1BRC in Racket #573
Replies: 3 comments
Changing the (require (for-syntax racket/base)
(require (only-in racket/flonum make-flvector))
(require (filtered-in
(λ (name)
(and (regexp-match #rx"^unsafe-fl" name)
(regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name "")))
racket/unsafe/ops)) This shaves several seconds off the runtime, getting me to 11m48s. |
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Trying to replace |
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Here is my attempt at parallelizing with futures, but something in #lang racket/base
(require racket/future racket/hash
future-visualizer future-visualizer/trace)
(require (for-syntax racket/base)
(require (only-in racket/flonum make-flvector))
(require (filtered-in
(λ (name)
(and (regexp-match #rx"^unsafe-fl" name)
(regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name "")))
(define slot-n 0)
(define slot-min 1)
(define slot-max 2)
(define slot-sum 3)
(define (merge state1 state2)
(flvector-set! state1 slot-n (fl+ (flvector-ref state1 slot-n)
(flvector-ref state2 slot-n)))
(flvector-set! state1 slot-min (flmin (flvector-ref state1 slot-min)
(flvector-ref state2 slot-min)))
(flvector-set! state1 slot-max (flmax (flvector-ref state1 slot-max)
(flvector-ref state2 slot-max)))
(flvector-set! state1 slot-sum (fl+ (flvector-ref state1 slot-sum)
(flvector-ref state2 slot-sum)))
(define (rnd v)
(fl/ (round (fl* v 10.0))
(define (show-states states)
(λ (station state)
(displayln (format "~a ~a/~a/~a"
(rnd (flvector-ref state slot-min))
(rnd (fl/ (flvector-ref state slot-sum)
(flvector-ref state slot-n)))
(rnd (flvector-ref state slot-max)))))
(define re (regexp (regexp-quote ";")))
(define (my-string-split s)
;; Don't use the fully general string-split function which does a lot of extra work
;; I don't have numbers but it's noticeably slower than the below approach.
(define semicolon-idx (caar (regexp-match-positions re s)))
(define station (string->symbol (substring s 0 semicolon-idx)))
(define value (real->double-flonum (string->number (substring s (add1 semicolon-idx)))))
(values station value))
(define (work batch)
(define states (make-hasheq))
(for ([line (in-list batch)])
(define-values (station value) (my-string-split line))
(define state
(hash-ref! states station
(λ () (make-flvector 4))))
(if (zero? (flvector-ref state slot-n))
(let ()
(flvector-set! state slot-n 1.0)
(flvector-set! state slot-min value)
(flvector-set! state slot-max value)
(flvector-set! state slot-sum value))
(let ([n (flvector-ref state slot-n)]
[mi (flvector-ref state slot-min)]
[mx (flvector-ref state slot-max)]
[sum (flvector-ref state slot-sum)])
(flvector-set! state slot-n (fl+ n 1.0))
(flvector-set! state slot-min (flmin mi value))
(flvector-set! state slot-max (flmax mx value))
(flvector-set! state slot-sum (fl+ sum value)))))
(define batch-size 1000000)
(define (main)
(call-with-input-file "measurements.txt"
(λ (port)
(define batch-futures null)
(define next-batch null)
(define next-batch-len 0) ;; same as (length next-batch), to avoid O(n) linked list counting
(for ([line (in-lines port 'linefeed)])
(define next-batch-this-iter (cons line next-batch))
(if (= next-batch-len batch-size)
;; issue a new batch
(let ()
(set! batch-futures (cons (future (λ () (work next-batch-this-iter))) batch-futures))
(set! next-batch null)
(set! next-batch-len 0))
;; build up next batch
(let ()
(set! next-batch next-batch-this-iter)
(set! next-batch-len (add1 next-batch-len)))))
(define final-states (touch (car batch-futures)))
(for ([fut (in-list (cdr batch-futures))])
(hash-union! final-states
(touch fut)
#:combine merge))
(show-states final-states)
(module* main #f
(main)) |
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Extremely basic and slow implementation for Racket CS 8.11. Takes 12 minutes on my computer, which runs the baseline in about 3m21s. Memory usage is extremely low (~77KiB resident at all times).
It doesn't output in the same format as required by the contest because I didn't feel like bothering.
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