StaticSettings is a header-only library allowing you to setup different type settings (properties) for your application (or its part) and access them from anywhere in a uniform and thread safe manner. It is not a Singleton, but it mostly consists of static variables, hence the name.
First of all you must define an entity with some properties in enum class:
enum class Label
Then you must declare actual types for these properties:
DECLARE_PROPERTY_TYPE( property::Label, property::Label::Size, int )
DECLARE_PROPERTY_TYPE( property::Label, property::Label::Text, std::string )
DECLARE_PROPERTY_TYPE( property::Label, property::Label::Weight, double )
And you're ready to use them from anywhere:
alt::StaticSettings::setProperty<Label, Label::Size>( 10 );
alt::StaticSettings::setProperty<Label, Label::Text>( "Label name" );
auto labelSize = alt::StaticSettings::getProperty<Label, Label::Size>();
auto labelText = alt::StaticSettings::getProperty<Label, Label::Text>();
For full demo including thread safe testing see provided example.
Note: Properties doesn't have a default value, so getting it before it's been set will raise an exception.
- Produces compile time error:
- If you use a property and haven't declared its type
- If you use a property and have declared its type more than once
- If you set a property value of type that cannot be casted to property type
- Can use custom types in property declaration
- Uniform access to properties regardless of declared types
- Property change subscription
- Thread safe
- Small codebase (around 100 lines)
- C++14
Embedded into the example source code for testing purpose (not needed for usage):
- Boost 1.39.0
Note: As the library itself cannot include above-mentioned libraries, you will have to do it for your project. In case of boost it's quite easy, just download, extract and point to it.
Note: If you're using C++17 compiler and don't need a subscription to property change, in the source code remove Signaller struct and all calls to it, replace Boost.Any with std::any and you will have no dependencies at all.
StaticSettings uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
StaticSettings is licensed under MIT License.