title | description | category | subcategory | tags | ||
R tips |
This code helps with regular data improving efficiency |
computing |
tips_tricks |
Stop using write.csv, write.table and use the rio library instead. All rio needs is the file extension to figure out what file type you're dealing with. Easy import and export to Excel files for clients.
This is a link to a nice tutorial from Ista Zahn from IQSS using stringr and tidyverse for parsing files in R. It is from the Computefest 2017 workshop: http://tutorials-live.iq.harvard.edu:8000/user/zwD2ioESyGbS/notebooks/workshops/R/RProgramming/Rprogramming.ipynb
install cowplot (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/cowplot/index.html)
Example for x-axis
p + scale_x_log10(
breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))) +
read_files = function(files) {
data_frame(filename = files) %>%
mutate(contents = map(filename, ~ read_tsv(.))) %>%
plotGeneSaturation(bcb, interestingGroups=NULL) +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label=description, color=NULL))
p %>%
ggedit::remove_geom('point', 1) +
The images currently break, but I will update when the course materials are in a more permanent state.
## don't ask for CRAN repository
options("repos" = c(CRAN = "http://cran.rstudio.com/"))
## for the love of god don't open up tcl/tk ever
## set seed for reproducibility
## don't print out more than 100 lines at once
## helps with debugging Bioconductor/S4 code
options(showErrorCalls = TRUE, showWarnCalls = TRUE)
## Create a new invisible environment for all the functions to go in
## so it doesn't clutter your workspace.
.env <- new.env()
## ht==headtail, i.e., show the first and last 10 items of an object
.env$ht <- function(d, n=10) rbind(head(d, n), tail(d, n))
## copy from clipboard
.env$pbcopy = function(x) {
capture.output(x, file=pipe("pbcopy"))
## update your local bcbioRNASeq and bcbioSingleCell installations
.env$update_bcbio = function(x) {
ggplot(colData(sce) %>%
as.data.frame(), aes(log10GenesPerUMI)) +
stat_density(geom="line") +
facet_wrap(~period + intervention)
```{r results='asis'}
dropbox_dir = "HSPH/eggan/hbc02067"
archive_data_with_link = function(data, filename, description, dropbox_dir) {
readr::write_csv(data, filename)
links = bcbioBase::copyToDropbox(filename, dropbox_dir)
link = gsub("dl=0", "dl=1", links[[1]]$url)
basejump::markdownLink(filename, link, paste0(" ", description))
archive_data_with_link(als, "dexseq-all.csv", "All DEXSeq results", dropbox_dir)
archive_data_with_link(als %>%
filter(padj < 0.1), "dexseq-sig.csv",
"All significant DEXSeq results", dropbox_dir)
The “%<>%” operator lets you pipe an object to a function and then back into the same object.
foo -> foo %>% bar()
is the same as
foo %<>% bar()
This package allows users to issue natural language commands related to theme-related styling of plots (colors, font size and such), which then are translated into valid 'ggplot2' commands.
gghelp("rotate x-axis labels by 90 degrees")
gghelp("increase font size on x-axis label")
gghelp("set x-axis label to 'Length of Sepal'")