Only listing significant user-visible, not internal code cleanups and minor bug fixes.
- Make Akka Http timeouts configurable
- Zookeeper security through Kerberos.
- Spark-Mesosphere dependency instead of Apache Spark.
- Pluggable security manager, enabling authorization and auditing.
- HTTP/HTTPS Communication layer with transparent driver.
- Kerberos support for HDFS
- TLS mutual validation for HTTP
- Vault support for retrieve secrets (keytabs, tls certificates...)
- Bug Fixes:
- Cancellation message is now delivered to the client.
- Updated dependencies with curator and stratio-commons-utils compatible with Zookeeper 3.5.x
- Asynchronous shell implemented
- "Create table as select" without datasource
- Query cancellation service for both HTTP & ClusterClient channels
- Bug with mute shell fixed
- Support import tables without specifying a particular resource
- Adds support for sub documents at Native side.
Major Akka version upgrade to 2.4 (2.4.9), thus enabling putting the server behind HAProxy.
Resolve queries using fully qualified identifiers.
Service discovery of Akka Cluster and Hazelcast members for servers through Zookeeper.
- Global index: use of inverted indices for speeding-up queries
- Downgrade to Elasticsearch 2.0.2
- Session management
- Multitenant architecture: isolate metadata (catalog and configuration)
- Multiple driver's instances per JVM
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch 2.3
- Upgrade to Spark 1.6.1
- Support for INSERT INTO
- Support for ADD JAR
- Enabled Scala cross builds for Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11.
- Encryption for the communication between client and server.
- Added method to check communication between client ans server.
- Upgrade Stratio spark-mongodb to 0.11.2
- Upgrade Datastax spark-cassandra-connector to 1.6.0
- Upgrade Elasticsearch-hadoop to 2.3
- Improved communication between client and server.
- Native jobs available in SparkUI
- Improved native access to MongoDB
- Upgrade spark-mongodb to 0.11.2
- Security Manager added
- Deploying uber-jars in Maven
- Deploy mode parameter for Spark-Submit configuration added
- Bux fixing in package creation
- StreamSQL: Streaming capabilities from a SQL language including insert into select (Batch + Streaming)
- Improved asynchronous driver API
- Create external tables
- Cancellable jobs
- Zookeeper catalog
- CSV datasource added
- Avro datasource added
- Session identifiers in queries
- Zeppelin interpreter added
- Resolution of conflictive names with aliases preference
- Flattener of subdocuments for relational interfaces
- Flattener of collections for relational interfaces
- Persistent views (not materialized)
- Improvements in the aliases resolution of Spark through the Crossdata Context
- Improvements in the stability of the Crossdata Servers
- Usage of environment variables to configure Crossdata
- Downgrade postgres version to 9.2
- Permgem space increased
- Performance improvements
- Fix server script
- Architecture migrated to Spark Catalyst.
- Upgraded Spark 1.5.2
- Mix data from different datastores: Cassandra, MongoDB and Elasticsearch.
- Native access to datastores: Cassandra, MongoDB and Elasticsearch.
- Java/Scala Driver API for external projects like ODBC/JDBC.
- Improved and extended SparkContext: XDContext.
- Pluggable and persistent catalog.
- Metadata discovery.
- Temporary views.
- P2P architecture: High availability and scalability.
- Query builder.