Before training, download the videos files and the .csv
annotations of WebVid10M to the local mechine.
Note that our examplar training script requires all the videos to be saved in a single folder. You may change this by modifying animatediff/data/
After dataset preparations, update the below data paths in the config .yaml
files in configs/training/
csv_path: [Replace with .csv Annotation File Path]
video_folder: [Replace with Video Folder Path]
sample_size: 256
Other training parameters (lr, epochs, validation settings, etc.) are also included in the config files.
To finetune the unet's image layers
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=1 --config configs/training/v1/image_finetune.yaml
To train motion modules
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=1 --config configs/training/v1/training.yaml