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372 lines (259 loc) · 18.3 KB

File metadata and controls

372 lines (259 loc) · 18.3 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • Path in .zk/config.toml for the default note template now accepts UNIX "~/paths" (by @WhyNotHugo)


  • LSP ignores magnet links as links to notes (by @billymosis)
  • Compilation robustness for Alpine package builds (by @nmeum)



  • Fixed parsing large notes @khimaros in zk-org#339
  • fix day range parsing (zk-org#382) by @tjex in zk-org#384
  • accept tripple dash file URIs as valid links by @tjex in zk-org#391
  • fix(lsp): fix trigger completion of zk LSP by @Rahlir in zk-org#397
  • fix(lsp): ignore diagnostic check within code blocks by @Rahlir in zk-org#399
  • allow notebook as hidden dir by @tjex in zk-org#402




  • The note.ignore configuration property was renamed to note.exclude, to be more consistent with the CLI flags.


  • Fixed LSP positions using UTF-16 offsets (contributed by @wrvsrx).



  • LSP:
    • now returns the created note's content in its output (content), and has two new options:
      • dryRun will prevent from creating the note on the file system.
      • insertContentAtLocation can be used to insert the created note's content into an arbitrary location.
    • A new command to insert a link to a given note (contributed by @psanker).



  • LSP: Support for external URLs with documentLink.
  • New {{date}} template helper to obtain a date object from natural language (contributed by @zalegrala).
    Get a relative date using natural language:
    {{date "next week"}}
    Format a date returned by `get-date`:
    {{format-date (date "monday") "timestamp"}}
  • zk list now support multiple --match/-m flags, which allows to search for several tokens appearing in any order in the notes (contributed by @rktjmp).


  • Breaking change: The {{date}} template helper was renamed to {{format-date}}. You might need to update your configuration and templates.


  • #243 LSP: Fixed finding backlink references for notes in a folder.
  • #254 Fixed SQL error when pairing --link-to and --linked-by.



  • zk new now requires the --interactive/-i flag to read the note body from a pipe or standard input. See rational.


  • #244 Fixed zk new waiting for Ctrl-D to proceed (contributed by @pkazmier).



  • Use regular expressions when searching for notes with --match.
    # Find notes containing emails.
    $ zk list --match-strategy re --match ".+@.+"
    $ zk list -Mr -m ".+@.+"


  • The flags --exact-match/-e are deprecated in favor of --match-strategy exact/-Me.


  • The LSP server does not support resolving a wiki link to a note title anymore.
    • For example, [[Planet]] can match a note with filename i4w0 but not with a Markdown title Planet anymore.
    • This "smart" fallback resolution based on note titles was too fragile and not supported by the zk CLI.


  • #233 Hide index progress in non-interactive shells.
  • #235 Fix LSP link recognition with unicode (contributed by @zkbpkp).
  • #236 Fix updating links after creating a new note.
  • #239 Support standard input via shell redirection with zk new.



  • Removed the dependency on libicu.


  • Indexed links are now automatically updated when adding a new note, if it is a better match than the previous link target.



  • New --date flag for zk new to set the current date manually.

  • New --id flag for zk new to skip ID generation and use a provided value (contributed by @skbolton).

  • #144 LSP auto-completion of YAML frontmatter tags.

  • zk-nvim#26 The LSP server doesn't use additionalTextEdits anymore to remove the trigger characters when completing links.

  • #163 Use the ZK_SHELL environment variable to override the shell for zk only.

  • #173 Support for double star globbing in note.ignore config option.

  • #137 Customize the fzf options used by zk's interactive modes with the fzf-options config option (contributed by @Nelyah).

  • #168 Customize the fzf key binding to create new notes with the fzf-bind-new config option.


  • The default fzf key binding to create a new note with zk edit --interactive was changed to Ctrl-E, to avoid conflict with the default Ctrl-N binding.


  • #126 Embedded image links shown as not found.
  • #152 Incorrect timezone for natural dates.
  • #170 Broken wiki links in subdirectories.
  • #185 Don't parse a Markdown table header as a colon tag.



  • New LSP commands:
  • --debug mode which prints a stacktrace on SIGINT.


  • #111 Filenames take precedence over folders when matching a sub-path with wiki links.
  • #118 Fix infinite loop when parsing a single-character hashtag.
  • #121 Take into account the --no-input flag with zk init.
  • #120 Support RFC 3339 dates with the time flags (e.g. --created-before).



  • New zk graph --format json command which produces a JSON graph of the notes matching the given criteria.
  • New template variables filename and filename-stem when formatting notes (e.g. with zk list --format) and for the fzf-line config key.
  • Customize how LSP completion items appear in your editor when auto-completing links with the [lsp.completion] configuration section.
    # Show the note title in the completion pop-up, or fallback on its path if empty.
    note-label = "{{title-or-path}}"
    # Filter out the completion pop-up using the note title or its path.
    note-filter-text = "{{title}} {{path}}"
    # Show the note filename without extension as detail.
    note-detail = "{{filename-stem}}"
  • New --dry-run flag for zk new which prints out the path and content of the generated note instead of saving it to the file system.
  • New --verbose flag for zk index which prints detailed information about the indexing process.
  • You can now filter through the YAML frontmatter with zk list --interactive.


  • #89 Calling zk index from outside the notebook (contributed by @adamreese).
  • #98 Index wiki links using partial paths for --linked-by and --link-to.
  • #98 Ignore spaces around the pipe in wiki links for LSP diagnostics.



  • List the tags found in your notebook with zk tag list.
    • Many options are available to customize the output, including JSON serialization. See zk tag list --help.
  • Support for LSP references to browse the backlinks of the current note, if the caret is not over a link.
  • New template variables are available when generating custom Markdown links with link-format.
    • filename, path, abs-path and rel-path for many path flavors.
    • metadata to use information (e.g. id) from the YAML frontmatter.
  • The LSP server is now matching wiki links to any part of a note's path or its title.
    • Given the note book/z5mj Information with the title "Book Review of Information Graphics", the following wiki links would work from a note located under journal/
      [[book review information]]
      [[Information Graphics]]
  • Use the {{abs-path}} template variable when formatting notes to print the absolute path to the note (contributed by @pstuifzand).
  • A new {{substring s index length}} template helper extracts a portion of a given string, e.g.:
    • {{substring 'A full quote' 2 4}} outputs full
    • {{substring 'A full quote' -5 5} outputs quote


  • UTF-8 handling in the LSP server.
  • #78 Do not exclude notes containing broken links from the index.
  • Allow setting the --working-dir and --notebook-dir flags before the zk subcommand when using aliases, e.g. zk -W ~/notes my-alias.
  • #86 Index encoded Markdown links.



  • Use JSON formats with zk list for easy post-processing:
    • --format json prints a plain JSON array.
    • --format jsonl prints one JSON note object per line, according to JSON Lines.
  • The new {{json}} template helper serializes any template context variable into a valid JSON value, e.g.:
    • {{json title}} prints with quotes "An interesting note"
    • {{json .}} serializes the full template context as a JSON object.
  • Use --header and --footer options with zk list to print arbitrary text at the start or end of the list.
  • Support for LSP references to browse the backlinks of the link under the caret (contributed by @pstuifzand).
  • New note.ignore configuration option to ignore files matching the given path globs when indexing notes.
    ignore = [


  • #16 Links with section anchors, e.g. [[filename#section]].
  • Unicode support in wiki links. If you use accents or ideograms, please run zk index --force after upgrading to fix your index.




  • Automatically index the notebook when saving a note with an LSP-enabled editor.
    • This ensures that tags and notes auto-completion lists are up-to-date.


  • Creating a new note from fzf in a directory containing spaces.
  • Fix completion with Neovim's built-in LSP client (contributed by @cormacrelf).



  • Interactive wizard for the zk init command.
  • An experimental Language Server for LSP-compatible editors:
  • Pair --match with --exact-match / -e to search for (case insensitive) exact occurrences in your notes.
    • This can be useful when looking for terms including special characters, such as [[name]].
  • Generating links to notes.
    • Use the {{link}} template variable when formatting notes to print a link to the note, relative to the working directory.
    • Use the {{format-link path title}} template helper to render a custom link.
    • Customize the link format from the note formats settings. You can for example choose regular Markdown links, wiki links or a custom format.


  • The local configuration file (.zk/config.toml) is not required anymore in a notebook's .zk directory.
  • --notebook-dir does not change the working directory anymore, instead it sets manually the current notebook and disable auto-discovery. Use the new --working-dir/-W flag to run zk as if it was started from this path instead of the current working directory.
    • For convenience, ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR behaves like setting a --working-dir fallback, instead of --notebook-dir. This way, paths will be relative to the root of the notebook.
    • A practical use case is to use zk list -W . when outside a notebook. This will list the notes in ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR but print paths relative to the current directory, making them actionable from your terminal emulator.



  • Global zk configuration at ~/.config/zk/config.toml.
    • Useful to share aliases or default settings across several notebooks.
    • This is the same format as a notebook configuration file.
    • Shared templates can be stored in ~/.config/zk/templates/.
    • XDG_CONFIG_HOME is taken into account.
  • Use --notebook-dir or set ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR to run zk as if it was started from this path instead of the current working directory.
    • This allows running zk without being in a notebook.
    • By setting ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR in your shell configuration file (e.g. ~/.profile), you are declaring a default global notebook which will be used when zk is not in a notebook.
    • When the notebook directory is set explicitly, any path given as argument will be relative to it instead of the actual working directory.
  • Find every note whose title is mentioned in the note you are working on with --mentioned-by
    • To refer to a note using several names, you can use the YAML frontmatter key aliases. For example the note titled "Artificial Intelligence" might have: aliases: [AI, robot]
    • To find only unlinked mentions, pair it with --no-linked-by, e.g. --mentioned-by --no-linked-by
  • Declare named filters in the configuration file to reuse note filtering options used frequently together, for example:
    recents = "--sort created- --created-after 'last two weeks'"
    $ zk list recents --limit 10
    $ zk edit recents --interactive


  • #4 Terminal borked when piping content with Vim



  • Looking for mentions of a note with a title containing double quotes.
  • Crash when parsing certain link snippets.



  • Support for tags.
    • Filter notes by their tags using --tag "history, europe".
      • To match notes associated with either tags, use a pipe | or OR (all caps), e.g. --tag "inbox OR todo".
      • If you want to exclude notes having a particular tag, prefix it with - or NOT (all caps), e.g. --tag "NOT done".
      • Use glob patterns to match multiple tags, e.g. --tag "book-*".
    • Many tag flavors are supported: #hashtags, :colon:separated:tags: (opt-in) and even Bear's #multi-word tags# (opt-in). If you prefer to use a YAML frontmatter, list your tags with the key tags or keywords.
  • Find every mention of a note in your notebook with --mention
    • This will look for occurrences of the note's title in other notes.
    • To refer to a note using several names, you can use the YAML frontmatter key aliases. For example the note titled "Artificial Intelligence" might have: aliases: [AI, robot]
    • To find only unlinked mentions, pair it with --no-link-to, e.g. --mention --no-link-to
  • Print metadata from the YAML frontmatter in list output using {{metadata.<key>}}, e.g. {{metadata.description}}. Keys are normalized to lower case.
  • Use the YAML frontmatter key date for the note creation date, when provided.
  • Access environment variables from note templates with the env.<key> template variable, e.g. {{env.PATH}}.


  • Renamed --linking-to filtering option to --link-to.
  • Multiple --extra variables are now separated by , instead of ;.