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492 lines (313 loc) · 14.9 KB


File metadata and controls

492 lines (313 loc) · 14.9 KB

0.9.3: 2014-11-04

  • Backport of PullRequest#create_review_comment by Adrian Moisey
  • Backport of PullRequest#review_comments by Adrian Moisey
  • Backport of a fix that allows authenticated users to download Release Assets. Original bug reported by Eugene Fidelin in issue #288.
  • Documentation typo fix by Marc Abramowitz

0.9.2: 2014-10-05

  • Updates for new team management API changes
    • Add Team#invite, Team#membership_for, and Team#revoke_membership
    • Deprecate Team#add_member, Team#remove_member, and Organization#add_member.
    • Update payload handler for TeamAddEvent.

0.9.1: 2014-08-10

  • Correct Repository attribute fork_count should be forks_count

0.9.0: 2014-05-04

0.8.2: 2014-02-11

  • Fix bug in GitHub#search_users (and github3.search_users). Thanks @abesto
  • Expose the stargazers count for repositories. Thanks @seveas

0.8.1: 2014-01-26

  • Add documentation for using Two Factor Authentication
  • Fix oversight where github3.login could not be used for 2FA

0.8.0: 2014-01-03

  • Breaking Change Remove legacy search API

    I realize this should have been scheduled for 1.0 but I was a bit eager to remove this.

  • Use Betamax to start recording integration tests

  • Add support for Releases API

  • Add support for Feeds API

  • Add support for Two-Factor Authentication via the API

  • Add support for New Search API

    • Add github3.search_code, github3.search_issues, github3.search_repositories, github3.search_users
    • Add GitHub#search_code, GitHub#search_issues, GitHub#search_repositories, GitHub#search_users
  • Switch to requests >= 2.0

  • Totally remove all references to the Downloads API

  • Fix bug in Repository#update_file where branch was not being sent to the API. Thanks @tpetr!

  • Add GitHub#rate_limit to return all of the information from the /rate_limit endpoint.

  • Catch missing attributes -- diff_hunk, original_commit_id -- on ReviewComment.

  • Add support for the Emojis endpoint

  • Note deprecation of a few object attributes

  • Add support for the ReleaseEvent

  • Add GitHub#iter_user_teams to return all of the teams the authenticated user belongs to

0.7.1: 2013-09-30

  • Add dependency on to add URITemplates to different classes. See the documentation for attributes which are templates.
  • Fixed issue trying to parse html_url on Pull Requests courtesy of @rogerhu.
  • Remove expecter as a test dependency courtesy of @esacteksab.
  • Fixed issue #141 trying to find an Event that doesn't exist.

0.7.0: 2013-05-19

  • Fix Issue.close, Issue.reopen, and Issue.assign. (Issue #106)

  • Add check_authorization to the GitHub class to cover the new part of the API.

  • Add create_file, update_file, delete_file, iter_contributor_statistics, iter_commit_activity, iter_code_frequency and weekly_commit_count to the Repository object.

  • Add update and delete methods to the Contents object.

  • Add is_following to the User object.

  • Add head, base parameters to Repository.iter_pulls.

  • The signature of Hook.edit has changed since that endpoint has changed as well. See: github/

  • github3.GitHub can now be used as a context manager, e.g.,

    with github.GitHub() as gh:
        u = gh.user('sigmavirus24')

0.6.1: 2013-04-06

  • Add equality for labels courtesy of Alejandro Gomez (@alejandrogomez)

0.6.0: 2013-04-05

  • Add sort and order parameters to github3.GitHub.search_users and github3.GitHub.search_repos.
  • Add iter_commits to github3.gists.Gist as a means of re-requesting just the history from GitHub and iterating over it.
  • Add minimal logging (e.g., logging.getLogger('github3'))
  • Re-organize the library a bit. (Split up,, and a few others into sub-modules for my sanity.)
  • Calling refresh(True) on a github3.structs.GitHubIterator actually works as expected now.
  • API iter_ methods now accept the etag argument as the GitHub.iter_ methods do.
  • Make github3.octocat and github3.github.GitHub.octocat both support sending messages to make the Octocat say things. (Think cowsay)
  • Remove vendored dependency of PySO8601.
  • Split GitHub.iter_repos into GitHub.iter_user_repos and GitHub.iter_repos. As a consequence github3.iter_repos is now github3.iter_user_repos
  • IssueComment.update was corrected to match GitHub's documentation
  • github3.login now accepts an optional url parameter for users of the GitHubEnterprise API, courtesy of Kristian Glass (@doismellburning)
  • Several classes now allow their instances to be compared with == and !=. In most cases this will check the unique id provided by GitHub. In others, it will check SHAs and any other guaranteed immutable and unique attribute. The class doc-strings all have information about this and details about how equivalence is determined.

0.5.3: 2013-03-19

  • Add missing optional parameter to Repository.contents. Thanks @tpetr

0.5.2: 2013-03-02

  • Stop trying to decode the byte strings returned by b64decode. Fixes #72

0.5.1: 2013-02-21

  • Hot fix an issue when a user doesn't have a real name set

0.5: 2013-02-16

  • 100% (mock) test coverage

  • Add support for the announced meta endpoint.

  • Add support for conditional refreshing, e.g.,

    import github3
    u = github3.user('sigmavirus24')
    # some time later
    u.refresh()  # Will ALWAYS send a GET request and lower your ratelimit
    u.refresh(True)  # Will send the GET with a header such that if nothing
                     # has changed, it will not count against your ratelimit
                     # otherwise you'll get the updated user object.
  • Add support for conditional iterables. What this means is that you can do:

    import github3
    i = github3.iter_all_repos(10)
    for repo in i:
        # do stuff
    i = github3.iter_all_repos(10, etag=i.etag)

    And the second call will only give you the new repositories since the last request. This mimics behavior in pengwynn/octokit

  • Add support for sortable stars.

  • In github3.users.User, iter_keys now allows you to iterate over any user's keys. No name is returned for each key. This is the equivalent of visiting:

  • In github3.repos.Repository, pubsubhubbub has been removed. Use github3.github.Github.pubsubhubbub instead

  • In github3.api, iter_repo_issues's signature has been corrected.

  • Remove list_{labels, comments, events} methods from github3.issues.Issue

  • Remove list_{comments, commits, files} methods from github3.pulls.PullRequest

  • In github3.gists.Gist:

    • the user attribute was changed by GitHub and is now the owner attribute
    • the public attribute and the is_public method return the same information. The method will be removed in the next version.
    • the is_starred method now requires authentication
    • the default refresh method is no longer over-ridden. In a change made in before, a generic refresh method was added to most objects. This was overridden in the Gist object and would cause otherwise unexpected results.
  • and now return the same information. In the next version, the former will be removed.

  • In github3.issues.Issue

    • add_labels now returns the list of Labels on the issue instead of a boolean.
    • remove_label now retuns a boolean.
    • remove_all_labels and replace_labels now return lists. The former should return an empty list on a successful call. The latter should return a list of github3.issue.Label objects.
  • Now we won't get spurious GitHubErrors on 404s, only on other expected errors whilst accessing the json in a response. All methods that return an object can now actually return None if it gets a 404 instead of just raising an exception. (Inspired by #49)

  • GitHubStatus API now works.

0.4: 2013-01-16

  • In github3.legacy.LegacyRepo
    • has_{downloads,issues,wiki} are now attributes.
    • is_private() and the private attribute return the same thing is_private() will be deprecated in the next release.
  • In github3.repos.Repository
    • is_fork() is now deprecated in favor of the fork attribute
    • is_private() is now deprecated in favor of the private attribute
  • In github3.repos.Hook
    • is_active() is now deprecated in favor of the active attribute
  • In github3.pulls.PullRequest
    • is_mergeable() is now deprecated in favor of the mergeable attribute
  • In github3.notifications.Thread
    • is_unread() is now deprecated in favor of the unread
  • pubsubhubbub() is now present on the GitHub object and will be removed from the Repository object in the next release
  • 70% test coverage

0.3: 2013-01-01

  • In github3.repos.Repository

    • is_fork() and fork return the same thing
    • is_private() and private return the same thing as well
    • has_downloads, has_issues, has_wiki are now straight attributes
  • In github3.repos.Hook

    • is_active() and active return the same value
  • In github3.pulls.PullRequest

    • is_mergeable() and mergeable are now the same
    • repository now returns a tuple of the login and name of the repository it belongs to
  • In github3.notifications.Thread

    • is_unread() and unread are now the same
  • In github3.gists

    • GistFile.filename and return the same information
    • Gist.history now lists the history of the gist
    • GistHistory is an object representing one commit or version of the history
    • You can retrieve gists at a specific version with GistHistory.get_gist()
  • github3.orgs.Organization.iter_repos now accepts all types

  • list_* methods on Organization objects that were missed are now deleted

  • Some objects now have __str__ methods. You can now do things like:

    import github3
    u = github3.user('sigmavirus24')
    r = github3.repository(u, '')


    import github3
    r = github3.repository('sigmavirus24', '')
    template = """Some kind of template where you mention this repository
    # Some kind of template where you mention this repository
    # sigmavirus24/

    Current list of objects with this feature:

    • github3.users.User (uses the login name)
    • github3.users.Key (uses the key text)
    • github3.users.Repository (uses the login/name pair)
    • github3.users.RepoTag (uses the tag name)
    • github3.users.Contents (uses the decoded content)
  • 60% test coverage with mock

  • Upgrade to requests 1.0.x

0.2: 2012-11-21

    • GitHub.iter_subscribed --> GitHub.iter_subscriptions
    • Broken list_* functions in github3.api have been renamed to the correct iter_* methods on GitHub.
    • Removed list_* functions from Repository, Gist, Organization, and User objects
  • Added zen of GitHub method.
  • More tests
  • Changed the way Repository.edit works courtesy of Kristian Glass (@doismellburning)
  • Changed Repository.contents behaviour when acting on a 404.
  • 50% test coverage via mock tests

0.1: 2012-11-13

  • Add API for GitHub Enterprise customers.

0.1b2: 2012-11-10

  • Handle 500 errors better, courtesy of Kristian Glass (@doismellburning)
  • Handle sending json with % symbols better, courtesy of Kristian Glass
  • Correctly handle non-GitHub committers and authors courtesy of Paul Swartz (@paulswartz)
  • Correctly display method signatures in documentation courtesy of (@seveas)

0.1b1: 2012-10-31

  • unit tests implemented using mock instead of hitting the GitHub API (#37)
  • removed list_* functions from GitHub object
  • Notifications API coverage

0.1b0: 2012-10-06

  • Support for the complete GitHub API (accomplished)
    • Now also includes the Statuses API
    • Also covers the auto_init parameters to the Repository creation methodology
    • Limited implementation of iterators in the place of list functions.
  • 98% coverage by unit tests