- R functions lfkindex() and doiplot() can be used in meta-analyses with missing treatment effect or standard error
- Do not print the start-up message concerning older version of R package metasens for readers of 'Meta-Analysis with R (Use R!)'
- copas(), lfkindex(), limitmeta(), orbbound:
- check for three-level meta-analysis
- For Copas selection model, show value of between-study variance and standard deviation in printouts
- Arguments 'lfkindex' and 'xlim' were ignored in doiplot()
- doiplot():
- print more informative label on horizontal axis for meta-analysis objects
- new list element 'x' with meta-analysis object used as input
New branch 'release' on GitHub starting with metasens, version 1.5-2
- Change maintainer's email address
- Remove 'meta:::' call
- Use term 'common effect model' instead of 'fixed effect model' in the documentation and argument 'common' instead of 'fixed' to (not) show results for common effect model
- Calculation of adjusted standard error in limitmeta() for adjustment
method beta0 (default):
- use random effects instead of fixed effect weights
- consider covariance between alpha and beta
- plot.copas():
- new argument 'main' replacing deprecated argument 'caption'
Behaviour of print and print.summary functions switched (to be in line with other print and print.summary functions in R)
Renamed arguments:
- 'fixed' (instead of 'comb.fixed')
- 'random' (instead of 'comb.random')
- 'level.ma' (instead of 'level.comb')
In metamiss(), an infinite IMOR value is set to 1e10 instead of 9999
- metamiss():
- arguments 'IMOR.e' and 'IMOR.c' can be specified for each individual study
New functions doiplot() and lfkindex() implementing the Doi plot for asymmetry and the LFK index to test for asymmetry (Furuya-Kanamori et al., 2018)
Confidence interval of limit meta-analysis estimate can be shown in funnel plot
- funnel.limitmeta():
- new argument 'show.ci.adjust' to show confidence interval of adjusted estimate as a diamond
- Calculation of adjusted treatment estimate for Copas model in R function copas() instead of summary.copas()
- new argument 'level.comb' to calculate confidence interval for pooled estimates
- new arguments 'title', 'complab' and 'outclab' to print information on systematic review / meta-analysis
summary.copas() and plot.copas():
- arguments 'sign.rsb' and 'level' removed
- argument 'sign.rsb' removed
print.limitmeta(), print.orbbound(), print.summary.limitmeta():
- argument 'digits.zval' renamed to 'digits.stat'
- copas():
- new list elements (with information for adjusted overall effect): 'TE.adjust', 'seTE.adjust', 'lower.adjust', 'upper.adjust', 'statistic.adjust' and 'pval.adjust'
- Use Markdown for NEWS
- Call funnel.meta() instead of funnel.default() which will be removed from R package meta, version 4.13-0
New function metamiss() implementing imputation methods for missing binary data (Gamble & Hollis, 2005; Higgins et al., 2008)
Use roxygen2 for development of R package metasens
Dataset 'nsaids' renamed to 'Moore1998'
Version of R package meta must be larger or equal 4.9-0
For limit meta-analysis, R_b measure of between-study heterogeneity added (Crippa et al., 2016)
P-values can be printed in scientific notation
P-values equal to 0 are actually printed as "0" instead of "< 0.0001"
Thousands separator can be used in printouts and forest plots for large numbers
- print.summary.limitmeta():
- new argument print.Rb to specify if heterogeneity measure should be shown in output
- Code customisations due to changes in R package meta, version 4.9-0
- plot.copas():
- default label on x-axis in two bottom plots should read '... largest se' instead of '... largest sd'
Version of R package meta must be larger or equal 4.0-0
Checks implemented which are available in R package meta
- new argument 'sign.rsb' (which has been available in function summary.copas since version 0.6-3 of R package copas)
plot.copas(), print.copas(), and summary.copas():
- consider default value for argument 'sign.rsb' from copas object
- argument 'sm' removed (not necessary)
- set z- and p-value of adjusted effect equal to NA for metaprop objects
Help pages updated
- other values than 0.1 considered for argument 'sign.rsb'
- no error for metaprop objects
- copas() and print.copas():
- use internal function chklevel() from R package meta to check significance level
- Argument 'backtransf' added to R package meta, version 3.8-0, considered in R package metasens.
copas(), limitmeta(), and funnel.limitmeta():
- new argument 'backtransf'
- new argument 'backtransf'
- new argument 'left' to chose whether selection bias is expected on the left or right side of the funnel plot
forest.orbbound(), print.copas(), print.limitmeta(), print.orbbound(), print.summary.copas(), print.summary.limitmeta():
- new argument 'backtransf' which replaces argument 'logscale'
Several help pages updated
- Limit meta-analysis implemented (Rücker et al., 2011)
New functions:
- limitmeta(), print.limitmeta()
- summary.limitmeta(), print.summary.limitmeta()
- funnel.limitmeta()
print.copas() and print.summary.copas():
- new argument 'logscale' to print results for relative effect measures on log scale
New dataset 'nsaids'
New help pages added and update of existing help pages
- New internal function radialregression()