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A system to count people entering/exiting a room, made with a Raspberry Pi, a couple of proximity sensors, some software and lots of love.



Proximity sensors (HC-SR04), attached to a Raspberry Pi, track the passage of people in front of it; software running on the RPi keeps the counts and offers, in the local network, a simple Web interface to keep an eye on the counts.


Required material

Opabinia is made with the following hardware:

  • a Raspberry Pi 2 B Quad Core CPU 900 MHz, 1 GB RAM
  • a RPi case for aesthetics (optional)
  • a microSD card with at least 4 GB space
  • an 802.11g/b/n USB dongle (for WiFi connectivity)
  • two proximity sensors of type HC-SR04
  • five LEDs
  • resistors: 5 x 220 Ohm, 2 x 470 Ohm, 2 x 330 Ohm
  • solid-core wiring (AWG 22, ideally)
  • eight female-female dupont cables (to connect the sensors to the board)
  • breakout pins (8x1 male, 20x2 female)
  • some kind of breadboard, e.g. a 8 x 12cm double side prototype pcb breadboard
  • holders to keep the two sensors in place, e.g. a soldering helping hand is a good solution (as pictured below)

Installed Opabinia


Note: there is a dedicated page about fitting the schematics into an actual layout.

The circuit layout is as follows:

Circuit schematics

The Fritzing file for the above image is in Doc/schematics; however, due (probably) to the sloppy way three-wire junctions are made, it may open improperly.

Moreover, the Fritzing project makes use of a custom part (HC-SR04.fzpz) for the proximity sensor, which can be obtained and imported here.

Software components

The collected data goes to a sqlite database file: the measurement service, which wraps a Python (2.7) script (that runs as root), writes to it when it detects some events through the sensors; the web application (running as user pi) reads from sqlite and prepares the data for the web UI.

The web application is a Python Flask application, served by nginx through the uWSGI reverse proxy; it is made available in the local network (if the router policies allow for it and the magic of DHCP works).

Additionally, provided the Avahi daemon on the RPi plays nice with the local network, the app becomes available not only as http://IP_ADDRESS/, but also at the address http://HOSTNAME.local (e.g. http://pimpa.local/). Disclaimer : for reasons still unclear to me, this sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, in a rather whimsical way. In the worst case one can issue a portscan command and figure out the local IP address of the RPi, whose ssh port 22 is open: that is, with the proper CIDR range for the local network,

nmap -p 22 --open -sV

Software Installation

Setting up and provisioning the RPi

Get (and unzip) the image of a Raspbian build for burning onto the SD card. To save on disk space, mind that RaspbianLite is enough (here it is assumed that Raspbian Stretch Lite is used, which uses systemd; for older builds, based on systemv, see the note below). Once in possession of the image, for instance 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite.img, burn it from the PC (without messing up the destination device name, please):

sudo dd bs=4M if=2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0  status=progress conv=fsync

To enable ssh access right from the start, create a file called ssh (no extension) in the root folder of the boot partition of the newly-burned card, as suggested here.

Connect the RPi to the router with a network cable, insert the SD card into the slot and turn it on. If the DHCP lease went through, the machine's IP address can be found either by looking at the lease list in the router's interface or with (a suitably adapted version of) the nmap command given above.

Connect via ssh to the RPi. Note: in some cases one has to purge old ssh keys from the known_hosts file on the PC (as suggested by the ssh command). Also, if connecting through the .local domain, sometimes the Avahi domain name of a previous lease on the same IP may linger around for a little while (e.g. in the router lease list).

Once on a shell in the RPi, complete the configuration with the CLI tool


The following operations are suggested:

  • changing the password for user pi
  • choosing to login through CLI (as opposed to "already connected on startup")
  • setting the locale (sometimes unknown-locale errors persist, no big deal)
  • in the Advanced settings, choosing to expand the filesystem to fill up all available space (which happens on the next reboot)
  • setting the hostname of the RPi (this is important for Avahi. In the following it is assumed the hostname pimpa
  • setting the 802.11b/g/n networking. Either through raspi-config or as explained in next paragraph
  • setting the time zone for the OS to match the value found in app/ (to avoid date/time mismatches in the on-page plots). This is done again with raspi-config (Localisation options, then Change timezone).

As for the network configuration, assuming the WiFi USB dongle is plugged in and ackowledged by the RPi, add a block to the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf similar to:


where, as detailed here, the psk value is the result of running wpa_passphrase SSID PASSWORD.

Finally, to make all next steps easier, inject the ssh public key of the PC to the authorized_keys file on the RPi.

Now update the RPi system and install some needed software. Disclaimer: no virtualenvs are used in the Python part of Opabinia. This, although a bit contrary to a general sense of tidiness, avoids a bit of hassle withouth much collateral damage, considering this machine will probably be dedicated to Opabinia. However, for running and testing on PC a requirements.txt file is provided (which obviously will not include the pigpio component: to emulate the behaviour of the measurement part the script app/ is provided).

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install nginx

sudo apt-get install python-pip

sudo pip install Flask==0.12.2
sudo pip install uWSGI==2.0.17
sudo pip install pytz==2018.3
sudo pip install Flask-Bootstrap==
sudo pip install XlsxWriter==1.0.2

Finally, install (as described here) the pigpiod package by Joan, making it also into a service:

  sudo apt-get install pigpio
  sudo systemctl enable pigpiod.service

Installing and configuring Opabinia

First clone this repo (or rsync it over) so that there is the directory /home/pi/web/Opabinia/ on the RPi. Make sure app/ and are given execute permission, the former in particular for all users.

To set up the web app so that nginx acts as a reverse proxy to it: copy the site file Doc/nginx/site-opabinia into /etc/nginx/sites-available, remembering to adapt its server_name line to the RPi's network configuration, and make a symlink thereto in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. Finally, delete the default file found in etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

Now this would be a good moment to solder and/or wire up the circuitry as shown in the schematics above. This should be made with the RPi powered off.

To set up both the Flask app and the measurer as system services, the following two files must be copied into /etc/systemd/system/:


To start the services:

sudo systemctl start opawebapp
sudo systemctl start opacounter

and finally to make them start at each reboot:

sudo systemctl enable opawebapp
sudo systemctl enable opacounter

Note: these instructions for the system services assume systemd is the init daemon: in other cases, similar instructions apply, see the note below for Wheezy.

Sensor configuration: in most cases, the only settings that might require some tuning are: (1) the timeZone in (refer to pytz for details on this) and, accordingly, at the OS level; (2) the range of distances triggering a positive detection: they are set (in meters) by changing the two-element array sensorDistanceRange in file app/ (after which opacounter shall be restarted).

In case of Wheezy Raspbian

On older Raspbian builds (i.e. Wheezy), the systemd part is replaced by systemV scripts. Sample scripts, replacing the systemd ones, are provided in the Doc/systemV directory (make sure they are made executable with chmod u+x).

Relevant links

Setting up a python Flask web-app on a RPi with uWSGI and Python

SystemV init scripts

(the other) Opabinia