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helpLost edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Set in the world of Sveta, the ancient nation of Nazhemlya has withstood many catastrophes. Assasinations, natural disasters, plagues, invasions. Yet, the one thing that seems like it could bring it crashing all down turns out to be Nazhemlya herself.

Under the ruthless authoritarian leadership of Pavel Sylnov, the country's peasantry has been smothered like never before, raising tensions to an unbearable level. Hatred for the military and police forces continue to grow, sparking riots and insurgencies.

Borya Nizhe has experienced all this first hand. At 14, his father was killed by Special Case Unit operatives in a riot response that had nothing to do with him. No more than three years later, Borya's best friend was dead in battle, mowed down no more than three yards from him. He was forced by his higher-ups to raze villages, execute deserters, and murder innocents. Even today, three years after his "honourable" discharge, the nightmares keep him awake at night, his shotgun clenched in his hands to tether him down on Sveta.

The screams won't leave him. No matter how much he forcibly forgets. They're always there, sobbing for mercy and begging for forgiveness. Yelling, shouting, CLAWING AT HIM FOR ANOTHER CHANCE.

Another chance. Another chance. Another chance.

A rally. A riot. A homeless man, shot dead in front of Borya's eyes. A glance from an SCU operative, the cold steel of a handgun.

Borya's a hunted man. All of it's a blur. Get out. He needs to get out. Leto, the car he built with his father. It's in an old garage just outside the city. If he can get there, he can leave. Borya's got a cousin, in the United Federation, who could get him papers. Surely if he makes it to the border, he can get out.


This game contains serious topics like forced sex, murder, assault, and suicide. Some scenes may be disturbing for viewers. Leto is not reccomended for people under the age of 18.

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