Homo Sapiens + Covid19
*GRCh38_SARSCov2 * - built from ensembl
- Assembly GRCh38, release 99.
- Files:
- Genomic sequence: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-99/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
- Annotation: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-99/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.gtf.gz
- Covid sequence and annotation added: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN988713.1?report=GenBank
Mus musculus
GRCm38_98 - built from ensembl
- Assembly GRCm38, release 98.
- Files:
Genomic sequence: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-98/fasta/mus_musculus/dna/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz
Annotation: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-98/gtf/mus_musculus/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.98.gtf.gz
Caenorhabditis elegans
WBcel235_WS272 - built from wormbase
- Assembly WBcel235, relase WS272. Project PRJNA13578 (N2 strain)
- Files:
Genomic sequence: ftp://ftp.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/releases/WS272/species/c_elegans/PRJNA13758/c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS272.genomic.fa.gz
Annotation: ftp://ftp.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/releases/WS272/species/c_elegans/PRJNA13758/c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS272.canonical_geneset.gtf.gz
Drosophila melanogaster
DGP6 - built from Flybase
- has a different format for annotations for non-coding genes in the gtf
- only protein coding genes will make it into Salmon and downstream
DGP6.92 - built from Ensembl info
- will have all non-coding RNAs in Salmon and downstream results
- shows lower gene detection rates than Flybase
Updating supported transcriptomes
- clone cloudbiolinux
- update transcriptome
bcbio_python cloudbiolinux/utils/prepare_tx_gff.py --cores 8 --gtf Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.95.chr.gtf.gz --fasta /n/app/bcbio/biodata/genomes/Mmulatta/mmul8noscaffold/seq/mmul8noscaffold.fa Mmulatta mmul8noscaffold
- upload the xz file to the bucket
aws s3 cp hg19-rnaseq-2019-02-28_75.tar.xz s3://biodata/annotation/ --grants read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers [email protected]
- edit cloudbiolinux ggd transcripts.yaml recipe to point to the new file uploaded on the bucket
- edit the cloudbiolinux ggd gtf.yaml to show where you got the GTF from and what you did to it
- test before pushing
mkdir tmpbcbio-install
ln -s `pwd`/cloudbiolinux tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux
log into bcbio user: sudo -su bcbio /bin/bash
bcbio_nextgen.py upgrade --data
- push changes back to cloudbiolinux
Factual list of genomes in O2:/n/shared_db/bcbio/biodata/genomes as of 2020-03-13
├── Ad37
│ ├── GW7619026
│ └── GW76-19026
├── Adenovirus
│ └── Ad37
├── Amexicanus
│ └── Amexicanus2
├── Amis
│ ├── ASM28112v4
│ └── ASM28112v4.a
├── Anidulans
│ └── FGSC_A4
├── Atta_cephalotes
│ └── Attacep1.0
├── bcbiotx
├── Btaurus
│ └── UMD3.1
├── Celegans
│ ├── WBcel235
│ ├── WBcel235_90
│ ├── WBcel235_raw
│ └── WBcel235_WS272
├── Dmelanogaster
│ ├── BDGP6
│ ├── BDGP6.15
│ ├── BDGP6.19
│ ├── BDGP6.92
│ ├── flybase
│ └── flybase_dmel_r6.28
├── Drerio
│ ├── Zv10
│ ├── Zv11
│ └── Zv9
├── Ecoli
│ ├── EDL933
│ ├── k12
│ ├── MB0009
│ ├── MB2409
│ ├── MB2455
│ ├── MG1655
│ ├── MG1655_v2
│ ├── MG1655_virus
│ ├── MG1655_wrong_name
│ └── NC_000913.3
├── Gallus_gallus
│ └── galgal5
├── gdc-virus
│ └── gdc-virus-hsv
├── haD37
│ └── DQ900900.1
├── Hsapiens
│ ├── GRCh37
│ ├── hg19
│ ├── hg19-ercc
│ ├── hg19-mt
│ ├── hg19-subset
│ ├── hg19-test
│ └── hg38
├── humanAd37
│ └── Ad37.hg19
├── kraken
│ ├── bcbio
│ ├── micro
│ ├── minikraken_20141208
│ ├── minimal
│ └── old_20141302
├── Lafricana
│ └── loxAfr3
├── Macaca
│ ├── Mfascicularis
│ ├── Mmul8
│ └── mmul8noscaffold
├── Mmulatta
│ ├── mmul8
│ └── mmul8noscaffold
├── Mmusculus
│ ├── cloudbiolinux
│ ├── GRCm38_90
│ ├── GRCm38_98
│ ├── greenberg-mm9
│ ├── mm10
│ └── mm9
├── Oaires
│ └── Oar_v31
├── phiX174
│ └── phix
├── Pintermedia
│ └── ASM195395v1
├── Rnorvegicus
│ └── rn6
├── Scerevisiae
│ └── sacCer3
├── Spombe
│ ├── ASM284v2.25
│ └── ASM284v2.30
├── spombe
│ └── ASM294v2
├── Sscrofa
├── ss11.1
└── Sscrofa10.2
How to install a custom genome in O2
sudo -su bcbio /bin/bash
cd /n/app/bcbio
- https://bcbio-nextgen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contents/configuration.html#reference-genome-files
- https://bcbio-nextgen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contents/configuration.html#adding-custom-genomes
Workflow4: Whole genome trio (50x) - hg38
Inputs (FASTQ files) and results (BAM files, etc) of the whole genome BWA alignment and GATK variant calling workflow are stored in /n/data1/cores/bcbio/shared/NA12878-trio-eval
Use an updated hg38 transcriptome
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.101.gtf.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -qO- $remap_url | awk '{if($1!=$2) print "s/^"$1"/"$2"/g"}' > remap.sed
gzip -cd ${gtf} | sed -f remap.sed | grep -v "*_*_alt" > hg38-remapped.gtf
Then pass hg38-remapped.gtf
as the transcriptome_gtf