Download your own icon image
Find path to the executable of your application by running (replace brackets with name of applicaion):
which [name_application]
Copy the path from this output.
Create\edit the
file for the application by running the command (remember to edit the application name):gedit Desktop/[name_application].desktop
Add the following lines (replace the items in square brackets with your respect application) and save the file with the extension
(e.g.[application name].desktop
):#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Icon=[path_to_icon_file] Name=[Name your application] Comment=[Name your application] Exec=[path_to_executable file_from_step2] Categories=Development
Right click on the file (should now be on your desktop), select properties, then permissions and select
Allow executing file as program
Finally, move this file to the desktop launcher path on your system:
sudo mv /Desktop/*[name_of_file]* /usr/share/applications/