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+name: Deploy site
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+ cache: npm
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+ run: npm ci
+ - name: Build site
+ run: npm run docs:build
+ - name: Upload GitHub Pages artifact
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+ path: docs/.vitepress/dist
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+ deploy:
+ # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
+ permissions:
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+ pages: write
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+ url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
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+ needs: build
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+ id: deployment
+ uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4
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+name: Test site build
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+ doc-test:
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+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ persist-credentials: false
+ submodules: recursive
+ - name: Setup Node
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 20
+ cache: npm
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: npm ci
+ - name: Build site
+ run: npm run docs:build
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+# Node.js and NPM
+# VitePress
+# macOS
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\ No newline at end of file
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-ISC License
-Copyright (c) 2021, Nintendo Homebrew Staff
+Copyright (c) 2024, Nintendo Homebrew
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+Additionally, files in `docs/.vitepress` is licensed under the following:
+Copyright (c) 2024, Nintendo Homebrew
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+ - source: /docs/aroma/*.md
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+ Copyright (C) 2024 Nintendo Homebrew
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
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+ description: "A guide to hacking the Nintendo Wii U.",
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+ new URL('./theme/components/VPFooter.vue', import.meta.url)
+ )
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+ config: (md) => {
+ md.use(container, "tabs", {
+ render: (tokens, idx) => {
+ const token = tokens[idx];
+ if (token.nesting === 1) {
+ return `
2. Copy the `30_bloopair.rpx` to the `wiiu/environments/aroma/modules/setup/` folder on the root of your SD Card.
3. Copy the `wiiu` folder to the root of your SD Card. |
| [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/releases)) | Allows taking screenshots directly to the SD Card. | 1. Extract the downloaded `screenshot_plugin_vX_X.zip` file.
2. Copy the `screenshot.wps` to the `wiiu/environments/aroma/plugins` folder on the root of your SD Card. |
-### Pretendo Network
+## Pretendo Network
Pretendo is a replacement service for the Nintendo Network, which brings back online services as they are set to be discontinued. It also revives the Miiverse service, via juxtaposition. The official guide can be found [here](https://pretendo.network/docs/install/wiiu).
-### Booting Tiramisu (optional)
+## Booting Tiramisu (optional)
+::: warning
+Tiramisu is now archived, and was succeeded by Aroma and considered outdated. No more Homebrew will be developed for it, and services like Pretendo have ended support for it.
-?> Tiramisu is now archived, and was succeeded by Aroma and considered outdated. No more Homebrew will be developed for it, and services like Pretendo have ended support for it.
However, if you find the need to boot into Tiramisu, for example, to use a legacy Homebrew app, do the following:
diff --git a/docs/user-guide/aroma/getting-started.md b/docs/aroma/getting-started.md
similarity index 93%
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
+next: true
+# Aroma
Aroma is a work-in-progress environment and the successor to Tiramisu.
-### What is Aroma?
+## What is Aroma?
Aroma is an environment like Tiramisu, which can be booted through the Environment Loader.
Aroma, just like Tiramisu, uses the same Mocha version, support for setup modules, and comes with the Autoboot Module, which includes the boot selector and Quick Start support.
Aroma comes with several additional features, including a plugin system, a new way of launching homebrews, and many built-in modules and plugins (i.e. Region Free patches).
-### What can I do with Aroma?
+## What can I do with Aroma?
For a detailed overview check out [this blogpost](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2022/09/05/aroma.html). A quick summary is given below.
-#### Modules
+### Modules
Aroma supports modules which, unlike setup modules, always run in the background.
This allows for further extending the functionality of the console.
-#### Plugins
+### Plugins
Plugins, similarly to modules, are also running in the background.
They can enhance the experience of the console by changing and providing additional features.
Plugins can be configured using a configuration menu, which can be opened using a button combination.
-#### Wii U Homebrew Bundles
+### Wii U Homebrew Bundles
Wii U Homebrew Bundles (WUHB) are a new way of launching homebrew.
These `.wuhb` files contain the main executable and can directly include icon and banner images and additional content.
With the `homebrew_on_menu` plugin, WUHB files can be directly launched from the Wii U menu, just like official channels.
-### What are the limitations?
+## What are the limitations?
Due to technical limitations, a lot of old homebrew applications will no longer work with Aroma.
This includes all `.elf` homebrews, but also some `.rpx` homebrews(i.e. RetroArch), which don't implement necessary functionality properly.
diff --git a/docs/user-guide/aroma/installing-payloadloader.md b/docs/aroma/installing-payloadloader.md
similarity index 65%
rename from docs/user-guide/aroma/installing-payloadloader.md
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
+prev: true
+next: true
-## Installing PayloadLoader
+# Installing PayloadLoader
Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can install the PayloadLoader on your system.
Installing the PayloadLoader will let you access Aroma just by running the Health and Safety Information app.
-!> A factory reset **won't** uninstall the injected PayloadLoader. Follow [uninstall PayloadLoader](../../uninstall-payloadloader) to remove the PayloadLoader.
+::: danger
-### Instructions
+A factory reset **won't** uninstall the injected PayloadLoader. Follow [uninstall PayloadLoader](../uninstall-payloadloader) to remove the PayloadLoader.
-?> If you're already booted into Aroma, you may skip to step 5.
+## Instructions
+::: tip
+If you're already booted into Aroma, you may skip to step 5.
1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
1. Execute the web browser exploit as [previously explained](browser-exploit) but this time, you will need to hold the X button to open the Environment Loader menu.
1. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
- - You will get a warning message about the update folder existing. **This is normal.** Press X to block updates.
+ ![](/assets/img/guide/EL.png)
+ - You will get a warning message about the update folder existing. **This is normal.** Press X to block updates.
+ ![](/assets/img/guide/Warn.png)
1. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
+ ![](/assets/img/guide/ABM.png)
1. At the Wii U Menu, look for the newly appeared `PayloadLoader Installer` title (the rocket coming out of a box) and launch it.
+ ![](/assets/img/guide/PLLI.png)
1. Press the A button to check if you can install the PayloadLoader.
- It should now tell you that the PayloadLoader can be installed onto the Health and Safety Information app.
1. Press the A button to select `Install / Update`.
diff --git a/docs/user-guide/aroma/nand-backup.md b/docs/aroma/nand-backup.md
similarity index 53%
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
+prev: true
+next: true
-## Making a NAND Backup
+# Making a NAND Backup
In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions
+## Instructions
-?> The Wii U MLC is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your MLC. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover any type of brick.
+::: tip
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires ISFShax or additional hardware and microsoldering skills.
However, making a NAND Backup is **always** useful, so please do not skip it.
Your NAND Backup is unique to your system. Backups from other consoles **won't** work without the required knowledge.
+The Wii U MLC is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your MLC. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover any type of brick.
+::: tip
+Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires ISFShax or additional hardware and microsoldering skills.
+However, making a NAND Backup is **always** useful, so please do not skip it.
+Your NAND Backup is unique to your system. Backups from other consoles **won't** work without the required knowledge.
1. Navigate to `nanddumper` using the GamePad and press A to launch it.
1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
-![SLC: Yes, SLCCMPT: Yes, MLC: Yes or No, OTP: Yes, SEEPROM: Yes](../docs/assets/img/guide/NAND.png)
+ ![SLC: Yes, SLCCMPT: Yes, MLC: Yes or No, OTP: Yes, SEEPROM: Yes](/assets/img/guide/NAND.png)
- MLC is **OPTIONAL**, if you do not want to dump it, leave it on `No`. If you do want to dump it, make sure you have a SD Card big enough for it and put it on `Yes`.
1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
1. When the process is completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
diff --git a/docs/user-guide/aroma/sd-preparation.md b/docs/aroma/sd-preparation.md
similarity index 63%
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@@ -1,41 +1,55 @@
-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
+prev: true
+next: true
-## SD Preparation
+# SD Preparation
We will now place the required Aroma files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
- Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) allocation unit size to format it.
- **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
+::: warning
-### Instructions
+Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) allocation unit size to format it.
+**Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
+## Instructions
1. On the [Aroma](https://aroma.foryour.cafe) site, scroll down to the **Download** section.
- Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/Aroma_Box.png)
+ ![](/assets/img/guide/Aroma_Box.png)
- Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/Aroma_DL.png)
+ ![](/assets/img/guide/Aroma_DL.png)
1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
1. **Extract** and copy the `wiiu` folder of the two newly downloaded *`.zip`* files to the root of your SD Card.
- The `wiiu` folders should be merged if not done automatically.
-?> If your computer asks you to overwrite existing files on your SD Card, you will need to click yes.
+::: tip
+If your computer asks you to overwrite existing files on your SD Card, you will need to click yes.
+::: tip
-?> If you're on a Mac machine, select `Merge` instead of replace. If the merge option does not show immediately, press and hold the `Option` key while moving files to the root.
+If you're on a Mac machine, select `Merge` instead of replace. If the merge option does not show immediately, press and hold the `Option` key while moving files to the root.
Extracting the contents of the zip to the root is done like so.
+## Browser errors
+- **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
+- **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
+- **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
+- **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
+## Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
+This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason.
+If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
+Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
+The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
+## My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
+The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
+You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
+If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
+## When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
+Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
+## My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
+The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
+You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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+# Donations
+::: tip
+[![Paypal](/assets/img/paypal_white.png)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew){style="display: block;text-align: center"}
+[https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew){style="display: block;text-align: center"}
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similarity index 55%
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# Dumping Wii U Discs
Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
+::: tip
+Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
+::: danger
+It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
+## Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs
+::: tip
+Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
+::: tip
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
+When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
+::: danger
+In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
+### What You Need
- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
+### Instructions
1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
@@ -44,11 +65,19 @@ If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
+## Moving Games To USB
+::: tip
+If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
+::: danger
+In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
1. Power on your Wii U.
@@ -57,9 +86,13 @@ If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
+## Move Updates To USB
+::: tip
+If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
1. Power on your Wii U
1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason.
-If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC:
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills.
-IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
- Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-- **Aroma**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Getting Started with Aroma](getting-started)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [Browser Exploit](browser-exploit)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing PayloadLoader](installing-payloadloader)
-- [Autobooting Aroma](autobooting)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
+# Modding the vWii
The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
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- /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# À propos de ce guide
-Ce guide a été rédigé par des membres du personnel du [Serveur Discord Nintendo Homebrew](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Crédits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Merci à [tous ceux](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) qui ont apporté leur contribution au guide sur GitHub.
-?> [Vous pouvez trouver ce guide sur GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), Il est sous licence [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Remerciements**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** et **Maschell** pour l'[AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** et **FIX94** pour d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** et **FIX94** pour [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - L'**équipe de Docsify** pour [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** pour [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** et **smealum** pour [Haxchi et CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** pour le [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), le [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), et [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** et **dimok789** pour le [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** pour [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** et **orboditilt** pour [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** et **FIX94** pour Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** et **brienj** pour [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** pour [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** et **Maschell** pour le [payload de Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** pour [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** pour [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocage des mises à jour
-Tous les exploits actuellement connus de la Wii U peuvent, contrairement par exemple à l'exploit du Nintendo Switch RCM, être corrigés par une mise à jour du système. Bien que la Wii U ne soit plus officiellement prise en charge, Nintendo peut toujours publier des mises à jour pour celle-ci. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Payload configurable
-Ce payload est configurable, ce qui est similaire à la configuration d'Haxchi. Cela pourrait être très utile pour les utilisateurs de Mocha, car cela permet d'économiser un peu de temps et de ne plus avoir à lancer Mocha via l'Homebrew Launcher.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin {docsify-ignore}
-- Le payload configurable.
-- La dernière version de [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copiez le contenu du fichier `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` dans le dossier `install` à la racine de votre carte SD.
-1. Insérez la carte SD dans votre Wii U et lancez l'[Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et lancez l'application WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Sélectionnez `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Appuyez sur `Install` et choisissez NAND comme destination de l'installation. Ceci installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Une fois le processus terminé, appuyez sur le bouton HOME jusqu'à ce que vous reveniez sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. À ce stade, la chaîne ne se lancera pas car elle entrera en conflit avec la version exécutée depuis la carte SD que vous utilisiez. Redémarrez la Wii U.
-1. Éjectez la carte SD de votre Wii U et insérez-la dans votre ordinateur.
-1. Copiez le contenu du fichier `Configurable_Payload.zip` vers la racine de votre carte SD. Si demandé, écrasez les fichiers déjà présents sur votre carte SD.
-1. Insérez la carte SD dans votre Wii U et lancez le Navigateur Internet puis accédez au site Internet `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Cliquez sur `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. Si tout a été fait correctement, vous devriez être ramené vers le Menu Wii U. Mocha a maintenant été activé et vous pouvez utiliser le Homebrew Launcher Channel que vous avez installé précédemment.
- - Si votre Wii U reste coincée sur un écran blanc ou gelé, attendez quelques secondes. Si rien ne se passe, redémarrez la console, [réinitialisez les données de sauvegarde du navigateur](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) et réessayez.
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-# Dons {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumper vos Disques Wii U
-Dumper vos disques vous permet d'installer une copie de votre jeu sur la NAND / un périphérique USB afin que vous puissiez y jouer sans avoir besoin du disque.
-?> Le dumping et l'installation de jeux nécessitent une installation Homebrew fonctionnelle, donc assurez-vous de terminer le guide principal sur l'installation de CFW avant de le suivre.
-!> Il est **ILLÉGAL** de partager les fichiers dumpés à l'aide de ce guide.
-Si vous avez l'intention d'utiliser ce guide pour ensuite partager vos jeux dumpés, ne le faites pas.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installer un jeu dans la mémoire interne de la console (NAND) n'est pas recommandé car elle est limitée à 8 Go ou 32 Go selon le modèle de votre console, ce qui vous ferait manquer d'espace assez rapidement si vous souhaitez installer plusieurs jeux.
-?> Lors de l'installation d'un jeu sur un périphérique USB, nous vous recommandons d'utiliser un disque dur plutôt qu'un périphérique à mémoire flash (comme par exemple, une clé USB), car ils ne sont pas optimisés pour la lecture et l'écriture constantes, ce qui les uses rapidement. Si votre disque dur n'est pas alimenté par une source externe, vous aurez besoin d'un câble en Y pour le connecter à deux ports USB sur la Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### Ce dont vous avez besoin {docsify-ignore}
-- Votre carte SD a besoin de suffisamment d'espace pour stocker le jeu que vous voulez dumper.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Allumez votre Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumper vos Disques Wii
-Dumper vos diques vous permet de : les lire sur un émulateur Wii (à savoir Dolphin), les lire en utilisant un lanceur supportant les cartes SD et appareils USB tel que Wiiflow, faire des injections Console Virtuelle qui peuvent être installées sur une clé USB formatée par la Wii U ou sur la NAND et lancées depuis le menu Wii U.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> Il est **ILLÉGAL** de partager les fichiers dumpés à l'aide de ce guide.
-Si vous avez l'intention d'utiliser ce guide pour ensuite partager vos jeux dumpés, ne le faites pas.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin {docsify-ignore}
-1. La dernière version de [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. Le fichier [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insérez la carte SD de votre Wii U dans votre ordinateur.
-1. Copiez le dossier `apps` du fichier `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` à la racine de votre carte SD.
-1. Copiez le fichier `wii.dat` vers la racine de votre carte SD.
-1. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
-### Dumping du disque
-1. Allumez votre Wii U puis choisissez l'icône Menu Wii pour démarrer dans la vWii.
-1. Lancez la Chaîne Homebrew.
-1. Lancez CleanRip.
-1. Lisez la clause de non-responsabilité puis appuyez sur A.
-1. Sélectionnez Yes pour activer les calculs de la somme de contrôle.
-1. Sélectionnez USB ou Front SD selon le périphérique que vous souhaitez utiliser pour le processus de dumping.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Appuyez sur A pour continuer.
-1. Sélectionnez No sur l'écran qui vous demande de télécharger les fichiers DAT de redump.org.
-1. Insérez votre disque puis appuyez sur A.
-1. Allez [sur cette page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) pour voir si votre disque est à double couche.
-1. Faites en sorte que ce qui suit soit identique à ce qui est affiché sur votre console :
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Sélectionnez `Yes` si votre disque de jeu est de type double couche)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. Si vous souhaitez dumper plusieurs disques, sélectionnez Oui pour mémoriser vos paramètres. Si ce n'est pas le cas, sélectionnez Non.
-?> Préparez-vous à attendre un moment. Le processus de dumping peut prendre de 30 minutes à 1 heure selon la vitesse de votre carte SD.
-### Fusionner les fichiers scindés
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. Il faut les fusionner.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copiez tous les fichiers qui portent le même nom et qui se terminent par `.partX.iso` dans un dossier de votre ordinateur.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copiez tous les fichiers qui portent le même nom et qui se terminent par `.partX.iso` dans un dossier de votre ordinateur.
-1. Ouvrez un Terminal.
-1. Utilisez la commande `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Erreurs du navigateur
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Même chose que -3 ci-dessus, cela signifie qu'aucune carte SD n'a été détectée. Réinsérez la carte SD et réessayez. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Fichier payload manquant sur la carte SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** `homebrew_launcher` manquant sur la carte SD. Assurez-vous que vous avez `homebrew_launcher.elf` dans le dossier /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Le menu Gestion des données demande de supprimer les données inutiles, qu'est-ce que cela signifie ?
-Il s'agit des fichiers restants, ce qui est dû à une ou plusieurs installations incomplètes. Choisissez toujours Oui pour supprimer ces données, car elles prennent de la place inutilement. Si jamais le processus de suppression des données semble ne pas fonctionner et tourne indéfiniment, vous pouvez supprimer manuellement les données vous-même.
-Utilisez FTPiiU Everywhere et naviguez jusqu'à `/storage_mlc/usr/import` puis supprimez tous les fichiers du dossier s'il y en a. C'est là que se trouvent les installations partielles lorsque des installations échouent. Ce sera `/storage_usb/usr/import` si installé sur un périphérique USB.
-Le dossier `import` doit toujours être vide.
-### Mon disque dur ne fonctionne pas ou fait un bruit de clic bizarre, que dois-je faire ?
-Cela est dû à une sous alimentation en électricité du disque dur car la Wii U n'en fournit pas assez au travers d'un seul port USB.
-Vous pouvez régler ce problème en utilisant soit un disque dur alimenté par une source externe, soit un câble en Y pour connecter le disque dur à deux ports USB.
-Si votre disque dur a fonctionné pendant un certain temps puis a cessé de fonctionner pour certains jeux/toutes les jeux, c'est le même problème et il peut être résolu avec les mêmes méthodes.
-### Lors de l'extraction de certains fichiers, il y a des doublons de certains fichiers appelés "info.json" & "manifest.install", que dois-je faire avec ceux-ci ?
-Rien de spécial, vous pouvez les laisser là, les supprimer ou les remplacer par ceux que vous essayez de copier. Ces dossiers ne sont pas utilisés dans le processus, par conséquent, n'auront pas d'impact en étant ou en n'étant pas là.
-### Ma console a soudainement perdu sa connectivité en ligne et j'ai un disque dur posé sur le dessus de la console, que dois-je faire ?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# Comment corriger le code d'erreur 112-1037
-Cette page vous guidera tout au long du processus de correction du code d'erreur 112-1037.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin {docsify-ignore}
-- Une installation [Homebrew fonctionnelle](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(clic droit -> Enregistrer le fichier sous... -> Cliquez sur OK).**
-- La dernière version de [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Installez Python sur votre ordinateur.
-### Corriger le code d'erreur
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Allumez votre Wii U.
-1. Lancez le Homebrew Launcher et lancez Mocha.
-1. Retournez au Menu Wii U.
-1. Ouvrez une fenêtre d'invite de commande.
-1. Utilisez la commande suivante : `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Utilisez la commande suivante : `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Entrez l'adresse IP de votre Wii U.
- - Vous ne savez pas comment la trouver? Lisez [cela](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Utilisez la commande appropriée en fonction de la région de votre console :
- - JPN : w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Si la commande a fonctionné, vous obtiendrez la réponse suivante : `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Le code d'erreur devrait maintenant avoir disparu.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Allumez votre Wii U.
-1. Lancez le Homebrew Launcher et lancez Mocha.
-1. Retournez au Menu Wii U.
-1. Ouvrez une fenêtre du Terminal.
-1. Utilisez la commande suivante : `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - Sous Linux, l'endroit le plus courant pour trouver vos fichiers téléchargés est /home/username/Downloads
-1. Utilisez la commande suivante : `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Entrez l'adresse IP de votre Wii U.
- - Vous ne savez pas comment la trouver? Lisez [cela](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Utilisez la commande appropriée en fonction de la région de votre console :
- - JPN : w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Si la commande a fonctionné, vous obtiendrez la réponse suivante : `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Le code d'erreur devrait maintenant avoir disparu.
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-# Récupération d'un IOS/d'une chaîne vWii
-Cette page vous guidera dans le processus de récupération d'un IOS ou d'une chaîne sur votre vWii, qu'il/elle ait été corrompu·e ou supprimé·e pour une raison quelconque.
-!> Cela peut détruire la NAND de votre vWii si vous ne faites pas attention ! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> Si vous utilisez une méthode de blocage de mise à jour du système, veuillez [la supprimer](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin {docsify-ignore}
-- Une installation [Homebrew fonctionnelle](introduction) sur le côté de la Wii U.
-- La dernière version de [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copiez le contenu du fichier `decaffeinator.zip` vers la racine de votre carte SD.
-1. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
-1. Allumez votre Wii U et lancez le CFW de votre choix (Mocha, Haxchi ou CBHC).
-1. Lancez le Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Lancez vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Processus de récupération
-Différentes options vous seront proposées. Il est recommandé de faire une première tentative de restauration en passant par le menu `Advanced options` si vous savez ce qu'il faut restaurer, ou `Light mode` si vous n'êtes pas sûr. Dans les cas extrêmes où aucune autre option ne résout le problème, il convient de choisir `Aggressive mode`.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> Ce mode efface les IOS et les chaînes spécifié·e·s pour les réinstaller. Toutes les autres données (y compris les cIOS) seront conservé·e·s.
-Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?
gratuitement. Rendez-vous sur [l'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) et vérifiez si vous avez obtenu le jeu.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installation de l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Allumez votre console.
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton HOME pendant que la console affiche `Autobooting...` pour accéder au menu d'amorçage.
-1. Sélectionnez `Boot Homebrew Launcher` pour lancer l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et lancez l'application WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Utilisez l'écran tactile pour sélectionner `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Appuyez sur `Install` et confirmez avec `Yes`.
-1. Sélectionnez la NAND comme destination de l'installation. Ceci installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Une fois le processus terminé, appuyez sur le bouton HOME jusqu'à ce que vous reveniez sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Vous verrez maintenant l'Homebrew Launcher Channel installé sur votre Menu Wii U.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Lancement du CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Maintenant que vous avez votre sauvegarde de la NAND au cas où quelque chose se passerait mal plus tard, vous pouvez exécuter le CFW sur votre console.
-Contrairement aux consoles telles que la DSi, la Wii ou la 3DS, le CFW sur la Wii U est temporaire. Cela signifie que dès que votre console redémarre, vous perdrez le CFW et devrez suivre ces instructions à nouveau. Ceci peut être ignoré en installant CBHC sur une installation Haxchi CFW.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?
gratuitement. Rendez-vous sur [l'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) et vérifiez si vous avez obtenu le jeu.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installation de l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Allumez votre console.
-1. Lancez le jeu Haxchi DS à partir du menu Wii U. Cela lancera le Menu Wii U avec le CFW activé.
-1. Lancez à nouveau le jeu DS Haxchi en maintenant le bouton A. Cela lancera l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et lancez l'application WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Utilisez l'écran tactile pour sélectionner `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Appuyez sur `Install` et confirmez avec `Yes`.
-1. Sélectionnez la NAND comme destination de l'installation. Ceci installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Une fois le processus terminé, appuyez sur le bouton HOME jusqu'à ce que vous reveniez sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Vous verrez maintenant l'Homebrew Launcher Channel installé sur votre Menu Wii U. N'oubliez pas que vous devrez lancer un CFW à chaque redémarrage pour faire fonctionner cette application.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Lancement du CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Maintenant que vous avez votre sauvegarde de la NAND au cas où quelque chose se passerait mal plus tard, vous pouvez exécuter le CFW sur votre console.
-Contrairement aux consoles telles que la DSi, la Wii ou la 3DS, le CFW sur la Wii U est temporaire. Cela signifie que dès que votre console redémarre, vous perdrez le CFW et devrez suivre ces instructions à nouveau. Ceci peut être ignoré en installant CBHC sur une installation Haxchi CFW.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Sortez la carte SD de votre PC et insérez-la dans votre console Wii U.
-1. Si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait, téléchargez votre jeu DS VC à partir de l'eShop.
-1. Lancez l'Homebrew Launcher sur votre console comme [expliqué précédemment](browser-exploit).
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et ouvrez l'application Haxchi.
-1. Utilisez la croix directionnelle pour déplacer le curseur sur le jeu dans lequel vous souhaitez installer Haxchi et appuyez sur le bouton A pour l'installer.
-1. Une fois l'installation terminée, votre console lancera le Menu Wii U. Vous verrez votre jeu remplacé par une icône Haxchi.
-1. Exécutez le jeu DS modifié. Cela redémarrera la console et activera le CFW.
-1. Vous devrez exécuter votre jeu DS Haxchi à chaque redémarrage pour lancer le CFW.
-1. Vous pouvez maintenant rebrancher à nouveau tous les périphériques USB que vous aviez branchés avant de commencer le guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Faire une sauvegarde de la NAND {docsify-ignore}
-Au cas où quelque chose se passe mal dans le processus ultérieur et que votre Wii U se retrouve brickée, restaurer une sauvegarde de la NAND précédemment créée peut la faire fonctionner de nouveau.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> La NAND d'une Wii U fait (selon votre modèle) soit 8 Go soit 32 Go. Par conséquent, pour créer une sauvegarde complète de la NAND de votre console, votre carte SD doit être plus grande que la taille de votre NAND. Si vous n'avez pas une carte SD assez grande, vous pouvez sauter la partie `MLC` qui est optionnelle et inclut des fichiers de sauvegarde et des données de jeu et par conséquent, n'est pas nécessaire pour récupérer la plupart des types de bricks.
-?> La restauration d'une sauvegarde de la NAND sur la Wii U nécessite du matériel supplémentaire et des compétences en micro soudure. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-Cette page vous guidera tout au long du processus de modding de votre vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insérez la carte SD de votre Wii U dans votre PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. Vous serez invité à choisir si vous souhaitez modifier le titre qui sera lancé lors du démarrage de la console. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. Le PayloadLoader sera maintenant lancé automatiquement à chaque démarrage de la console.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Naviguez dans la liste en utilisant la croix directionnelle pour survoler le titre que vous voulez démarrer automatiquement, puis appuyez sur le bouton Y pour définir le titre qui sera lancé automatiquement au démarrage de la console.
- - Appuyez sur A pour lancer le titre sélectionné.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Exploit du navigateur
-Assurez-vous que votre Wii U a accès à Internet pour cette étape.
-### Instructions
-1. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - Si votre Wii U reste coincée sur un écran blanc ou gelé, attendez quelques secondes. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?
gratuitement. Rendez-vous sur [l'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) et vérifiez si vous avez obtenu le jeu.
-Si vous ne possédez aucun des jeux listés ci-dessous, Nous vous recommandons d'acheter Brain Age (Amérique du Nord) ou Programme d'entraînement cérébral du Dr Kawashima : Quel âge a votre cerveau ? (Europe) car il fait partie des jeux les moins chers et est un jeu auquel très peu de monde souhaite jouer.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Cérébrale Académie** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby : Le Pinceau du pouvoir** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby : Les souris attaquent** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi : Les Frères du temps** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokémon Donjon Mystère : Explorateurs du ciel** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installation de l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Cette page installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel comme application directement dans votre Menu Wii U pour un accès facile.
-?> Cette page est réservée aux utilisateurs de Haxchi et de CBHC. L'Homebrew Launcher Channel (la version de la Chaîne Homebrew que vous lancez depuis le Menu Wii U) **ne fonctionnera pas** avec Mocha CFW !
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Allumez votre console.
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton HOME pendant que la console affiche `Autobooting...` pour accéder au menu d'amorçage.
-1. Sélectionnez `Boot Homebrew Launcher` pour lancer l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et lancez l'application WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Utilisez l'écran tactile pour sélectionner `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Appuyez sur `Install` et confirmez avec `Yes`.
-1. Sélectionnez la NAND comme destination de l'installation. Ceci installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Une fois le processus terminé, appuyez sur le bouton HOME jusqu'à ce que vous reveniez sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Vous verrez maintenant l'Homebrew Launcher Channel installé sur votre Menu Wii U.
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-## Lancement du CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Maintenant que vous avez votre sauvegarde de la NAND au cas où quelque chose se passerait mal plus tard, vous pouvez exécuter le CFW sur votre console.
-Contrairement aux consoles telles que la DSi, la Wii ou la 3DS, le CFW sur la Wii U est temporaire. Cela signifie que dès que votre console redémarre, vous perdrez le CFW et devrez suivre ces instructions à nouveau. Ceci peut être ignoré en installant CBHC sur une installation Haxchi CFW.
-!> Une installation incorrecte de CBHC peut briquer votre Wii U. Veillez à respecter les règles suivantes lors de l'installation de CBHC : Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?
gratuitement. Rendez-vous sur [l'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) et vérifiez si vous avez obtenu le jeu.
-Si vous ne possédez aucun des jeux listés ci-dessous, Nous vous recommandons d'acheter Brain Age (Amérique du Nord) ou Programme d'entraînement cérébral du Dr Kawashima : Quel âge a votre cerveau ? (Europe) car il fait partie des jeux les moins chers et est un jeu auquel très peu de monde souhaite jouer.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Cérébrale Académie** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Programme d'Entraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima: Quel âge a votre cerveau ?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby : Le Pinceau du pouvoir** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby : Les souris attaquent** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi : Les Frères du temps** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokémon Donjon Mystère : Explorateurs du ciel** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installation de l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Cette page installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel en tant qu'application directement dans votre Menu Wii U pour un accès facile.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installer l'Homebrew Launcher Channel est facultatif car vous pouvez déjà le lancer en maintenant le bouton A enfoncé tout en lançant Haxchi.
-1. Allumez votre console.
-1. Lancez le jeu Haxchi DS à partir du menu Wii U. Cela lancera le Menu Wii U avec le CFW activé.
-1. Lancez à nouveau le jeu DS Haxchi en maintenant le bouton A. Cela lancera l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et lancez l'application WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Utilisez l'écran tactile pour sélectionner `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Appuyez sur `Install` et confirmez avec `Yes`.
-1. Sélectionnez la NAND comme destination de l'installation. Ceci installera l'Homebrew Launcher Channel sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Une fois le processus terminé, appuyez sur le bouton HOME jusqu'à ce que vous reveniez sur le Menu Wii U.
-1. Vous verrez maintenant l'Homebrew Launcher Channel installé sur votre Menu Wii U. N'oubliez pas que vous devrez lancer un CFW à chaque redémarrage pour faire fonctionner cette application.
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-# Haxchi
-## Lancement du CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Maintenant que vous avez votre sauvegarde de la NAND au cas où quelque chose se passerait mal plus tard, vous pouvez exécuter le CFW sur votre console.
-Contrairement aux consoles telles que la DSi, la Wii ou la 3DS, le CFW sur la Wii U est temporaire. Cela signifie que dès que votre console redémarre, vous perdrez le CFW et devrez suivre ces instructions à nouveau. Ceci peut être ignoré en installant CBHC sur une installation Haxchi CFW.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Si l'installation échoue pour une raison quelconque, essayez de désinstaller et de retélécharger le jeu DS VC de l'eShop et assurez-vous qu'il est en cours d'installation sur la NAND.
-1. Sortez la carte SD de votre PC et insérez-la dans votre console Wii U.
-1. Si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait, téléchargez votre jeu DS VC à partir de l'eShop.
-1. Lancez l'Homebrew Launcher sur votre console comme [expliqué précédemment](browser-exploit).
-1. Naviguez dans l'Homebrew Launcher et ouvrez l'application Haxchi.
-1. Utilisez la croix directionnelle pour déplacer le curseur sur le jeu dans lequel vous souhaitez installer Haxchi et appuyez sur le bouton A pour l'installer.
-1. Une fois l'installation terminée, votre console lancera le Menu Wii U. Vous verrez votre jeu remplacé par une icône Haxchi.
-1. Exécutez le jeu DS modifié. Cela redémarrera la console et activera le CFW.
-1. Vous devrez exécuter votre jeu DS Haxchi à chaque redémarrage pour lancer le CFW.
-1. Vous pouvez maintenant rebrancher à nouveau tous les périphériques USB que vous aviez branchés avant de commencer le guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Faire une sauvegarde de la NAND {docsify-ignore}
-Au cas où quelque chose se passe mal dans le processus ultérieur et que votre Wii U se retrouve brickée, restaurer une sauvegarde de la NAND précédemment créée peut la faire fonctionner de nouveau.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> La NAND d'une Wii U fait (selon votre modèle) soit 8 Go soit 32 Go. Par conséquent, pour créer une sauvegarde complète de la NAND de votre console, votre carte SD doit être plus grande que la taille de votre NAND. Si vous n'avez pas une carte SD assez grande, vous pouvez sauter la partie `MLC` qui est optionnelle et inclut des fichiers de sauvegarde et des données de jeu et par conséquent, n'est pas nécessaire pour récupérer la plupart des types de bricks.
-?> La restauration d'une sauvegarde de la NAND sur la Wii U nécessite du matériel supplémentaire et des compétences en micro soudure. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-Cette page vous guidera tout au long du processus de modding de votre vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insérez la carte SD de votre Wii U dans votre PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
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-**Modding de la vWii**
-- [Page d'accueil](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Liens**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Traduire](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Traduire](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Faire un don](../donations)
-- [À propos](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# Guide de modding de la vWii
-Cette page vous guidera tout au long du processus de modding de votre vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Remarque** Votre carte SD devra être formatée en FAT32. Si votre carte SD n'est pas formatée en FAT32, utilisez [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) avec 32k (32768) en taille d'unité d'Allocation pour la formater. **Ne nommez pas** la carte SD en tant que `wiiu` ou cela causera des problèmes avec les homebrews.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### Ce dont vous avez besoin {docsify-ignore}
-- Les derniers fichiers de [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- Les vWii cIOS apps.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insérez la carte SD de votre Wii U dans votre PC.
-1. Copiez le dossier `apps` du fichier Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
vers la racine de votre carte SD.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
-### Sauvegarde de la NAND
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Utilisez la croix directionnelle du Wii U GamePad pour entrer la configuration suivante :
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optionnel**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton A pour démarrer le processus de dumping.
-1. Une fois le processus terminé, éteignez votre Wii U, retirez votre carte SD de la Wii U et insérez-la dans votre PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Supprimez les fichiers de votre carte SD pour libérer de l'espace.
-1. Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et branchez-la sur votre console Wii U.
-### Installer l'Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installation des cIOS
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Allumez votre Wii U et lancez la vWii.
-1. Lancez The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Lancez d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Faites en sorte que ce qui suit soit identique à ce qui est affiché sur votre console:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton `A` pour installer.
-1. Faites en sorte que ce qui suit soit identique à ce qui est affiché sur votre console:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton `A` pour installer.
-1. Faites en sorte que ce qui suit soit identique à ce qui est affiché sur votre console:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton `A` pour installer.
-1. Appuyez sur le bouton `B` pour quitter.
-### Patching de l'IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Lancez Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Lisez l'écran d'avertissement et attendez 30 secondes.
-1. Appuyez sur n'importe quel bouton pour installer.
-1. Attendez que la console affiche IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/he_IL/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/he_IL/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/hr_HR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/hr_HR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# Erről az útmutatóról
-Ezt az útmutatót a [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh) stábja írta
-> **Készítők**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, és redcubie.**
-> Köszönjük [mindenki másnak](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) aki hozzájárult az útmutatóhoz a GitHub-on.
-?> [Megtalálhatod ezt az útmutatót a GitHub-on](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), A licence: [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Fejlesztő / Eszköz készítők**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** és **Maschell** az [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule) készítői.
-> - **GaryOderNichts** a [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), az [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), az [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), a [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), a [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/) javított verziója, és a [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair) készítője.
-> - **dragbe** és **FIX94** a d2x cIOS Installer készítői.
-> - **koolkdev** és **FIX94** a [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app) készítői.
-> - A **Docsify team** a [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/) készítője.
-> - **jhildenbiddle** a [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable) készítője.
-> - **Maschell** a [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), a [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), az [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), a [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), a [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), a [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), a [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), a [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), a [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), a [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), a [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), a [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), az [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), az [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), a [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), az [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), és a Tiramisu/Aroma készítője.
-> - **FIX94** és **smealum** a [Haxchi és CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi) készítői.
-> - **dimok789** a [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), a [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), és a [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha) készítője.
-> - **Maschell** és **dimok789** a [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer) készítői.
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale**és a **4TU Team** a [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore) készítői.
-> - **Jonhyjp** az [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/) készítője.
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** és **orboditilt** a [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax) készítői.
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** és **FIX94** a patchelt IOS80 Installer for vWii készítői.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, és **Xpl0itU** a [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii) készítői.
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** és **brienj** a [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/) készítői.
-> - **koolkdev** a [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper) készítője.
-> - **koolkdev** és **Maschell** a [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload) készítői.
-> - **dimok789** a [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) készítője.
-> - **TheLordScruffy** a [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer) készítője.
-> - **marco-calautti** a [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU) készítője.
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-# Frissítések letiltása
-Minden aktuálisan ismert Wii U exploit, ellentétben például a Nintendo Switch RCM exploitjával, patchelhető egy rendszer frissítéssel. Habár a Wii U már hivatalosan nem támogatott, a Nintendo még mindig kiadhat frissítéseket hozzá. Konkrétan az 5.5.3-tól az 5.5.6-ig a frissítések azt követően kerültek kiasásra, hogy megszűnt a Wii U támogatása, így a frissítések tiltása továbbra is ajánlott.
-Habár az Aroma's PayloadLoader már rendelkezik beépített blokkolás funkcionalitással, ajánlott, hogy töröld az update mappát, hogy effektíven blokkold a rendszer frissítéseket. Ha egy sárga figyelmeztető képernyőt kapsz, az Aroma-ra bootolás közben, akkor az update folder még mindig létezik, és ajánlott a törlése a lenti útmutatás alapján.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-Jelenleg egy mód létezik a frissítések tiltására egy Wii U rendszeren:
-1. Legyél biztos abban, hogy a legutolsó Aroma bétád van.
-1. Bootolj Aromába.
- - Ha egy sárga figyelmezetést kapsz, nyomj X-et a frissítések blokkolásáshoz.
- - Ha nme kpasz figyelmezetést, de az AutobootMenu azt mondja, hogy "Updates not blocked!", nyomd le és tartsd lenyomva a (+) **és** (-) gombokat egyszerre, addig míg az nem mondja, hogy blokkolt.
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-# Konfigurálható Payload
-A payload konfigurálható, hasonlóan a Haxchi konfigurációjához. Ez nagyon hasznos lehet a Mocha felhasználók számára, mivel egy kis időt takarít meg a Mocha elindításával a Homebrew Launcher-en keresztül.
-### Amire szükséged van {docsify-ignore}
-- A konfigurálható payload.
-- A [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix) legutolsó kiadása.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-1. Csomagold ki a `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` fájlt az az SD-kártya gyökerében található `install` mappába.
-1. Helyezd az SD kártyát a Wii U-ba, és indítsd el a [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit) programot.
-1. Navigálj a Homebrew Launcherben és indítsd el a WUP Installer GX2 alkalmazást.
-1. Válaszd ki a `Homebrew Launcher Channel` csatornát. Nyomd meg `Install` gombot, és telepítsd a NAND-ra, mint telepítési célra. Ez telepíti a Homebrew Launcher Channel-t a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Ha a folyamat befejeződött, nyomd a HOME gombot addig, amíg vissza nem térsz a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Ekkor még a csatorna nem fog elindulni, mivel ütközik az SD kártyán futó verzióval, amit az előbb használtál. Indítsd újra a Wii U-t.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát Wii U-dból és csatlakoztasd a számítógépedhez.
-1. Csomagold ki a `Configurable_Payload.zip` fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe. Ha a program arra kér, hogy írd felül az SD-kártyán lévő fájlokat, akkor tedd meg.
-1. Helyezd be az SD kártyát a Wii U-dba, indítsd el az internetböngészőt, és navigálj a `wiiuexploit.xyz` weboldalra.
-1. Kattints a `Run Homebrew Launcher!` gombra. Ha mindent helyesen csináltál, akkor vissza kell térned a Wii U Menu-be. A Mocha most már engedélyezve van, és használhatod a korábban telepített Homebrew Launcher Channel csatornát.
- - Ha a Wii U-d megakad egy fehér vagy más módon lefagyott képernyőn, várj néhány másodpercet. Ha semmi sem történik, indítsd újra a konzolt, [állítsd alaphelyzetbe a böngésző mentési adatait](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history), és próbáld meg újra.
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-# Adományok {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Wii U lemezek dumpolása
-A lemezeid dumpolása lehetővé teszi, hogy a játék egy másolatát telepítsd a rendszered NAND-jára/az USB-eszközödre, így a játékkal a lemez nélkül is játszhatsz.
-?> A játékok dumpolásához és telepítéséhez működő homebrew telepítésre van szükség, ezért mielőtt ezt követnéd, mindenképpen fejezd be a CFW telepítéséről szóló fő útmutatót.
-!> Az ezzel az útmutatóval lementett fájlok megosztása **ILLEGÁLIS**.
-Ha ezt az útmutatót arra akarod használni, hogy megoszd a dumpolt játékaidat, ne tedd.
-### A Wii U lemeze dumpolása és telepítése {docsify-ignore}
-?> A játék telepítése a rendszermemóriára (NAND) nem ajánlott, mivel az a modelltől függően 8 GB vagy 32 GB méretű, így elég gyorsan elfogy a hely, ha több játékot szeretnél telepíteni.
-?> Ha játékot telepít USB-eszközre, javasoljuk, hogy HDD-t használjon, ne pedig pendrive-ot, mivel azok nem optimalizáltak folyamatos írásra és olvasásra, ezért gyorsan meghibásodnak. Ha a HDD nem rendelkezik külső tápellátással, akkor egy Y-kábelre lesz szükséged ahhoz, hogy a Wii U két USB-helyéhez csatlakoztasd.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Erősítsd meg ezt Yes-szel.
-#### Amire szükséged van {docsify-ignore}
-- Az SD kártyádon elég hely kell legyen, hogy elférjen a járék amit dumpolni akarsz.
-- Ha szeretnél USB-re telepíteni, egy USB HDD (+ egy Y-kábel, ha szükséges).
-- A [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip) legutolsó kiadása.
-- A [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew alkalmazás.
-#### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-1. Másold a `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-1. Másold a frissen letöltött wudd`.zip` fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a számítógépedből, és dugd be a Wii U konzolodba.
-1. Kapcsold be a Wii U-d és bootolj az Aromába.
-1. Indítsd el a Wii U Menu-t és indítsd el a wudd appot.
-1. Válaszd a `Dump partition as .app` opciót
-1. Válaszd a `Game` partíciót a dumpolás elkezdéséhez.
-1. Ha végzett lépj ki a wuud-ból a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Helyezd be a Wii U-d SD kártyáját a PC-dbe.
-1. Másold a `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` mappát a `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` mappából az `install` mappába az SD kártyádon.
- - Ha az `install` mappa nem létezik, hozd létre.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyád és dugd be a Wii U-dba.
-1. Nyisd meg a Wii U Menu-t majd utána a WUP Installer GX2 appot.
-1. Válaszd ki a játékod (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), nyomj `Install`-t és hagyd jóvá `Yes`-szel.
-1. Válaszd az 'USB'-t az USB eszközre telepítéshez és a 'NAND'-ot a NAND-ra telepítéshez
-1. Lépj ki a WUP Installer GX2-ből a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Látnod kell, hogy a játékod települt és játszható.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a Wii U konzolodból és dugd be a számítógépedbe.
-1. A hely felszabadításáért töröld az SD kártyádról a `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` mappát az `install` könyvtárból.
-### Játékok mozgatása USB-re
-?> Ha nem szeretnéd a játékot a NAND-ra telepítve megtartani, használd a Wii U data management-jét a játék USB eszközre áthelyezésére.
-!> Ahhoz, hogy USB eszközre mozgasd a játékod, az USB eszközt a Wii U-nak kell formáznia. Ez törli a teljes tartalmát, és megakadályozza a használatát más rendszeren újraformázás nélkül.
-1. Csatlakoztasd az USB eszközödet a Wii U-hoz.
-1. Kapcsold be a Wii U-d.
-1. A Wii U-d szólni fog, hogy formázni kell az USB eszközt. Erősítsd meg Yes-szel.
-1. Nyisd meg a Wii U System Settings-ét.
-1. Navigálj a `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)` opcióhoz
-1. Válaszd ki a játékot és mozgass minden adatot (beleértve a frissítéseket és DLC-t ha van telepítve) az USB eszközre.
-### Frissítések USB-re mozgatása
-?> Ha a lemezes játékod rendelkezik teleptett DLC-vel vagy frissítésekkel, akkor át kell vinned a fájlokat az USB eszközödre. Ezt meg tudod tenni a Wii U data management-jével.
-1. Kapcsold be a Wii U-d
-1. Nyisd meg a Wii U System Settings-ét.
-1. Navigálj a `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)` opcióhoz.
-1. Válaszd ki a játékod és mozgasd az update és DLC adatot az USB eszközre.
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-# Wii lemezek dumpolása
-A lemezek dumpolása lehetővé teszi, hogy: lejátszd őket egy Wii emulátoron (nevezetesen a Dolphin-on), lejátszd őket egy USB/SD kártya betöltővel, például a Wiiflow-val, Virtual Console injektálásokat készíts, amelyeket egy Wii U formázott USB meghajtóra vagy a NAND-ra lehet telepíteni, és a Wii U menüjéből indítani.
-?> A Wii-játékok dumpingolásához a vWii-n működő homebrew beállításokra van szükség, ezért előtte mindenképpen fejezd be a [vWii Modding útmutatót](vwii/sd-preparation).
-!> Az ezzel az útmutatóval lementett fájlok megosztása **ILLEGÁLIS**.
-Ha ezt az útmutatót arra akarod használni, hogy megoszd a dumpolt játékaidat, ne tedd.
-### Amire szükséged van {docsify-ignore}
-1. A [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip) legutolsó kiadása.
-1. A [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) fájl.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-1. Helyezd be a Wii U-d SD kártyáját a PC-dbe.
-1. Másold az `apps` mappát a `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` fájlból az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-1. Másold a `wii.dat` fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a számítógépedből, és dugd be a Wii U konzolodba.
-### A lemez dumpolása
-1. Kapcsold be a Wii U-dat, majd válaszd a Wii Menu ikont, hogy a vWii-be bootolj.
-1. Indítsd el a Homebrew Channel-t.
-1. Indítsd el CleanRip-et.
-1. Olvasd el a felelősségi nyilatkozatot, majd nyomj A gombot.
-1. Válaszolj Yes-t, hogy bekapcsolat a Checksum Calculations-t (ellenőrző összeg számítást).
-1. Válasz vagy az USB-t vagy Front SD-t (első SD kártyát) attól függően, hogy melyik eszközt használnád a dumpolási folyamathoz.
- - Fontos, megjegyezni, hogy az eszköznek, amit kiválasztasz, FAT32 vagy NTFS fájlrendszerve kell formázva lennie.
-1. Nyomj A gombot a folytatáshoz.
-1. Válassz No-t azon a képernypn, ahol rákérdez redump.org DAT fájlok letöltésére.
-1. Helyezd be a lemezed, majd nyomj A gombot.
-1. Menj [erre az oldalra](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games), hogy megtudd kétrétegű-e a lemezed.
-1. Állíts be mindent úgy, hogy egyezzen a következőkkel:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Válaszd a `Yes`-t a a játéklemezed dual-layer-es)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. Ha több lemezt is szeretnél dumpolni válaszd a Yes-t, hogy megjegyeze a beállításaid. Ha nem, válassz No-t.
-?> Készülj fel rá, hogy egy darabig várni kell. A dumpolási folyamat 30 és 1 óra közötti ideig tart, függően az SD kártyád sebességétől.
-### Darabolt fájlok összefűzése
-?> Ha lemezt egy FAT32 eszközre dumpoltad, legalább 2 fájlodnak kell lennie ami `.partX.iso`-ra végződik. Össze kell fűzni őket.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Másold az összes egyező nevő és `.partX.iso` végű fájlt egy mappába számítőgépeden.
-1. Kattints jobb gombbal a mappába a Shift nyomva tartása és válaszd `A PowerShell-ablak megnyitása itt` opciót.
-1. A PowerShell ablakban futtasd a következő parancsot: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Másold az összes egyező nevő és `.partX.iso` végű fájlt egy mappába számítőgépeden.
-1. Nyisd meg a Terminal-t.
-1. Használd a `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Böngésző hibák
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Ugyanaz, mint fentebb a -3-as, azaz nem sikerült SD kártyát detektálni. Csatlakoztad újra az SD kártyát és próbáld újra. Ez jelentheti az is, hogy az SD kártya zárolt (a tolóka lent van a fenti állapot helyett) vagy az SD kártya neve (label) "WIIU" amit a korábban az útmutató is jelzett, hogy problémát okoz. Ha ezek egyike sem, akkor ppróbáld meg az utolsó javaslatot a -3-ból.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Az SD kártyáról hiányzik a payload fájl. Ellenőrizd, hogy a payload.elf megtalálható-e a wiiu mappában, és a wiuu mappa a gyökérben van.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Az SD kártyáról hiányzik a `homebrew_launcher`. Ellenőrizd, hogy a `homebrew_launcher.elf` megtalálható-e a /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Hasonló a -4-eshez, a konzol érzékeli az SD kártyád, de nem tudja csatolni azt. Legyél biztos abban, hogy megfelelően formázott és nem sérült. Továbbá az SD kártyád jobban kompatibilis megbízható márkákkal (pl. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, stb.) és kevésbé van problémájuk.
-### A data management kéri, hogy töröljük a felesleges adatot, mit jelent ez?
-Ez a befejezetlen telepítésekből visszamaradt fájlokra utal. Mindig válaszd a Yes lehetőséget ezen adatok törléséhez, mivel azok ok nélkül foglalják a helyet. Ha egyszer végtelen ciklusban megakadsz az adatok törlésénél, akkor kézzel is törölheted az adatokat.
-Használd az FTPiiU Everywhere-t, és keresd meg a `/storage_mlc/usr/import` mappát, majd töröld a mappában lévő fájlokat, ha vannak ilyenek. Itt találhatók a részleges telepítések fájljai a sikertelen telepítések után. Ez a `/storage_usb/usr/import` mappa, ha USB-re telepítetted.
-Az `import` mappát mindig üresen kell tartani.
-### A merevlemezem nem működik, vagy furcsa kattogó hangot ad ki, mit tegyek?
-Ennek oka, hogy a Wii U nem ad elég energiát egy USB porton keresztül a merevlemez használatához.
-Ezt úgy tudod orvosolni, hogy vagy egy külső tápellátású HDD-t használsz, vagy egy Y-kábellel csatlakoztatod a HDD-t a két USB-porthoz.
-Ha a HDD egy ideig működött, majd egyes játékoknál/az összes játéknál leállt, ez ugyanaz a probléma, és ugyanazokkal a módszerekkel javítható.
-### Amikor néhány fájlt kicsomagolok, néhány fájlnak van duplikáltja ("info.json" & "manifest.install"), mit csináljak ezekkel?
-Semmi különöset, hagy őket ott, töröld őket, vagy is felül az újakkal. Ezek a fájlok nem használtak a folyamatban, így nem számít, hogy ott vannak-e vagy sem.
-### A konzolom elvesztette az online kapcsolatot és van egy HDD-m a tetején a konzolnak, mit tehetek?
-A belső antennát befolyásolhatja a mervlemez mágnese.
-Máshova is mozgathatod a HDD-t mint a Wuii teteje, vagy mozgasd arréb a Wii U-tól teljesen.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Egy vWii IOS/Channel helyreállítása
-Ez az oldal végigvezet a vWii-n lévő IOS vagy csatorna helyreállításának folyamatán, függetlenül attól, hogy az bármilyen okból sérült vagy törlődött.
-!> Ez tönkreteheti a vWii NAND-ot, ha nem vigyázol! Kérjük, fontold meg az SLCCMPT és az OTP [biztonsági mentését](vwii/nand-backup), ha még nem készült róluk biztonsági mentés!
-?> Ha valami rendszer frissítés blokkoló metódust használsz, kérjük [távolítsd el](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### Amire szükséged van {docsify-ignore}
-- Egy működő [homebrew telepítésre ](introduction) a Wii U oldalán.
-- A [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases) legutolsó kiadása.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-1. Másold a `decaffeinator.zip` fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a számítógépedből, és dugd be a Wii U konzolodba.
-1. Kapcsold be Wii U-d és indíts el a választásod szerinti egyedi firmware-t (CFW-t)(Mocha, Haxchi vagy CBHC).
-1. Indítsd el a Homebrew Launcher-t.
-1. Indítsd el a vWii Decaffeinator-t.
-### Helyreállítási folyamat
-Különböző lehetőségek közül választhatsz. Javasolt, hogy először a `Speciális opciók (Advanced options)` menüben próbáld meg a visszaállítást, ha tudod, mit kell visszaállítani, vagy `Könnyű módban (Light mode)`, ha nem vagy biztos benne. Szélsőséges esetekben, amikor semmilyen más lehetőség nem oldja meg a problémát, az `Agresszív módot (Aggressive mode)` kell választani.
-#### **Speciális opciók (Advanced options)**
-### Speciális opciók (Advanced options)
-?> Ez a mód törli a megadott IOS-eket és csatornákat, hogy újratelepítse őket. Minden más adat (beleértve a cIOS-okat is) megmarad.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
játékkal. Menj az [eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u)-ba és ellenőrizd, hogy megvan-e a játék.
-Ha nem rendelkezel az alábbb listában található játékok egyikével sem, nem tudod használni ezt a metódust, mert a 3DS és Wii U eShops bezárásra került.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archív - CBHC
-**AZ AKTUÁLIS METÓDUS ELÉRHETŐ [ITT](../../introduction)**
-## A Homebrew Launcher Channel telepítése {docsify-ignore}
-Ez az oldal telepíti a Homebrew Launcher Channel-t, mint egy alkalmazást, a Home Menu-be a könnyű hozzáférésért.
-?> Ez az oldal csak Haxchi és CBHC felhasználóknak szól. A Homebrew Launcher Channel (a Homebrew Channel verzió, amit a Wii U Menu-ből indítasz) **nem műkődik** a Mocha CFW-vel!
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-1. Kapcsold be a konzolod.
-1. Tarsd nyomva a Home gombot az `Autobooting...` képernyőn a boot menübe jutáshoz.
-1. Válaszd a `Boot Homebrew Launcher`-t a Homebrew Launcher indításához.
-1. Navigálj a Homebrew Launcherben és indítsd el a WUP Installer GX2 alkalmazást.
-1. Használd az éerintőképernyőt a `Homebrew Launcher Channel` kiválasztásához. Nyomj `Install`-t és erősítsd meg `Yes`-szel.
-1. Válaszd a NAND-ot telepítési célként (installation destination). Ez telepíti a Homebrew Launcher Channel-t a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Ha a folyamat befejeződött, nyomd a Home gombot addig, amíg vissza nem térsz a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Most már látni fogod a Homebrew Launcher Channel a Wii U Menu-dbe telepítve.
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-# Archív - CBHC
-**AZ AKTUÁLIS METÓDUS ELÉRHETŐ [ITT](../../introduction)**
-## A CFW indítása {docsify-ignore}
-Most, hogy megvan a NAND biztonsági mentésed arra az esetre, ha később bármi rosszul sülne el, futtathatod a CFW-t a rendszereden.
-Más rendszerekkel, mint DSi, Wii, vagy 3DS, a Wii U CFW átmeneti. Ez azt jelenti, hogy amint a rendszered rebootol, el fogod veszteni a CFW-d és újra követned kell ezeket a lépéseket. Ez átugorható a CBHC Haxchi CFW-re telepítéssel.
-!> A CBHC nem megfelelő telepítése brickelheti a Wii U-dat. Legyél biztos abban, hogy követed a következő szabályokat, amikor CBHC-t telepítesz: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
játékkal. Nézz be az[eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u)-be és ellenőrizd, hogy megvan-e a játék,.
-Ha nem rendelkezel az alábbb listában található játékok egyikével sem, nem tudod használni ezt a metódust, mert a 3DS és Wii U eShops bezárásra került.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archív - Haxchi
-**AZ AKTUÁLIS METÓDUS ELÉRHETŐ [ITT](../../introduction)**
-## A Homebrew Launcher Channel telepítése {docsify-ignore}
-Ez az oldal telepíti a Homebrew Launcher Channel-t, mint egy alkalmazást, a Wii U Menu-be a könnyű hozzáférésért.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-?> A Homebrew Launcher Channel telepítése opcionális, mivel már el tudod indítani az A gomb nyomva tartásával a Haxchi indításakor.
-1. Kapcsold be a konzolod.
-1. Indítsd el a Haxchi DS játékot a Wii U Menu-ból. Ez újraindítja a Wii U Menu-t aktivált CFW-vel.
-1. Futtasd a Haxchi DS játékot újra az A gomb nyomva tartása mellett. Ez el fogja indítani a Homebrew Launcher-t.
-1. Navigálj a Homebrew Launcherben és indítsd el a WUP Installer GX2 alkalmazást.
-1. Használd az éerintőképernyőt a `Homebrew Launcher Channel` kiválasztásához. Nyomj `Install`-t és erősítsd meg `Yes`-szel.
-1. Válaszd a NAND-t telepítési célként (installation destination). Ez telepíti a Homebrew Launcher Channel-t a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Ha a folyamat befejeződött, nyomd a Home gombot addig, amíg vissza nem térsz a Wii U Menu-be.
-1. Most már látni fogod a Homebrew Launcher Channel a Wii U Menu-dbe telepítve. Tartsd észben, hogy el kell indítanod minden újrabootolás után a CFW-t, hogy futtasd ezt a csatornát.
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-# Archív - Haxchi
-**AZ AKTUÁLIS METÓDUS ELÉRHETŐ [ITT](../../introduction)**
-## A CFW indítása {docsify-ignore}
-Most, hogy megvan a NAND biztonsági mentésed arra az esetre, ha később bármi rosszul sülne el, futtathatod a CFW-t a rendszereden.
-Más rendszerekkel, mint DSi, Wii, vagy 3DS, a Wii U CFW átmeneti. Ez azt jelenti, hogy amint a rendszered rebootol, el fogod veszteni a CFW-d és újra követned kell ezeket a lépéseket. Ez átugorható a CBHC Haxchi CFW-re telepítéssel.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-?> Ha a telepítés sikertelen valamilyen okból, próbáld meg eltávolítani, majd újra letölteni a DS VC játékot az eShop-ból és legyél biztos benne, hogy a NAND-ra települ.
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a számítógépedből, és dugd be a Wii U konzolodba.
-1. Ha még nem tetted meg, akkor töltsd le a választásodnak megfelelő DS VC játékot az eShop-ból.
-1. Indítsd el a Homebrew Launcher-t a rendszereden, úgy [ahogy korábban leírásra került](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigálj a Homebrew Launcher-rel és nyisd meg a Haxchi app-ot.
-1. A D-Pad segítségével navigáld a kurzort a játékhoz, amihez a Haxchi-t telepítenéd, majd nyomj A gombot a telepítéshez.
-1. Ha a telepítés befejeződött, a konzolod elindítja a Wii U Menu-t. Látni fogod, hogy a játékodat felülírta a Haxchi ikon.
-1. Futtasd a módosított DS játékot. Ez újraindítja a konzolt és engedélyezi a CFW-t.
-1. Minden egyes újrabbotoláskor szükséged van arra, hogy elindítsd a Haxchi DS játkot a CFW indításához.
-1. Most már újra csatlakoztathatsz bármilyen USB eszközt, amit az útmutató elkezdése előtt is csatlakoztattál.
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-# Archív - Haxchi
-**AZ AKTUÁLIS METÓDUS ELÉRHETŐ [ITT](../../introduction)**
-## Egy NAND mentés készítése {docsify-ignore}
-Ha a későbbi folyamat során bármi rosszul sülne el, és a Wii U brickelődne, a korábban készített NAND biztonsági mentés visszaállításával megoldható a probléma.
-### Lépések {docsify-ignore}
-> A Wii U NAND-ja (modelltől függően) 8 vagy 32 GB-os. Ennek következtében ahhoz, hogy teljes biztonsági mentést készíthess a konzol NAND-járól, az SD-kártyának nagyobbnak kell lennie, mint a NAND mérete. Ha nincs elég nagy SD-kártyád, akkor kihagyhatod az opcionális `MLC` részt, amely a mentési fájlokat és a játékadatokat tartalmazza, és a legtöbb brickelődés helyreállításához nincs rá szükség.
-> A NAND biztonsági mentés visszaállítása a Wii U-n további hardvert és mikroforrasztási ismereteket igényel. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Nyomj meg egy tetszőleges gombot a kilépéshez.
-!> Egy egyéni System Menu telepítése határozottan brick kockázatot jelent, és mindig kell, hogy legyen egy múködő biztonsági mentésed, mielőtt telepítesz, de ha jól csinálod, nem fogod brcikelni a vWii-t.
-!> Bármilyen IOS (beleértve a TED IOS-eket is) vagy az eredeti Wii-re készült wads telepítése a vWii-re brickeli azt. A WiiWare wads-ok rendben vannak, de néhányat konvertálni kell a működéshez.
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-# vWii Modding útmutató {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD kártya előkészítés
-Ez az oldal végig vezet a vWii-d moddolásának folyamatán.
-A szükséges Homebrew fájloknak az SD kártyára helyezésével kezdjük.
-?> **Fontos**
-Az SD kártyád FAT32-re kell legyen formázva. Ha az SD kártyád nem FAT32-re formázott, használd a [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm)-ot 32k (32768) allokációs egység mérettek a formázáshoz. **Ne** cimkézd az SD kártyát `wiiu`-nak, különben problémát okoz a homebrew-nak.
-?> Ha korábban hackelted már a Wii U-t, akkor ugyanazt az SD-kártyát használhatod ehhez a folyamathoz.
-?> A Wii U homebrew-val ellentétben a vWii alkalmazások egy külön alkalmazás mappába kerülnek a gyökérben. A Compat Installer az **egyetlen** Wii U alkalmazás itt.
-### Mire van szükséged
-- Az [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe) oldalról a legutolsó fájlok.
- - Kattints a `Download Payloads` és a `Download Base Aroma` opciókra.
- - Olvasd el a lépéseket, és kattintsd be a jelölő négyzeteket.
- - Ha már telepítetted az Aroma-t, nem kell újra letöltened.
-- A [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller) legutolsó verziója.
-- A Patchelt IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Forrás](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- A d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Lépések
-1. Helyezd be a Wii U-d SD kártyáját a PC-dbe.
-2. Másold az `apps` mappát a `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` fájlből, az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-3. Másold a `d2x-cios-installer` fájlt a `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` fájlból az SD kártyád gyökeréből nyíló apps mappába.
-4. Másold a letöltött Base Aroma és payloads.zip fájlok tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-5. Másold a CompatTitleInstaller.zip fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-6. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a számítógépedből, és dubd be a Wii U konzolodba.
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-**vWii Moddolás**
-- [Kezdőlap](../../introduction)
-- [SD kártya előkészítés](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND mentés](nand-backup)
-- [A Homebrew Channel telepítése](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [cIOS-ok telepítése](installing-cioses)
-- [IOS 80 patchelés(Opcionális)](patching-ios80)
-- [Telepítés véglegesítése](finalizing-setup)
-- **Linkek**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Fordítás](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Adományozás](../donations)
-- [Névjegy](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Az Aroma automatikus bootolása
-Jelenleg, mindig amikor indítani szeretnéd az Aroma-t, el kell indítanod a Healt and Safety Information appot. Ha szeretnéd, hogy az Aroma minden bootoláskor betöltődjön, akkor autobootolhatod a Healt and Safety Information appot.
-Ha nem szeretnéd autobootolni az Aromát, akkor átugorhatod ezt a lépést és folytathatot a PayloadLoader telepítése résszel alább.
-### Lépések
-1. Indítsd el a konzolt hogy bebootolj a Wii U Menübe, és indítsd el a Health and Safety Information appot.
-2. Nyomj A-t az `aroma` környezet indításához.
-3. Nyomj A-t a Wii U Menu indításához.
-4. Ha már a Wii U Menu-ben vagy indítsd el a PayloadLoader Installer-t.
-5. Nyomj A-t a `Check` opció kiválasztásához.
-6. Válaszd a `Boot options`-t.
-7. Megkérdezi, hogy szeretnéd-e megváltoztatni a boot címet. Nyomj A-t a `Switch to PayloadLoader` kiválasztásához.
-8. Ha a folyamat befejeződött, nyomj A gombot a konzol leállításához.
-9. A PayloadLoader most már minden bootláskor el lesz indítva.
-### A PayloadLoader, azEnvironment Loader és az Aroma telepítése
-Most azt fogjuk elérni, hogy az Aroma környezet automatikusan elinduljon, amikor a konzol betölti az Health and Safety Information alkalmazást, és kiválassza a Wii U Menu-t alapértelmezett indítási opciónak.
-1. Az EnvironmentLoader indítása.
- - Ha autobootolod a PayloadLoader-t, akkor csak kapcsold be a Wii U-d.
- - Ha átlépted az autoboot lépéseket, akkor indítsd el a Health and Safety Information appot.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - Az Environment Loader megnyitásához a jövőben nyomva kell tartanod az X gombot amíg a Wii U bootol vagy tölti a Health and Safety Information appot.
-3. Az Aroma Boot Selector-ban a `Wii U Menu`-nek kell beállítva lennie, nyomj Y-t, hogy beállítsd alapértelmezett autoboot opciónak, majd nyomj A gombot, hogy elindítsd a Wii U Menu-t.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Az Aroma most már elindul minden alkalommal, amikor bebootolsz a konzolba (vagy betöltöd a Health and Safety alkalmazást) és rögtön utána a Wii U Menu-be.
- - Az Aroma Boot Selector megnyitásához a jövőben nyomva kell tartanod a START (+) gombot amíg a Wii U bootol vagy tölti a Health and Safety Information appot.
- - A D-Pad-del navigálva állj rá a címre amit autobootolni szeretnél és nyomj Y gombot, hogy beállítsd az autoboot címnek.
- - Nyomj A gombot a kiválasztott cím indításához.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Legyél biztos abban, hogy a Wii U rendekezik internet hozzáféréssel ehhez a lépéshez.
-### Lépések
-1. Vedd ki az SD kártyát a számítógépedből, és dugd be a Wii U konzolodba.
-2. Indítsd el az Internet Browser-t és navigálj a `wiiuexploit.xyz` oldalra.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - Ha a Wii U-d megakad egy fehér vagy más módon lefagyott képernyőn, várj néhány másodpercet. Ha semmi nem történik, bootold újra a konzolod, [töröld a böngésző előzményeit](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) és próbáld újra.
- - Ha az EnvironmentLoader-t látod, nem nyomtad elég hosszú ideig a B gombot. Próbáld újra.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Telepítés véglegesítése
-Most, hogy a PayloadLoader, az Environment Loader és az Aroma telepítésre került, véglegesítjük a telepítést.
-### További Homebrew Appok
-?> Minden homebrew alkalmazás a Wii U Menu-ből kerül betöltésre Aromán.
-- A **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** egy homebrew app ami lehetővé eszi a Wii U és vWii mentés adatok kezelését.
-- A **Bloopair** egy Aroma modul, ami lehetővé teszi a vezetéknélküli csatlakoztatását a legnépszerűbb Bluetooth képes kontrollereknek. Tekintsd meg [ezt az oldalt](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) további részletekért.
-- A **Homebrew Appstore** lehetővé teszi, hogy tallózz és letölts homebrew appokat követlenül a Wii U-dról.
-### További Homebrew Appok - Amire szükséged van
-- A [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip) legutolsó verziója.
-- A [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/) `wiiu-extracttosd.zip`-je.
-### További Homebrew appok - Fájlok kicsomagolása az SD kártyára
-1. Másold a `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-1. Másold a frissen letöltött `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` fájl tartalmát az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
-### Ajánlott Plugin-ek
-| Név | Leírás | Telepítési lépések |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Letöltés](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | FTP szervert futtat a háttérben. | 1. Csomagold ki a letöltött `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` fájlt. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii moddolás**
-- [Kezdőlap](../introduction)
-- [vWii moddolás](vwii-modding)
-- **Linkek**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
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-- [![Fordítás](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Fordítás](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Támogatás](../donations)
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-# A vWii moddolása{docsify-ignore-all}
-A vWii útmutató beépítésre került a [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started) útmutatóba. Látogasd meg azt a részletes útmutatóért a vWii moddolásához.
-A régi modding útmutató archiválásra került.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# Informazioni sulla guida
-Questa guida è stata scritta da membri dello staff del [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Crediti**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, e redcubie.**
-> Grazie a [tutte le altre persone](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) che hanno contribuito alla guida su GitHub.
-?> [Puoi trovare questa guida su GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), è concessa in licenza sotto la [Licenza ISC](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Crediti agli sviluppatori / creatori degli strumenti**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** e **Maschell** per l'[AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** per il [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), la versione fixata dell'[Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), e [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** e **FIX94** per il d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** e **FIX94** per [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - Il **team Docsify** per [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** per [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** per il [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), il [Plugin FTPiiU](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), il [Plugin SDCafiine](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), il [Plugin Screenshot](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), l'[Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), e Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** e **smealum** per [Haxchi e CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** per l'[Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), l'[Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher) e [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** e **dimok789** per l'[Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** e il **4TU Team** per [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** per [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** e **orboditilt** per [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** e **FIX94** per Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** per [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Team Loadiine GX2**, **Yardape** e **brienj** per [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** per [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** e **Maschell** per la [payload Wii U NAND Dumper ](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** per [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** per il [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** per il [modulo Sigpatches](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Bloccare gli aggiornamenti
-Tutti gli exploit Wii U conosciuti possono venir bloccati da un aggiornamento, a differenza, per esempio, dell'exploit RCM di Nintendo Switch. Anche se il Wii U non è più ufficialmente supportato, Nintendo potrebbe ancora rilasciare aggiornamenti per la console. Ad esempio, gli aggiornamenti da 5.5.3 a 5.5.6 sono stati rilasciato quando il Wii U venne discontinuato, quindi è raccomandato bloccare gli aggiornamenti.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-Attualmente, esiste un solo modo per bloccare effettivamente gli aggiornamenti di sistema Wii U:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Payload configurabile
-Questa payload è configurabile, similmente alla configurazione di Haxchi. Questo potrebbe essere molto utile per gli utenti di Mocha, in quanto risparmia un po' del tempo che si utilizzerebbe per avviare Mocha tramite Homebrew Launcher.
-### Cosa ti servirà {docsify-ignore}
-- Il configurable payload.
-- L'ultima versione di [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Estrai il file `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` nella cartella `install` che si trova nella root della tua scheda SD.
-1. Metti la scheda SD nel tuo Wii U e avvia l' [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e avvia l'applicazione WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Seleziona `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Premi `install` e installa sulla NAND come destinazione. Questo installerà l'Homebrew Launcher nel menu Wii U.
-1. Una volta terminato il processo, premi il pulsante HOME fino a quando non sarai nuovamente nel menu Wii U.
-1. A questo punto il canale non si avvierà, poiché andrà in conflitto con la versione in esecuzione sulla scheda SD che stavi utilizzando. Riavvia il Wii U.
-1. Espelli la scheda SD dal tuo Wii U e inseriscila nel tuo computer.
-1. Estrai il file `Configurable_Payload.zip` nella root della tua scheda SD. Se ti chiede di sovrascrivere alcuni file sulla tua SD, fallo.
-1. Rimetti la scheda SD nel tuo Wii U, avvia il Browser Internet e recati sul sito `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Clicca su `Run Homebrew Launcher`. Se tutto è stato fatto correttamente, dovresti essere riportato indietro nel menu Wii U. Mocha è ora stato abilitato e puoi utilizzare il Canale Homebrew Launcher che hai installato precedentemente.
- - Se il tuo Wii U si blocca su una schermata bianca o su una qualsiasi altra schermata, aspetta qualche secondo. Se non accade nulla, riavvia la console, [resetta i dati del browser](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) e riprova.
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-# Donazioni {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumpare dischi del Wii U
-Dumpare i tuoi dischi ti permette di installare una copia del tuo gioco sulla NAND/dispositivo USB così da poterci giocare senza disco.
-?> Dumpare e installare giochi richiede una console modificata, quindi assicurati di aver seguito la guida principale sull'installazione di CFW prima di seguire questa guida.
-!> E' **ILLEGALE** condividere i file dumpati con questa guida.
-Se hai intenti di utilizzare questa guida per condividere i tuoi giochi dumpati, non farlo.
-### Dumpare e installare dischi Wii U {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installare un gioco sulla memoria di sistema (NAND) non è consigliato poiché è limitata a soli 8GB o 32GB a dipendenza del tuo modello, facendoti finire lo spazio in fretta se vuoi installare più giochi.
-?> Quando si installa un gioco su un dispositivo USB, consigliamo di usare un HDD e non una chiave USB, poiché queste ultime non sono ottimizzate per una costante lettura e scrittura, e portano quindi a errori frequenti. Se il tuo HDD non è alimentato esternamente, ti servirà un cavo a Y per collegarlo alle due porte USB del Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Conferma con Sì.
-#### Cosa ti servirà {docsify-ignore}
-- La tua scheda SD ha bisogno di spazio sufficiente da contenere il gioco che vuoi dumpare.
-- Se si vuole installare su un USB, un HDD USB (+ un cavo Y se necessario).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copia nella root della tua scheda SD i contenuti del file wudd `.zip` appena scaricato.
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal tuo PC e inseriscila nel tuo Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Seleziona `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Seleziona la partizione `Game` per cominciare il dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer.
-1. Copia la cartella `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` da `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` alla cartella `install` della tua scheda SD.
- - Se la cartella `install` non esiste, creala.
-1. Espelli e inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Seleziona il tuo gioco (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), premi `Install` e conferma con `Yes`.
-1. Seleziona 'USB' per installare su USB e 'NAND' per installare su NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Dovresti vedere il tuo gioco installato, pronto per essere giocato.
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal tuo Wii U e inseriscila nel tuo PC.
-1. Elimina la cartella `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` dalla cartella `install` nella tua scheda SD per liberare spazio.
-### Spostare i giochi su USB
-?> Se non vuoi tenere i giochi installati sulla NAND, puoi utilizzare la Gestione dati del Wii U per spostare il gioco su un dispositivo USB.
-!> Per spostare il tuo gioco su un dispositivo USB, dev'essere formattato dal Wii U. Facendo ciò, i contenuti del dispositivo verranno eliminati e non sarà possibile utilizzarlo su altri sistemi, a meno che non lo riformatti.
-1. Collega il tuo dispositivo USB al Wii U.
-1. Accendi il tuo Wii U.
-1. Il tuo Wii U ti chiederà di formattare il tuo dispositivo USB. Conferma con Sì.
-1. Apri le Impostazioni della console del Wii U.
-1. Vai su `Gestione dati > Copia, sposta o elimina dati > Memoria della console > Seleziona per copiare/spostare (X)`
-1. Seleziona il gioco e sposta tutti i dati (compreso aggiornamenti e DLC se installati) sul tuo dispositivo USB.
-### Spostare aggiornamenti su USB
-?> Se il tuo gioco su disco aveva DLC o aggiornamenti installati, devi trasferire i dati sul tuo dispositivo USB. Puoi farlo utilizzando la Gestione dati del Wii U.
-1. Accendi il tuo Wii U
-1. Apri le Impostazioni della console del Wii U.
-1. Vai su `Gestione dati > Copia, sposta o elimina dati > Memoria della console > Seleziona per copiare/spostare (X)`.
-1. Seleziona il tuo gioco e sposta i dati di aggiornamento e i DLC sul dispositivo USB.
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-Dumpare dischi del Wii
-Dumpare i tuoi dischi ti permette di: giocarli su un emulatore Wii (come Dolphin), giocarli utilizzando un USB/SD Card loader come WiiFlow, creare un inject in Virtual Console che può essere installato su un dispositivo USB formattato in Wii U o nella NAND e avviato dal menu Wii U.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> E' **ILLEGALE** condividere i file dumpati con questa guida.
-Se hai intenti di utilizzare questa guida per condividere i tuoi giochi dumpati, non farlo.
-### Cosa ti servirà {docsify-ignore}
-1. L'ultima versione di [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. Il file [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat).
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Inserisci la scheda SD del tuo Wii U nel tuo computer.
-1. Copia la cartella `apps` dal file `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` nella root della scheda SD.
-1. Copia il file `wii.dat` nella root della scheda SD.
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
-### Dumping del disco
-1. Accendi il tuo Wii U e scegli l'icona del Menu Wii per entrare nel vWii.
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Channel.
-1. Avvia CleanRip.
-1. Leggi le avvertenze e premi A.
-1. Seleziona Yes per abilitare Checksum Calculations.
-1. Seleziona lo USB o la SD a dipendenza del dispositivo che vuoi utilizzare per il processo di dumping.
- - Si prega di notare che il dispositivo che scegli deve essere formattato come FAT32 o NTFS.
-1. Premi A per continuare.
-1. Seleziona No nella schermata che chiede di scaricare i file DAT di redump.org.
-1. Inserisci il tuo disco e premi A.
-1. Vai [su questa pagina](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) per vedere se il tuo disco è a doppio strato.
-1. Imposta tutto in modo da corrispondere a quanto segue:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Seleziona `Yes` se il tuo disco è a doppio strato)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. Se vuoi dumpare più dischi, seleziona Yes per memorizzare le impostazioni. In caso contrario, seleziona No.
-?> Preparati ad aspettare un po'. Il processo di dumping può richiedere dai 30 minuti a 1 ora a dipendenza della velocità della tua scheda SD.
-### Unire i file divisi
->> Se hai dumpato il disco su un dispositivo formattato come FAT32, dovresti avere almeno due file che terminano con `.partX.iso`. Hanno bisogno di essere uniti.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copia tutti i file che condividono lo stesso nome e che terminano con `.partX.iso` in una cartella sul tuo computer.
-1. Fai click destro sulla cartella mentre tieni Shift e seleziona `Apri finestra PowerShell qui`.
-1. Nella finestra di PowerShell, esegui questo comando come segue: `cmd.exe /c "copy b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copia tutti i file che condividono lo stesso nome e che terminano con `.partX.iso` in una cartella sul tuo computer.
-1. Apri un terminale.
-1. Usa il comando `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Errori del browser
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:**è uguale a -3, indica che la SD non viene rilevata. Re-inserisci la SD e riprova. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** il payload non è stato trovato nella SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** l'`homebrew_launcher` non è presente all'interno della SD. Controlla di avere `homebrew_launcher.elf` nella cartella /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Gestione Dati chiede di cancellare dati non necessari, che significa?
-Questo si riferisce a file rimasti da installazioni incomplete. Seleziona sempre "Si" per cancellare questi dati, visto che occupano spazio per nessun motivo. Se si blocca durante l'eliminazione dei file, puoi cancellarli manualmente.
-Usa FTPiiU Everywhere, naviga all'interno della cartella `/storage_mlc/usr/import` e cancella tutti i file in quella cartella, se presenti. Questo è dove le installazioni parziali sono situate dopo installazioni incomplete. Sarà `/storage_usb/usr/import` se è installato su una USB.
-La cartella `import` deve essere sempre vuota.
-### Il mio HDD non funziona o fa un suono strano di un click, cosa dovrei fare?
-Il motivo è perchè il Wii U non da abbastanza corrente dalla porta USB usando l'HDD.
-Puoi risolvere questo usando un HDD alimentato o un cavo-Y per connettere l'HDD con due porte USB.
-Se l'HDD ha smesso di funzionare per alcuni/tutti i giochi, è lo stesso problema e può essere risolto con gli stessi metodi.
-### Quando si estraggono alcuni file ci sono determinati duplicati chiamati "info.json" & "manifest.install", cosa devo fare con questi?
-Niente di speciale, puoi lasciarli lì, eliminarli o sostituirli con dei nuovi. Questi file non vengono utilizzati nel processo, quindi cancellandoli o togliendoli dalla directory non cambierà nulla.
-### La mia console all'improvviso ha perso la connettività online e ho un HDD sulla parte superiore della console, che faccio?
-L'antenna interna potrebbe subire interferenze dal magnete del disco rigido.
-È possibile spostare l'HDD in una posizione diversa sulla Wii U o spostarlo completamente fuori dalla Wii U.
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-Come risolvere il codice errore 112-1037
-Questa pagina ti guiderà nel processo di risolvimento del codice errore 112-1037.
-### Cosa ti servirà {docsify-ignore}
-- Un'installazione funzionante di [homebrew](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(tasto destro -> Salva il link come... -> Clicca salva).**
-- L'ultima versione di [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Installa Python sul computer.
-### Risolvere l'errore
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Accendi il tuo Wii U.
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Launcher e avvia Mocha.
-1. Torna al menu Wii U.
-1. Apri una del finestra del Prompt dei Comandi sul PC.
-1. Utilizzare il seguente comando: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Usa il seguente comando: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Inserisci l'indirizzo IP del tuo Wii U.
- - Non sai come trovarlo? Leggi [qui](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Usa il comando appropriato a seconda della regione della tua console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Se tutto è andato bene, otterrai la seguente risposta: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Il codice errore dovrebbe essere sparito.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Accendi il tuo Wii U.
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Launcher e avvia Mocha.
-1. Torna al menu Wii U.
-1. Apri una finestra del Terminale.
-1. Utilizzare il seguente comando: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - Su Linux, il luogo più comune per trovare i file scaricati è /home/username/Downloads
-1. Usa il seguente comando: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Inserisci l'indirizzo IP del tuo Wii U.
- - Non sai come trovarlo? Leggi [qui](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Usa il comando appropriato a seconda della regione della tua console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Se tutto è andato bene, otterrai la seguente risposta: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Il codice errore dovrebbe essere sparito.
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-# Recuperare un IOS/Canale vWii
-Questa pagina ti guiderà attraverso il processo di recupero di un IOS o di un canale sulla tua vWii, se per qualche motivo è stato corrotto o eliminato.
-!> Potresti distruggere la NAND del tuo vWii se non segui i passaggi con attenzione! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> Se stai utilizzando un metodo per bloccare gli aggiornamenti, [rimuovilo](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### Cosa ti servirà {docsify-ignore}
-- Un'installazione [homebrew](introduction) nella parte Wii U della console.
-- L'ultima versione di [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copia i contenuti di `decaffeinator.zip` nella root della tua SD.
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
-1. Accendi il Wii U e avvia il CFW che preferisci (Mocha, Haxchi o CBHC).
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Avvia vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Processo di recupero
-Avrai diverse opzioni. E' raccomandato di provare in primis `Advanced options` nel caso sai che cosa devi ripristinare, oppure `Light mode` se non sai cosa ripristinare. In casi estremi, se nessuna delle due opzioni funziona, dovresti scegliere `Aggressive mode`.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> Questa modalità rimuoverà i canali e gli IOS specificati e li reinstallerà. Tutti gli altri dati (Anche i cIOS) verranno conservati.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratuitamente. Vai [nell'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) e controlla se hai il gioco.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archivio - CBHC
-**IL METODO CORRENTE È DISPONIBILE [QUI](../../introduction)**
-## Installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Questa pagina ti farà installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel come applicazione direttamente nel tuo Menu Home per un facile accesso.
-?> Questa pagina è solo per gli utenti Haxchi e CBHC. L'Homebrew Launcher Channel (la versione dell'Homebrew Launcher che avvii dal Menu Wii U) **non** funzionerà con Mocha CFW!
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Accendi la tua console.
-1. Premi il pulsante Home nel mentre che lo schermo `Autobooting...` appare per entrare nel boot menu.
-1. Seleziona `Boot Homebrew Launcher` per avviare l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e avvia l'applicazione WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Utilizza il touchscreen per selezionare `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Premi `Install` e conferma con `Yes`.
-1. Scegli NAND come destinazione dell'installazione. Questo installerà l'Homebrew Launcher Channel nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Una volta che il processo ha finito, premi il pulsante Home fino a quando non sei tornato nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Ora vedrai l'Homebrew Launcher Channel installato nel tuo Menu Wii U.
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-# Archivio - CBHC
-**IL METODO CORRENTE È DISPONIBILE [QUI](../../introduction)**
-## Avviare CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Ora che hai il tuo backup della NAND in caso qualcosa andasse storto, puoi avviare il CFW.
-A differenza di altre console come DSi, Wii o 3DS, il CFW della Wii U è temporaneo. Questo significa che appena la tua console viene riavviata, perderai il CFW e dovrai seguire queste istruzioni di nuovo. Questo può venir saltato installando CBHC.
-!> Installare CBHC in modo errato può brickare la tua Wii U. Assicurati di seguire le seguenti regole durante l'installazione di CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratuitamente. Vai [nell'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) e controlla se hai il gioco.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archivio - Haxchi
-**IL METODO CORRENTE È DISPONIBILE [QUI](../../introduction)**
-## Installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Questa pagina ti farà installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel come applicazione direttamente nel tuo Wii U Menu per un accesso facile.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel è opzionale, poiché puoi già accederci tenendo premuto A mentre apri Haxchi.
-1. Accendi la tua console.
-1. Avvia il gioco DS Haxchi dall' Menu Wii U. Questo avvierà nuovamente il Menu Wii U col CFW attivato.
-1. Avvia il gioco DS Haxchi di nuovo tenendo premuto A. Questo avvierà l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e avvia l'applicazione WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Usa lo schermo per selezionare `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Premi `Install` e conferma con `Sì`.
-1. Scegli NAND come destinazione dell'installazione. Questo installerà l'Homebrew Launcher Channel nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Una volta che il processo è finito, premi il pulsante Home fino a quando non sei tornato nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Ora vedrai il canale dell'Homebrew Launcher installato nel Menu della tua Wii U. Tieni a mente che dovrai avviare il CFW ogni riavvio della console per avviare questo canale.
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-# Archivio - Haxchi
-**IL METODO CORRENTE È DISPONIBILE [QUI](../../introduction)**
-## Avviare CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Ora che hai il tuo backup della NAND in caso qualcosa andasse storto, puoi avviare il CFW.
-A differenza di altre console come DSi, Wii o 3DS, il CFW della Wii U è temporaneo. Questo significa che appena la tua console viene riavviata, perderai il CFW e dovrai seguire queste istruzioni di nuovo. Questo può venir saltato installando CBHC.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-?> Se l'installazione fallisce per qualche motivo, prova a disinstallare e riinstallare il gioco DS VC dall'eShop e assicurati che sta venendo installato sulla NAND.
-1. Togli la sd dal tuo PC e mettila nella Wii U.
-1. Se non l'hai già fatto, installa il gioco DS VC che hai scelto o che avevi.
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Launcher come [spiegato precedentemente](browser-exploit).
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e apri l'app Haxchi.
-1. Usa il D-Pad per muovere il cursore sul gioco nel quale vuoi installare Haxchi e premi A.
-1. Appena l'installazione ha finito, la tua console avvierà il Menu Wii U. Vedrai il tuo gioco rimpiazzato dall'icona di Haxchi.
-1. Avvia il gioco modificato. Questo riavvierà la console e abiliterà CFW.
-1. Ad ogni riavvio dovrai avviare ogni volta il gioco DS Haxchi per abilitare il CFW.
-1. Adesso puoi rimettere qualunque dispositivo USB avevi messo prima di seguire la guida.
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-# Archivio - Haxchi
-**IL METODO CORRENTE È DISPONIBILE [QUI](../../introduction)**
-## Fare un Backup della NAND {docsify-ignore}
-In caso qualcosa vada storto nei processi successivi e la tua Wii U si bricka, ripristinare un backup fatto precedentemente può ripararla.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-?> Il peso della NAND della Wii U (dipendendo dal tuo modello) può pesare 8GB o 32GB. Come risultato di questo, per creare un backup completo, la tua SD deve avere più memoria della NAND della tua console. Se non hai una SD grossa abbastanza, puoi saltare la sezione `MLC` che è opzionale, essa include salvataggi e dati di giochi che non sono necessari per recuperare la maggior parte di brick.
-?> Ripristinare il backup della nand sulla Wii U richiede ulteriori abilità di saldatura e esperienza hardware. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-Questa pagina ti guiderà nel processo di modding del tuo vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### Cosa ti servirà
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Istruzioni
-1. Inserisci la SD della tua Wii U nel PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Istruzioni
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. Ti verrà chiesto se vuoi cambiare il titolo di avvio. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. Il PayloadLoader verrà ora avviato automaticamente ad ogni avvio.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Naviga l'elenco utilizzando il D-Pad per selezionare il titolo che vuoi avviare automaticamente, poi premi il pulsante Y per impostarlo come titolo predefinito.
- - Premi A per avviare il titolo selezionato.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Exploit del Browser
-Assicurati che la tua Wii U sia connessa ad interneto per questo passaggio.
-### Istruzioni
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - Se il tuo Wii U rimane bloccato su uno schermo bianco o un altro schermo bloccato, aspetta qualche secondo. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Completamento dell'installazione
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. Vedi [questa pagina](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) per maggiori dettagli.
-- L'**Homebrew Appstore** ti permette di navigare e scaricare app homebrew direttamente dalla tua Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- Il file `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` di [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratuitamente. Vai [nell'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) e controlla se hai il gioco.
-Se non hai nessuno dei giochi Menzionati qui sotto, ti consigliamo di comprare Brain Age (Nord America) o Brain Training (Europa) poiché è il più economico tra i giochi compatibili, ed è il gioco che probabilmente giocheresti meno.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Questa pagina ti farà installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel come applicazione direttamente nel tuo Menu Wii U per un facile accesso.
-?> Questa pagina è solo per gli utenti Haxchi e CBHC. L'Homebrew Launcher Channel (la versione dell'Homebrew Launcher che avvii dal Menu Wii U) **non** funzionerà con Mocha CFW!
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-1. Accendi la tua console.
-1. Premi il pulsante Home nel mentre che lo schermo `Autobooting...` appare per entrare nel boot menu.
-1. Seleziona `Boot Homebrew Launcher` per avviare l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e avvia l'applicazione WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Utilizza il touchscreen per selezionare `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Premi `Install` e conferma con `Yes`.
-1. Scegli NAND come destinazione dell'installazione. Questo installerà l'Homebrew Launcher Channel nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Una volta che il processo ha finito, premi il pulsante Home fino a quando non sei tornato nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Ora vedrai l'Homebrew Launcher Channel installato nel tuo Menu Wii U.
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-## Avviare CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Ora che hai il tuo backup della NAND in caso qualcosa andasse storto, puoi avviare CFW.
-A differenza di altre console tipo DSi, Wii, o 3DS, il CFW della Wii U è temporaneo. Questo significa che appena la tua console viene riavviata, perderai il CFW e dovrai seguire queste istruzioni nuovamente. Questo può venir saltato installando CBHC.
-!> Installare CBHC in modo errato può brickare la tua Wii U. Assicurati di seguire le seguenti regole durante l'installazione di CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratuitamente. Vai [nell'eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) e controlla se hai il gioco.
-Se non hai nessuno dei giochi Menzionati qui sotto, ti consigliamo di comprare Brain Age (Nord America) o Brain Training (Europa) poiche è il più economico tra tutti questi giochi compatibili, ed è il gioco che probabilmente giocheresti di meno.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/it_IT/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/it_IT/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Questa pagina ti farà installare l'Homebrew Launcher Channel come applicazione direttamente nel tuo Wii U Menu per un accesso facile.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installare il canale Dell'Homebrew Launcher è opzionale, poiche puoi già accederci tenendo premuto A mentre apri Haxchi.
-1. Accendi la tua console.
-1. Avvia il gioco DS Haxchi dall' Menu Wii U. Questo avvierà nuovamente il Menu Wii U col CFW attivato.
-1. Avvia il gioco DS Haxchi di nuovo tenendo premuto A. Questo avvierà l'Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e avvia l'applicazione WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Usa lo schermo per selezionare `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Premi `Install` e conferma con `Sì`.
-1. Scegli NAND come destinazione dell'installazione. Questo installerà l'Homebrew Launcher Channel nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Una volta che il processo è finito, premi il pulsante Home fino a quando non sei tornato nel Menu Wii U.
-1. Ora vedrai il canale dell'Homebrew Launcher installato nel Menu della tua Wii U. Tieni a mente che dovrai avviare il CFW ogni riavvio della console per avviare questo canale.
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-# Haxchi
-## Avviare CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Ora che hai il tuo backup della NAND in caso qualcosa andasse storto, puoi avviare il CFW.
-A differenza di altre console come DSi, Wii o 3DS, il CFW della Wii U è temporaneo. Questo significa che appena la tua console viene riavviata, perderai il CFW e dovrai seguire queste istruzioni di nuovo. Questo può venir saltato installando CBHC.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-?> Se l'installazione fallisce per qualche motivo, prova a disinstallare e riinstallare il gioco DS VC dall'eShop e assicurati che sta venendo installato sulla NAND.
-1. Togli la sd dal tuo PC e mettila nella Wii U.
-1. Se non l'hai già fatto, installa il gioco DS VC che hai scelto o che avevi.
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Launcher come [spiegato precedentemente](browser-exploit).
-1. Naviga nell'Homebrew Launcher e apri l'app Haxchi.
-1. Usa il D-Pad per muovere il cursore sul gioco nel quale vuoi installare Haxchi e premi A.
-1. Appena l'installazione ha finito, la tua console avvierà il Menu Wii U. Vedrai il tuo gioco rimpiazzato dall'icona di Haxchi.
-1. Avvia il gioco modificato. Questo riavvierà la console e abiliterà CFW.
-1. Ad ogni riavvio dovrai avviare ogni volta il gioco DS Haxchi per abilitare il CFW.
-1. Adesso puoi rimettere qualunque dispositivo USB avevi messo prima di seguire la guida.
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-# Haxchi
-## Fare un Backup della NAND {docsify-ignore}
-In caso qualcosa vada storto nei processi successivi e la tua Wii U si bricka, ripristinare un backup fatto precedentemente può ripararla.
-### Istruzioni {docsify-ignore}
-?> Il peso della NAND della Wii U (dipendendo dal tuo modello) può pesare 8GB o 32GB. Come risultato di questo, per creare un backup completo, la tua SD deve avere più memoria della NAND della tua console. Se non hai una SD grossa abbastanza, puoi saltare la sezione `MLC` che è opzionale, essa include salvataggi e dati di giochi che non sono necessari per recuperare la maggior parte di brick.
-?> Ripristinare il backup della nand sulla Wii U richiede ulteriori abilità di saldatura e esperienza hardware. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-Questa pagina ti guiderà nel processo di modding del tuo vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### Cosa ti servirà
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Istruzioni
-1. Inserisci la SD della tua Wii U nel PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
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-**Modding vWii**
-- [Pagina Iniziale](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Collegamenti**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Traduci](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Traduci](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Dona](../donations)
-- [Informazioni](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# Guida sul modding vWii
-Questa pagina ti guiderà nel processo di modding del tuo vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Nota Bene** La tua SD dovrà essere formattata in FAT32. Se la tua SD non è formattata in FAT32 usa [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) con 32k (32768) di Unità di allocazione per formattarla. **Non** chiamare la SD come `wiiu` o causerà problemi con homebrew.
-?> Se hai già modificato la tua Wii U in passato, puoi usare la stessa scheda SD per questo processo.
-### Cosa ti servirà {docsify-ignore}
-- Gli ultimi file da [Tiramisu per il tuo caffè](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- La versione più recente del [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Inserisci la SD del tuo Wii U nel PC.
-1. Copia la cartella `apps` dalla cartella Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file nella radice della scheda SD.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copia nella root della tua scheda SD il contenuto del file *`.zip`* di Tiramisu appena scaricato.
-1. Copia il file `compat_installer.elf` nella cartella `wiiu/apps` nel root della tua scheda SD.
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
-### Backup della NAND
-Nel caso qualcosa andasse storto durante il processo e la tua vWii si bricka, ripristinare un backup della NAND fatto in precedenza farà ritornare tutto come prima.
-?> Se recentemente hai fatto un backup della NAND che contiene SLCCMPT e OTP, sentiti libero di saltare questo passaggio.
-1. Avvia il [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Usa il D-Pad del GamePad per inserire la seguente configurazione:
- - Dump SLC: **opzionale**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **opzionale**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **opzionale**
-1. Premi A per iniziare il processo di dumping.
-1. Quando il processo è completo, spegni la tua Wii U, prendi la SD fuori dalla Wii U ed inseriscila nel tuo PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Elimina i file dalla tua SD per liberare spazio.
-1. Togli la scheda SD dal computer e inseriscila nella console Wii U.
-### Installazione dell'Homebrew Channel
-1. Avvia in [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Avvia l'Homebrew Launcher, aprendo il Centro di creazione Mii.
-1. Avvia il compat_installer.
-1. Premi `A` per installare l'Homebrew Channel e attendi fino a che non vedi `Install succeeded`. Poi premi il pulsante HOME per tornare al menu Wii U.
-1. Avvia la vWii (l'icona del Menu Wii).
- - Se l'installazione è riuscita, dovresti vedere l'Homebrew Channel nel tuo Menu Wii.
-### Installazione dei cIOS
-!> Assicurati di non avere dei file `.wad` altrove che nella cartella `apps` sulla tua scheda SD.
-1. Accendi il tuo Wii U e avvia il vWii.
-1. Avvia L'Homebrew Channel.
-1. Avvia d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Imposta tutto in modo da corrispondere a quanto segue:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Premi `A` per installare.
-1. Imposta tutto in modo da corrispondere a quanto segue:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Premi `A` per installare.
-1. Imposta tutto in modo da corrispondere a quanto segue:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Premi `A` per installare.
-1. Premi `B` per uscire.
-### Patchare l'IOS 80
-!> Se per qualche modo, il tuo Wii U viene spento mentre patchi IOS 80, il tuo vWii verrà brickato. Questo può essere riparato estraendo IOS 80 dal tuo precedentemente fatto backup della NAND e poi scambiandolo con un FTP oppure [reinstallando IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Avvia Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Leggi la schermata di avviso e aspetta 30 secondi.
-1. Premi qualsiasi tasto per installarlo.
-1. Aspetta finchè dice IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installando un Menu di Sistema personalizzato è un brick definitivo quindi dovresti sempre avere un backup prima di installare un Menu di Sistema ma quando fatto bene, non brickerà il vWii.
-!> Installando un IOS (includendo le IOS TED) o wad fatti per il Wii originale nella tua vWii ti brickerà il vWii.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/ja_JP/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/ja_JP/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/ko_KR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/ko_KR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/ms_MY/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/ms_MY/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/nl_NL/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/nl_NL/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# Om Denne Guiden
-Denne guiden er skrevet av staff fra [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Forfattere**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, og redcubie.**
-> Takk til [alle andre ](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) som bidrar til guiden på GitHub.
-?> [Du kan finne guiden vår på GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), den bruker [ISC-lisens](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Utviklere og Verktøy**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** og **Maschell** for [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), "fixed" versjonen av [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), og [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** og **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** og **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), og Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** og **smealum** for [Haxchi og CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), og [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** og **dimok789** for [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** og **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** og **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** og **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, og **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** og **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** og **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blokkere Systemoppdateringer
-Alle Wii U exploits vi kjenner til i dag, i motsetning til for eksempel Nintendo Switch sin RCM exploit, kan bli patchet av en systemoppdatering. Selv om Wii U ikke lenger er offisielt støttet av Nintendo, kan de fortsatt plutselig komme med oppdateringer. For eksempel, firmware 5.5.3 til 5.5.6 ble alle utgitt etter at Nintendo kuttet support, så det er fortsatt anbefalt at man blokkerer systemoppdateringer.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-For tiden finnes det en måte å blokkere systemoppdateringer på Wii U:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-Denne payloaden er konfigurerbar, lignende Haxchi sin config. Dette kan være nyttig for Mocha brukere, fordi man slipper å starte Mocha gjennom Homebrew Launcher.
-### Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
-- configurable payload.
-- Siste utgave av [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Pakk ut `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` til `install` mappen i roten av SD kortet.
-1. Sett inn SD kortet i Wii U'en og start [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Start WUP Installer GX2 appen.
-1. Velg `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Trykk `Install` og installer til NAND. Dette vil starte installasjonen av Homebrew Launcher-kanalen til Wii U menyen.
-1. Når prosessen er ferdig, trykk på HOME knappen til du er tilbake på Wii U menyen.
-1. Akkurat nå vil ikke kanalen være mulig å kjøre siden den får en konflikt med versjonen som kjører fra SD kortet som du akkurat brukte. Start Wii U'en på nytt.
-1. Løs ut SD kortet fra Wii U'en og sett det inn i pc'en.
-1. Pakk ut `Configurable_Payload.zip` til roten av SD-kortet. La den overskrive filer på SD kortet ditt om den ber om det.
-1. Sett inn SD kortet i Wii U'en, start nettleseren og gå til `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Klikk på `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. Hvis alt er gjort riktig, skal du ende tilbake til Wii U menyen. Mocha er nå aktivert og du kan bruke Homebrew Launcher Kanalen som du installerte tidligere.
- - Hvis Wii U konsollen blir sittende fast på en hvit eller fryst skjerm, vent noen få sekunder. Hvis ingenting skjer, start konsollen på nytt og [tilbakestill nettleserens lagringsdata](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) og prøv igjen.
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-# Donering {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumpe Wii U spill fra disk
-Ved å Dumpe en Wii U Disk, kan du installere en kopi av spillet til system NAND, eller en USB-enhet, slik at du kan spille det uten å sette inn disken.
-?> Det krever et fungerende Homebrew oppsett. Så sørg først for å fullføre guiden for å installere CFW før du går videre.
-!> Det er **ULOVLIG** å dele filer dumpet med denne guiden.
-Ikke bruk denne guiden til å dele spillene dine.
-### Dumping og installasjon av Wii U disker
-?> Det anbefales ikke å installere et spill til systemminnet (NAND) siden lagringsplassen er begrenset til enten 8gb eller 32gb avhengig av modellen din, det blir fort fullt hvis du ønsker å installere flere spill.
-?> Når du installerer et spill til en USB-enhet, anbefaler vi at du bruker en ekstern harddisk istedenfor en USB-penn, siden de ikke er laget for kontinuerlig lesing og skriving, og vil brenne ut minnet fort. Hvis den eksterne harddisken din ikke har eget strømadapter, trenger du en Y-kabel for å koble den til to USB-porter i Wii U konsollen din.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Bekreft med "Yes".
-#### Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
-- SD-kortet må ha nok plass til spillet du vil dumpe.
-- Hvis du ønsker å installere til USB, så trenger du en USB harddisk (+ en Y-kabel hvis det trengs).
-- Siste utgave av [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- [Wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew appen.
-#### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Pakk ut `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` fila til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Pakk ut `wudd.zip` til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PCen og sett det inn i Wii U konsollen.
-1. Start opp Wii U'en og boot Aroma.
-1. Start Wii U menyen og kjør wudd.
-1. Velg `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Velg `Game` partisjonen for å starte dumping.
-1. Når det er ferdig, gå ut av wudd tilbake til Wii U-menyen.
-1. Sett SD-kortet ditt i PC'en din.
-1. Kopier `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` mappen fra `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` til `install` mappen på SD-kortet.
- - Hvis `install` mappen ikke finnes, så opprett en ny en.
-1. Løs ut og sett SD-kortet inn i Wii U-en.
-1. Start Wii U menyen og kjør WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Velg spillet ditt (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), trykk `Install` og bekreft med `Yes`.
-1. Velg "USB" for å installere til USB og "NAND" for å installere til NAND
-1. Gå ut av WUP Installer GX2 tilbake til Wii U Menyen.
-1. Nå er spillet ditt installert, og klart til å spille.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av Wii U konsollen og sett den inn i PC'en din.
-1. Slett `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` mappen i `install` mappen på SD-kortet ditt for å frigjøre plass.
-### Flytte spill til USB
-?> Hvis du ikke vil ha spillet installert på NAND, så kan du bruke Wii U konsollens databehandling for å flytte spillet til en USB-enhet.
-!> For å flytte spillet til en USB-enhet, må den være formatert av Wii U konsollen. Når du formaterer USB-enheten så slettes alt innhold og hindrer enheten i å brukes med en annet Wii U konsoll eller PC ol. med mindre du formaterer det på nytt til ett annet format.
-1. Koble USB-enheten til Wii U konsollen din.
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Wii U systemet vil spørre deg om å formatere USB-enheten din. Bekreft med "Yes".
-1. Gå inn på systeminnstillinger.
-1. Gå til `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Velg spillet og flytt all data (inkludert oppdateringer og DLC hvis dette er installert) over til USB-enheten.
-### Flytte oppdateringer til USB
-?> Hvis spillet ditt hadde DLC eller oppdateringer installert, må du overføre filene over til USB-enheten din. Du kan gjøre dette ved å bruke Wii U konsollens "data management".
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen
-1. Gå inn på systeminnstillinger.
-1. Gå til `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Velg spillet ditt og flytt oppdateringen og DLC til USB-enheten.
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-# Dumpe Wii spill fra disk
-Dumping av Wii diskene dine lar deg spille dem på en Wii-emulator (Dolphin), spille dem fra en USB/SD loader som for eksempel Wiiflow, lage Virtual Console Injects som kan installeres på en Wii U formatert USB-lagringsenhet eller NAND, eller kjøres fra Wii U-menyen.
-?> Dumping av Wii spill krever et fungerende Homebrew oppsett på vWii, så fullfør [vWii Modde guiden](vwii/sd-preparation) på forhånd.
-!> Det er **ULOVLIG** å dele filer dumpet med denne guiden.
-Ikke bruk denne guiden til å dele spillene dine.
-### Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
-1. Siste utgave av [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. Filen [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat).
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Sett SD-kortet ditt i PC'en din.
-1. Kopier `apps` mappen fra `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Kopier `wii.dat` til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
-### Dumpe Wii Disken
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen og velg Wii menu ikonet for å starte opp vWii.
-1. Start Homebrew Channel.
-1. Kjør CleanRip.
-1. Les ansvarsfraskrivelsen og trykk A.
-1. Velg "Yes" for å aktivere Checksum kalkulasjoner.
-1. Velg enten USB eller SD-kort avhengig av hvilken enhet du vil bruke for dumpeprosessen.
- - Merk at enheten du velger må være formatert som FAT32 eller NTFS.
-1. Trykk A for å fortsette.
-1. Velg "No" i vinduet som ber deg laste ned redump.org DAT-filer.
-1. Sett inn Wii disken din og trykk A.
-1. Gå til [denne siden](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) for å se om Wii disken din er dual-layered.
-1. Velg følgende instillinger:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Velg `Yes` hvis Wii disken din er dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. Dersom du ønsker å dumpe flere Wii disker, velg "Yes" for å huske innstillingene dine. Hvis ikke, velg "No".
-?> Vær forberedt på å vente en stund. Dumpeprosessen kan ta rundt 30 til 60 minutter avhengig av hastigheten på SD-kortet ditt.
-### Slå sammen Split Filer
-?> Hvis du dumpet Wii disken på en FAT32-formatert enhet, så burde du ha fått minst 2 filer som ender med `.partX.iso`. De må slåes sammen.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Kopier alle filene som deler samme navn og slutter med `.partX.iso` i en mappe på PC'en din.
-1. Høyreklikk inne i mappen mens du holder Shift og velg `Åpne PowerShell-vindu her`.
-1. I PowerShell-vinduet, skriv: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"` og trykk Enter.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Kopier alle filene som deler samme navn og slutter med `.partX.iso` i en mappe på PC'en din.
-1. Åpne opp Terminal.
-1. Skriv `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Nettleser feil
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Samme som -3 ovenfor, betyr at SD-kortet ikke blir registrert. Sett inn SD-kortet på nytt og prøv igjen. Dette kan også bety at SD kortet har på skrivelås (Tappen på siden av kortet er dratt ned istedenfor opp) eller at du har gitt SD kortet navnet "WIIU", som vi tidligere har sagt vil lage konflikter. Hvis det ikke er noen av disse problemene, se på det siste forslaget om -3 ovenfor.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Mangler payload filen på SD-kortet. Skjekk at du har payload.elf i wiiu mappen, og at wiiu mappen er på roten av SD-kortet.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Mangler `homebrew_launcher` på SD-kortet. Skjekk at du har `homebrew_launcher.elf` i /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Lignende feilkode -4, Konsollen gjenkjenner SD kortet, men klarer ikke mounte den. Sørg for at den er formatert riktig, og at den ikke er skadet. I tillegg er SD kort fra velkjente merkevarer mer kompatibelt (f.eks. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, osv.) og har større sjangs for å lykkes.
-### Data Management spør om "delete unnecessary data", what does it mean?
-Dette refererer til filer som ligger igjen fra ufullstendige installasjoner. Velg alltid "yes" for å slette disse dataene, da det bare tar plass uten grunn. Hvis den sletter i en uendelig loop, kan du manuelt slette dataene selv.
-Bruk FTPiiU Everywhere og manøvrer til `/storage_mlc/usr/import` og slett alt i mappen hvis det er noe der. Det er her filene havner etter ufullstendige installasjoner. Bruker du en USB-enhet så er adressen `/storage_usb/usr/import`.
-Mappen `import` bør alltid være tom.
-### Ekstern harddisk fungerer ikke eller lager en rar tikkelyd, hva skal jeg gjøre?
-Årsaken til dette er at Wii U konsollene ikke gir nok strøm gjennom én USB-port til bruk av eksterne harddisker.
-Du kan løse dette ved å enten bruke en ekstern harddisk med egen strømkilde, eller bruke en Y-Kabel for å koble den eksterne harddisken til to USB-porter.
-Dersom den eksterne harddisken fungerte i lengre tid uten strømadapter eller Y-kabel, og plutselig sluttet å virke for noen, eller alle spill, så er det det samme problemet og kan fikses ved å bruke en Y-kabel.
-### Når jeg pakker ut noen av filene er det duplikater av noen som heter "info.json" & "manifest.install", hva gjør jeg med dem?
-Du kan la dem ligge, slette dem eller kopiere over dem med de nye filene. Disse filene brukes ikke i prosessen, derfor er det ingen forskjell på om de er der eller ikke.
-### Wii U konsollen min mistet plutselig internett, og jeg har en ekstern harddisk oppå konsollen min. Hva må jeg gjøre?
-Wifi antenna inni konsollen kan bli forstyrra av magneten inni den eksterne hard disken.
-Du kan flytte harddisken til en annen posisjon oppå Wii U'en, eller flytte den litt vekk fra Wii U'en.
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-# Hvordan fikse Feilkode 112-1037
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å fikse feilkode 112-1037.
-### Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
-- En fungerende [Homebrew installasjon](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(Høyreklikk -> Lagre lenke som... -> Klikk Lagre).**
-- Siste utgave av [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Installer Python på PC'en din.
-### Fikse feilkoden
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Start Homebrew Launcher og kjør Mocha.
-1. Gå tilbake til Wii U-menyen.
-1. Åpne opp et Command Prompt vindu.
-1. Skriv: `cd cd C:\Brukere\brukernavn\Nedlastninger
-1. Skriv: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Skriv inn IP-adressen til Wii U konsollen.
- - Usikker på hvor du finner det? Les [dette](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Bruk riktig kommando avhengig av regionen til konsollen:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Hvis kommandoen fungerte, vil du få følgende svar: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Feilkoden skal nå være borte.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Start Homebrew Launcher og kjør Mocha.
-1. Gå tilbake til Wii U-menyen.
-1. Åpne opp et terminalvindu.
-1. Skriv: `cd /Brukere/brukernavn/Nedlastninger
- - På Linux er det vanligste stedet å finne nedlastede filer i /home/username/Downloads
-1. Skriv: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Skriv inn IP-adressen til Wii U konsollen.
- - Usikker på hvor du finner det? Les [dette](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Bruk riktig kommando avhengig av regionen til konsollen:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Hvis kommandoen fungerte, vil du få følgende svar: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Feilkoden skal nå være borte.
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-# Gjenopprett en vWii IOS/Channel
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg til å gjenopprette en IOS eller channel i vWii, om den er korrupt eller slettet av en eller annen grunn.
-!> Du kan potensielt ødelegge vWii NAND hvis du ikke er forsiktig! Vi anbefaler at du tar en[backup](vwii/nand-backup) av SLCCMPT og OTP mappene hvis du enda ikke har gjort det!
-?> Hvis du bruker en blokkeringsmetode for systemoppdateringer, må du [tilbakestille den ](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
-- En fungerende [Homebrew installasjon](introduction) på Wii U siden.
-- Siste utgave av [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Pakk ut `decaffeinator.zip` til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen og start CFW (Mocha, Haxchi eller CBHC).
-1. Start Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Kjør vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Gjenopprettings prosessen
-Du vil få noen diverse alternativer. Det anbefales å prøve å gjenopprette gjennom `Advanced options` menyen hvis du vet hva du skal gjenopprette, eller `Light mode` hvis du ikke er sikker. I ekstreme tilfeller der ingen andre alternativer løser problemet, bør `Aggressive mode` brukes.
-#### **Avanserte alternativer**
-### Avanserte alternativer
-?> Denne modusen vil fjerne spesifikke IOS'er og kanaler for å installere dem på nytt. All annen data (inkludert cIOS) vil bli bevart.
-Dr. Kawashimas Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratis. Gå til [eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) og sjekk om du har spillet.
-Hvis du ikke eier noen av spillene nedenunder, så kan du ikke bruke denne metoden siden 3DS og Wii U eShop er stengt ned.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-## Installere Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å installere Homebrew Launcher Channel som et program direkte på Wii U menyen for enkel tilgang.
-?> Denne siden gjelder bare for Haxchi og CBHC brukere. Homebrew Launcher Channel (den versjonen av Homebrew Channel du kjører fra Wii U Menu) vil **ikke** fungere med Mocha CFW!
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Trykk på Home-knappen under `Autobooting...` vindu for å komme deg inn i oppstartsmenyen.
-1. Velg `Boot Homebrew Launcher` for å starte Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Start WUP Installer GX2 appen.
-1. Bruk touch-skjermen for å velge `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Trykk `Install` og bekreft med `Yes`.
-1. Velg NAND som installasjonsdestinasjon. Dette vil starte installasjonen av Homebrew Launcher-kanalen til Wii U menyen.
-1. Når prosessen er ferdig, trykk på Home-knappen til du er tilbake på Wii U menyen.
-1. Du har nå installert Homebrew Launcher Channel og kan finne den på Wii U Menyen.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-## Bruke CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Nå som du har en NAND backup i tilfelle noe går galt senere, kan du kjøre CFW på systemet ditt.
-I motsetning til systemer som DSi, Wii eller 3DS, er Wii U CFW midlertidig. Dette betyr at så snart systemet starter på nytt, vil du miste CFW og må følge disse instruksjonene igjen. Det trenger du ikke ved å installere CBHC på en Haxchi CFW installasjon.
-!> Å installere CBHC kan "bricke" Wii U konsollen. Følg reglene under når du installerer CBHC: Dr. Kawashimas Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratis. Gå til [eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) og sjekk om du har spillet.
-Hvis du ikke eier noen av spillene nedenunder, så kan du ikke bruke denne metoden siden 3DS og Wii U eShop er stengt ned.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-## Installere Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å installere Homebrew Launcher Channel som et program direkte på Wii U menyen for enkel tilgang.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-?> Å installere Homebrew Launcher Channel er valgfritt siden du kan åpne den ved å holde inne A knappen mens du starter Haxchi.
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Start Haxchi Wii U menyen. Dette vil åpne Wii U menyen med CFW aktivert.
-1. Start Haxchi igjen mens du holder inne A knappen. Dette vil sende deg til Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Start WUP Installer GX2 appen.
-1. Bruk touch-skjermen for å velge `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Trykk `Install` og bekreft med `Yes`.
-1. Velg NAND som installasjonsdestinasjon. Dette vil starte installasjonen av Homebrew Launcher-kanalen til Wii U menyen.
-1. Når prosessen er ferdig, trykk på Home-knappen til du er tilbake på Wii U menyen.
-1. Du har nå installert Homebrew Launcher Channel og kan finne den på Wii U Menyen. Husk at du må starte CFW etter hver omstart for å kunne åpne denne kanalen.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-## Bruke CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Nå som du har en NAND backup i tilfelle noe går galt senere, kan du kjøre CFW på systemet ditt.
-I motsetning til systemer som DSi, Wii eller 3DS, er Wii U CFW midlertidig. Dette betyr at så snart systemet starter på nytt, vil du miste CFW og må følge disse instruksjonene igjen. Det trenger du ikke ved å installere CBHC på en Haxchi CFW installasjon.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-?> Hvis du ikke får installert Haxchi, prøv å avinstallere og laste ned DS VC spillet fra eShop på nytt og sørg for at det blir installert i NAND.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PCen og sett det inn i Wii U konsollen.
-1. Hvis du ikke har gjort det enda, last ned DS VC spillet du valgte fra eShop.
-1. Start Homebrew Launcher på Wii U konsollen din som [forklart tidligere](browser-exploit).
-1. Kjør Haxchi appen.
-1. Bruk D-padden til å flytte markøren til spillet du ønsker å installere Haxchi over og trykk på A knappen for å installere den.
-1. Når installasjonen er ferdig, vil konsollen gå tilbake til Wii U menyen. Der vil du se spillet ditt erstattet med et Haxchi ikon.
-1. Kjør Haxchi. Dette vil starte konsollen på nytt og aktivere CFW.
-1. Du må kjøre Haxchi etter hver omstart for å aktivere CFW.
-1. Du kan nå koble til eventuelle USB-enheter du hadde tilkoblet, før du startet guiden.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-## Lage en NAND backup{docsify-ignore}
-Hvis noe går galt senere i prosessen og Wii U konsollen "bricker", vil gjenoppretting av en NAND backup muligens fikse den.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-?> Størrelsen på Wii U NAND er (avhengig av modellen) enten 8gb eller 32gb. På grunn av dette så må du bruke ett SD-kort som er større enn NAND størrelsen. Hvis SD-kortet ditt ikke er stort nok, så kan du hoppe over `MLC` delen hvor spilldata og saves er lagret, den er ikke nødvendig for å gjenopprette de fleste bricke-tilfellene.
-?> Å gjenopprette en NAND backup på Wii U konsollen krever litt kunskap om maskinvare og loddeferdigheter av mikro elektronikk. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Trykk en knapp for å avslutte.
-!> Det er stor sjangse for å bricke vWii hvis man installerer en custom System Menu og du bør alltid ha en backup av systemet før du prøver å installerer en, men hvis du installerer det riktig så vil det ikke være noen risiko.
-!> Installering av IOS (inkludert TED IOS'er) eller wads formattert for den originale Wii'en vil "bricke" vWii'en din. WiiWare wads er greit, men noen må konverteres for å fungere.
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-# vWii Modifiserings Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Forberedelser
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å modifisere vWii.
-Vi starter med å plassere Homebrew filene du trenger på SD-kortet ditt.
-?> **Merk**
-SD-kortet må være FAT32 formatert. Hvis SD-kortet ikke er FAT32 formatert, bruk [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) med 32k (32768) Allocation unit size til å formatere det riktig. **Ikke** sett navnet på SD-kortet til `wiiu`, det vil skape problemer med noen homebrew apper.
-?> Hvis du har hacket Wii U'en din tidligere, kan du bruke det samme SD-kortet i denne prosessen.
-?> I motsetning til Wii U homebrew, vWii apper skal inn i en separat `apps` mappe på roten av SD-kortet. Compat Installer er den **eneste** Wii U appen her.
-### Dette trenger du
-- Siste utgave av [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Trykk på `Download Payloads` og `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Les gjennom trinnene og marker checkboksene.
- - Hvis du allerede har installert Aroma, trenger du ikke å laste den ned på nytt.
-- Siste utgave av [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Kilde](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instruksjoner
-1. Sett SD-kortet ditt i PC'en din.
-2. Pakk ut `apps` mappen fra `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` til roten av SD kortet.
-3. Pakk ut `d2x-cios-installer` fra `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` fila til apps mappen på roten av SD-kortet.
-4. Pakk ut Base Aroma og payloads `.zip` filene til roten av SD-kortet.
-5. Pakk ut `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` fila til roten av SD-kortet.
-6. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autoboote Aroma
-Hver gang du vil kjøre Aroma så må du starte Health and Safety Information appen. Hvis du ønsker å starte Aroma automatisk ved oppstart, så kan du autoboote Health and Safety Information appen.
-Hvis du ikke ønsker å autoboote Aroma, så kan du hoppe over de neste stegene og gå til Sette Opp PayloadLoader seksjonen nedeunder.
-### Instruksjoner
-1. Slå på konsollen og boot inn i Wii U Menyen, så kjører du Health and Safety Information appen.
-2. Trykk A for å starte `aroma` environmentet.
-3. Trykk A for å starte Wii U Menyen.
-4. Når du er inne i Wii U Menyen, start PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Trykk A for å velge `Check`.
-6. Velg `Boot options`.
-7. Du vil bli spurt om du vil bytte boot title. Trykk A for å velge `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. Når prosessen er ferdig, trykk A for å slå av konsollen.
-9. PayloadLoader vil nå kjøre automatisk når konsollen starter.
-### Sette opp PayloadLoader, Environment Loader og Aroma
-Nå skal vi gjøre så Aroma environment starter automatisk når konsollen starter Health and Safety Information appen, og velger Wii U Menyen som standard oppstart.
-1. Start EnvironmentLoader.
- - Hvis du autobooter PayloadLoader, så trenger du bare å slå på Wii U'en.
- - Hvis du hoppet over autobooting trinnene, starter du bare Health and Safety Information appen.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - For å starte Environment Loader senere, trenger du bare å holde X inne mens Wii U'en starter opp, eller åpner Health and Safety Information appen.
-3. På Aroma Boot Selector, `Wii U Menyen` burde allerede være valgt, trykk Y for å sette det til default autobooting option, så trykker du A for å komme inn i Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma vil nå starte opp hver gang du slår på konsollen (eller starter Health and Safety) og går rett inn i Wii U Menyen.
- - For å starte Aroma Boot Selector senere, trenger du bare å holde START (+) inne mens Wii U'en starter opp, eller åpner Health and Safety Information appen.
- - Naviger lista ved å bruke D-Paden og velg hvilken tittel du vil autoboote inn i, så trykker du Y knappen for å sette det til autoboot tittel.
- - Trykk på A for å starte den valgte tittelen.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Nettleser Exploit
-Sørg for at Wii U konsollen har internettilgang for dette trinnet.
-### Instruksjoner
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
-2. Start nettleseren og gå til `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - Hvis Wii U konsollen blir sittende fast på en hvit eller fryst skjerm, vent noen få sekunder. Hvis ingenting skjer, start konsollen på nytt, [nullstill nettleserens lagringsdata](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) og prøv igjen.
- - Hvis du ser EnvironmentLoader, så holdt du ikke B knappen inne lenge nok. Prøv på nytt.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Fullføre installasjon
-Nå som PayloadLoader, Environment Loader og Aroma er installert, skal vi fullføre installasjonen.
-### Ekstra Homebrew-apper
-?> Alle Homebrew appene startes fra Wii U Menyen i Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** er en homebrew app som lar deg endre Wii-U og vWii save filer.
-- **Bloopair** er en Aroma modul som lar deg koble trådløst til de mest populære Bluetooth kontrollene. Se [denne siden](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for mer informasjon.
-- **Homebrew Appstore** lar deg søke etter og laste ned homebrew apps direkte til Wii U konsollen.
-### Ekstra Homebrew Apper - Dette Trenger Du
-- Siste utgave av [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` fra [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Ekstra Homebrew Apper - Pakke ut Filer to SD-Kortet
-1. Pakk ut `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` fila til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Pakk ut `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` til roten av SD-kortet.
-### Anbefalte Plugins
-| Navn | Beskrivelse | Installasjons Instruksjoner |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Kjører en FTP-server i bakgrunnen. | 1. Pakk ut `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip`. Dr. Kawashimas Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratis. Gå til [eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) og sjekk om du har spillet.
-Hvis du ikke eier noen av spillene i listen, anbefaler vi å kjøpe Brain Age (Nord-Amerika) eller Brain Training (Europa) siden det for tiden er blandt den billigste gruppen med kompatible spill og er ett spill vi regner med det er minst interesse av å spille.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/no_NO/docs/user-guide/cbhc/installing-hblc.md b/translations/no_NO/docs/user-guide/cbhc/installing-hblc.md
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-## Installere Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å installere Homebrew Launcher Channel som et program direkte på Wii U menyen for enkel tilgang.
-?> Denne siden gjelder bare for Haxchi og CBHC brukere. Homebrew Launcher Channel (den versjonen av Homebrew Channel du kjører fra Wii U Menu) vil **ikke** fungere med Mocha CFW!
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Trykk på Home-knappen under `Autobooting...` vindu for å komme deg inn i oppstartsmenyen.
-1. Velg `Boot Homebrew Launcher` for å starte Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Start WUP Installer GX2 appen.
-1. Bruk touch-skjermen for å velge `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Trykk `Install` og bekreft med `Yes`.
-1. Velg NAND som installasjonsdestinasjon. Dette vil starte installasjonen av Homebrew Launcher-kanalen til Wii U menyen.
-1. Når prosessen er ferdig, trykk på Home-knappen til du er tilbake på Wii U menyen.
-1. Du har nå installert Homebrew Launcher Channel og kan finne den på Wii U Menyen.
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-## Bruke CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Nå som du har en NAND backup i tilfelle noe går galt senere, kan du kjøre CFW på systemet ditt.
-I motsetning til systemer som DSi, Wii eller 3DS, er Wii U CFW midlertidig. Dette betyr at så snart systemet starter på nytt, vil du miste CFW og må følge disse instruksjonene igjen. Det trenger du ikke ved å installere CBHC på en Haxchi CFW installasjon.
-!> Hvis du installerer CBHC feil, så kan den bricke Wii U'en din. Sørg for å følge reglene ved installasjon av CBHC: Dr. Kawashimas Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
gratis. Gå til [eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) og sjekk om du har spillet.
-Hvis du ikke eier noen av spillene i listen, anbefaler vi å kjøpe Brain Age (Nord-Amerika) eller Brain Training (Europa) siden det for tiden er blandt den billigste gruppen med kompatible spill og er ett spill vi regner med det er minst interesse av å spille.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installere Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å installere Homebrew Launcher Channel som et program direkte på Wii U menyen for enkel tilgang.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-?> Å installere Homebrew Launcher Channel er valgfritt siden du kan åpne den ved å holde inne A knappen mens du starter Haxchi.
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen.
-1. Start Haxchi Wii U menyen. Dette vil åpne Wii U menyen med CFW aktivert.
-1. Start Haxchi igjen mens du holder inne A knappen. Dette vil sende deg til Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Start WUP Installer GX2 appen.
-1. Bruk touch-skjermen for å velge `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Trykk `Install` og bekreft med `Yes`.
-1. Velg NAND som installasjonsdestinasjon. Dette vil starte installasjonen av Homebrew Launcher-kanalen til Wii U menyen.
-1. Når prosessen er ferdig, trykk på Home-knappen til du er tilbake på Wii U menyen.
-1. Du har nå installert Homebrew Launcher Channel og kan finne den på Wii U Menyen. Husk at du må starte CFW etter hver omstart for å kunne åpne denne kanalen.
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-# Haxchi
-## Bruke CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Nå som du har en NAND backup i tilfelle noe går galt senere, kan du kjøre CFW på systemet ditt.
-I motsetning til systemer som DSi, Wii eller 3DS, er Wii U CFW midlertidig. Dette betyr at så snart systemet starter på nytt, vil du miste CFW og må følge disse instruksjonene igjen. Det trenger du ikke ved å installere CBHC på en Haxchi CFW installasjon.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-?> Hvis du ikke får installert Haxchi, prøv å avinstallere og laste ned DS VC spillet fra eShop på nytt og sørg for at det blir installert i NAND.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PCen og sett det inn i Wii U konsollen.
-1. Hvis du ikke har gjort det enda, last ned DS VC spillet du valgte fra eShop.
-1. Start Homebrew Launcher på Wii U konsollen din som [forklart tidligere](browser-exploit).
-1. Kjør Haxchi appen.
-1. Bruk D-padden til å flytte markøren til spillet du ønsker å installere Haxchi over og trykk på A knappen for å installere den.
-1. Når installasjonen er ferdig, vil konsollen gå tilbake til Wii U menyen. Der vil du se spillet ditt erstattet med et Haxchi ikon.
-1. Kjør Haxchi. Dette vil starte konsollen på nytt og aktivere CFW.
-1. Du må kjøre Haxchi etter hver omstart for å aktivere CFW.
-1. Du kan nå koble til eventuelle USB-enheter du hadde tilkoblet, før du startet guiden.
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-# Haxchi
-## Lage en NAND backup{docsify-ignore}
-Hvis noe går galt senere i prosessen og Wii U konsollen "bricker", vil gjenoppretting av en NAND backup muligens fikse den.
-### Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
-?> Størrelsen på Wii U NAND er (avhengig av modellen) enten 8gb eller 32gb. På grunn av dette så må du bruke ett SD-kort som er større enn NAND størrelsen. Hvis SD-kortet ditt ikke er stort nok, så kan du hoppe over `MLC` delen hvor spilldata og saves er lagret, den er ikke nødvendig for å gjenopprette de fleste bricke-tilfellene.
-?> Å gjenopprette en NAND backup på Wii U konsollen krever litt kunskap om maskinvare og loddeferdigheter av mikro elektronikk. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Trykk en knapp for å avslutte.
-!> Det er stor sjangse for å bricke vWii hvis man installerer en custom System Menu og du bør alltid ha en backup av systemet før du prøver å installerer en, men hvis du installerer det riktig så vil det ikke være noen risiko.
-!> Installering av IOS (inkludert TED IOS'er) eller wads formattert for den originale Wii'en vil "bricke" vWii'en din. WiiWare wads er greit, men noen må konverteres for å fungere.
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-# vWii Modifiserings Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Forberedelser
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å modifisere vWii.
-Vi starter med å plassere Homebrew filene du trenger på SD-kortet ditt.
-?> **Merk**
-SD-kortet må være FAT32 formatert. Hvis SD-kortet ikke er FAT32 formatert, bruk [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) med 32k (32768) Allocation unit size til å formatere det riktig. **Ikke** sett navnet på SD-kortet til `wiiu`, det vil skape problemer med noen homebrew apper.
-?> Hvis du har hacket Wii U'en din tidligere, kan du bruke det samme SD-kortet i denne prosessen.
-?> I motsetning til Wii U homebrew, vWii apper skal inn i en separat `apps` mappe på roten av SD-kortet. Compat Installer er den **eneste** Wii U appen her.
-### Dette trenger du
-- Siste utgave av [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Trykk på `Download Payloads` og `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - Hvis du allerede har installert Aroma, trenger du ikke å laste den ned på nytt.
-- Siste utgave av [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Kilde](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instruksjoner
-1. Sett SD-kortet ditt i PC'en din.
-2. Pakk ut `apps` mappen fra `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` til roten av SD kortet.
-3. Pakk ut `d2x-cios-installer` fra `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` fila til apps mappen på roten av SD-kortet.
-4. Pakk ut Base Aroma og payloads `.zip` filene til roten av SD-kortet.
-5. Pakk ut `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` fila til roten av SD-kortet.
-6. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
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-**vWii Modifisering**
-- [Hjemmesiden](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Lenker**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Oversett](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Oversett](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donere](../donations)
-- [Om denne guiden](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modifiserings Guide
-Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å modifisere vWii.
-Vi starter med å plassere Homebrew filene du trenger på SD-kortet ditt.
-?> **Merk** SD-kortet ditt må formateres til FAT32. Hvis den ikke er formatert til FAT32, bør du bruke [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) med 32k (32768) "Allocation unit size" for å formatere den. **Ikke** sett navnet på SD kortet til `wiiu`, det vil skape problemer med noen homebrew apper.
-?> Hvis du har hacket Wii U'en din tidligere, kan du bruke det samme SD-kortet i denne prosessen.
-### Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
-- De nyeste filene i [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Klikk på `Download Tiramisu`.
- - Hvis du allerede har installert Tiramisu, trenger du ikke å laste den ned på nytt.
-- Siste utgave av [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([kilde](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- d2x cIOS Installer.
-### Forberede SD-kortet {docsify-ignore}
-1. Sett SD-kortet ditt i PC'en din.
-1. Pakk ut `apps` mappen fra Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
til roten av SD kortet.
-1. Pakk ut `d2x-cios-installer` fra d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
fila til apps mappen på SD-kortet.
-1. Pakk ut Tiramisu *`.zip`* fila til roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Kopier `compat_installer.elf` fila til `wiiu/apps` mappen i roten av SD-kortet.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
-### NAND Backup
-Hvis noe går galt senere i prosessen og vWii "bricker", vil gjenoppretting av en NAND backup muligens fikse den.
-?> Hvis du nylig har laget en NAND sikkerhetskopi som inneholder SLCCMPT og OTP, kan du hoppe over dette trinnet.
-1. Kjør [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Bruk D-padden for å sette opp følgende konfigurasjon:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Trykk på A knappen for å starte dumpingprosessen.
-1. Når prosessen er fullført, skru av Wii U konsollen, ta ut SD-kortet og sett den inn i PC-en din.
-1. For å være sikker på at du ikke mister filene, kopier `slccmpt.bin` og, `otp.bin`, og hvis du velger å ta en full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, og `alle mlc.bin.part` filene til pc'en din.
-1. Slett filene fra SD-kortet for å frigjøre plass.
-1. Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
-### Installere Homebrew Channel
-1. Start opp [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Kjør Homebrew Launcher ved å starte Mii Maker.
-1. Kjør compat_installer.
-1. Trykk `A` for å installere Homebrew Channel og vent til du ser `Install succeeded`. Så trykker du HOME-knappen for å gå tilbake til Wii U menu.
-1. Start vWii (Wii menu ikonet).
- - Hvis installasjonen ble ferdig, bør du se Homebrew Channel kanalen i Wii Menu.
-### Installerer cIOS'er
-!> sørg for at du ikke har noen `.wad` filer noe annet sted enn i `apps` mappen på SD-kortet ditt.
-1. Slå på Wii U konsollen og start vWii.
-1. Start Homebrew Channel.
-1. Kjør d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Velg følgende instillinger:
- - Velg cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Velg cIOS base `56`
- - Velg cIOS slot `249`
-1. Trykk på `A`-knappen for å installere dem.
-1. Velg følgende instillinger:
- - Velg cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Velg cIOS base `57`
- - Velg cIOS slot `250`
-1. Trykk på `A`-knappen for å installere dem.
-1. Velg følgende instillinger:
- - Velg cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Velg cIOS base `58`
- - Velg cIOS slot `251`
-1. Trykk på `A`-knappen for å installere dem.
-1. Trykk på `B`-knappen for å avslutte.
-### Patche IOS 80
-!> Hvis Wii U konsollen din slår seg av mens du patcher IOS 80, vil vWii bli "bricket". Dette kan du fikse ved å enten pakke ut IOS 80 fila fra NAND backupen din og erstatte den over FTP, eller ved å [reinstallere IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels) på nytt.
-1. Kjør Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Les advarselen og vent 30 sekunder.
-1. Trykk en knapp for å installere.
-1. Vent til det står IOS80 Installaton is complete!
-1. Trykk en knapp for å avslutte.
-!> Det er stor sjangse for å bricke vWii hvis man installerer en custom System Menu og du bør alltid ha en backup av systemet før du prøver å installerer en, men hvis du installerer det riktig så vil det ikke være noen risiko.
-!> Installering av IOS (inkludert TED IOS'er) eller wads formattert for den originale Wii'en vil "bricke" vWii'en din.
-!> Priiloader versjoner før 0.10.0 fungerer ikke med vWii. Priiloader versjoner før 0.8.2 vil bricke vWii.
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-# O tym poradniku
-Ten poradnik został napisany przez członków [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Podziękowania**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Dziękujemy, również [wszystkim innym](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) którzy przyczynili się do powstania tego poradnika na GitHub.
-?> [Poradnik znajdziesz na GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), na licencji zgodnej z [Licencją ISC](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** i **Maschell** za [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** i **FIX94** za d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** i **FIX94** za [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - **Docsify team** za [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** za [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** i **smealum** za [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** za [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), i [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), i [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** i **dimok789** za [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** za [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** i **orboditilt** za [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** i **FIX94** za Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** i **brienj** za [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** za [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** i **Maschell** za [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** za [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** za [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blokowanie Aktualizacji
-W przeciwieństwie do np. exploitów Nintendo Switch RCM, wszystkie obecnie znane exploity Wii U mogą być nadpisane przez aktualizację systemu. Chociaż Wii U nie jest już oficjalnie wspierane, Nintendo może nadal wydawać aktualizacje dla tej konsoli. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Modyfikacja Payload
-Modyfikacja tego payload'u jest możliwa, podobnie do stosowanego w Haxchi. Może się spodobać użytkownikom Mocha, ponieważ oszczędza czas na uruchomienie Mocha poprzez Homebrew Launcher.
-### Czego Potrzebujesz {docsify-ignore}
-- Zmodyfikowany payload.
-- Najnowsza wersja [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-1. Rozpakuj plik `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` do folderu `install` w katalogu głównym karty SD.
-1. Umieść kartę SD w Wii U i uruchom [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Znajdź i uruchom aplikację WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Wybierz `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Naciśnij `Install` i wybierz NAND jako miejsce instalacji. Spowoduje to instalację kanału Homebrew Launcher w menu Wii U.
-1. Po zakończeniu instalacji naciśnij przycisk HOME i wróć do menu głównego Wii U.
-1. W tym momencie kanał nie uruchomi się, z powodu konfliktu z wersją używaną na karcie SD. Uruchom ponownie Wii U.
-1. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego Wii U i włoż ją do komputera.
-1. Rozpakuj plik `Configurable_Payload.zip` do katalogu głównego karty SD. Jeśli będziesz poproszony o nadpisanie plików na karcie SD, zrób to.
-1. Umieść kartę SD w Wii U i uruchom przeglądarkę internetową, a następnie przejdź do strony `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Kliknij na `Uruchom Homebrew Launcher!`. Jeśli wszystko zostało zrobione prawidłowo, powinieneś zostać przeniesiony do menu Wii U. Mocha została włączona i możesz używać Homebrew Launcher Channel, który zainstalowałeś wcześniej.
- - Jeśli Twój Wii U utknie na białym ekranie lub się zawiesi, odczekaj kilka sekund. Jeśli nic się nie zmieni po kilku/kilkunastu sekundach, zrestartuj konsolę, [zresetuj zapisane dane przeglądarki](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) i spróbuj ponownie.
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-# Dotacje {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Zrzucanie Zawartości Płyt Wii U
-Zrzucanie zawartości twoich płyt pozwala na zainstalowanie kopii gry w pamięci NAND/USB, dzięki czemu możesz grać bez potrzeby wkładania płyty.
-?> Zrzucanie i instalacja gier wymaga działającej konfiguracji Homebrew, więc upewnij się, że ukończyłeś główny poradnik na temat instalacji CFW zanim przejdziesz dalej.
-!> **NIELEGALNE** jest udostępnianie plików zrzuconych za pomocą tego poradnika.
-Jeśli zamierzasz użyć tego przewodnika do dzielenia się twoimi zrzuconymi grami, nie rób tego.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Instalacja gry w pamięci systemowej (NAND) nie jest zalecana, ponieważ jest ona ograniczona do 8GB lub 32GB w zależności od modelu, co sprawia, że miejsce na gry skończy się bardzo szybko.
-?> Podczas instalacji gry na urządzeniu USB zalecamy użycie dysków HDD, a nie dysków flash/SSD, ponieważ nie są one zoptymalizowane do ciągłego odczytywania i zapisywania danych, co sprawia, że szybko się zużywają. Jeśli twój dysk HDD nie jest zasilany z zewnątrz, będziesz potrzebował kabla Y, aby podłączyć go do dwóch gniazd USB na Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### Czego Potrzebujesz {docsify-ignore}
-- Karta SD z odpowiednią ilością miejsca na gry, które będziesz zrzucał.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Włącz Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Zrzucanie Zawartości Płyt z Grami Wii
-Zrzucanie zawartości płyt z grami pozwala na: granie na emulatorze Wii (mianowicie Dolphin), odtwarzanie ich przy użyciu aplikacji Homebrew dla Wii takich jak np. Wiiflow, instalowanie ich bezpośrednio na Wii U na sformatowanym dysku USB Wii U lub w pamięci NAND i uruchomione z menu Wii U.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> **NIELEGALNE** jest udostępnianie plików zrzuconych za pomocą tego poradnika.
-Jeśli zamierzasz użyć tego poradnika do dzielenia się twoimi zrzuconymi grami, nie rób tego.
-### Czego Potrzebujesz {docsify-ignore}
-1. Najnowsza wersja [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. Plik [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat).
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-1. Włóż kartę SD Wii U do komputera.
-1. Skopiuj folder `apps` z pliku `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` do katalogu głównego Twojej karty SD.
-1. Skopiuj plik `wii.dat` do katalogu głównego karty SD.
-1. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
-### Zrzucanie Zawartości Płyt z Grami Wii
-1. Włącz Wii U, następnie wybierz ikonę Wii Menu do uruchomienia vWii.
-1. Uruchom kanał Homebrew.
-1. Uruchom CleanRip.
-1. Przeczytaj zastrzeżenie, a następnie naciśnij przycisk A.
-1. Wybierz "Yes", aby włączyć Checksum Calculations.
-1. Wybierz USB lub SD w zależności od urządzenia, którego chcesz użyć do procesu zrzucania.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Naciśnij A, aby kontynuować.
-1. Zaznacz "No" na ekranie, który prosi Cię o pobranie plików redump.org DAT.
-1. Włóż płytę, a następnie naciśnij przycisk A.
-1. Wejdź [na tą stronę](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games), aby sprawdzić, czy twoja płytka jest dwuwarstwowa.
-1. Ustaw wszystko tak jak poniżej:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` jeżeli twoja płyta jest dwuwarstwowa)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. Jeśli chcesz zrzucić więcej płyt, wybierz Yes, aby zapamiętać swoje ustawienia. Jeśli nie, wybierz "No".
-?> Przygotuj się na chwilę oczekiwania. Proces zrzucania może potrwać od 30 minut do 1 godziny w zależności od prędkości twojej karty SD.
-### Łączenie Podzielonych Plików
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. Należy je połączyć.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Skopiuj wszystkie pliki, które mają tę samą nazwę i kończą się na `.partX.iso` do jednego folderu na komputerze.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Skopiuj wszystkie pliki, które mają tę samą nazwę i kończą się na `.partX.iso` do jednego folderu na komputerze.
-1. Otwórz terminal.
-1. Użyj polecenia `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Błędy przeglądarki
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Tak samo jak -3 powyżej, oznacza że nie wykryto karty SD. Spróbuj wyjąć i włożyć kartę ponownie. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Brak pliku payload na karcie SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Brak `homebrew_launcher` na karcie SD. Upewnij się, że masz `homebrew_launcher.elf` w folderze /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management prosi o "delete unnecessary data", co to oznacza?
-Tu chodzi o usunięcie plików pozostałych z instalacji które się nie powiodły. Zawsze wybieraj "Yes", aby usunąć te dane, ponieważ zajmują one miejsce niepotrzebnie. Jeśli kiedykolwiek Wii U zawiesi się na usuwaniu danych, możesz je usunąć ręcznie.
-Użyj FTPiiU Everywhere i przejdź do`/storage_mlc/usr/import` a następnie usuń wszystkie pliki z folderu, jeśli takie istnieją. W tym miejscu znajdują się pliki po niekompletnych instalacjach. Jeśli jednak instalowałeś gry/aplikacje na USB to pliki będą tu: `/storage_usb/usr/import`
-Folder `import` powinien być zawsze pusty.
-### Mój dysk HDD nie działa lub wydaje dziwny dźwięk klikania, co powinienem zrobić?
-Powodem takiego stanu rzeczy jest to, że Wii U nie zapewnia wystarczającej ilości zasilania przez jeden port USB, aby używać dysku twardego.
-Możesz to naprawić za pomocą zewnętrznego zasilania dysku HDD lub za pomocą kabla Y do podłączenia dysku HDD do dwóch portów USB.
-Jeśli twój HDD pracował przez jakiś czas poprawnie i przestał pracować w przypadku niektórych gier/wszystkich gier, jest to ten sam problem jak wyżej i można go rozwiązać tymi samymi metodami.
-### Podczas pobierania niektórych plików powstają duplikaty niektórych z nich o nazwie "info.json" & "manifest.install", co mam z nimi zrobić?
-Nic specjalnego, możesz je tam zostawić, usunąć lub zastąpić nowymi. Pliki te nie są używane, zatem nie jest ważne czy istnieją czy też nie.
-### Moja konsola nagle straciła łączność online, a ja mam na konsoli położony dysk HDD, co powinienem zrobić?
-Antena wewnętrzna mogła zostać zakłócona przez magnesy dyskowe.
-Możesz przesunąć HDD w inne miejsce na Wii U lub całkowicie zdjąć go z Wii U.
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-# Jak naprawić kod błędu 112-1037
-Ta strona poprowadzi Cię przez proces naprawy błędu 112-1037.
-### Czego Potrzebujesz {docsify-ignore}
-- Działająca [instalacja homebrew](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- Najnowsza wersja [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-1. Zainstaluj Python na swoim komputerze.
-### Naprawianie kodu błędu
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Włącz Wii U.
-1. Uruchom Homebrew Launcher i uruchom aplikację MochaFAT32.
-1. Wróć do menu Wii U.
-1. Otwórz okno wiersza poleceń.
-1. Użyj następującej komendy: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Użyj następującej komendy: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Wprowadź adres IP swojego Wii U.
- - Nie wiesz, jak go znaleźć? Przeczytaj [to](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Użyj odpowiedniego polecenia w zależności od regionu twojej konsoli:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Jeśli komenda zadziała, otrzymasz następującą odpowiedź: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Błąd powinien zostać usunięty.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Włącz Wii U.
-1. Uruchom Homebrew Launcher i uruchom aplikację MochaFAT32.
-1. Wróć do menu Wii U.
-1. Otwórz terminal.
-1. Użyj następującej komendy: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - Na Linuxie, najczęstszym miejscem do znalezienia pobranych plików jest /home/username/Downloads
-1. Użyj następującej komendy: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Wprowadź adres IP swojego Wii U.
- - Nie wiesz, jak go znaleźć? Przeczytaj [to](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Użyj odpowiedniego polecenia w zależności od regionu twojej konsoli:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. Jeśli komenda zadziała, otrzymasz następującą odpowiedź: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. Błąd powinien zostać usunięty.
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-# Przywracanie Kanału/IOS na vWii
-Ta strona poprowadzi Cię przez proces odzyskiwania IOS lub kanału na Twoim vWii, nie ważne czy został uszkodzony lub usunięty z jakiegokolwiek powodu.
-!> Ten proces może zniszczyć pamięć NAND vWii, jeśli nie będziesz ostrożny! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> Jeśli używasz blokady aktualizacji systemu, proszę [zdejmi ją ](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### Czego Potrzebujesz {docsify-ignore}
-- Działająca [instalacja homebrew](introduction) po stronie Wii U.
-- Najnowsze wydanie [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-1. Skopiuj zawartość pliku `decaffeinator.zip` do katalogu głównego karty SD.
-1. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
-1. Włącz Wii U i uruchom wybrane przez siebie CFW (Mocha, Haxchi lub CBHC).
-1. Uruchom Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Uruchom vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Proces odzyskiwania
-Masz kilka opcji. Jeśli wiesz, co przywrócić, zaleca się pierwszą próbę przywrócenia za pomocą menu `Advanced options`, lub `Light mode` jeśli nie jesteś pewien. W skrajnych przypadkach, w których żadna inna opcja nie rozwiązuje problemu, należy wybrać `Aggressive mode`.
-#### **Opcje zaawansowane**
-### Opcje zaawansowane
-?> Ten tryb wyczyści określone IOS'y i kanały w celu ich ponownej instalacji. Wszystkie pozostałe dane (w tym cIOS'y) zostaną zachowane.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
. Udaj się [do eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) i sprawdź, czy masz jedną z tych gier.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archiwum - CBHC
-**AKTUALNA METODA JEST DOSTĘPNA [TUTAJ](../../introduction)**
-## Instalacja kanału Homebrew Launcher {docsify-ignore}
-Na tej stronie dowiesz się jak zainstalować kanał Homebrew Launcher jako aplikację, bezpośrednio do Home Menu.
-?> Ten poradnik jest tylko dla użytkowników Haxchi i CBHC. Homebrew Launcher Channel (wersja Homebrew Channel uruchamiana przez Wii U Menu) **nie** będzie działać z Mocha CFW!
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-1. Włącz konsolę.
-1. Naciśnij przycisk Home podczas ekranu `Autobooting...`, aby dostać się do menu uruchamiania.
-1. Wybierz `Boot Homebrew Launcher`, aby uruchomić Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Przejdź do Homebrew Launcher, znajdź i uruchom aplikację WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Użyj ekranu dotykowego, aby wybrać `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Naciśnij `Install` i potwierdź naciskając `Yes`.
-1. Wybierz NAND jako miejsce docelowe instalacji. Spowoduje to instalację kanału Homebrew Launcher w menu Wii U.
-1. Po zakończeniu instalacji naciśnij przycisk HOME i wróć do menu głównego Wii U.
-1. Teraz zobaczysz Homebrew Launcher zainstalowany w menu Wii U.
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-# Archiwum - CBHC
-**AKTUALNA METODA JEST DOSTĘPNA [TUTAJ](../../introduction)**
-## Uruchamianie CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Mając kopię zapasową NAND na wypadek, gdyby coś poszło nie tak, możesz uruchomić CFW w swoim systemie.
-W przeciwieństwie do takich systemów jak DSi, Wii lub 3DS, Wii U CFW ma charakter tymczasowy. Oznacza to, że gdy tylko system zrestartuje się, CFW przestanie działać i znowu musisz postępować zgodnie z tą instrukcją. Można to ominąć poprzez zainstalowanie CBHC jako dodatek do instalacji Haxchi CFW.
-!> Niepoprawna instalacja CBHC może zblokować Wii U. Przestrzegaj poniższych zasad podczas instalacji CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
. Udaj się [do eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) i sprawdź, czy masz jedną z tych gier.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archiwum - Haxchi
-**AKTUALNA METODA JEST DOSTĘPNA [TUTAJ](../../introduction)**
-## Instalacja kanału Homebrew Launcher {docsify-ignore}
-Na tej stronie dowiesz się jak zainstalować kanał Homebrew Launcher jako aplikację bezpośrednio do Home Menu.
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-?> Instalacja kanału Homebrew Launcher jest opcjonalna, ponieważ możesz go uruchomić przytrzymując przycisk A podczas uruchamiania Haxchi.
-1. Włącz konsolę.
-1. Uruchom grę Haxchi DS z menu Wii U. Spowoduje to uruchomienie menu Wii U z włączonym CFW.
-1. Uruchom ponownie grę Haxchi DS przytrzymując przycisk A. Spowoduje to uruchomienie Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Przejdź do Homebrew Launcher, znajdź i uruchom aplikację WUP Installer GX2.
-1. Użyj ekranu dotykowego, aby wybrać `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Naciśnij `Install` i potwierdź naciskając `Yes`.
-1. Wybierz NAND jako miejsce docelowe instalacji. Spowoduje to instalację kanału Homebrew Launcher w menu Wii U.
-1. Po zakończeniu instalacji naciśnij przycisk HOME i wróć do menu głównego Wii U.
-1. Teraz zobaczysz Homebrew Launcher zainstalowany w menu Wii U. Pamiętaj, że musisz uruchomić CFW po każdym ponownym uruchomieniu Wii U, aby uruchomic ten kanał.
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-# Archiwum - Haxchi
-**AKTUALNA METODA JEST DOSTĘPNA [TUTAJ](../../introduction)**
-## Uruchamianie CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Mając kopię zapasową NAND na wypadek, gdyby coś poszło nie tak, możesz uruchomić CFW w swoim systemie.
-W przeciwieństwie do takich systemów jak DSi, Wii lub 3DS, Wii U CFW ma charakter tymczasowy. Oznacza to, że gdy tylko system zrestartuje się, CFW przestanie działać i znowu musisz postępować zgodnie z tą instrukcją. Można to ominąć poprzez zainstalowanie CBHC jako dodatek do instalacji Haxchi CFW.
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-?> Jeśli instalacja nie powiedzie się z jakiegoś powodu, spróbuj odinstalować i ponownie pobrać grę DS VC z eShop i upewnij się, że jest zainstalowana w NAND.
-1. Wyciągnij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do Wii U.
-1. Jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobiłeś, pobierz wybraną grę DS Virtual Console z eShop.
-1. Uruchom Homebrew Launcher na swoim systemie, zgodnie z tym co [wcześniej opisano](browser-exploit).
-1. Przejdź do Homebrew Launcher i otwórz aplikację Haxchi.
-1. Użyj D-Pada, aby ustawić kursor na grze, na której chcesz zainstalować Haxchi i naciśnij przycisk A, aby to zrobić.
-1. Po zakończeniu instalacji, twoja konsola uruchomi menu Wii U. Zobaczysz, że Twoja gra została zastąpiona przez ikonę Haxchi.
-1. Uruchom zmodyfikowaną grę DS. Spowoduje to ponowne uruchomienie konsoli i włączenie CFW.
-1. Będziesz musiał uruchamiać swoją grę Haxchi DS po każdym ponownym uruchomieniu CFW.
-1. Możesz teraz ponownie podłączyć wszystkie urządzenia USB, które odłączyłeś przed rozpoczęciem tego poradnika.
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-# Archiwum - Haxchi
-**AKTUALNA METODA JEST DOSTĘPNA [TUTAJ](../../introduction)**
-## Tworzenie kopii zapasowej NAND {docsify-ignore}
-W sytuacji, gdyby cokolwiek poszło nie tak w późniejszym procesie i Twoja Wii U zostanie uszkodzona, przywracanie poprzednio utworzonej kopii zapasowej NAND może ją naprawić.
-### Instrukcje {docsify-ignore}
-?> Wii U NAND w zależności od modelu ma pojemność 8GB albo 32GB. W związku z tym, aby utworzyć pełną kopię zapasową NAND Twojej konsoli, Twoja karta SD musi być większa niż rozmiar Twojego NAND. Jeśli nie masz wystarczająco dużej karty SD, możesz pominąć opcjonalną sekcję `MLC`, która zawiera zapisane pliki i dane gry i nie jest potrzebna do odzyskania w przypadku większości uszkodzeń.
-?> Przywracanie kopii zapasowej NAND na Wii U wymaga dodatkowych umiejętności sprzętowych i mikrolutowniczych. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-Ta strona poprowadzi Cię przez proces modyfikacji Twojego vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### Czego potrzebujesz
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instrukcje
-1. Włóż kartę SD Wii U do komputera.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instrukcje
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. Będziesz zapytany o to, czy chcesz zmienić aplikację/tutuł boot'owania. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. Od teraz PayloadLoader będzie uruchamiany automatycznie przy każdym uruchomieniu konsoli.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Poruszaj się przy pomocy D-Pada, aby najechać na tytuł, który chcesz wybrać do autoboot'owania, a następnie naciśnij przycisk Y, aby ustawić ten tytuł na stałe do autoboot'owania.
- - Naciśnij A, aby uruchomić wybrany tytuł.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Exploit przeglądarki
-Upewnij się, że Twój Wii U ma dostęp do Internetu, aby wykonać ten krok.
-### Instrukcje
-1. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - Jeśli Twój Wii U utknie na białym ekranie lub się zawiesi, odczekaj kilka sekund. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizowanie konfiguracji
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. Zobacz [tę stronę](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/), aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
-- **Homebrew Appstore** pozwala przeglądać i pobierać aplikacje homebrew bezpośrednio z poziomu Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` z [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-Ta strona poprowadzi Cię przez proces modyfikacji Twojego vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### Czego potrzebujesz
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instrukcje
-1. Włóż kartę SD Wii U do komputera.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
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-**Modyfikacja vWii**
-- [Strona główna](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Linki**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Przetłumacz](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Przetłumacz](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Wesprzyj](../donations)
-- [O tej stronie](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-#Poradnik Modyfikacji vWii
-Ta strona poprowadzi Cię przez proces modyfikacji Twojego vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Uwaga** Twoja karta SD będzie musiała być już sformatowana jako FAT32. Jeśli Twoja karta SD nie jest sformatowana do FAT32, użyj [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) z ustawieniem 32k (32768) jednostek alokacji aby ją sformatować. **Nie** oznaczaj karty SD jako `wiiu` bo spowoduje to problemy z homebrew.
-?> Jeśli hakowałeś Wii U w przeszłości, możesz użyć tej samej karty SD w tym procesie.
-### Czego Potrzebujesz {docsify-ignore}
-- Najnowsze pliki z [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- Najnowsza wersja [vwii-compat-installer-](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- Instalator d2x cIOS.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Włóż kartę SD Wii U do komputera.
-1. Skopiuj folder `apps` z pliku Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
do katalogu głównego karty SD.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Skopiuj zawartość pobranego pliku Tiramisu *`.zip`* do katalogu głównego karty SD.
-1. Skopiuj plik `compat_installer.elf` do folderu `wiiu/apps` w katalogu głównym karty SD.
-1. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
-### Kopia zapasowa NAND
-W sytuacji, gdyby cokolwiek poszło nie tak w późniejszym procesie i twoja Wii U zostanie uszkodzona, przywracanie poprzednio utworzonej kopii zapasowej NAND może ją naprawić.
-?> Jeśli ostatnio wykonałeś kopię zapasową NAND zawierającą SLCCMPT i OTP, możesz pominąć ten krok.
-1. Uruchom [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Użyj D-Pada na Wii U GamePad'zie, aby ustawić następującą konfigurację:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Naciśnij przycisk A, aby rozpocząć proces zrzucania na kartę SD.
-1. Po zakończeniu procesu, wyłącz Wii U, wyciągnij kartę SD z Wii U i podłącz ją do komputera.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Usuń pliki z karty SD aby zwolnić miejsce.
-1. Wyjmij kartę SD ze swojego komputera i podłącz ją do konsoli Wii U.
-### Instalacja kanału Homebrew
-1. Uruchom [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Uruchom Homebrew Launcher, otwierając Mii Maker.
-1. Uruchom compat_installer.
-1. Naciśnij `A`, aby zainstalować Kanał Homebrew i poczekaj aż zobaczysz komunikat `Install succeeded`. Następnie naciśnij przycisk HOME, aby powrócić do menu Wii U.
-1. Uruchom vWii (ikonę Wii Menu).
- - Jeśli instalacja zakończyła się sukcesem, powinieneś zobaczyć Kanał Homebrew w Wii Menu.
-### Instalacja cIOS
-!> Upewnij się, że nie masz żadnych plików `.wad` gdziekolwiek indziej niż w folderze `aplikacji` na karcie SD.
-1. Włącz Wii U i uruchom vWii.
-1. Uruchom Kanał Homebrew Channel.
-1. Uruchom instalator d2x cIOS.
-1. Ustaw wszystko tak jak poniżej:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Naciśnij przycisk `A`, aby zainstalować.
-1. Ustaw wszystko tak jak poniżej:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Naciśnij przycisk `A`, aby zainstalować.
-1. Ustaw wszystko tak jak poniżej:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Naciśnij przycisk `A`, aby zainstalować.
-1. Naciśnij przycisk `B`, aby wyjść.
-### Patch'owanie IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Uruchom spatch'owany instalator IOS 80 dla vWii.
-1. Przeczytaj ekran z ostrzeżeniem i poczekaj 30 sekund.
-1. Naciśnij dowolny przycisk, aby zainstalować.
-1. Poczekaj aż pojawi się komunikat IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/pt_BR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/pt_BR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/pt_PT/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/pt_PT/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/ro_RO/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/ro_RO/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/ru_RU/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/ru_RU/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/sv_SE/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/sv_SE/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/th_TH/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/th_TH/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/tr_TR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/tr_TR/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/uk_UA/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/uk_UA/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/vi_VN/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md b/translations/vi_VN/docs/user-guide/haxchi/installing-hblc.md
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# 关于本手册
-本手册是由 [Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)的成员所编写的。
-> **制作人员**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> 感谢[所有其他](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors)在 GitHub 中的手册贡献力量的人们。
-?> [你可以在 GitHub 中找到本手册](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU),它根据 [ISC 许可证](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md)进行授权。
-> **开发者/工具名单**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# 阻止更新
-目前所有已知的 Wii U 漏洞(例如 Nintendo Switch RCM 漏洞)都可以被通过更新系统失效。 虽然 Wii U 不再会得到任天堂官方的技术支持,但任天堂仍然可以为其发布新的系统更新。 Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### 简介 {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# 可配置的 Payload
-像 Haxchi 一样,这个 payload 是可以配置的。 这可能对使用 Mocha 的用户非常有用,因为它节省了一点从 Homebrew Launcher 启动 Mocha 的时间。
-### 你需要准备些啥? {docsify-ignore}
-- 可配置的 payload。
-- 最新版 [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix)。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. 解压 `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` 文件到 SD 卡根目录下的 `install` 文件夹。
-1. 将 SD 卡插入 Wii U,然后启动 [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit)。
-1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 WUP Installer GX2 程序,然后打开它。
-1. 选择 `Homebrew Launcher Channel`。 按下 `Install`,并选中 NAND 为安装目标。 这会将 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 一旦进程完成后,按下 Home 键来回到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 这时 channel 不会自动启动,因为它与你 SD 卡上使用的版本冲突。 重启 Wii U。
-1. 从 Wii U 上拔出 SD 卡,然后插入电脑。
-1. 解压 `Configurable_Payload.zip` 到你的 SD 卡中的根目录中。 如果弹出了需要覆盖文件的提示,请选择覆盖。
-1. 将 SD 卡插入 Wii U,然后启动 Wii U 并打开 Wii U 的浏览器,然后访问 `wiiuexploit.xyz` 网站。
-1. 点击 `Run Homebrew Launcher!`。 如果一切正常,系统将会自动回到 Wii U 主菜单。 Mocha 现在已被启用,且你可以使用你早前安装的 Homebrew Launcher Channel。
- - 如果你的 Wii U 卡住不动或白屏了,请等一会。 如果什么都没有发生,那就重启主机后[重置浏览器保存的数据](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history),然后再来一次。
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-# 捐赠 {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# 导出 Wii U 光盘
-导出你的光盘文件允许你安装游戏的副本到你主机的 NAND 或 USB 设备中,以便你可以在不用光盘的时候玩游戏。
-?> 导出和安装游戏需要你先完成 Homebrew 的设置,所以你需要先完成关于安装自制固件的主要教程,然后再来关注下面的步骤。
-!> 分享本教程导出的文件是 **非法的**。
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> 我们不建议将游戏安装到系统内存中(NAND),因为主机的内存容量为 8 GB 或 32 GB,如果你想安装好几个游戏,剩余空间会很快用完。
-?> 如果你需要将游戏安装到 USB 设备,我们建议你使用 HDD 而不要用闪存驱动器(U盘),闪存驱动器没有对读写文件的特别优化,导致它们会很快就无法正常使用。 如果你的 HDD 没有外接电源,则你需要一根硬盘 Y 形线将硬盘连接至 Wii U 上的两个 USB 接口上。
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### 你需要准备些啥? {docsify-ignore}
-- 你的 SD 卡需要保存游戏的导出文件的足够的空间。
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. 打开你的 Wii U。
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# 导出 Wii 光盘
-导出你的光盘允许你:在 Wii 模拟器(即 Dolphin)中游玩它们,或使用 USB/SD 卡加载器(如Wiiflow)玩它们,亦或制作一个 VC (Virtual Console)模拟游戏并安装在 USB 设备或 NAND 中,允许它从 Wii U 菜单中启动。
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> 分享本教程导出的文件是 **非法的**。
-### 你需要准备些啥? {docsify-ignore}
-1. 最新版 [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip)。
-1. [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) 文件。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. 将你的 Wii U 的 SD 卡插入你的电脑。
-1. 从 `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` 中复制 `apps` 文件夹到你的 SD 卡根目录中。
-1. 复制 `wii.dat` 到你的 SD 卡根目录。
-1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
-### 导出光盘
-1. 打开你的 Wii U,然后选中 Wii 菜单图标来启动至 vWii。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Channel。
-1. 启动 CleanRip。
-1. 阅读免责声明,然后按下 A 键。
-1. 选择 Yes 来启用校验计算。
-1. 选择导出过程中你想使用的 USB 设备或 SD 卡。
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. 按 A 继续。
-1. 如果屏幕上提示是否从 redump.org 上下载 DAT 文件,选择 No。
-1. 插入你的光盘,然后按下 A 键。
-1. 在[这个页面](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games)中可以检查你的光盘是否是双层的。
-1. 设定以下选项:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No`(如果你的光盘是双层的,请选择 `Yes`)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. 如果你想要导出多个光盘,请选择 Yes 来保存你的设置。 反之,请选择 No。
-?> 请等待一段时间。 导出过程可能要 30 分钟至 1 小时,这取决于你的 SD 卡速度。
-### 合并拆分文件
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. 它们需要被合并起来。
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. 将以 `.partX.iso` 结尾文件名的文件复制到你的电脑上。
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. 将以 `.partX.iso` 结尾文件名的文件复制到你的电脑上。
-1. 打开一个终端窗口
-1. 使用 `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### 浏览器错误
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** 与上文的 -3 错误一样,意思就是没有检测到内存卡。 重新插一下 SD 卡,然后再试一次。 This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** SD 卡上缺少 payload 文件。 Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** SD 卡中缺失 `homebrew_launcher`。 请确认在 /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
文件夹中有一个叫做 `homebrew_launcher.elf` 的文件。
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### 数据管理说要删除一些不必要的数据,它什么意思?
-这里指的是没有安装完成而残留的文件。 请总是确认删除这些数据,因为它们本来就没有存在的必要。 如果它一直卡在删除数据的进程中,那么你可以选择自己手动删除这些数据。
-使用 FTPiiU 然后浏览至 `/storage_mlc/usr/import` 然后删除这个文件夹中任何存在的文件。 这是未完成安装的东西存放的地方。 如果安装到 USB 设备中,则应该是 `/storage_usb/usr/import` 文件夹。
-`import` 文件夹里头理应始终都没有东西。
-### 我的 HDD 不工作或它发出了一些很奇怪的打击声,我要怎么办?
-出现这个情况是因为 Wii U 的某个 USB 接口没有给出足够的功率来驱动硬盘。
-你可以使用带有供电的 HDD,或者使用一根 Y 型硬盘线将硬盘连接至 Wii U 的两个 USB 接口来解决这个问题。
-如果你的 HDD 在工作了一段时间后在某些(或所有)游戏上抛锚了,这和上面说的是同个问题,并可以用同样的方法解决。
-### 当我解压一些文件时,某些叫做 “info.json” & “manifest.install” 的文件重复了,我对这些文件要咋整?
-你自己看着整吧,无论是把它们留在原处、删除它们或者替换它们为新的什么的等等都由你自己摆布。 也就是说,这些东西它有没有都无伤大雅。
-### 我的主机突然掉线了,而且我有一块 HDD 放在主机的顶上,怎么办啊?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# 如何修复错误代码 112-1037
-此页面将会教你如何修复错误代码 112-1037。
-### 你需要准备些啥? {docsify-ignore}
-- 已安装好[破解](introduction)。
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(右键单击 -> 保存链接为... -> 点击保存)。**
-- 最新版 [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. 在你的电脑上安装好 Python。
-### 修复错误代码
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. 打开你的 Wii U。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Launcher 然后启动 Mocha。
-1. 返回 Wii U 主菜单。
-1. 打开一个命令提示符窗口。
-1. 使用以下命令移动到 wupclient.py 的目录下: `cd cd C:\Users\<用户名>\Downloads
-1. 使用以下命令:`py -3 -i wupclient.py`。
-1. 输入你的 Wii U 的 IP 地址。
- - 你不知道? 请读[这个](find-wiiu-ip-address)。
-1. 请使用对应你主机区域的命令:
- - 日版:w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - 美版:w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - 欧版:w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. 如果输入正确,你应该会看到命令行输出以下内容: `chmod returned 0x0`。
-1. 这个错误代码现在应该没了。
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. 打开你的 Wii U。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Launcher 然后启动 Mocha。
-1. 返回 Wii U 主菜单。
-1. 打开终端窗口。
-1. 使用以下命令移动到 wupclient.py 的目录下: `cd /Users/<用户名>/Downloads
- - 在 Linux 上,下载的文件一般都在 /home/<用户名>/Downloads
-1. 使用以下命令:`python3 -i wupclient.py`。
-1. 输入你的 Wii U 的 IP 地址。
- - 你不知道? 请读[这个](find-wiiu-ip-address)。
-1. 请使用对应你主机区域的命令:
- - 日版:w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - 美版:w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - 欧版:w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. 如果输入正确,你应该会看到命令行输出以下内容: `chmod returned 0x0`。
-1. 这个错误代码现在应该没了。
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-# 恢复一个 vWii IOS/Channel
-此页面将教你恢复因任何原因而被破坏或被删除的 vWii 上的一个 IOS 或 Channel。
-!> 小心点,这东西可能在你大意的时候会破坏你 vWii 的 NAND! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> 如果你正在阻止系统更新,请[关闭阻止更新](unblock-updates)。
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### 你需要准备些啥? {docsify-ignore}
-- Wii U 的[破解](introduction)正常运作。
-- 最新版 [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases)。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. 复制 `decaffeinator.zip` 里的文件到你的 SD 卡根目录。
-1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
-1. 将 Wii U 开机,然后启动你选择的 CFW(Mocha、Haxchi 或 CBHC)。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 启动 vWii Decaffeinator。
-### 恢复过程
-你将有几种不同的选择。 如果你知道你要恢复什么东西,建议先尝试通过 `Advanced options` 菜单进行恢复。如果不确定,请使用 `Light mode`。 如果那两个方法都没有解决这个问题,则你应该使用 `Aggressive mode`。
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> 此模式将清空特定的 IOS 和 Channel 来重新安装它们。 其他数据(包括 cIOS 的)将会保存。
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
免费游戏。 [进入 eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u),然后检查你是否已拥有该游戏。
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## 安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. 打开你的主机。
-1. 在屏幕上提示 `Autobooting...` 时按下 Home 键来打开引导菜单。
-1. 选择 `Boot Homebrew Launcher` 来启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 WUP Installer GX2 程序,然后打开它。
-1. 使用触屏来选择 `Homebrew Launcher Channel`。 点击 `Install` 然后以 `Yes` 确认。
-1. 选择 NAND 作为安装目标。 这会将 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 一旦进程完成后,按下 Home 键来回到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 然后你应该就会看到 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装在你的 Wii U 主菜单中了。
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## 启动 CFW {docsify-ignore}
-若一切都无误操作,则你就能在之后得到你的 NAND 备份并在系统中运行 CFW 了。
-与 DSi、Wii 或 3DS 不同的是,Wii U 的 CFW 是临时性的。 这代表在系统重启之后 CFW 就会失效,你必须重复下面的操作才能重新启动 CFW。 你可以选择安装 CBHC 来自动进入 Haxchi CFW 以跳过这些步骤。
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
免费游戏。 [进入 eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u),然后检查你是否已拥有该游戏。
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## 安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. 打开你的主机。
-1. 从 Wii U 菜单中打开你安装了 Haxchi 的 DS 游戏。 这将重启并激活启用 CFW 的 Wii U 菜单。
-1. 再次启动 Haxchi DS 游戏一次,启动后按住 A 键。 这将会启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 WUP Installer GX2 程序,然后打开它。
-1. 使用触屏来选择 `Homebrew Launcher Channel`。 点击 `Install` 然后以 `Yes` 确认。
-1. 选择 NAND 作为安装目标。 这会将 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 一旦进程完成后,按下 Home 键来回到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 然后你应该就会看到 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装在你的 Wii U 主菜单中了。 请注意,你需要在每次重启后重新启动 CFW 才能打开这个 Channel。
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## 启动 CFW {docsify-ignore}
-若一切都无误操作,则你就能在之后得到你的 NAND 备份并在系统中运行 CFW 了。
-与 DSi、Wii 或 3DS 不同的是,Wii U 的 CFW 是临时性的。 这代表在系统重启之后 CFW 就会失效,你必须重复下面的操作才能重新启动 CFW。 你可以选择安装 CBHC 来自动进入 Haxchi CFW 以跳过这些步骤。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. 将内存卡从电脑上拔出并插回 Wii U。
-1. 若你还没有下载你的 DS VC 游戏,请从 eShop 上下载它。
-1. 按照[先前](browser-exploit)的方法在你的系统中启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Launcher 然后打开 Haxchi 程序。
-1. 使用十字键来移动光标至你想要用来安装 Haxchi 的游戏,然后按下 A 键来安装它。
-1. 一旦安装完成后,你的主机会自动启动至 Wii U 主菜单。 然后你就会看到你的游戏图标被 Haxchi 的所替代。
-1. 然后打开那个被修改的 DS 游戏。 这将重启主机,然后打开 CFW。
-1. 在重启主机后你需要通过你安装了 Haxchi 的游戏来启动 CFW。
-1. 你现在可以重新插入你在开启做手册时拔出的 USB 设备了。
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## 制作一个 NAND 备份{docsify-ignore}
-如果你在之后做错了什么导致 Wii U 变砖了,恢复 NAND 备份就可以修复它。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-?> Wii U NAND 备份的大小取决于你的设备型号,为 8GB 或 32GB。 为了备份 NAND,你需要准备一张大于你设备 NAND 的 SD 卡。 如果你的 SD 卡没有如此大的空间,你在备份的时候可以选择跳过 `MLC` 部分,其中保存的文件是你的游戏和游戏存档,救砖不需要恢复这些东西。
-?> 不过恢复 NAND 备份需要额外的设备和一点微焊技能。 IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-此页将会教你如何修改 vWii。
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### 你需要准备点啥?
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## 操作步骤
-1. 将你的 Wii U SD 卡 插入你的电脑。
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### 操作步骤
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## 浏览器漏洞
-请确保你的 Wii U 在做到这里之前可以连接到互联网。
-### 操作步骤
-1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - 如果你的 Wii U 卡住不动或白屏了,请等一会。 If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
免费游戏。 [进入 eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u),然后检查你是否已拥有该游戏。
-如果你没有下面列出的任何游戏,我们建议你购买 Brain Age(北美)或 Brain Training(欧洲)游戏,因为它们是目前所有已知兼容游戏中最便宜的,而且我们不认为你会想玩这两个游戏。
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
diff --git a/translations/zh_CN/docs/user-guide/cbhc/installing-hblc.md b/translations/zh_CN/docs/user-guide/cbhc/installing-hblc.md
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-## 安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-这个页面将会指导你安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel 为一个可在主菜单中打开的程序,来方便打开。
-?> 此页面只适用于 Haxchi 和 CBHC 用户。 Homebrew Launcher Channel(从 Wii U 主菜单中启动的 Homebrew Channel)**不适用**于 Mocha CFW!
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-1. 打开你的主机。
-1. 在屏幕上提示 `Autobooting...` 时按下 Home 键来打开引导菜单。
-1. 选择 `Boot Homebrew Launcher` 来启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 WUP Installer GX2 程序,然后打开它。
-1. 使用触屏来选择 `Homebrew Launcher Channel`。 点击 `Install` 然后以 `Yes` 确认。
-1. 选择 NAND 作为安装目标。 这会将 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 一旦进程完成后,按下 Home 键来回到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 然后你应该就会看到 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装在你的 Wii U 主菜单中了。
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-## 启动 CFW {docsify-ignore}
-若一切都无误操作,则你就能在之后得到你的 NAND 备份并在系统中运行 CFW 了。
-与 DSi、Wii 或 3DS 不同的是,Wii U 的 CFW 是临时性的。 这代表在系统重启之后 CFW 就会失效,你必须重复下面的操作才能重新启动 CFW。 你可以选择安装 CBHC 来自动进入 Haxchi CFW 以跳过这些步骤。
-!> 若安装 CBHC 时发生了操作错误会导致 Wii U 砖机。所以请确保你在安装 CBHC 时遵循以下规定: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
免费游戏。 [进入 eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u),然后检查你是否已拥有该游戏。
-如果你没有下面列出的任何游戏,我们建议你购买 Brain Age(北美)或 Brain Training(欧洲)游戏,因为它们是目前所有已知兼容游戏中最便宜的,而且我们不认为你会想玩这两个游戏。
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [欧版](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [美版](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [日版](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## 安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-这个页面将会指导你安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel 为一个可在主菜单中打开的程序,来方便打开。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-?> 是否需要安装 Homebrew Launcher Channel 由你自己决定,因为你可以在启动 Haxchi 的时候按住 A 键来启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 打开你的主机。
-1. 从 Wii U 菜单中打开你安装了 Haxchi 的 DS 游戏。 这将重启并激活启用 CFW 的 Wii U 菜单。
-1. 再次启动 Haxchi DS 游戏一次,启动后按住 A 键。 这将会启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 WUP Installer GX2 程序,然后打开它。
-1. 使用触屏来选择 `Homebrew Launcher Channel`。 点击 `Install` 然后以 `Yes` 确认。
-1. 选择 NAND 作为安装目标。 这会将 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 一旦进程完成后,按下 Home 键来回到 Wii U 主菜单中。
-1. 然后你应该就会看到 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装在你的 Wii U 主菜单中了。 请注意,你需要在每次重启后重新启动 CFW 才能打开这个 Channel。
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-# Haxchi
-## 启动 CFW {docsify-ignore}
-若一切都无误操作,则你就能在之后得到你的 NAND 备份并在系统中运行 CFW 了。
-与 DSi、Wii 或 3DS 不同的是,Wii U 的 CFW 是临时性的。 这代表在系统重启之后 CFW 就会失效,你必须重复下面的操作才能重新启动 CFW。 你可以选择安装 CBHC 来自动进入 Haxchi CFW 以跳过这些步骤。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-?> 如果安装因为某些原因而失败了,请尝试卸载游戏并重新从 eShop 上下载这个游戏,并确保你是将游戏安装到 NAND 中的。
-1. 将内存卡从电脑上拔出并插回 Wii U。
-1. 若你还没有下载你的 DS VC 游戏,请从 eShop 上下载它。
-1. 按照[先前](browser-exploit)的方法在你的系统中启动 Homebrew Launcher。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Launcher 然后打开 Haxchi 程序。
-1. 使用十字键来移动光标至你想要用来安装 Haxchi 的游戏,然后按下 A 键来安装它。
-1. 一旦安装完成后,你的主机会自动启动至 Wii U 主菜单。 然后你就会看到你的游戏图标被 Haxchi 的所替代。
-1. 然后打开那个被修改的 DS 游戏。 这将重启主机,然后打开 CFW。
-1. 在重启主机后你需要通过你安装了 Haxchi 的游戏来启动 CFW。
-1. 你现在可以重新插入你在开启做手册时拔出的 USB 设备了。
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-# Haxchi
-## 制作一个 NAND 备份{docsify-ignore}
-如果你在之后做错了什么导致 Wii U 变砖了,恢复 NAND 备份就可以修复它。
-### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}
-?> Wii U NAND 备份的大小取决于你的设备型号,为 8GB 或 32GB。 为了备份 NAND,你需要准备一张大于你设备 NAND 的 SD 卡。 如果你的 SD 卡没有如此大的空间,你在备份的时候可以选择跳过 `MLC` 部分,其中保存的文件是你的游戏和游戏存档,救砖不需要恢复这些东西。
-?> 不过恢复 NAND 备份需要额外的设备和一点微焊技能。 IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-此页将会教你如何修改 vWii。
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### 你需要准备点啥?
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## 操作步骤
-1. 将你的 Wii U SD 卡 插入你的电脑。
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
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-**vWii 修改**
-- [主页](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **链接**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
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-- [捐赠](../donations)
-- [关于我们](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii 破解教程
-此页将会教你如何修改 vWii。
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **注意** 你的 SD 卡需要被格式化为 FAT32。 如果你的 SD 卡的格式不是 FAT32,则你需要用 [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) 格式化,格式化时请将分配单元大小设置为 32k(32768)。 **不要**把 SD 卡分区命名为 `wiiu`,这样做会导致出现 homebrew 程序上的问题。
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### 你需要准备些啥? {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. 将你的 Wii U SD 卡 插入你的电脑。
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
-### NAND 备份
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. 使用 Wii U 游戏手柄上的十字键来配置以下内容:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **可选**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. 按下 A 键启动导出的进程。
-1. 当完成后,将 Wii U 关机,然后把 SD 卡从 Wii U 上拔出并插入电脑。
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. 从 SD 卡中删除文件来腾出空间。
-1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### 安装 cIOS
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. 将 Wii U 开机,然后启动 vWii。
-1. 启动 Homebrew Channel。
-1. 启动 d2x cIOS Installer。
-1. 设定以下选项:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. 按下 `A` 键来安装。
-1. 设定以下选项:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. 按下 `A` 键来安装。
-1. 设定以下选项:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. 按下 `A` 键来安装。
-1. 按下 `B` 键来退出。
-### 为 IOS 80 打补丁
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. 启动 vWii 的 Patched IOS 80 Installer。
-1. 阅读警告信息并等待 30 秒。
-1. 按下任意键来安装。
-1. 等一会,直到它提示 IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.
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-# About This Guide
-This guide was written by staff members of the [Nintendo Homebrew Discord Server](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-> **Credits**
-> **Elpunical, FlimFlam69, Flump, GaryOderNichts, Hiperhazz, huhen, ihaveahax/ihaveamac, Lazr1026, Link5261, Maschell, Nightkingale, Plailect, Profanity, and redcubie.**
-> Thank you to [everyone else](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/graphs/contributors) that contributed to the guide on GitHub.
-?> [You can find this guide on GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU), It is licensed under the [ISC License](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
-> **Developer / Tool Credits**
-> - **GaryOderNichts** and **Maschell** for the [AutobootModule](https://github.com/wiiu-env/AutobootModule).
-> - **GaryOderNichts** for the [Configurable Payload](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/configurable-payload), [Indexiine-Installer](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/indexiine-installer), [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine), [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator), the fixed version of the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/), and [Bloopair](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/Bloopair).
-> - **dragbe** and **FIX94** for d2x cIOS Installer.
-> - **koolkdev** and **FIX94** for [disc2app](https://github.com/koolkdev/disc2app).
-> - The **Docsify team** for [docsify.js](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/).
-> - **jhildenbiddle** for [docsify-themeable](https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/docsify-themeable).
-> - **Maschell** for the [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader), [FailST](https://maschell.github.io/homebrew/2020/12/02/failst.html), [EnvironmentLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/EnvironmentLoader), [HBLInstallerWrapper](https://github.com/wiiu-env/HBLInstallerWrapper), [LaunchInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/LaunchInstaller), [MochaPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/MochaPayload), [PayloadFromRPX](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadFromRPX), [PayloadLoaderInstaller](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstaller), [PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadLoaderInstallerEnvironment), [PayloadloaderPayload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/PayloadloaderPayload), the [Tiramisu Downloader](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/), [wudd](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wudd), the [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/), the [SDCafiine Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/sdcafiine_plugin/), the [Screenshot Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ScreenshotWUPS/), the [Aroma Downloader](https://aroma.foryour.cafe), and Tiramisu/Aroma.
-> - **FIX94** and **smealum** for [Haxchi and CBHC](https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi).
-> - **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), the [Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher), and [Mocha](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha).
-> - **Maschell** and **dimok789** for the [Homebrew Launcher Installer](https://github.com/wiiu-env/homebrew_launcher_installer).
-> - **vgmoose**, **pwsincd**, **rw-r-r_0644**, **crc32**, **Compucat**, **Nightkingale** and the **4TU Team** for [hb-appstore](https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore).
-> - **Jonhyjp** for [Indexiine](https://gbatemp.net/threads/indexiine-load-cfw-during-boot-and-offline-without-a-vc-ds-title.553681/).
-> - **JumpCallPop**, **jam1garner**, **hedgeberg**, **yellows8** and **orboditilt** for [JSTypeHax](https://github.com/wiiu-env/JsTypeHax).
-> - **Dr Clipper**, **ZRicky11**, **dmm** and **FIX94** for Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii.
-> - **GabyPCgeeK**, **Ryuzaki-MrL**, and **Xpl0itU** for [SaveMii WUT Port](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/savemii)
-> - **djskual**, **Loadiine GX2 Team**, **Yardape** and **brienj** for [WUP Installer GX2](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wup-installer-gx2/).
-> - **koolkdev** for [Wii U NAND Dumper](https://github.com/koolkdev/wiiu-nanddumper).
-> - **koolkdev** and **Maschell** for [Wii U NAND Dumper payload](https://github.com/wiiu-env/wiiu-nanddumper-payload).
-> - **dimok789** for [wupclient.py](https://github.com/dimok789/mocha/blob/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py).
-> - **TheLordScruffy** for the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer).
-> - **marco-calautti** for the [Sigpatches Module](https://github.com/marco-calautti/SigpatchesModuleWiiU)
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-# Blocking Updates
-All currently known Wii U exploits can, unlike e.g. the Nintendo Switch RCM exploit, be patched by a system update. Although the Wii U is no longer officially supported, Nintendo may still release updates for it. Namely, the updates 5.5.3 up to 5.5.6 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
-While Aroma's PayloadLoader already has built-in update blocking functionality, it is recommended to delete the update folder to effectively block system updates. If you get a yellow warning screen while booting into Aroma, the update folder still exists and it is recommended to delete it using the guide below.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-Currently, one way exists to effectively block updates on the Wii U system:
-1. Make sure you have the latest Aroma beta.
-1. Boot into Aroma.
- - If you got the yellow warning screen, press X to block updates.
- - If you didn't get the warning, but the AutobootMenu says "Updates not blocked!", press and hold + (Plus) **and** - (Minus) at the same time until it says they are blocked.
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-# Configurable Payload
-This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The configurable payload.
-- The latest release of [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U.
-1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer.
-1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so.
-1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-1. Click on `Run Homebrew Launcher!`. If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier.
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
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-# Donations {docsify-ignore-all}
-> [![Paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU/master/docs/assets/img/paypal_white.png#center)](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew)
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-# Dumping Wii U Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to install a copy of your game to the system NAND/a USB device so you can play it without needing the disc.
-?> Dumping and installing games requires a working Homebrew setup, so make sure to finish the main guide on installing CFW first before following this.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### Dumping and Installing Wii U Discs {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing a game to the system memory (NAND) is not recommended as it's limited to either 8GB or 32GB depending on your model, making you run out of space pretty quickly if you want to install multiple games.
-?> When installing a game to a USB device, we recommend that you use an HDD and not a flash drive, as those are not optimized for constant reading and writing, therefore making them fail quickly. If your HDD is not externally powered, you will need a Y-cable to connect it to two USB slots on the Wii U.
-!> In order to install to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase (delete) all contents (documents, pictures, videos, PC data) off of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it. This *does* include the vWii, meaning you will not be able to run Wii and GameCube disc images off the USB using USB loaders. To format, plug your USB HDD into the Wii U, power on your Wii U, your Wii U will prompt you to format your HDD. Confirm with Yes.
-#### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- Your SD Card needs to have enough space to fit the game you want to dump.
-- If wanting to install to a USB, A USB HDD (+ a Y-cable if needed).
-- The latest release of [WUP Installer GX2](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip).
-- The [wudd](https://wiiu.cdn.fortheusers.org/zips/wudd.zip) homebrew application.
-#### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `wup_installer_gx2_wuhb.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded wudd `.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and insert it into your Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U and boot into Aroma.
-1. Launch the Wii U Menu and start the wudd app.
-1. Select `Dump partition as .app`
-1. Select the `Game` partition to start dumping.
-1. When finished, exit wudd to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Insert the SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder from `sd:/wudump/WUP-X-XXXX` to the `install` folder on your SD Card.
- - If the `install` folder does not exist, create it.
-1. Eject and insert the SD Card into your Wii U.
-1. Open the Wii U Menu and then the WUP Installer GX2 app.
-1. Select your game (`GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`), press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Choose 'USB' to install to USB and 'NAND' to install to NAND
-1. Exit the WUP Installer GX2 to the Wii U Menu.
-1. You should see your game installed, ready to be played.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. Delete the `GMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` folder in the `install` directory on your SD Card to free up space.
-### Moving Games To USB
-?> If you don't want to keep the game installed on NAND, you can use the Wii U's data management to move the game to a USB device.
-!> In order to move your game to a USB device, it has to be formatted by the Wii U. Doing this will erase all contents of it, and prevent it from being used on another system unless you reformat it.
-1. Plug your USB device into the Wii U.
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Your Wii U will prompt you to format your USB device. Confirm with Yes.
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`
-1. Select the game and move all data (including updates and DLC if any are installed) to your USB device.
-### Move Updates To USB
-?> If your disc game had DLC or updates installed, you will need to transfer the files over to your USB device. You can do this using the Wii U's data management.
-1. Power on your Wii U
-1. Open the Wii U's System Settings.
-1. Navigate to `Data Management > Copy/Move/Delete Data > System Memory > Move Items (X)`.
-1. Select your game and move the update and DLC data to the USB device.
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-# Dumping Wii Discs
-Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.
-?> Dumping Wii games requires a working homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii/sd-preparation) beforehand.
-!> It is **ILLEGAL** to share the files dumped with this guide.
-If you intend to use this guide to share your dumped games, don't.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip).
-1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Dumping The Disc
-1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch CleanRip.
-1. Read the Disclaimer then press A.
-1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations.
-1. Select either USB or Front SD depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process.
- - Please note that the device you choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS.
-1. Press A to continue.
-1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files.
-1. Insert your disc then press A.
-1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Dual Layer: `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
- - Chunk Size: `Max`
- - New device per chunk: `No`
-1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.
-?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.
-### Joining Split Files
-?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
-#### Windows {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Right-click inside the folder while holding Shift and select `Open PowerShell Window Here`.
-1. In the PowerShell window, run the following command as is: `cmd.exe /c "copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso"`.
-#### macOS/Linux {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
-1. Open up a Terminal.
-1. Use the `cd /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf
-### Browser errors
- - **FSGetMountSource failed:** Same as -3 above, means no SD Card detected. Re-insert the SD and try again. This could also mean that the SD card is locked (Slider is down instead of up) or the SD card label is "WIIU", which is stated in the guide causes conflict. If it's not any of these issues, refer to the last suggestion from -3.
- - **FSOpenFile failed [...] payload.elf:** Missing payload file on SD. Make sure you have payload.elf in the wiiu folder, and the wiiu folder on the root.
- - **FSOpenFile failed:** Missing `homebrew_launcher` on SD. Make sure you have `homebrew_launcher.elf` in the /wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher
- - **SD Mount Failed:** Similar to -4, the console recognizes the SD card but could not mount it. Make sure it is formatted properly, and it is not damaged. Also, your SD card is more compatible with reputable brands (i.e. SanDisk, Samsung, Lexar, etc.) and less likely to have issues.
-### Data Management asks to delete unnecessary data, what does it mean?
-This refers to leftover files from incomplete installs. Always choose Yes to delete this data, as it takes up space for no good reason. If it ever stays stuck on deleting the data in an infinite loop, you can manually delete the data yourself.
-Use FTPiiU Everywhere and browse to `/storage_mlc/usr/import` then delete any files in the folder if any exists. This is where the partial installs exist after incomplete installs. It'll be `/storage_usb/usr/import` if installed to a USB.
-The `import` folder should always be kept empty.
-### My HDD doesn't work or makes a weird clicking sound, what should I do?
-The reason behind that is that the Wii U doesn't give enough power through one USB port to use the Hard Drive.
-You can fix this by either using a powered HDD or using a Y-Cable to connect the HDD to two USB ports.
-If your HDD worked for some time and then stopped working for some games/all games, it is the same issue and can be fixed with the same methods.
-### When extracting some of the files there are duplicates of certain ones called "info.json" & "manifest.install", what do I do with those?
-Nothing special, you can leave them there, delete them or replace them with new ones. Those files are not used in the process, therefore, won't have any impact by being or not being there.
-### My console suddenly lost online connectivity and I have an HDD sitting on top of the console, what should I do?
-The internal antenna may have been influenced by the hard drive magnet.
-You can move the HDD to a different position atop the Wii U, or move it off the Wii U entirely.
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-# How To Fix The Error Code 112-1037
-This page will guide you through the process of fixing the error code 112-1037.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction).
-- [wupclient.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elpunical/mocha/master/ios_mcp/wupclient.py) **(right-click -> Save link as... -> Click Save).**
-- The latest release of [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Install Python on your computer.
-### Fixing The Error Code
-#### **Windows**
-### Windows
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a command prompt window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd cd C:\Users\username\Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `py -3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
-#### **macOS & Linux**
-### macOS & Linux
-1. Power on your Wii U.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher and launch Mocha.
-1. Go back to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Open up a Terminal window.
-1. Use the following command: `cd /Users/username/Downloads
- - On Linux, the most common place to find your downloaded files is /home/username/Downloads
-1. Use the following command: `python3 -i wupclient.py`.
-1. Enter the IP address of your Wii U.
- - Don't know how to find it? Read [this](find-wiiu-ip-address).
-1. Use the appropriate command depending on the region of your console:
- - JPN: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001200a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - USA: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001210a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
- - EUR: w.chmod("/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001220a/content/pages/index.html", 0x644)
-1. If the command worked, you will get the following response: `chmod returned 0x0`.
-1. The error code should now be gone.
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-# Recover a vWii IOS/Channel
-This page will guide you through the process of recovering a IOS or channel on your vWii, whether it has been corrupted or deleted for whatever reason.
-!> This has the potential to destroy your vWii NAND if you are not careful! Please consider [backing up](vwii/nand-backup) your SLCCMPT and OTP if you do not yet have them backed up!
-?> If you are using a system update blocking method, please [remove it](unblock-updates).
-?> Due to mounting conflicts with this app, you need to also disable the FTPiiu plugin.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- A working [homebrew installation](introduction) on the Wii U side.
-- The latest release of [vWii Decaffeinator](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/vWii-Decaffeinator/releases).
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Copy the contents of the `decaffeinator.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch the CFW of your choice (Mocha, Haxchi or CBHC).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Launch vWii Decaffeinator.
-### Recovering Process
-You will be provided with various options. It is recommended to first attempt restoring through the `Advanced options` menu if you know what to restore, or `Light mode` if you aren't sure. In extreme cases where no other option solves the issue, `Aggressive mode` should be chosen.
-#### **Advanced options**
-### Advanced options
-?> This mode will clear the specified IOSes and channels to reinstall them. All other data (including cIOSes) will be preserved.
-Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-# Archive - CBHC
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, you cannot do this method as the 3DS and Wii U eShops have been shut down.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World**
-- **Big Brain Academy**
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!**
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber**
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?**
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush**
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack**
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass**
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks**
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time**
-- **Mario Kart DS**
-- **New Super Mario Bros.**
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky**
-- **Star Fox Command**
-- **Super Mario 64 DS**
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise**
-- **WarioWare: Touched!**
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS**
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go**
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Archive - Haxchi
-**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../introduction)**
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../../introduction)
-- [SD Preparation](sd-preparation)
-- [NAND Backup](nand-backup)
-- [Installing the Homebrew Channel](installing-homebrewchannel)
-- [Installing cIOSes](installing-cioses)
-- [Patching IOS 80 (Optional)](patching-ios80)
-- [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080\&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored\&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080\&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Autobooting Aroma
-Currently, every time you want to launch Aroma you will have to launch the Health and Safety information app. If you wish to automatically launch into Aroma on every boot, you can autoboot the Health and Safety Information app.
-If you don't want to autoboot Aroma, you can skip this step and follow the Setting Up PayloadLoader section below.
-### Instructions
-1. Start the console to boot into the Wii U Menu, and then launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment.
-3. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu.
-4. Once you are at the Wii U Menu, launch the PayloadLoader Installer.
-5. Press A to select `Check`.
-6. Select `Boot options`.
-7. You will be asked if you want to switch the boot title. Press A to select `Switch to PayloadLoader`.
-8. When the process has finished, press A to shutdown the console.
-9. The PayloadLoader will now be launched automatically on every boot.
-### Setting up PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma
-Now, we are going to make the Aroma environment start automatically when your console loads the Health and Safety Information app and select Wii U Menu as the default boot option.
-1. Launch the EnvironmentLoader.
- - If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U.
- - If you skipped the autobooting steps, launch the Health and Safety Information app.
-2. Press Y on `aroma` to set this to your default environment, then press A to launch into Aroma.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/EL_Highlight.png)
- - To open the Environment Loader in the future, you have to hold X while your Wii U is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
-3. On the Aroma Boot Selector, the `Wii U Menu` should already be selected, press Y to set this to your default autobooting option, then press A to launch into the Wii U Menu.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/ABM_Highlight.png)
-4. Aroma will now be launched each time you boot the console (or load Health and Safety) and then straight into the Wii U Menu.
- - To open the Aroma Boot Selector in the future, you have to hold START (+) while the console is booting or loading the Health and Safety Information app.
- - Navigate the list using the D-Pad to hover on the title you want to autoboot in, then press the Y button to set this to your autoboot title.
- - Press A to launch the selected title.
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Browser Exploit
-Make sure your Wii U has internet access for this step.
-### Instructions
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
-3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see this menu, it will be necessary for the next steps.
- ![](../docs/assets/img/guide/PLL.png)
- - If your Wii U gets stuck on a white or otherwise frozen screen, wait a few seconds. If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
- - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.
-?> If you get any errors like FSOpenfile failed, FSGetMountSource failed, or SD Mount failed, refer to the browser errors in [Common Issues and Fixes](../common-issues-fixes).
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-# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}
-## Finalizing Setup
-Now that PayloadLoader, Environment Loader and Aroma are installed, we are going to finalize the setup.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps
-?> All Homebrew applications are loaded from the Wii U Menu on Aroma.
-- **SaveMii Mod WUT Port** is a homebrew app that lets you manage your Wii U and vWii save data.
-- **Bloopair** is an Aroma module that lets you wirelessly connect most popular Bluetooth capable controllers. See [this page](https://gbatemp.net/threads/bloopair-connect-controllers-from-other-consoles-natively.594289/) for more details.
-- The **Homebrew Appstore** lets you browse and download homebrew apps directly from your Wii U.
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - What You Need
-- The latest version of [SaveMii Mod WUT Port](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip).
-- `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` of the [HB Appstore](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore/releases/).
-### Additional Homebrew Apps - Extracting Files to the SD Card
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `SaveMiiModWUTPort.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the newly downloaded `wiiu-extracttosd.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-### Recommended Plugins
-| Name | Description | Installation Instructions |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| [FTPiiU Plugin](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/) ([Download](https://github.com/wiiu-env/ftpiiu_plugin/releases)) | Runs a FTP server in the background. | 1. Extract the downloaded `ftpiiu_vX_X.zip` file. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Home Menu for easy access.
-?> This page is only for Haxchi and CBHC users. The Homebrew Launcher Channel (the version of the Homebrew Channel you launch from the Wii U Menu) will **not** work with Mocha CFW!
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Press the Home button during the `Autobooting...` screen to get into the boot menu.
-1. Select `Boot Homebrew Launcher` to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu.
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-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-!> Installing CBHC incorrectly can brick your Wii U. Make sure to follow the following rules when installing CBHC: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?
for free. Head over [to the eShop](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8563/~/how-to-view-previously-downloaded-titles-on-wii-u) and check if you got the game.
-If you do not own any of the games listed below, we recommend buying Brain Age (North America) or Brain Training (Europe) as it currently is in the cheapest price bracket of compatible games and is the game we least expect you to want to play.
-- **Animal Crossing: Wild World** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Animal-Crossing-Wild-World-270011.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/animal-crossing-wild-world-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023019 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Big Brain Academy** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Big-Brain-Academy-270143.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/big-brain-academy-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013967 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Donkey-Kong-Jungle-Climber-270506.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dk-jungle-climber-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Dr-Kawashima-s-Brain-Training-How-Old-is-Your-Brain--270627.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brain-age-train-your-brain-in-minutes-a-day-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006826 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Canvas Curse / Kirby: Power Paintbrush** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Power-Paintbrush-271287.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-canvas-curse-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015447 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Mass Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mass-Attack-271265.html#Overview "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-mass-attack-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017169 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Kirby: Squeak Squad / Kirby: Mouse Attack** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Kirby-Mouse-Attack-271276.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/kirby-squeak-squad-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014167 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Phantom-Hourglass-273289.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-phantom-hourglass-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017170 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Spirit-Tracks-273300.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/the-legend-of-zelda-spirit-tracks-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000017168 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Luigi-Partners-in-Time-271595.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-luigi-partners-in-time-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013367 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Mario Kart DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Mario-Kart-DS-271518.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/mario-kart-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011949 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **New Super Mario Bros.** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/New-Super-Mario-Bros--271969.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/new-super-mario-bros-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000011947 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky-272409.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000023018 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Star Fox Command** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Star-Fox-Command-273113.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/star-fox-command-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014227 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Super Mario 64 DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Super-Mario-64-DS-273179.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-mario-64-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000015449 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Wario: Master of Disguise** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Wario-Master-of-Disguise-273553.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wario-master-of-disguise-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000014228 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **WarioWare: Touched!** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/WarioWare-Touched--273564.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/warioware-touched-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013308 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi’s Island DS** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-s-Island-DS-273630.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshis-island-ds-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000013369 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
-- **Yoshi Touch & Go** - [EUR](https://www.nintendo.eu/Games/Nintendo-DS/Yoshi-Touch-Go-273641.html "Buy it from the European eShop") [USA](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yoshi-touch-go-wii-u/ "Buy it from the American eShop") [JPN](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/titles/20010000006827 "Buy it from the Japanese eShop")
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-# Haxchi
-## Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel {docsify-ignore}
-This page will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel as an application directly to your Wii U Menu for easy access.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> Installing the Homebrew Launcher Channel is optional as you can already launch it by holding the A button while launching Haxchi.
-1. Power on your console.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game from the Wii U Menu. This will re-launch the Wii U Menu with CFW activated.
-1. Launch the Haxchi DS game again while holding the A button. This will launch the Homebrew Launcher.
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and launch the WUP Installer GX2 application.
-1. Use the touchscreen to select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and confirm with `Yes`.
-1. Select NAND as the installation destination. This will install the Homebrew Launcher Channel to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Once the process is finished, press the Home button until you're back at the Wii U Menu.
-1. You will now see the Homebrew Launcher Channel installed on your Wii U Menu. Keep in mind you will need to launch CFW every reboot to run this channel.
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-# Haxchi
-## Launching CFW {docsify-ignore}
-Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can run CFW on your system.
-Unlike systems such as the DSi, Wii, or 3DS, Wii U CFW is temporary. This means that as soon as your system reboots, you will lose CFW and have to follow these instructions again. This can be skipped by installing CBHC to a Haxchi CFW installation.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> If the install fails for some reason, try uninstalling and redownloading the DS VC game from the eShop and make sure it is being installed to the NAND.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your PC and plug it into your Wii U.
-1. If you haven't already, now download your DS VC game of choice from the eShop.
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher on your system as [previously explained](browser-exploit).
-1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and open the Haxchi app.
-1. Use the D-Pad to navigate the cursor to the game you want to install Haxchi to and press the A button to install it.
-1. Once the installation has finished, your console will launch the Wii U Menu. You will see your game replaced by a Haxchi icon.
-1. Run the modified DS game. This will reboot the console and enable CFW.
-1. You will need to run your Haxchi DS game every reboot to launch CFW.
-1. You can now re-attach any USB devices you had attached before starting the guide.
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-# Haxchi
-## Making a NAND Backup {docsify-ignore}
-In case anything should go wrong in the later process and your Wii U ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-### Instructions {docsify-ignore}
-?> The Wii U NAND is (depending on your model) either 8GB or 32GB. As a result of this, to create a full backup of your console's NAND, your SD Card has to be larger than the size of your NAND. If you do not have a large enough SD Card, you can skip the optional `MLC` section which includes save files and game data and is not needed to recover most types of bricks.
-?> Restoring a NAND Backup on the Wii U requires additional hardware and micro soldering skills. IOS80 Installation is complete!
-5. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing a custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it. WiiWare wads are fine, but some need to be converted to work.
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-# vWii Modding Guide {docsify-ignore-all}
-## SD Preparations
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice**
-Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-?> Unlike Wii U homebrew, vWii apps go in a separate `apps` folder on the root. Compat Installer is the **only** Wii U app here.
-### What You Need
-- The latest files from [Aroma for your café](https://aroma.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Payloads` and `Download Base Aroma`.
- - Read through the steps and click on the checkboxes.
- - If you have already installed Aroma, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [Compat Title Installer](https://hbas-frontend.b-cdn.net/wiiu/CompatTitleInstaller).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-## Instructions
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-2. Copy the `apps` folder from the `Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-3. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the `d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip` file to the apps folder on the root of your SD Card.
-4. Copy the contents of the downloaded Base Aroma and payloads `.zip` files to the root of your SD Card.
-5. Copy the contents of the `CompatTitleInstaller.zip` file to the root of your SD Card.
-6. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
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-**vWii Modding**
-- [Home Page](../introduction)
-- [Modding vWii](vwii-modding)
-- **Links**
-- [![GitHub](https://icongr.am/simple/github.svg?color=808080&size=16)GitHub](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide-WiiU)
-- [![Discord](https://icongr.am/simple/discord.svg?colored&size=16)Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh)
-- [![Translate](https://icongr.am/material/translate.svg?color=808080&size=16)Translate](https://hacks-guide.crowdin.com/u/projects/10)
-- [Donate](../donations)
-- [About](../about)
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-# Modding the vWii {docsify-ignore-all}
-The vWii guide has now been integrated into the [Wii Hacks Guide](https://wii.hacks.guide/get-started). You can head there for a more detailed guide on how to mod your vWii.
-The old modding guide has been archived.
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-# vWii Modding Guide
-This page will guide you through the process of modding your vWii.
-We will now start by placing the required Homebrew files on the SD Card.
-?> **Notice** Your SD Card will need to be formatted as FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use [GUIFormat](http://ridgecrop.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm) with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. **Do not** label the SD Card as `wiiu` or it will cause issues with homebrew.
-?> If you have hacked your Wii U in the past, you can use the same SD Card for this process.
-### What You Need {docsify-ignore}
-- The latest files from [Tiramisu for your café](https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe).
- - Click on `Download Tiramisu`.
- - If you have already installed Tiramisu, you do not need to redownload it.
-- The latest release of the [vwii-compat-installer](https://github.com/TheLordScruffy/vwii-compat-installer/releases).
-- The Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii. ([Source](https://github.com/Lazr1026/Patched-IOS80-Installer-for-vWii))
-- The d2x cIOS Installer.
-### SD Preparations {docsify-ignore}
-1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your PC.
-1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Patched_IOS80_Installer_for_vWii.zip
file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` from the d2x_cIOS_Installer.zip
file to the apps folder on your SD Card.
-1. Copy the contents of the downloaded Tiramisu *`.zip`* file to the root of your SD Card.
-1. Copy the `compat_installer.elf` file to the `wiiu/apps` folder on the root of your SD Card.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### NAND Backup
-In case anything goes wrong in the later process and your vWii ends up bricked, restoring a previously made NAND backup can fix it.
-?> If you have recently made a NAND backup that includes SLCCMPT and OTP, feel free to skip this step.
-1. Launch the [Wii U NAND Dumper](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Use the Wii U GamePad's D-Pad to enter the following configuration:
- - Dump SLC: **optional**
- - Dump SLCCMPT: **yes**
- - Dump MLC: **optional**
- - Dump OTP: **yes**
- - Dump SEEPROM: **optional**
-1. Press the A button to start the dumping process.
-1. When the process completed, power off your Wii U, take your SD Card out of the Wii U and plug it into your PC.
-1. To make sure you don't lose the files, copy the `slccmpt.bin` and `otp.bin` files, and if you chose to go with a full backup, `seeprom.bin`, `slc.bin`, and `every mlc.bin.part` file to your computer.
-1. Delete the files from your SD Card to free up space.
-1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.
-### Installing the Homebrew Channel
-1. Boot into [Tiramisu](vwii/browser-exploit).
-1. Launch the Homebrew Launcher, by opening the Mii Maker.
-1. Launch the compat_installer.
-1. Press `A` to install the Homebrew Channel and wait until you see `Install succeeded`. Then press the HOME button to return to the Wii U Menu.
-1. Launch vWii (the Wii Menu icon).
- - If the installation has succeeded, you should see the Homebrew Channel in your Wii Menu.
-### Installing cIOSes
-!> Make sure you have no `.wad` files anywhere else than in the `apps` folder on your SD Card.
-1. Power on your Wii U and launch vWii.
-1. Launch The Homebrew Channel.
-1. Launch d2x cIOS Installer.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `56`
- - Select cIOS slot: `249`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `57`
- - Select cIOS slot: `250`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Set everything to match the following:
- - Select cIOS: `d2x-v11-beta1-vWii`
- - Select cIOS base: `58`
- - Select cIOS slot: `251`
-1. Press the `A` button to install.
-1. Press the `B` button to exit.
-### Patching IOS 80
-!> If for any reason, the Wii U is turned off while patching IOS 80, your vWii will be bricked. This can be fixed by either extracting the IOS 80 from your previously made NAND backup and then replacing it over FTP or by [reinstalling IOS 80](recover-vwii-ioses-channels).
-1. Launch Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
-1. Read the warning screen and wait 30 seconds.
-1. Press any buttons to install.
-1. Wait until it says IOS80 Installation is complete!
-1. Press any button to exit.
-!> Installing custom System Menu is a definite brick risk and you should always have an effective backup before installing one but when done right, won't brick the vWii.
-!> Installing any IOS (including TED IOSes) or wads made for the original Wii on your vWii will brick it.
-!> Priiloader versions before 0.10.0 do not work with vWii. Priiloader versions before 0.8.2 will brick your vWii.