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143 lines (130 loc) · 5.5 KB

pgGeocoder - Japanese Geocoder on PostgreSQL


  • PostgreSQL >= 11
  • PostGIS >= 2.5
  • GDAL >= 2.1
  • curl
  • unzip
  • iconv


  1. Copy .env.example to .env.
    $ cd /path/to/pgGeocoder
    $ cp .env.example .env
  2. Open .env file with some text editor and adjust database settings.
  3. Create address database (with same as .env values).
    (If the database exists, drop it at first.)
    # dropdb -U postgres addresses
    $ createdb -U postgres addresses
  4. Run install and download/import scripts.
    $ bash scripts/
    $ bash scripts/ 2020
    $ bash scripts/ 2020
    $ bash scripts/ 2015
    $ bash scripts/ 2015
    $ bash scripts/ 2021
    $ bash scripts/ 2021
    $ bash scripts/
  5. Run maintenance script.
    $ bash scripts/
    If keeping original data source tables is preferable, add 1 as the argument.
    $ bash scripts/ 1

The above steps take about 45 mins on MacBook Pro (2.6 GHz 16GB RAM) environment.


About tables structure, check the following files.

About functions, check the following files.


$ psql -U postgres addresses
  • Geocode on address:
    select * from geocoder('京都府京都市中京区河原町通四条上る米屋町380-1ツジクラビル1階');
     code |     x      |     y     |          address          | todofuken | shikuchoson | ooaza | chiban | go 
        2 | 135.769661 | 35.004476 | 京都府京都市中京区米屋町380番 | 京都府     | 京都市中京区  | 米屋町 | 380    | 
    (1 row)
    select * from geocoder('神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい3−6−3');
     code |     x      |     y     |             address             | todofuken | shikuchoson |     ooaza      | chiban | go 
        2 | 139.632805 | 35.458282 | 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい三丁目6番 | 神奈川県   | 横浜市西区    | みなとみらい三丁目 | 6      | 
    (1 row)
  • Reverse geocode on address:
    select * from reverse_geocoder(141.342094, 43.050264);
     code |     x      |     y     |            address            | todofuken | shikuchoson |     ooaza     | chiban | go 
        1 | 141.341681 | 43.050529 | 北海道札幌市中央区南七条西十一丁目3 | 北海道     | 札幌市中央区  | 南七条西十一丁目 | 3      | 
    (1 row)
  • Reverse geocode a coordinate and specify search distance in meters (lon, lat, meters)
    select * from reverse_geocoder(141.342094, 43.050264, 50);
     code |     x      |     y     |            address            | todofuken | shikuchoson |     ooaza     | chiban | go 
        1 | 141.341681 | 43.050529 | 北海道札幌市中央区南七条西十一丁目3 | 北海道     | 札幌市中央区  | 南七条西十一丁目 | 3      | 
    (1 row)

Data Sources

  1. 位置参照情報 (ISJ)
    • Website:
    • Format: CSV (Zipped)
    • Geometry Type: Point
    • Remarks:
      • Point based address data for "Gaiku Level" (街区レベル) and "Oaza Level" (大字・町丁目レベル).
  2. e-Stat 国勢調査町丁・字等別境界データ
  3. 国土数値情報 (KSJ)