A flow of words is a surge sign of duplicity
- by Honore de Balzac
Use the following maven dependency:
Clone the source:
git clone github.com/grookage/iosave
mvn install
IOSave provides the following capabilities
- Helps you prevent you sending duplicate requests on a server when an existing one with the same ID is pending
- Configurable headers to select your own requestId header
- Annotation based processing of selectively applying the same filter.
IOSave is built as a dropwizard bundle, using aerospike as a repository, to demonstrate it at work on a server, you'll need guice along with dropwizard to include it. You can also extend the iosave-core and write your own repository and binding.
QTrouper uses rabbitMQ as its backend interface and the
- Dropwizard - The bundle that got created
- Aerospike - Quick, easy to easy KV store
name: example
maxThreads: 128
minThreads: 128
- type: http
port: 8080
- type: http
port: 8081
applicationContextPath: /
- type: console
timeZone: IST
level: INFO
com.phonepe.iosave: DEBUG
- type: console
threshold: INFO
timeZone: IST
logFormat: "%(%-5level) [%date] [%thread] [%logger{0}]: %message%n"
- host: localhost
port: 3000
retries: 3
sleepBetweenRetries: 5
maxConnectionsPerNode: 32
threadPoolSize: 512
namespace: iosave
//tls configured could be specified as well should you wish to
bootstrap.addBundle(new IOSaveBundle<>() {
public IOSaveAerospikeConfig getConfig(AppConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.getIoSaveConfig();
public void preBundle(AppConfiguration configuration) {
//If you have anything to do as precursor
public class AppResource {
@Inbound(saveRequestBody = true)
public Response testResponse() {
return Response.status(200).entity(Map.of("status", "ok")).build();
Copyright 2022 Koushik R [email protected].
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.