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338 lines (253 loc) · 9.69 KB

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338 lines (253 loc) · 9.69 KB

3.x.x -> 4.x.x


  • No longer check the boundary of index of elements in the *_advance methods, please ensure the range valid by yourself.
  • Renamed the VanillaFindset to Findset.
  • Refined the methods, see the IFindset, IHeuristicFindset, IEnhancedFindset interfaces for more details.


  • Added new Deque (implemented with linked list).
  • Refined the methods, see the IQueue, ICircularQueue, IDeque, IPriorityQueue interfaces for more details.


  • Removed the UnsafeTrie, please the use Trie directly.
  • No longer check the boundary of index of elements in the *_advance methods, please ensure the range valid by yourself.
  • Refined the methods, removed the UnsafeTrie, see the ITrie interfaces for more details.


  • This package has been removed, some graph related types moved to @algorithm.ts/graph.types

2.x.x -> 3.x.x


No breaking changes.


  1. Constructor: Only the INF props reserved, the from, dist, inq, inqTimes are not supported anymore.

  2. Get shortest path: no builtin getShortestPathTo anymore, call the getShortestPath from the @algorithm.ts/graph instead.

  3. bellmanFord returns a structured result instead of a boolean value.

    export type IBellmanFordResult<C extends number | bigint> =
      | {
          // There is at least one negative cycle in the graph, so the shortest path is not existed.
          hasNegativeCycle: true
      | {
          hasNegativeCycle: false
          * A big number, representing the unreachable cost.
          INF: C
          * Source point
          source: number
          * Record the shortest path parent source point to the specified point.
          * For example: bestFrom[x] represents the previous position of x in the shortest path
          *              parent the source point to x.
          bestFrom: ReadonlyArray<number>
          * An array recording the shortest distance to the source point.
          dist: ReadonlyArray<C>


  1. createBinaryIndexTree1 is removed, use SingleUpdateIntervalQuery instead.

  2. createBinaryIndexTree2 is removed, use SingleUpdateIntervalQuery instead.

  3. No builtin modulo binary index tree, perform the modulus operations through customized add method:

    import { SingleUpdateIntervalQuery } from '@algorithm.ts/binary-index-tree'
    const MOD = 1e9 + 7
    const bit = SingleUpdateIntervalQuery<number>({
      operator: {
        ZERO: 0,
        add: (x, y) => ((x + y) % MOD + MOD) % MOD,


  1. Renamed to @algorithm.ts/bipartite-matching.
  2. Use new HungarianDfs() (or new HungarianBfs()) instead of createBipartiteGraphMatching


  1. Renamed to @algorithm.ts/calculator.
  2. Use calculator.calculate(<expression>) instead of calculate(<expression>).


This package is removed, use @algorithm.ts/queue instead.

  1. Use .size instead of .size().
  2. .end() is renamed to .back().
  3. .get() is removed.
  4. .set() is removed.
  5. .isValidIndex() is removed.
  6. .isEmpty() is removed, use .size > 0 instead.


  1. dijkstra returns a structured result instead of a number array.

    export interface IDijkstraResult<C extends number | bigint> {
      * A big number, representing the unreachable cost.
      INF: C
      * Source point
      source: number
      * Record the shortest path parent source point to the specified point.
      * For example: bestFrom[x] represents the previous position of x in the shortest path
      *              parent the source point to x.
      bestFrom: ReadonlyArray<number>
      * An array recording the shortest distance to the source point.
      dist: ReadonlyArray<C>


Removed, use @algorithm.ts/dijkstra instead.

import { dijkstraBigint } from '@algorithm.ts/dijkstra'


  1. Use new Dinic() instead of createDinic()

  2. .maxFlow() is renamed to .maxflow()

  3. .solve() is removed, if you want to access the residual network after run the .maxflow(), you can try to extend the Dinic and export a method such as getSnapshot().

    class CustomDinic extends Dinic {
      public getSnapshot() {
        return {
          N: this._N,
          source: this._source,
          sink: this._sink,
          G: this.G,
          edges: this._edges,
          edgesTot: this._edgesTot,
          dist: this._dist


  1. Use new DancingLinkX({ MAX_N: <number> }) instead of createDLX(<number>)


  1. Use new Findset() instead of createFindset().
  2. Use new HeuristicFindset() instead of createHeuristicFindset().
  3. Use new EnhancedFindset() instead of createEnhancedFindset().
  4. .size(<number>) is renamed to .count(<number>).
  5. .resetNode(<number>) is removed.


No breaking changes.


No breaking changes.


  1. The graph related types is moved to @algorithm.ts/types.


  1. buildEncodingTable is renamed to toEncodingTable.
  2. buildHuffmanTree is renamed to fromEncodingTable.
  3. createHuffmanTree is renamed to fromText.


  1. Use new Isap() instead of createIsap()

  2. .maxFlow() is renamed to .maxflow()

  3. .solve() is removed, if you want to access the residual network after run the .maxflow(), you can try to extend the Isap and export a method such as getSnapshot().

    class CustomIsap extends Isap {
      public getSnapshot() {
        return {
          N: this._N,
          source: this._source,
          sink: this._sink,
          G: this.G,
          edges: this._edges,
          edgesTot: this._edgesTot,
          dist: this._dist


  1. Renamed to @algorithm.ts/shuffle.


No breaking changes.


This package is removed, use @algorithm.ts/binary-search instead.

import { lowerBound } from '@algorithm.ts/binary-search'


  1. Return number[] instead of Uint32Array.


  1. Use new Mcmf() instead of createMcmf()

  2. .minCostMaxFlow() return an object instead of tuple.

  3. .solve() is removed, if you want to access the residual network after run the .maxflow(), you can try to extend the Mcmf and export a method such as getSnapshot().

    class CustomMcmf extends Mcmf {
      public getSnapshot() {
        return {
          N: this._N,
          source: this._source,
          sink: this._sink,
          G: this.G,
          edges: this._edges,
          edgesTot: this._edgesTot,
          dist: this._dist


This package is removed, use @algorithm.ts/queue instead.

  1. !!! Priority queue is a Min-Heap now (previous version is a Max-Heap).
  2. Use .size instead of .size().
  3. .top() is renamed to .front().
  4. .replaceTop(newElement) is removed, use Q.dequeue(newElement) instead.
  5. .isEmpty() is removed, use .size > 0 instead.
  6. .collect() is removed, use Array.from(Q) instead.


No breaking changes.


  1. Renamed to @algorithm.ts/prime.


  1. This package is removed, use @algorithm.ts/prime instead.

    import { sieveTotient } from '@algorithm.ts/prime'


  1. Use new SlidingWindow(options) instead of createSlidingWindow(cmp).
  2. max() is removed, use min() instead. The sliding-window is maintain the minimum value index now (the previous version will maintain the maximum value in the window).
  3. Rename moveForward to forwardRightBoundary.
  4. Support to move the left boundary of the sliding-window through the new method forwardLeftBoundary.
  5. init() is renamed to reset(), and the parameters is changed to object style.


  1. Use one-dimension array to record a sudoku puzzle / solution data. (Previous version were using two-dimension array).

    Once you still want to get a two-dimension array, here is an example shows that.

    import { toMatrixStyleBoardData } from '@algorithm.ts/sudoku'
    // Convert the two-dimensional array to one-dimensional array.
    const puzzle = oldStylePuzzle.flat()
    solver.solve(puzzle, solution)
    // Convert the one-dimensional array to two-dimensional array.
    const oldStyleSolution = toMatrixStyleBoardData(solution)
  2. createSudokuBoard() is renamed to createSudokuBoardData().

  3. fillSudokuBoard() is renamed to fillSudokuBoardData().

  4. copySudokuBoard() is renamed to copySudokuBoardData().

  5. checkSudokuSolution is renamed to checkSudokuSolution.


  1. .insert() is renamed to .set().
  2. .math() is renamed to .get().
  3. .hasPrefixMatched is renamed to .hasPrefix().
  4. .init() is removed, use .clear() to initialize trie.


  1. This package is removed, use @algorithm.ts/binary-search instead.

    import { upperBound } from '@algorithm.ts/binary-search'