    /// if a file is missing, consider showing the user the contents of the directory where the
-    /// file was expected to be and the full path of the file.
-    ///
-    /// If you are confident about what action needs to be taken to fix the error, you should include
-    /// that in the error message. Do not write a generic suggestion like "try again later" unless
-    /// you are certain that the error is transient.
-    ///
-    /// If you detect something problematic but not bad enough to halt buildpack execution, consider
-    /// using a [`BuildpackOutput::warning`] instead.
-    pub fn error(mut self, s: impl AsRef<str>) {
-        self.write_paragraph(&ANSI::Red, s);
-    }
-    /// Emit a warning message to the end user.
-    ///
-    /// A warning should be used to emit a message to the end user about a potential problem.
-    ///
-    /// Multiple warnings can be emitted in sequence. The buildpack author should take care not to
-    /// overwhelm the end user with unnecessary warnings.
-    ///
-    /// When emitting a warning, describe the problem to the user, if possible, and tell them how
-    /// to fix it or where to look next.
-    ///
-    /// Warnings should often come with some disabling mechanism, if possible. If the user can turn
-    /// off the warning, that information should be included in the warning message. If you're
-    /// confident that the user should not be able to turn off a warning, consider using a
-    /// [`BuildpackOutput::error`] instead.
-    ///
-    /// Warnings will be output in a multi-line paragraph style. A warning can be emitted from any
-    /// state except for [`state::NotStarted`].
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn warning(mut self, s: impl AsRef<str>) -> BuildpackOutput<S> {
-        self.write_paragraph(&ANSI::Yellow, s);
-        self
-    }
-    /// Emit an important message to the end user.
-    ///
-    /// When something significant happens but is not inherently negative, you can use an important
-    /// message. For example, if a buildpack detects that the operating system or architecture has
-    /// changed since the last build, it might not be a problem, but if something goes wrong, the
-    /// user should know about it.
-    ///
-    /// Important messages should be used sparingly and only for things the user should be aware of
-    /// but not necessarily act on. If the message is actionable, consider using a
-    /// [`BuildpackOutput::warning`] instead.
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn important(mut self, s: impl AsRef<str>) -> BuildpackOutput<S> {
-        self.write_paragraph(&ANSI::BoldCyan, s);
-        self
-    }
-    fn write_paragraph(&mut self, color: &ANSI, s: impl AsRef<str>) {
-        let io = self.state.write_mut();
-        let contents = s.as_ref().trim();
-        if !io.was_paragraph {
-            writeln_now(io, "");
-        }
-        writeln_now(
-            io,
-            ansi_escape::wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(
-                color,
-                prefix_lines(contents, |_, line| {
-                    // Avoid adding trailing whitespace to the line, if there was none already.
-                    // The `\n` case is required since `prefix_lines` uses `str::split_inclusive`,
-                    // which preserves any trailing newline characters if present.
-                    if line.is_empty() || line == "\n" {
-                        String::from("!")
-                    } else {
-                        String::from("! ")
-                    }
-                }),
-            ),
-        );
-        writeln_now(io, "");
-    }
-impl<W> BuildpackOutput<state::NotStarted<W>>
-    W: Write,
-    /// Create a buildpack output struct, but do not announce the buildpack's start.
-    ///
-    /// See the [`BuildpackOutput::start`] method for more details.
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn new(io: W) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            state: state::NotStarted {
-                write: ParagraphInspectWrite::new(io),
-            },
-            started: None,
-        }
-    }
-    /// Announce the start of the buildpack.
-    ///
-    /// The input should be the human-readable name of your buildpack. Most buildpack names include
-    /// the feature they provide.
-    ///
-    /// It is common to use a title case for the buildpack name and to include the word "Buildpack" at the end.
-    /// For example, `Ruby Buildpack`. Do not include a period at the end of the name.
-    ///
-    /// Avoid starting your buildpack with "Heroku" unless you work for Heroku. If you wish to express that your
-    /// buildpack is built to target only Heroku; you can include that in the description of the buildpack.
-    ///
-    /// This function will transition your buildpack output to [`state::Started`].
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn start(mut self, buildpack_name: impl AsRef<str>) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Started<W>> {
-        writeln_now(
-            &mut self.state.write,
-            ansi_escape::wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(
-                &ANSI::BoldPurple,
-                format!("\n# {}\n", buildpack_name.as_ref().trim()),
-            ),
-        );
-        self.start_silent()
-    }
-    /// Start a buildpack output without announcing the name.
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn start_silent(self) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Started<W>> {
-        BuildpackOutput {
-            started: Some(Instant::now()),
-            state: state::Started {
-                write: self.state.write,
-            },
-        }
-    }
-impl<W> BuildpackOutput<state::Started<W>>
-    W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static,
-    const PREFIX_FIRST: &'static str = "- ";
-    const PREFIX_REST: &'static str = "  ";
-    fn style(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-        prefix_first_rest_lines(Self::PREFIX_FIRST, Self::PREFIX_REST, s.as_ref().trim())
-    }
-    /// Begin a new section of the buildpack output.
-    ///
-    /// A section should be a noun, e.g., 'Ruby version'. Anything emitted within the section
-    /// should be in the context of this output.
-    ///
-    /// If the following steps can change based on input, consider grouping shared information
-    /// such as version numbers and sources in the section name e.g.,
-    /// 'Ruby version ``3.1.3`` from ``Gemfile.lock``'.
-    ///
-    /// This function will transition your buildpack output to [`state::Section`].
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn section(mut self, s: impl AsRef<str>) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Section<W>> {
-        writeln_now(&mut self.state.write, Self::style(s));
-        BuildpackOutput {
-            started: self.started,
-            state: state::Section {
-                write: self.state.write,
-            },
-        }
-    }
-    /// Announce that your buildpack has finished execution successfully.
-    pub fn finish(mut self) -> W {
-        if let Some(started) = &self.started {
-            let elapsed = duration_format::human(&started.elapsed());
-            let details = style::details(format!("finished in {elapsed}"));
-            writeln_now(
-                &mut self.state.write,
-                Self::style(format!("Done {details}")),
-            );
-        } else {
-            writeln_now(&mut self.state.write, Self::style("Done"));
-        }
-        self.state.write.inner
-    }
-impl<W> BuildpackOutput<state::Section<W>>
-    W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static,
-    const PREFIX_FIRST: &'static str = "  - ";
-    const PREFIX_REST: &'static str = "    ";
-    const CMD_INDENT: &'static str = "      ";
-    fn style(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-        prefix_first_rest_lines(Self::PREFIX_FIRST, Self::PREFIX_REST, s.as_ref().trim())
-    }
-    /// Emit a step in the buildpack output within a section.
-    ///
-    /// A step should be a verb, i.e., 'Downloading'. Related verbs should be nested under a single section.
-    ///
-    /// Some example verbs to use:
-    ///
-    /// - Downloading
-    /// - Writing
-    /// - Using
-    /// - Reading
-    /// - Clearing
-    /// - Skipping
-    /// - Detecting
-    /// - Compiling
-    /// - etc.
-    ///
-    /// Steps should be short and stand-alone sentences within the context of the section header.
-    ///
-    /// In general, if the buildpack did something different between two builds, it should be
-    /// observable by the user through the buildpack output. For example, if a cache needs to be
-    /// cleared, emit that your buildpack is clearing it and why.
-    ///
-    /// Multiple steps are allowed within a section. This function returns to the same [`state::Section`].
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn step(mut self, s: impl AsRef<str>) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Section<W>> {
-        writeln_now(&mut self.state.write, Self::style(s));
-        self
-    }
-    /// Stream output to the end user.
-    ///
-    /// The most common use case is to stream the output of a running `std::process::Command` to the
-    /// end user. Streaming lets the end user know that something is happening and provides them with
-    /// the output of the process.
-    ///
-    /// The result of this function is a `BuildpackOutput<state::Stream<W>>` which implements [`std::io::Write`].
-    ///
-    /// If you do not wish the end user to view the output of the process, consider using a `step` instead.
-    ///
-    /// This function will transition your buildpack output to [`state::Stream`].
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn start_stream(mut self, s: impl AsRef<str>) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Stream<W>> {
-        writeln_now(&mut self.state.write, Self::style(s));
-        writeln_now(&mut self.state.write, "");
-        BuildpackOutput {
-            started: self.started,
-            state: state::Stream {
-                started: Instant::now(),
-                write: line_mapped(self.state.write, |mut line| {
-                    // Avoid adding trailing whitespace to the line, if there was none already.
-                    // The `[b'\n']` case is required since `line` includes the trailing newline byte.
-                    if line.is_empty() || line == [b'\n'] {
-                        line
-                    } else {
-                        let mut result: Vec<u8> = Self::CMD_INDENT.into();
-                        result.append(&mut line);
-                        result
-                    }
-                }),
-            },
-        }
-    }
-    /// Finish a section and transition back to [`state::Started`].
-    pub fn finish(self) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Started<W>> {
-        BuildpackOutput {
-            started: self.started,
-            state: state::Started {
-                write: self.state.write,
-            },
-        }
-    }
-impl<W> BuildpackOutput<state::Stream<W>>
-    W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static,
-    /// Finalize a stream's output
-    ///
-    /// Once you're finished streaming to the output, calling this function
-    /// finalizes the stream's output and transitions back to a [`state::Section`].
-    pub fn finish(self) -> BuildpackOutput<state::Section<W>> {
-        let duration = self.state.started.elapsed();
-        let mut output = BuildpackOutput {
-            started: self.started,
-            state: state::Section {
-                write: self.state.write.unwrap(),
-            },
-        };
-        if !output.state.write_mut().was_paragraph {
-            writeln_now(&mut output.state.write, "");
-        }
-        output.step(format!(
-            "Done {}",
-            style::details(duration_format::human(&duration))
-        ))
-    }
-impl<W> Write for BuildpackOutput<state::Stream<W>>
-    W: Write,
-    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
-        self.state.write.write(buf)
-    }
-    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
-        self.state.write.flush()
-    }
-/// Internal helper, ensures that all contents are always flushed (never buffered).
-fn writeln_now<D: Write>(destination: &mut D, msg: impl AsRef<str>) {
-    writeln!(destination, "{}", msg.as_ref()).expect("Output error: UI writer closed");
-    destination.flush().expect("Output error: UI writer closed");
-mod test {
-    use super::*;
-    use crate::buildpack_output::util::LockedWriter;
-    use crate::command::CommandExt;
-    use indoc::formatdoc;
-    use libcnb_test::assert_contains;
-    use std::fs::File;
-    #[test]
-    fn write_paragraph_empty_lines() {
-        let io = BuildpackOutput::new(Vec::new())
-            .start("Example Buildpack\n\n")
-            .warning("\n\nhello\n\n\t\t\nworld\n\n")
-            .section("Version\n\n")
-            .step("Installing\n\n")
-            .finish()
-            .finish();
-        let tab_char = '\t';
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # Example Buildpack
-            ! hello
-            !
-            ! {tab_char}{tab_char}
-            ! world
-            - Version
-              - Installing
-            - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io))
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn paragraph_color_codes() {
-        let tmpdir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
-        let path = tmpdir.path().join("output.txt");
-        BuildpackOutput::new(File::create(&path).unwrap())
-            .start("Buildpack Header is Bold Purple")
-            .important("Important is bold cyan")
-            .warning("Warnings are yellow")
-            .error("Errors are red");
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            \u{1b}[1;35m# Buildpack Header is Bold Purple\u{1b}[0m
-            \u{1b}[1;36m! Important is bold cyan\u{1b}[0m
-            \u{1b}[0;33m! Warnings are yellow\u{1b}[0m
-            \u{1b}[0;31m! Errors are red\u{1b}[0m
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(expected, std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_important() {
-        let writer = Vec::new();
-        let io = BuildpackOutput::new(writer)
-            .start("Heroku Ruby Buildpack")
-            .important("This is important")
-            .finish();
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # Heroku Ruby Buildpack
-            ! This is important
-            - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io))
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_error() {
-        let tmpdir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
-        let path = tmpdir.path().join("output.txt");
-        BuildpackOutput::new(File::create(&path).unwrap())
-            .start("Heroku Ruby Buildpack")
-            .error("This is an error");
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # Heroku Ruby Buildpack
-            ! This is an error
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap())
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_captures() {
-        let writer = Vec::new();
-        let mut first_stream = BuildpackOutput::new(writer)
-            .start("Heroku Ruby Buildpack")
-            .section("Ruby version `3.1.3` from `Gemfile.lock`")
-            .finish()
-            .section("Hello world")
-            .start_stream("Streaming with no newlines");
-        writeln!(&mut first_stream, "stuff").unwrap();
-        let mut second_stream = first_stream
-            .finish()
-            .start_stream("Streaming with blank lines and a trailing newline");
-        writeln!(&mut second_stream, "foo\nbar\n\n\t\nbaz\n").unwrap();
-        let io = second_stream.finish().finish().finish();
-        let tab_char = '\t';
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # Heroku Ruby Buildpack
-            - Ruby version `3.1.3` from `Gemfile.lock`
-            - Hello world
-              - Streaming with no newlines
-                  stuff
-              - Done (< 0.1s)
-              - Streaming with blank lines and a trailing newline
-                  foo
-                  bar
-                  {tab_char}
-                  baz
-              - Done (< 0.1s)
-            - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io))
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_streaming_a_command() {
-        let writer = Vec::new();
-        let mut stream = BuildpackOutput::new(writer)
-            .start("Streaming buildpack demo")
-            .section("Command streaming")
-            .start_stream("Streaming stuff");
-        let locked_writer = LockedWriter::new(stream);
-        std::process::Command::new("echo")
-            .arg("hello world")
-            .output_and_write_streams(locked_writer.clone(), locked_writer.clone())
-            .unwrap();
-        stream = locked_writer.unwrap();
-        let io = stream.finish().finish().finish();
-        let actual = strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io));
-        assert_contains!(actual, "      hello world\n");
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn warning_after_buildpack() {
-        let writer = Vec::new();
-        let io = BuildpackOutput::new(writer)
-            .start("RCT")
-            .warning("It's too crowded here\nI'm tired")
-            .section("Guest thoughts")
-            .step("The jumping fountains are great")
-            .step("The music is nice here")
-            .finish()
-            .finish();
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # RCT
-            ! It's too crowded here
-            ! I'm tired
-            - Guest thoughts
-              - The jumping fountains are great
-              - The music is nice here
-            - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io))
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn warning_step_padding() {
-        let writer = Vec::new();
-        let io = BuildpackOutput::new(writer)
-            .start("RCT")
-            .section("Guest thoughts")
-            .step("The scenery here is wonderful")
-            .warning("It's too crowded here\nI'm tired")
-            .step("The jumping fountains are great")
-            .step("The music is nice here")
-            .finish()
-            .finish();
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # RCT
-            - Guest thoughts
-              - The scenery here is wonderful
-            ! It's too crowded here
-            ! I'm tired
-              - The jumping fountains are great
-              - The music is nice here
-            - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io))
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn double_warning_step_padding() {
-        let writer = Vec::new();
-        let output = BuildpackOutput::new(writer)
-            .start("RCT")
-            .section("Guest thoughts")
-            .step("The scenery here is wonderful");
-        let io = output
-            .warning("It's too crowded here")
-            .warning("I'm tired")
-            .step("The jumping fountains are great")
-            .step("The music is nice here")
-            .finish()
-            .finish();
-        let expected = formatdoc! {"
-            # RCT
-            - Guest thoughts
-              - The scenery here is wonderful
-            ! It's too crowded here
-            ! I'm tired
-              - The jumping fountains are great
-              - The music is nice here
-            - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
-        "};
-        assert_eq!(
-            expected,
-            strip_ansi_escape_sequences(String::from_utf8_lossy(&io))
-        );
-    }
-    fn strip_ansi_escape_sequences(contents: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-        let mut result = String::new();
-        let mut in_ansi_escape = false;
-        for char in contents.as_ref().chars() {
-            if in_ansi_escape {
-                if char == 'm' {
-                    in_ansi_escape = false;
-                    continue;
-                }
-            } else {
-                if char == '\x1B' {
-                    in_ansi_escape = true;
-                    continue;
-                }
-                result.push(char);
-            }
-        }
-        result
-    }
diff --git a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/ b/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
deleted file mode 100644
index 08deb109..00000000
--- a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-//! Helpers for formatting and colorizing your output.
-use crate::buildpack_output::ansi_escape::{self, ANSI};
-/// Decorate a URL for the build output.
-pub fn url(contents: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-    ansi_escape::wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::BoldCyan, contents)
-/// Decorate the name of a command being run i.e. `bundle install`.
-pub fn command(contents: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-    value(ansi_escape::wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(
-        &ANSI::BoldCyan,
-        contents,
-    ))
-/// Decorate an important value i.e. `2.3.4`.
-pub fn value(contents: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-    let contents = ansi_escape::wrap_ansi_escape_each_line(&ANSI::Yellow, contents);
-    format!("`{contents}`")
-/// Decorate additional information at the end of a line.
-pub fn details(contents: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
-    let contents = contents.as_ref();
-    format!("({contents})")
diff --git a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/ b/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a147846..00000000
--- a/libherokubuildpack/src/buildpack_output/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-use std::io::Write;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
-/// Applies a prefix to the first line and a different prefix to the rest of the lines.
-/// The primary use case is to align indentation with the prefix of the first line. Most often
-/// for emitting indented bullet point lists.
-/// The first prefix is always applied, even when the contents are empty. This default was
-/// chosen to ensure that a nested-bullet point will always follow a parent bullet point,
-/// even if that parent has no text.
-pub(crate) fn prefix_first_rest_lines(
-    first_prefix: &str,
-    rest_prefix: &str,
-    contents: &str,
-) -> String {
-    prefix_lines(contents, move |index, _| {
-        if index == 0 {
-            String::from(first_prefix)
-        } else {
-            String::from(rest_prefix)
-        }
-    })
-/// Prefixes each line of input.
-/// Each line of the provided string slice will be passed to the provided function along with
-/// the index of the line. The function should return a string that will be prepended to the line.
-/// If an empty string is provided, a prefix will still be added to improve UX in cases
-/// where the caller forgot to pass a non-empty string.
-pub(crate) fn prefix_lines<F: Fn(usize, &str) -> String>(contents: &str, f: F) -> String {
-    // `split_inclusive` yields `None` for the empty string, so we have to explicitly add the prefix.
-    if contents.is_empty() {
-        f(0, "")
-    } else {
-        contents
-            .split_inclusive('\n')
-            .enumerate()
-            .map(|(line_index, line)| {
-                let prefix = f(line_index, line);
-                prefix + line
-            })
-            .collect()
-    }
-/// A trailing newline aware writer.
-/// A paragraph style block of text has an empty newline before and after the text.
-/// When multiple paragraphs are emitted, it's important that they don't double up on empty
-/// newlines or the output will look off.
-/// This writer seeks to solve that problem by preserving knowledge of prior newline writes and
-/// exposing that information to the caller.
-pub(crate) struct ParagraphInspectWrite<W> {
-    pub(crate) inner: W,
-    pub(crate) was_paragraph: bool,
-    pub(crate) newlines_since_last_char: usize,
-impl<W> ParagraphInspectWrite<W> {
-    pub(crate) fn new(io: W) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            inner: io,
-            newlines_since_last_char: 0,
-            was_paragraph: false,
-        }
-    }
-impl<W: Write> Write for ParagraphInspectWrite<W> {
-    /// We need to track newlines across multiple writes to eliminate the double empty newline
-    /// problem described above.
-    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
-        let trailing_newline_count = buf.iter().rev().take_while(|&&c| c == b'\n').count();
-        // The buffer contains only newlines
-        if buf.len() == trailing_newline_count {
-            self.newlines_since_last_char += trailing_newline_count;
-        } else {
-            self.newlines_since_last_char = trailing_newline_count;
-        }
-        self.was_paragraph = self.newlines_since_last_char > 1;
-        self.inner.write(buf)
-    }
-    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
-        self.inner.flush()
-    }
-pub(crate) struct LockedWriter<W> {
-    arc: Arc<Mutex<W>>,
-impl<W> Clone for LockedWriter<W> {
-    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            arc: self.arc.clone(),
-        }
-    }
-impl<W> LockedWriter<W> {
-    pub(crate) fn new(write: W) -> Self {
-        LockedWriter {
-            arc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(write)),
-        }
-    }
-    pub(crate) fn unwrap(self) -> W {
-        let Ok(mutex) = Arc::try_unwrap(self.arc) else {
-            panic!("Expected buildpack author to not retain any IO streaming IO instances")
-        };
-        mutex
-            .into_inner()
-            .expect("Thread holding locked writer should not panic")
-    }
-impl<W> Write for LockedWriter<W>
-    W: Write + Send + Sync + 'static,
-    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
-        let mut io = self
-            .arc
-            .lock()
-            .expect("Thread holding locked writer should not panic");
-        io.write(buf)
-    }
-    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
-        let mut io = self
-            .arc
-            .lock()
-            .expect("Thread holding locked writer should not panic");
-        io.flush()
-    }
-mod test {
-    use super::*;
-    #[test]
-    #[allow(clippy::write_with_newline)]
-    fn test_paragraph_inspect_write() {
-        use std::io::Write;
-        let buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
-        let mut inspect_write = ParagraphInspectWrite::new(buffer);
-        assert!(!inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "Hello World").unwrap();
-        assert!(!inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "").unwrap();
-        assert!(!inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "\n\nHello World!\n").unwrap();
-        assert!(!inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "Hello World!\n").unwrap();
-        assert!(!inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "Hello World!\n\n").unwrap();
-        assert!(inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "End.\n").unwrap();
-        assert!(!inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        // Double end, on multiple writes
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "End.\n").unwrap();
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "\n").unwrap();
-        assert!(inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "- The scenery here is wonderful\n").unwrap();
-        write!(&mut inspect_write, "\n").unwrap();
-        assert!(inspect_write.was_paragraph);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_prefix_first_rest_lines() {
-        assert_eq!("- hello", &prefix_first_rest_lines("- ", "  ", "hello"));
-        assert_eq!(
-            "- hello\n  world",
-            &prefix_first_rest_lines("- ", "  ", "hello\nworld")
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            "- hello\n  world\n",
-            &prefix_first_rest_lines("- ", "  ", "hello\nworld\n")
-        );
-        assert_eq!("- ", &prefix_first_rest_lines("- ", "  ", ""));
-        assert_eq!(
-            "- hello\n  \n  world",
-            &prefix_first_rest_lines("- ", "  ", "hello\n\nworld")
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_prefix_lines() {
-        assert_eq!(
-            "- hello\n- world\n",
-            &prefix_lines("hello\nworld\n", |_, _| String::from("- "))
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            "0: hello\n1: world\n",
-            &prefix_lines("hello\nworld\n", |index, _| { format!("{index}: ") })
-        );
-        assert_eq!("- ", &prefix_lines("", |_, _| String::from("- ")));
-        assert_eq!("- \n", &prefix_lines("\n", |_, _| String::from("- ")));
-        assert_eq!("- \n- \n", &prefix_lines("\n\n", |_, _| String::from("- ")));
-    }
diff --git a/libherokubuildpack/src/ b/libherokubuildpack/src/
index c742a325..60a9c376 100644
--- a/libherokubuildpack/src/
+++ b/libherokubuildpack/src/
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 #![doc = include_str!("../")]
-#[cfg(feature = "buildpack_output")]
-pub mod buildpack_output;
 #[cfg(feature = "command")]
 pub mod command;
 #[cfg(feature = "digest")]