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Releases: graphql-nexus/nexus-plugin-prisma


17 Oct 10:06
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  • d59b9e8 fix: publish scalars from input types (#487)
  • 63277cc fix: only publish non-null list + list members (#452)
  • 758da5b fix: publish object types that don't map to prisma models… (#451)
  • 6551222 fix(publishing): publish dmmf objects (#441)
  • d7d59d8 fix(typegen): enum-field publishing on models (#443)
  • 827ec4e fix(deps): make @prisma/photon a prod dep
  • ec1d848 fix(typegen): delete prev file before writing next (#454)


  • 7460d1b docs: intro, concepts, reference (#459)
  • b008c71 docs: show gql null args flowing into photon


  1. You will need [email protected]

  2. ca22bb0 fix: generated publishers are now all camel-cased (#481)

    import { objectType } from 'nexus-prisma'
    const Query = objectType({
      name: 'Query',
      definition(t) {
    -    t.modelnames()
    -    t.modelname()
    +    t.modelName()
    +    t.modelNames()
  3. You now use nexus-prisma as a nexus plugin

    import { nexusPrismaPlugin } from 'nexus-prisma
    import { makeSchema } from 'nexus'
    import * as types from './types'
    - types: [types, nexusPrismaPlugin({ types })],
    + types,
    + plugins: [nexusPrismaPlugin()]
  4. export NexusPrismaParams renamed to Options


26 Sep 16:16
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  • An issue where tsc build would fail without skipLibCheck present is resolved.


26 Sep 03:40
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  • add support for Prisma 2


  • Support for Prisma 1 has been dropped.
    See the announcement here. For now please refer to the examples folder for how an app with nexus-prisma now looks. A migration guide will be coming soon.

Migrating From 0.4 Pre-Releases

Pre-releases of 0.4 were a Prisma generator. Here's how to migrate from that.

  1. Remove generator nexus_prisma from your schema.prisma:

    - generator nexus_prisma {
    -   provider = "nexus-prisma"
    - }
  2. Install nexus-prisma

    npm install nexus-prisma
  3. Update how you import nexus-prisma:

    - const { nexusPrismaPlugin } = require('@generated/nexus-prisma')
    + const { nexusPrismaPlugin } = require('nexus-prisma')
    - import { nexusPrismaPlugin } from '@generated/nexus-prisma'
    + import { nexusPrismaPlugin } from 'nexus-prisma'

Migrating from 0.3.x

[email protected] now uses Prisma 2. Learn more about how to setup Prisma 2 here

NOTE: ⚠️ [email protected] is still in preview and might break at any moment. We advise not to upgrade yet if you're running in production.

  1. makePrismaSchema

    nexus-prisma is now a nexus plugin. It means we no longer use makePrismaSchema but Nexus' makeSchema function instead.

    - import { makePrismaSchema } from 'nexus-prisma'
    + import { nexusPrismaPlugin } from 'nexus-prisma'
    + import { makeSchema } from 'nexus'
      import * as types from './graphql'
    - const schema = makePrismaSchema({
    + const schema = makeSchema({
    -   types
    +   types: [types, nexusPrismaPlugin({ types })],
  2. prismaObjectType

    This function no longer exists. Instead, use objectType from nexus.

    t.prismaFields(...) was removed in favor of two new properties: t.model & t.crud.

    NOTE: t.prismaFields(['*']) has no equivalent anymore. See #299

    For the Query & Mutation types

    t.crud is available only on the Query and Mutation type. It replaces t.prismaFields(...)

    - import { prismaObjectType } from 'nexus-prisma'
    + import { objectType } from 'nexus'
    - const Query = prismaObjectType({
    + const Query = objectType({
        name: 'Query',
        definition(t) {
    -      t.prismaFields(['user', 'users'])
    +      t.crud.user()
    +      t.crud.users({ filtering: true, ordering: true })

    For types that maps to Prisma model

    t.model becomes available. It replaces t.prismaFields(...).

    NOTE: You can now have object types that have different names that your prisma models. If that's the case, use t.model('<PrismaModelName>').someField().

    - import { prismaObjectType } from 'nexus-prisma'
    + import { objectType } from 'nexus'
    - const User = prismaObjectType({
    + const User = objectType({
        name: 'User',
        definition(t) {
    -      t.prismaFields(['id', 'name', 'age'])
    +      t.model.age()
  3. prismaInputObjectType

    This function no longer exists and don't have equivalent yet. See #477

  4. prismaExtendType

    This function no longer exists and don't have equivalent yet.

  5. t.prismaType

    This property no longer exists and don't have equivalent yet. See #303


26 Apr 13:49
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  • Add better support for subscriptions.
  • Rollback nexus-prisma-generate: --output option needs to be inputted from the root path of the project again instead of relatively


Susbcriptions are still not supported through t.prismaFields(). They are however better supported with nexus + the prisma-client without having to do the following: graphql-nexus/nexus#86 (comment)


Given the following datamodel:

type User {
  id: ID! @id
  name: String!
  1. Use the nexus' subscriptionField method.
export const UserSubscription = subscriptionField('user', {
  type: 'UserSubscriptionPayload', // Use prisma's subscription type as output
  subscribe(root, args, ctx) {
    return ctx.prisma.$subscribe.user() as any // Cast to any because of typings mismatch
  resolve(payload) {
    return payload
  1. UserSubscriptionPayload is Prisma's graphql output type for subscriptions. For a Post type, it would have been PostSubscriptionPayload.

This is what the type actually looks like:

type UserSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: User
  previousValues: UserPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type UserPreviousValues {
  createdAt: DateTime!
  email: String!
  gender: GENDER!
  id: ID!
  name: String
  updatedAt: DateTime!

enum MutationType {

Because nexus-prisma automatically look for missing types in Prisma's GraphQL schema, all these types will magically be imported for you under the hood by simply referencing UserSubscriptionPayload.

  1. There's currently still a mismatch between prisma's typings and nexus' ones. For now, please cast prisma.$subscribe.user() to any. graphql-nexus/nexus#120 should be merged soon and will fix that problem

  2. Don't forget to export export const Something = subscriptionField into makePrismaSchema.types property

  3. Enjoy 🙏


26 Apr 10:09
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  • Fixed enums fetched twice (9fd481e)


  • BREAKING: Consolidated file paths with the prisma-client. You should now use relative path for the --output option (instead of relative to the root of project as before)
  • Add --project option to point to a prisma.yml file in cases where we cannot find it automatically


11 Mar 19:21
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02 Mar 14:46
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  • (BREAKING) Fixes bug with embedded types (when using mongo)
    • This required adding an embeddedTypes property to the generated datamodelInfo
  • (BREAKING): Remove Query.node field from generated API (and from the typings)
  • Fixes nexus-prisma-generate wrongly resolving prisma-client path when omitting --client option

Please, re-run nexus-prisma-generate to fix the breaking changes


23 Feb 14:48
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21 Feb 16:34
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  • Make nexus-prisma-generate --client option optional. If no --client option is provided, the path will be resolved from the prisma.yml file
  • (BREAKING) Add clientPath property to datamodelInfo. Re-run nexus-prisma-generate