- This project depends on Python3.
Install VLC player:
MacOS users: Please install VLC library by HomeBrew, with command
brew cask install vlc
Windows users: Please download and install vlc(x64 version) from VideoLan.
Then set the environment path:
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC other installed directory.
Install python-vlc package, by:
pip/pip3 install python-vlc
Please Note:
Not pip3 install vlc
It is different package
Install myo-python, by:
pip/pip3 install myo-python
Please Note:
Not pip3 install myo
It is different package -
Modify myo-python Library:
please edit the myo-python library, at Event class in myo._ffi.py, by adding:
@property def device_point(self): return libmyo.libmyo_event_get_myo(self._handle)
- Install PyQt5 Library:
pip/pip3 install PyQt5
Users with PyCharm:
Please turn off the "Show plots in tool window" at Setting > Tools > Python Scientific
Users with MacOS in Mojave:
Please create document of matplotlibrc at ~/.matplotlib, by adding:
backend : Agg
or, when using matplotlib,
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg')
For Now, this project could be only functioned on Windows platform (Windows 10), because the matplotlib and PyQt5 libraries could not worked with multi-processes in MacOS platform.
Please add your armband MAC address inside collect_data.py
To start with terminal (Mac):
python/python3 interface-host.py
To start with terminal (Windows):
python/python3 interface-sub.py
Using Pycharm:
Run interface-host.py or interface-sub.py
Please switch to another branch
The collected data will locate on: