- Added remember field in order to run queries that last more than the streaming batch
- Add Timestamp type to selectable output type in DateTime parser
- Bugfix: Removed fragments when downloading the policy
- Bugfix: Geo icon not showing
- Bugfix: Set default checkpoint path as relative
- Bugfix: Fixed measures field wrong behaviour
- Bugfix: Solved problem with hdfs.
- Bugfix: Solved problem with permissions and owners.
- Bugfix: Fixed examples
- Bugfix: Fixed documentation links
- New look & feel and more user friendly user interface
- New policy component: Triggers
- New parser for geolocation
- Renamed Sparkta to Sparta
- Improved performance
- No-time aggregations
- User benchmark
- Kafka output
- JDBC output
- Policy refactor
- Fault tolerance
- Refactor Cluster deployment
- Addition of a new operator: Associative Mean
- Fixes for Count and Sum operators
- Added flexibility to create policies with no cubes
- Integration with a SSO
- Sparta API supports SSL
- Solved issue related to PID folder creation.
- New parser Stratio Ingestion
- Upgrade to Spark 1.5.2
- Possibility to package two Spark versions: 1.4.1 and 1.5.2
- MongoDb output updated to version 0.10.1
- New Solr output
- Migration of doc to confluence: https://stratio.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SPARTA0x8/
- Solved issue when a policy is stopped in the cluster
- Improve performance in associative operators
- Automatic deploy of policies in clusters: Spark Standalone, Mesos and YARN
- Improve Cassandra Output. Possibility to introduce Spark properties
- Solved issue related to stopping Sparta service
- bug corrected in aggregations, Array Index out of bounds
- Bugfix: Front Minors
- Bugfix: Back Minors
- Bugfixes Cassandra
- Bugfixes Elasticsearch
- Package installation permissions fixes
- Bugfix: DateTime field and parser
- Bugfix: DateTime now parses string formats
- Bugfix: Permission issues running Sparta service
- Bugfix: Minor errors in user interface
- Hotfix: User interface was not showing up
- Upgrade Spark version to 1.4.1
- User Interface to help create your cubes
- Automatic deployment in Mesos cluster
- Policy status lifecycle
- New WebSocket input
- Elasticsearch output updated to version 1.7
- New EntityCount and TotalEntityCount operators
- Filters in operators
- Added compatibility with Apache Spark 1.4.x
- Released a specific distribution for Apache Spark 1.3.x
- Support for fragment composition in policies.
- Policy refactor. Improved semantic of the JSON.
- Parquet and CSV outputs.
- Improved Twitter input. Possibility to filter tweets by hashtag.
- Fixed important bug in Elasticsearch output. Fields are mapped according to their type.
- SandBox Stratio Sparta
- Integration with Spark 1.3.1
- Auto create time series in outputs if not exist time dimension
- Full integration in Outputs with Spark DataFrames
- Auto create "Id" in DataFrames with dimensions
- Save Raw data in Parquet files
- Auto detection schema with policies
- Reflexions for native plugins
- Interactive documentation
- Client SDK generation and discoverability
- Compatibility with multiple oputputs
- Output Cassandra:
- Auto tables creation
- Auto primary key and column families detection
- Auto index creation
- Output ElasticSearch:
- Options in mapping date types
- Auto index type with time fields
- Output Redis
- Input Kafka Direct Streaming integrated in Spark 1.3.0
- Input RabbitMq
- Full-Text operator
- Accumulator operator
- Last Value operator