diff --git a/docs/it_IT/bricks.md b/docs/it_IT/bricks.md index 508ac0133ae..50e60fed3a5 100644 --- a/docs/it_IT/bricks.md +++ b/docs/it_IT/bricks.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Preventing a brick involves many rules that range between common sense and fail- - **Do NOT attempt region changing methods meant for Wii on the vWii or Wii mini** - **Do NOT use a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service unless it is known to be RCE patched (such as [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)). Doing otherwise could allow a malicious actor to BRICK your Console!** - **Only install updates for your own region!**. - - Installing updates from another region could have no effect at best, but result in a [Korean Kii/Error 003](bricks#korean-kiierror-003-brick) brick at worst. To prevent this from happening if you bought a pre-owned Wii, run [SysCheck](syscheck) to verify the original region of your console. If it is Korean, be EXTREMELY careful with applying system updates to your console, and consider seeking support for further assistance. + - Installing updates from another region could have no effect at best, but result in a [Korean Kii/Error 003](bricks#koreankii-error-003-brick) brick at worst. To prevent this from happening if you bought a pre-owned Wii, run [SysCheck](syscheck) to verify the original region of your console. If it is Korean, be EXTREMELY careful with applying system updates to your console, and consider seeking support for further assistance. - **Do NOT delete or modify system files, install old versions of your Wii Menu or IOS, and do NOT install any system file mods unless you know what you are doing!** - An example of modifying files going wrong is replacing IOS80 on Wii mini, which may result in a [Wi-Fi Brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick). - **Do NOT install homebrew from untrustworthy sources or if the source code is not available.** @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Preventing a brick involves many rules that range between common sense and fail- - **Ensure that you know what you are doing when running homebrew apps - especially those with the ability to modify system files. Be ESPECIALLY careful when using applications such as:** - AnyTitle Deleter - AnyRegion Changer - - KoreanKii (secondary cause of [Korean Kii/Error 003](bricks#korean-kiierror-003-brick) brick) + - KoreanKii (secondary cause of [Korean Kii/Error 003](bricks#koreankii-error-003-brick) brick) - Firmware Downgraders - Any other app that modifies critical NAND files - **DO NOT TOUCH THE WII'S POWER SOURCE OR POWER BUTTONS WHEN INSTALLING OR MODIFYING CRITICAL SYSTEM CONTENT**. @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ This is a section intended to help you diagnose a potential brick, in order by l - If this randomly started happening, and you can access Maintenance Mode by holding +/- on the health/warning screen, see [mail brick](bricks#mail-brick). - Wii starts, and you see the health/warning screen, but upon pressing A to start, the screen goes black and/or freezes and does not continue. Maintenance mode is accessible. See [mail brick](bricks#mail-brick). - Wii starts, BUT you INSTANTLY see an error that resembles the Opera web browser. See [Wii Menu/Opera brick](bricks#wii-menuopera-brick). -- Error 003. See [Korean Kii/Error 003 brick](bricks#error-003-brick). +- Error 003. See [Korean Kii/Error 003 brick](bricks#koreankii-error-003-brick). - Nothing happens, black screen, BUT BootMii as boot2 is accessible. See [IOS brick](bricks#ios-brick). - Nothing happens, black screen, BUT Wii can be turned on with a Wiimote/Recovery Mode can be accessed. See [Wi-Fi brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick). - Nothing happens, black screen. Wii cannot be turned on with a Wiimote, Recovery Mode cannot be started, and BootMii as boot2 is not accessible. See [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).