6.8.0 (2024-12-11)
- allow to configure unknown tier & pack in the license (8ac83bf)
6.7.0 (2024-12-05)
- addition of new feature key for entreprise-secret-manager pack (483543f)
6.6.0 (2024-11-21)
- add data cache policy (cc6fafe)
6.5.0 (2024-10-17)
- allow unsecured tcp server (09bbb47)
6.4.6 (2024-10-09)
6.4.5 (2024-10-04)
- metrics: hold strong reference to probes results in micrometer gauge (e17fa16)
6.4.4 (2024-09-24)
- make redis cache pool settings configurable (5480516)
- removed stacktrace from periodic error message (7633706)
6.4.3 (2024-09-12)
- return empty array of accepted issuers in trust manager (7db0f15)
6.4.2 (2024-09-03)
- return unhealthy result when a filtered prob is not found (2f585f2)
6.4.1 (2024-08-29)
- deps: update dependency com.hazelcast:hazelcast to v5.5.0 (309e380)
- deps: update gravitee-plugin.version to v4.1.0 (893b4d9)
- missing default builder on http client options (0cbdab7)
6.4.0 (2024-08-22)
- http2: allows changing http2 multiplexing (9924840)
6.3.0 (2024-08-13)
- add capability to retrieve product name early during startup (91dc359)
6.2.0 (2024-08-02)
- update parent pom version in redis cache implementation (a08026f)
- addition of Redis as cache implementation (29964e1)
6.1.0 (2024-08-01)
- allow merge of several gravitee.yml (8effe2e)
6.0.4 (2024-07-26)
- apply eviction policy only when the limit size is defined (02ab72f)
- properly implement evict method for hazelcast cache (a0ff2c5)
6.0.3 (2024-07-26)
- ensure default hazelcast instance names are different (fe3add1)
6.0.2 (2024-07-25)
- adding javadoc (10b1e26)
6.0.1 (2024-07-25)
- add default implementation for MemberListener (b7db7be)
6.0.0 (2024-07-25)
- NPE using rxPut and rxCompute (3bb413a)
- rxPut and rxCompute method signatures have changed from Single to Maybe. An empty Maybe means 'null' in the blocking world.
5.21.1 (2024-07-25)
- revert back hazelcast new instance on cache plugin (d3dc47c)
- wait for current queue polling to finish when removing listener (cfd43c1)
5.21.0 (2024-07-24)
- add condition on monitoring event handler to avoid npe when cluster is not defined (9655f7d)
- add missing node cache service from node components (7f150a4)
- call super.dostop and dostart no cluster and cache manager (a01b077)
- implement work around when hazelcast config is shared between cache and cluster plugins (1a383c2)
- remove unnecessary node autowired (2200561)
- add node information to hazelcast member attribute (7e39f06)
5.20.0 (2024-07-17)
- allow to unregister a management endpoint (57facdb)
5.19.0 (2024-06-26)
- add AM enterprise certificate AWS plugin (3ef8d85)
5.18.3 (2024-06-24)
- improve upgrade fwk (a94c147)
5.18.2 (2024-06-21)
- added one-second delay before repeat to avoid log flooding (220d7e0)
5.18.1 (2024-06-19)
- configure repo to release plugins in download website (0c54f7c)
5.18.0 (2024-06-17)
- add secret provider aws to license model (e1abcc2)
5.17.0 (2024-06-17)
- add oas validation policy feature to license (9a2e3f8)
5.16.2 (2024-06-17)
- recursive method call may lead to stack overflow exception (2640c77)
5.16.1 (2024-06-14)
- override equals and hashcode for SecretLocation (401301c)
5.16.0 (2024-06-14)
- reduce pressure on db due to health and monitoring (e10d8a8)
5.15.0 (2024-06-13)
- add azure service bus feature to license (6a54bba)
5.14.7 (2024-06-10)
- remove misleading options in vertx client factory (915cd5a)
5.14.6 (2024-06-06)
- add AM HTTP resource plugin (35ae431)
5.14.5 (2024-06-04)
- deps: update dependency io.gravitee:gravitee-bom to v8.0.4 (35858b3)
- deps: update dependency io.gravitee:gravitee-parent to v22.0.31 (c5e9167)
5.14.4 (2024-05-20)
- add Interops SP plugins (58b0389)
5.14.3 (2024-05-13)
- deps: update dependency com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine to v3.1.8 (6a7d76a)
- pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (489a9c2)
- Revert "fix(alpn): configure alpn option even if not secured" (22e3a9c)
5.14.2 (2024-05-06)
- missing Builder.Default in SslOptions on new property hostnameVerificationAlgorithm (1aa3177)
5.14.1 (2024-05-03)
- deps: upgrade gravitee-bom to 8.x (016068f)
5.14.0 (2024-05-02)
- add orange contact everyone plugin (9dead4e)
5.13.0 (2024-04-30)
- add new option for TcpClient to manage hostname verification algorithm (dc91f93)
5.12.4 (2024-04-12)
- alpn: configure alpn option even if not secured (eb54cff)
5.12.3 (2024-04-05)
- set http2-max-header-list-size option from the provided config (3ee2feb)
5.12.2 (2024-04-04)
- deps: update dependency io.gravitee.alert:gravitee-alert-api to v1.9.1 (23f7038)
5.12.1 (2024-04-04)
- deps: update dependency io.gravitee:gravitee-bom to v7.0.18 (358cab4)
5.12.0 (2024-04-02)
- add ContainerInitializer concept (00a11db)
5.11.0 (2024-03-28)
- handle keep-alive timeout (56ac564)
5.10.0 (2024-03-15)
- a null license on create returns an oss license (7f086e8)
5.9.1 (2024-03-07)
- deps: update bcprov-jdk15on to bcprov-jdk18on and bcpkix-jdk15on to bcpkix-jdk18on (81314e4)
5.9.0 (2024-03-07)
5.8.1 (2024-02-23)
- support private ca as truststore (9613fbc)
5.8.0 (2024-02-22)
- add new cache method (bb1eabf)
5.7.0 (2024-02-22)
- add interops features (dae75b5)
5.6.1 (2024-02-20)
- support org license expiration (90598d2)
5.6.0 (2024-02-20)
- add reactive method to Cache, Topic and Queue (b2d292b)
5.5.2 (2024-02-13)
- license: allow unknown plugins during validation (58522a4)
5.5.1 (2024-02-08)
- support keystore with mix of private key and cert entries (fcf141d)
5.5.0 (2024-02-01)
- add protobuf-json and avro-protobuf features (b9f0788)
5.4.0 (2024-01-25)
- use generic for key-store-loaders factory to help spring (744b342)
- upgrade to latest bom version (93d7cf0)
5.3.1 (2024-01-22)
- defer node bean instantiation (21650b4)
5.3.0 (2024-01-16)
- load boot plugins (94a290f)
5.2.0 (2024-01-04)
- license: add graphql rate limit policy feature (e1bc497)
5.1.0 (2023-12-22)
- reloadable trust store and one main keystore (re)loaded per server id (dad0eb9)
5.0.2 (2023-12-21)
- update PEM registry logic (b02a700)
5.0.1 (2023-12-18)
- add oem pack (54c6be7)
5.0.0 (2023-12-11)
- introduce LicenseManager for organization license (c307123)
- Node.license() not longer exists, LicenseManager is mandatory
4.8.1 (2023-12-07)
- remove dedicated schedulers in kubernetes keystore loader init methods (32e675f)
4.8.0 (2023-12-06)
- improve Cache interface (f2a5c92)
4.7.1 (2023-12-01)
- use local hash map to keep reference to created queue (6ccc6d9)
4.7.0 (2023-11-30)
- add queue on ClusterManager (fbd859e)
4.6.1 (2023-11-28)
- defer some sensitive @Value resolution (9f812f0)
4.6.0 (2023-11-24)
- bump
to 2.2.0 (f0349cc) - clean license file (55de7ea)
- create a pack for alert-engine to avoid planet tiers to embed it by accident (265b9b2)
- reshuffle options in the right place, fix sonar issues (2dbbb08)
- update k8s client version to 3.0.2 (354ce10)
- update kubernetes client to version 3.0.0 (28a7e26)
- archi-222 secret provider plugin handling and configuration service (#244) (8c0fd34)
- TCP proxy server factory and options (161ee27)
4.6.0-alpha.3 (2023-11-21)
- create a pack for alert-engine to avoid planet tiers to embed it by accident (7299d22)
4.6.0-alpha.2 (2023-11-20)
- update k8s client version to 3.0.2 (130d5e2)
4.6.0-alpha.1 (2023-11-20)
- clean license file (2185607)
- reshuffle options in the right place, fix sonar issues (0c946f5)
- update kubernetes client to version 3.0.0 (0014210)
- archi-222 secret provider plugin handling and configuration service (#244) (8deffbb)
- TCP proxy server factory and options (85f0123)
4.6.0-alpha.1 (2023-11-13)
4.5.0 (2023-11-17)
- allow AE as an enterprise feature (476165c)
4.4.0-alpha.2 (2023-10-03)
- update kubernetes client to version 3.0.0 (23ca163)
4.4.0-alpha.1 (2023-10-02)
4.4.0 (2023-11-09)
- add support for Gravitee Pem Registry (d97946a)
4.3.1 (2023-09-14)
- bump gravitee-common to 3.3.3 (f2363dc)
4.3.0 (2023-09-13)
- add AM SFR SMS resource plugin (fca0429)
4.2.0 (2023-09-11)
- add AM Account Linking policy (6418962)
4.1.0 (2023-08-21)
- add license feature for AM (538d8be)
4.0.0 (2023-07-17)
- add old feature names to catalog (255803e)
- avoid npe when evaluating cpu load average (61c1dd7)
- bump gravitee-kubernetes version to 2.0.2 (7bec0f7)
- bump kubernetes client to 2.0.3 (51b64c2)
- deps: bump gravitee-plugin to 2.0.0-alpha1 (850236d)
- license model syntax (23859ec)
- perf: This fix rework the ExcludeTagsFilter to reduce a processing time (4a52c0b)
- restore isFeatureEnabled in license interface (6fb0dbe)
- tmp enable standalone cache by default (2fb8064)
- update risk-assesment feature name (ba156e8)
- use simple hazelcast topic (d45cac8)
- bump gravitee-parent and gravitee-bom (e9428a7)
- add apim-policy-geoip-filtering (4464df1)
- add apim-policy-transform-avro-json to catalog (f9b4cdb)
- add cluster id on ClusterManager interface (153c441)
- add new plugin type for cache manager (3bf9804)
- add support for multi-servers (44af8ff)
- add v4 license model and utility services (498dce9)
- node-notifier: supports both javax and jakarta Inject annotation (a909bff)
- update cluster manager to be compatible with plugin management (f69ad89)
- update code to JDK 17
- checking for feature enablement now relies on the NodeLicenseService
4.0.0-alpha.5 (2023-07-17)
- node-notifier: supports both javax and jakarta Inject annotation (a909bff)
4.0.0-alpha.4 (2023-07-11)
- bump gravitee-parent and gravitee-bom (e9428a7)
- update code to JDK 17
4.0.0-alpha.3 (2023-07-07)
- license model syntax (23859ec)
4.0.0-alpha.2 (2023-07-05)
- add apim-policy-transform-avro-json to catalog (f9b4cdb)
4.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-07-03)
- add old feature names to catalog (255803e)
- restore isFeatureEnabled in license interface (6fb0dbe)
- update risk-assesment feature name (ba156e8)
- checking for feature enablement now relies on the NodeLicenseService
3.1.0-alpha.11 (2023-06-17)
- deps: bump gravitee-plugin to 2.0.0-alpha1 (850236d)
3.1.0-alpha.10 (2023-06-12)
- perf: This fix rework the ExcludeTagsFilter to reduce a processing time (4a52c0b)
3.1.0-alpha.9 (2023-05-29)
- add cluster id on ClusterManager interface (153c441)
3.1.0-alpha.8 (2023-05-25)
- avoid npe when evaluating cpu load average (61c1dd7)
3.1.0-alpha.7 (2023-05-16)
- bump kubernetes client to 2.0.3 (51b64c2)
3.1.0-alpha.6 (2023-05-03)
- bump gravitee-kubernetes version to 2.0.2 (7bec0f7)
3.1.0-alpha.5 (2023-04-19)
- add new plugin type for cache manager (3bf9804)
3.1.0-alpha.4 (2023-04-18)
- tmp enable standalone cache by default (2fb8064)
3.1.0-alpha.3 (2023-04-14)
- use simple hazelcast topic (d45cac8)
3.1.0-alpha.2 (2023-04-14)
- update cluster manager to be compatible with plugin management (f69ad89)
3.1.0-alpha.1 (2023-04-13)
- add support for multi-servers (44af8ff)
3.0.9 (2023-05-25)
- add config to disable keystore watcher (2e94e9a)
3.0.8 (2023-05-24)
- avoid npe when evaluating cpu load average (c54bd58)
3.0.7 (2023-05-04)
- license error in community mode (aeef6fb)
3.0.6 (2023-04-27)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (c7210bb)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (1051060)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (a0bb68f)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (935a394)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (f9580e2)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (563b0f8)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (66abc90)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (08d02ea)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (3700dd0)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (ccbb643)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (fe829f9)
- bump kubernetes client (137eaf0)
- prometheus: Stream scraping output instead of using a single String instance (6e4271b)
- remove enforced INFO level for license (0515ec5)
2.0.7 (2023-04-27)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (1051060)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (a0bb68f)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (935a394)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (f9580e2)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (563b0f8)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (66abc90)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (08d02ea)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (3700dd0)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (ccbb643)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (fe829f9)
- bump kubernetes client (137eaf0)
- prometheus: Stream scraping output instead of using a single String instance (6e4271b)
- remove enforced INFO level for license (0515ec5)
1.27.8 (2023-04-27)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (1051060)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (a0bb68f)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (f9580e2)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (563b0f8)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (08d02ea)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (3700dd0)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (fe829f9)
- bump kubernetes client (137eaf0)
- prometheus: Stream scraping output instead of using a single String instance (6e4271b)
1.25.6 (2023-04-27)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (a0bb68f)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (563b0f8)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (3700dd0)
- prometheus: Stream scraping output instead of using a single String instance (6e4271b)
1.24.7 (2023-04-24)
- prometheus: Stream scraping output instead of using a single String instance (6e4271b)
1.24.6 (2023-03-31)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (a0bb68f)
1.24.5 (2023-02-16)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (563b0f8)
1.24.4 (2023-02-10)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (3700dd0)
1.25.5 (2023-04-06)
- bump kubernetes client (137eaf0)
1.25.4 (2023-03-31)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (1051060)
1.25.3 (2023-03-07)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (fe829f9)
1.25.2 (2023-02-16)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (f9580e2)
1.25.1 (2023-02-10)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (08d02ea)
1.27.7 (2023-03-13)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (ccbb643)
1.27.6 (2023-03-09)
- remove enforced INFO level for license (0515ec5)
1.27.5 (2023-02-16)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (935a394)
1.27.4 (2023-02-10)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (66abc90)
2.0.6 (2023-03-31)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (c7210bb)
3.0.5 (2023-04-06)
- prevent scheduleNextAttempt to happen if trigger is stopped (d9c2a44)
3.0.4 (2023-04-03)
- rollback dry run mode on upgrader (ed33d59)
3.0.3 (2023-03-31)
- add 'With' methods to HttpServerConfiguration (8d878ba)
3.0.2 (2023-03-28)
- handle dry runs in upgraders (187a585)
3.0.1 (2023-03-17)
- deps: remove unused gravitee-el dependency (40344fd)
3.0.0 (2023-03-17)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (a896204)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (a46a05d)
- bump hazelcast and snake yml dependencies (b297a0e)
- deps: upgrade dependencies (c60db5a)
- remove enforced INFO level for license (8681528)
- update kubernetes client dependency (bc5d835)
- bump gravitee-plugin version to 1.25.0 (88b4ac0)
- bump reporter api version (c2493b7)
- move to bom v4 and vertx 4.3.8 (29f3796)
- requires vertx 4.3.8
3.0.0-alpha.4 (2023-03-16)
- bump hazelcast and snake yml dependencies (b297a0e)
- remove enforced INFO level for license (8681528)
3.0.0-alpha.4 (2023-03-09)
- remove enforced INFO level for license (8681528)
3.0.0-alpha.3 (2023-03-07)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (a46a05d)
3.0.0-alpha.2 (2023-02-22)
- update kubernetes client dependency (bc5d835)
3.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-02-16)
- requires vertx 4.3.8
2.1.0-alpha.2 (2023-02-16)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (a896204)
2.1.0-alpha.1 (2023-02-10)
- bump reporter api version (c2493b7)
2.0.5 (2023-03-13)
- avoid spring loading issue with vertx and k8s client (4ff1b8b)
2.0.4 (2023-02-17)
- update kubernetes client dependency (2b87da9)
2.0.3 (2023-02-16)
- api: load the right property source for /configuration (1ab5e77)
2.0.2 (2023-02-10)
- api: send head before writing response for /monitor (c71fc4c)
2.0.1 (2022-12-09)
- bump reporter-api (ebeceda)
2.0.0 (2022-12-09)
- rxJava3 required
- rxJava3 required
2.0.0-alpha.3 (2022-10-18)
- bump gravitee-kubernetes version to 1.0.0-alpha.1 (94bbb33)
- rxJava3 required
2.0.0-alpha.2 (2022-10-18)
- Revert "chore: use properties for maven versionning" (ad9bdd1)
2.0.0-alpha.1 (2022-10-18)
- bump to rxJava3 (a2a1c8d)
- rxJava3 required
1.27.3 (2022-11-02)
- node-cache: move guava to compile scope instead of provided (88f21eb)
1.27.2 (2022-10-20)
1.27.1 (2022-09-29)
- get upgrade.mode from env variables (237ba43)
1.27.0 (2022-09-21)
- Implement upgrader framework (96d3eb1)
1.26.1 (2022-09-13)
1.26.0 (2022-09-12)
- support yaml file for Hazelcast configuration (43a2674)
1.25.0 (2022-08-03)
- allows to include or exclude metrics labels (f39f612), closes gravitee-io/issues#8218
1.24.3 (2022-08-01)
- Add endpoints for generating heapdump and threaddump (6c087c7), closes gravitee-io/issues#8222
1.24.2 (2022-06-09)
- respect TimeToLive parameter in StandaloneCache (dacdbda)
1.20.5 (2022-07-28)
- Add endpoints for generating heapdump and threaddump (6c087c7), closes gravitee-io/issues#8222
1.20.4 (2022-06-09)
- respect TimeToLive parameter in StandaloneCache (dacdbda)
1.24.1 (2022-06-02)
1.24.0 (2022-05-20)
- Upgrade dependency to gravitee-plugin (308e6ca)
- Single distribution bundle for CE / EE (5c0e6c4)
1.23.0 (2022-05-12)
- Add support for the new Kubernetes Client API (6deabbe)
1.22.0 (2022-04-15)
- deps: update bouncycastle.version to v1.70 (6118e39)
- provide access to meter registry (6c4af53)
1.21.1 (2022-04-12)
- configurable jetty http header and buffer size (8fb55b2)