A typescript implementation of the ISAP (Improved SAP) algorithm.
The ISAP algorithm is an algorithm for solving network flow problems.
npm install --save @algorithm.ts/isap
yarn add @algorithm.ts/isap
import { Isap } from '@algorithm.ts/isap' const isap = createIsap() isap.init(0, 1, 4) isap.addEdge(0, 2, 1) isap.addEdge(0, 3, 2) isap.addEdge(3, 1, 1) isap.maxFlow() // => 1 // Access current residual network. class CustomIsap extends Isap { public getSnapshot() { return { N: this._N, source: this._source, sink: this._sink, G: this.G, edges: this._edges, edgesTot: this._edgesTot, dist: this._dist } } }
A solution for Codeforces contest 1082 Problem G (https://codeforces.com/contest/1082/problem/G):
import { Isap } from '@algorithm.ts/isap' const isap = new Isap() export function solveCodeforces1082G( nodes: number[], edges: Array<[u: number, v: number, weight: number]>, ): number { const n: number = nodes.length const m: number = edges.length const source = 0 const target: number = n + m + 1 isap.init(source, target, n + m + 2) for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const weight: number = nodes[i] isap.addEdge(i + 1, target, weight) } let answer = 0 for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i) { const [u, v, weight] = edges[i] const x = n + i answer += weight isap.addEdge(source, x, weight) isap.addEdge(x, u, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) isap.addEdge(x, v, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) } answer -= isap.maxflow() return answer }
A solution for leetcode "Maximum Students Taking Exam" (https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-students-taking-exam/):
import { Isap } from '@algorithm.ts/isap' export function maxStudents(seats: string[][]): number { const R: number = seats.length if (R <= 0) return 0 const C: number = seats[0].length if (C <= 0) return 0 let total = 0 const seatCodes: number[][] = new Array(R) for (let r = 0; r < R; ++r) seatCodes[r] = new Array(C).fill(-1) for (let r = 0; r < R; ++r) { for (let c = 0; c < C; ++c) { if (seats[r][c] === '.') seatCodes[r][c] = total++ } } if (total <= 0) return 0 if (total === 1) return 1 const source: number = total * 2 const target: number = source + 1 isap.init(source, target, target + 1) for (let r = 0; r < R; ++r) { for (let c = 0; c < C; ++c) { const u: number = seatCodes[r][c] if (u > -1) { isap.addEdge(source, u, 1) isap.addEdge(u + total, target, 1) if (r > 0) { // Check upper left if (c > 0 && seatCodes[r - 1][c - 1] > -1) { const v: number = seatCodes[r - 1][c - 1] isap.addEdge(u, v + total, 1) isap.addEdge(v, u + total, 1) } // Check upper right if (c + 1 < C && seatCodes[r - 1][c + 1] > -1) { const v: number = seatCodes[r - 1][c + 1] isap.addEdge(u, v + total, 1) isap.addEdge(v, u + total, 1) } } // Check left if (c > 0 && seatCodes[r][c - 1] > -1) { const v: number = seatCodes[r][c - 1] isap.addEdge(u, v + total, 1) isap.addEdge(v, u + total, 1) } } } } const totalPaired: number = isap.maxflow() / 2 return total - totalPaired }