[[def: Guide, guide, guidelines]]
~ What is the criterium something being a Guide versus a Specification? A Specification has enough [[ref: normative]] statements to be directly implementatable.
[[def: normative]]
~ A theory is “normative” if it, in some sense, tells you what you should do - what action you should take.Also see KERISSE
[[def: phrase]]
~ Something is a phrase when it's either a [[ref: term]], an [[ref: abbreviation]] or an [[ref: alias]] in the context of this [[ref: guide]].
[[def: term]]
~ The ToIP notation of a terminology item, that requires a definiton, that could have an abbreviation and zero or more aliasses. A term is supposed to be uniquely defined in a certain scope, but can have many exactly the same instances in a broader community.
~ The term also serves as a key in the source management tool of ToIP terminology sources and to make a comparison among terms.
~ Criterium: only if a certain word or [[ref: phrase]] in ToIP notation and first placed in the definition tag, then it's a term in the scope of this [[ref: guide]]. Only a term can have just one [[ref:abbreviation]].
~ Also see term.
[[def: abbrev, abbreviation]]
~ a shorthand in capitals for a [[ref: term]]. It may contain special characters. It may not contain spaces.
~ Criterium for not being an abbreviation: If the word is not in uppercase, in our context the word is more likely to be an [[ref: alias]] for the term.
[[def: alias]]
~ Any notation of a terminology item, that is an alternative for a term being defined. The alias also serves as a comparison among term definitions.
~ An alias is typically a means to one-on-one relate specific wording to a term already defined. For example :
~ - Synonyms
~ - Plural - singular
~ - Different spelling
~ - Lowercase versus Uppercase
~ - another (!) abbreviation
~ Mind you: the most applicable abbreviation should be in [[ref:abbrev]].
~ Criterium: an alias | TBW |
[[def: doctag]]
~ A short unique tag assigned to the remote Spec-Up document containing the def for the term being referenced. So any Spec-Up document that uses remote refs would need to include a doctag section