This section is informative.
A precise specification of roles in and outside an average ToIP "group" might clarify people's different viewpoints when looking at concepts and terminology.
- minimalistic use cases for them
- then, the necessary consecutive steps to fulfill the use case
::: todo Really Important Have a look at the diagram and role descriptions in the Spec-Up-T documentation first! :::
It uses the website, reads concepts in text and terminology in glossaries (for example, generated by Spec-Up), and has its tailor-made contextual glossary that generates pop-ups here and there in the text offered.
Uses an IDE and git and browser extensions to check logical consistency & meaning of term definitions in a particular context and uses browser extensions to harvest a personal collection of term definitions based on those recommended by the specification authors.
Focuses on content and concepts of the group they belong to.
:::warning Warning Notice Whenever they change terminology, he should be aware that it's the responsibility of the terminology author to make changes to defs and refs! :::
This role uses an IDE, git, and a browser extension to edit Spec-Up markdown files for their specific context (mental model) in a version-managed environment, authenticated, to write the concept and specification and offer this as a PR. They use browser extensions to check the technical consistency of the text's links and harvest a personal collection of term definitions.
It focuses on term definitions covering concepts of the group to which they belong.
::: note Notice They maintain a consistent set of definitions and references throughout the specification. :::
This role uses an IDE, git, and a browser extension to edit Spec-Up markdown files for their specific context (mental model) in a version-managed environment, authenticated, to write the concept and specification and offer this as a PR. They use browser extensions to check the technical consistency of the links in the text and harvest a personal collection of term definitions. Specification author terms that cover those concepts.
This role uses a source management tool. Reads and compares concepts in text and terminology in glossaries (for example, generated by Spec-Up) to use within their "own" over-arching ToIP glossary. They build as much consensus around terms and concepts as possible and promote using the ToIP glossary as reference material.
| TBW in 2025 and onwards|
How are the following roles supported (applies to either KERISSE or TEv2)?
- Authors of technical documents that need to reference glossaries/glossary entries
- Authors of glossary terms
- Curators of glossaries (manage changes, toolsets, etc.)
- Glossary Tech developers
- Instructors and educators for organizations create and use glossaries and glossary terms for ToIP-related documentation.