This django template is created by sumitkumar1503/hospitalmanagement.
This repository is created to demonstrate my skills with Microsoft Azure during the Future Ready Talent Program. The djano app is deployed on Azure Container Instances and the database is configured with Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
The application is a simple doctor appointment management system and allows you to manage medical appointments of a single or group of doctors by a centralized administration. A patient can book an appointment with a doctor at their convenience and if it gets approved by the admins, the doctor can view the list of appointments of their patients. As a sample, this project is not intended for commercial deployment.
- Signup their account. Then Login (No approval Required).
- Can register/view/approve/reject/delete doctor (approve those doctor who applied for job in their hospital).
- Can admit/view/approve/reject/discharge patient (discharge patient when treatment is done).
- Can Generate/Download Invoice pdf (Generate Invoice according to medicine cost, room charge, doctor charge and other charge).
- Can view/book/approve Appointment (approve those appointments which is requested by patient).
- Apply for job in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin, Then only doctor can login).
- Can only view their patient details (symptoms, name, mobile ) assigned to that doctor by admin.
- Can view their discharged(by admin) patient list.
- Can view their Appointments, booked by admin.
- Can delete their Appointment, when doctor attended their appointment.
- Create account for admit in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin, Then only patient can login).
- Can view assigned doctor's details like ( specialization, mobile, address).
- Can view their booked appointment status (pending/confirmed by admin).
- Can book appointments.(approval required by admin)
- Can view/download Invoice pdf (Only when that patient is discharged by admin).
- Any one can be Admin. There is no Approval required for admin account. So you can disable admin signup process and use any logic like creating superuser.
- There should be at least one doctor in hospital before admitting patient. So first add doctor.
- On update page of doctor/patient you must have to update password.