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MediaWiki Stakeholders Group - Components

CommonUserInterface for MediaWiki

Provides common user interface elements and customizeable stylings.

This code is meant to be executed within the MediaWiki application context. No standalone usage is intended.

Use in a MediaWiki extension

Add "mwstake/mediawiki-component-commonuserinterface": "~5.0" to the require section of your composer.json file.

Since 3.0 explicit initialization is required. This can be achived by

  • either adding "callback": "mwsInitComponents" to your extension.json/skin.json
  • or calling mwsInitComponents(); within you extensions/skins custom callback method

See also mwstake/mediawiki-componentloader.

Components and Renderers

Default renderer types:

  • *
  • bootstrap-5

A skin may define

$GLOBALS['mwsgCommonUIComponentRendererType'] = 'bootstrap-5';

if it provides "Twitter Bootstrap V5". The "CommonUserInterface" will fall back to * of the requested renderer is not available to the chosen type.

Custom renderers

$GLOBALS['mwsgCommonUIComponentRendererRegistry']['my-custom-renderer']['button'] = '...';

Skin Slots

Default slots:

  • siteNoticeAfter: Uses hook SiteNoticeAfter to add components to any default skin
  • dataAfterContent: Uses hook SkinAfterContent to add components to any default skin


$GLOBALS['mwsgCommonUISkinSlots']['siteNoticeAfter']['my-sitenoticeafter-toolbar'] = [
	'factory' => function() {
		return new MWStake\MediaWiki\Component\CommonUserInterface\Component\SimpleToolbar( [
			'items' => [
				new MWStake\MediaWiki\Component\CommonUserInterface\Component\SimpleDropDown( [
					'label' => new RawMessage( 'Click me!' ),
					'toggleRLModules' => [ 'my-dropdown-module' ]
				] )
		] );

$GLOBALS['mwsgCommonUISkinSlots']['skinAfterContent']['my-skinaftercontent-panel'] = [
	'factory' => function() {
		return new MWStake\MediaWiki\Component\CommonUserInterface\Component\SimplePanel( [
			'title' => new RawMessage( 'My panel' ),
			'collapsible' => true,
			'collapsed' => true,
			'expandRLModules' => [ 'my-panel-module' ]
		] );


Client side rendering


mws.commonui.renderPath( '<skinslot>/<parentComponentId>/<subComponentId>', $container );