diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci_build_scm_ubuntu_22.04.yml b/.github/workflows/ci_build_scm_ubuntu_22.04.yml
index 3100ef4ce..115b5836f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci_build_scm_ubuntu_22.04.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci_build_scm_ubuntu_22.04.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ jobs:
sp_ROOT: /home/runner/NCEPLIBS-sp
w3emc_ROOT: /home/runner/myw3emc
SCM_ROOT: /home/runner/work/ccpp-scm/ccpp-scm
- suites: SCM_GFS_v15p2,SCM_GFS_v16,SCM_GFS_v17_p8,SCM_HRRR,SCM_RRFS_v1beta,SCM_RAP,SCM_WoFS_v0,SCM_GFS_v15p2_ps,SCM_GFS_v16_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ps,SCM_HRRR_ps,SCM_RRFS_v1beta_ps,SCM_RAP_ps,SCM_WoFS_v0_ps
+ suites: SCM_GFS_v15p2,SCM_GFS_v16,SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP,SCM_GFS_v17_p8,SCM_HRRR,SCM_RRFS_v1beta,SCM_RAP,SCM_WoFS_v0,SCM_GFS_v15p2_ps,SCM_GFS_v16_ps,SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ps,SCM_HRRR_ps,SCM_RRFS_v1beta_ps,SCM_RAP_ps,SCM_WoFS_v0_ps,SCM_HRRR_gf,SCM_HRRR_gf_ps
# Workflow steps
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci_run_scm_rts.yml b/.github/workflows/ci_run_scm_rts.yml
index aa7f85a7a..b23c03422 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci_run_scm_rts.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci_run_scm_rts.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
name: CI test to build and run SCM regression tests
on: [pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
@@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ jobs:
sp_ROOT: /home/runner/NCEPLIBS-sp
w3emc_ROOT: /home/runner/myw3emc
SCM_ROOT: /home/runner/work/ccpp-scm/ccpp-scm
- suites: SCM_GFS_v15p2,SCM_GFS_v16,SCM_GFS_v17_p8,SCM_HRRR,SCM_RRFS_v1beta,SCM_RAP,SCM_WoFS_v0,SCM_RRFS_v1,SCM_GFS_v17_HR3,SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP
- suites_ps: SCM_GFS_v15p2_ps,SCM_GFS_v16_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ps,SCM_HRRR_ps,SCM_RRFS_v1beta_ps,SCM_RAP_ps,SCM_WoFS_v0_ps,SCM_RRFS_v1_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps
+ suites: SCM_GFS_v15p2,SCM_GFS_v16,SCM_GFS_v17_p8,SCM_HRRR,SCM_RRFS_v1beta,SCM_RAP,SCM_WoFS_v0,SCM_HRRR_gf,SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1,SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP
+ suites_ps: SCM_GFS_v15p2_ps,SCM_GFS_v16_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ps,SCM_HRRR_ps,SCM_RRFS_v1beta_ps,SCM_RAP_ps,SCM_WoFS_v0_ps,SCM_HRRR_gf_ps,SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_ps,SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP_ps
dir_rt: /home/runner/work/ccpp-scm/ccpp-scm/test/artifact-${{matrix.build-type}}
dir_bl: /home/runner/work/ccpp-scm/ccpp-scm/test/BL-${{matrix.build-type}}
diff --git a/ccpp/framework b/ccpp/framework
index ccfefcd0b..0f8232724 160000
--- a/ccpp/framework
+++ b/ccpp/framework
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ccfefcd0b426e011f94137031d5f7c2a4dda2659
+Subproject commit 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4
diff --git a/ccpp/physics b/ccpp/physics
index 3a1969102..160aa0359 160000
--- a/ccpp/physics
+++ b/ccpp/physics
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 3a19691021b779748f4b448d3f21ab381fcc6c6e
+Subproject commit 160aa0359cf28b7f2f05ec23f3ac2fed59afad8b
diff --git a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.nml b/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.nml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7cf90973..000000000
--- a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.nml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- fhzero = 6
- h2o_phys = .true.
- ldiag3d = .true.
- qdiag3d = .true.
- print_diff_pgr = .false.
- fhcyc = 24
- use_ufo = .true.
- pre_rad = .false.
- imp_physics = 8
- iovr = 3
- ltaerosol = .false.
- lradar = .true.
- ttendlim = -999
- dt_inner = 150
- sedi_semi = .true.
- decfl = 10
- oz_phys = .false.
- oz_phys_2015 = .true.
- lsoil_lsm = 4
- do_mynnedmf = .false.
- do_mynnsfclay = .false.
- icloud_bl = 1
- bl_mynn_edmf = 1
- bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true.
- bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1
- do_ugwp = .false.
- do_tofd = .false.
- gwd_opt = 2
- do_ugwp_v0 = .false.
- do_ugwp_v1 = .true.
- do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false.
- do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = .false.
- do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .true.
- do_gsl_drag_ss = .true.
- do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true.
- do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false.
- min_lakeice = 0.15
- min_seaice = 1.0e-6
- use_cice_alb = .true.
- pdfcld = .false.
- fhswr = 1200.
- fhlwr = 1200.
- progsigma = .true.
- betascu = 8.0
- betamcu = 1.0
- betadcu = 2.0
- ialb = 2
- iems = 2
- iaer = 1011
- icliq_sw = 2
- ico2 = 2
- isubc_sw = 2
- isubc_lw = 2
- isol = 2
- lwhtr = .true.
- swhtr = .true.
- cnvgwd = .true.
- shal_cnv = .true.
- cal_pre = .false.
- redrag = .true.
- dspheat = .true.
- hybedmf = .false.
- satmedmf = .true.
- isatmedmf = 1
- lheatstrg = .true.
- lseaspray = .true.
- random_clds = .false.
- trans_trac = .true.
- cnvcld = .true.
- imfshalcnv = 2
- imfdeepcnv = 2
- ras = .false.
- cdmbgwd = 2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0
- prslrd0 = 0.
- ivegsrc = 1
- isot = 1
- lsoil = 4
- lsm = 2
- iopt_dveg = 4
- iopt_crs = 2
- iopt_btr = 1
- iopt_run = 1
- iopt_sfc = 3
- iopt_trs = 2
- iopt_frz = 1
- iopt_inf = 1
- iopt_rad = 3
- iopt_alb = 1
- iopt_snf = 4
- iopt_tbot = 2
- iopt_stc = 3
- debug = .false.
- nstf_name = 2,0,0,0,0
- nst_anl = .true.
- psautco = 0.0008,0.0005
- prautco = 0.00015,0.00015
- lgfdlmprad = .false.
- effr_in = .true.
- ldiag_ugwp = .false.
- do_sppt = .false.
- do_shum = .false.
- do_skeb = .false.
- do_RRTMGP = .true.
- doGP_cldoptics_LUT = .true.
- doGP_lwscat = .true.
- active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2'
- ngases = 6
- rrtmgp_root = '../../ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp/'
- lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp/data/rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc'
- lw_file_clouds = 'extensions/cloud_optics/rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc'
- sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp/data/rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc'
- sw_file_clouds = 'extensions/cloud_optics/rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-reordered-sw.nc'
- rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 112
- rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128
- rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16
- rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14
- frac_grid = .true.
- cplchm = .false.
- cplflx = .false.
- cplice = .false.
- cplwav = .false.
- cplwav2atm = .false.
- do_ca = .false.
- ca_global = .false.
- ca_sgs = .true.
- nca = 1
- ncells = 5
- nlives = 12
- nseed = 1
- nfracseed = 0.5
- nthresh = 18
- ca_trigger = .true.
- nspinup = 1
- iseed_ca = 1448371824
- knob_ugwp_solver = 2
- knob_ugwp_version = 1
- knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0
- knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25
- knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4
- knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0
- knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1
- knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1
- knob_ugwp_doheat = 1
- knob_ugwp_dokdis = 2
- knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 4
- knob_ugwp_palaunch = 275.0e2
- knob_ugwp_nslope = 1
- knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3
- knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3
- knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3
- knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3
- knob_ugwp_tauamp = 0.5e-3
- knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3
- knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986'
- suite_sim_file = ''
- nprc_sim = 7
- prc_LWRAD_cfg = 0, 0, 1
- prc_SWRAD_cfg = 0, 0, 2
- prc_PBL_cfg = 1, 0, 3
- prc_GWD_cfg = 1, 0, 4
- prc_SCNV_cfg = 1, 1, 5
- prc_DCNV_cfg = 1, 1, 6
- prc_cldMP_cfg = 1, 1, 7
diff --git a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps.nml b/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps.nml
deleted file mode 100644
index c562957f2..000000000
--- a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps.nml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- fhzero = 6
- h2o_phys = .true.
- ldiag3d = .true.
- qdiag3d = .true.
- print_diff_pgr = .false.
- fhcyc = 24
- use_ufo = .true.
- pre_rad = .false.
- imp_physics = 8
- iovr = 3
- ltaerosol = .False.
- lradar = .true.
- ttendlim = -999
- dt_inner = 150
- sedi_semi = .true.
- decfl = 10
- oz_phys = .false.
- oz_phys_2015 = .true.
- lsoil_lsm = 4
- do_mynnedmf = .false.
- do_mynnsfclay = .false.
- icloud_bl = 1
- bl_mynn_edmf = 1
- bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true.
- bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1
- do_ugwp = .false.
- do_tofd = .false.
- gwd_opt = 2
- do_ugwp_v0 = .false.
- do_ugwp_v1 = .true.
- do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false.
- do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = .false.
- do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .true.
- do_gsl_drag_ss = .true.
- do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true.
- do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false.
- min_lakeice = 0.15
- min_seaice = 1.0e-6
- use_cice_alb = .true.
- pdfcld = .false.
- fhswr = 1200.
- fhlwr = 1200.
- progsigma = .true.
- betascu = 8.0
- betamcu = 1.0
- betadcu = 2.0
- ialb = 2
- iems = 2
- iaer = 1011
- icliq_sw = 2
- ico2 = 2
- isubc_sw = 2
- isubc_lw = 2
- isol = 2
- lwhtr = .true.
- swhtr = .true.
- cnvgwd = .true.
- shal_cnv = .true.
- cal_pre = .false.
- redrag = .true.
- dspheat = .true.
- hybedmf = .false.
- satmedmf = .true.
- isatmedmf = 1
- lheatstrg = .false.
- lseaspray = .true.
- random_clds = .false.
- trans_trac = .true.
- cnvcld = .true.
- imfshalcnv = 2
- imfdeepcnv = 2
- ras = .false.
- cdmbgwd = 2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0
- prslrd0 = 0.
- ivegsrc = 1
- isot = 1
- lsoil = 4
- lsm = 2
- iopt_dveg = 4
- iopt_crs = 2
- iopt_btr = 1
- iopt_run = 1
- iopt_sfc = 3
- iopt_trs = 2
- iopt_frz = 1
- iopt_inf = 1
- iopt_rad = 3
- iopt_alb = 1
- iopt_snf = 4
- iopt_tbot = 2
- iopt_stc = 3
- debug = .false.
- nstf_name = 2,0,0,0,0
- nst_anl = .true.
- psautco = 0.0008,0.0005
- prautco = 0.00015,0.00015
- lgfdlmprad = .false.
- effr_in = .true.
- ldiag_ugwp = .false.
- do_sppt = .false.
- do_shum = .false.
- do_skeb = .false.
- do_RRTMGP = .true.
- doGP_cldoptics_LUT = .true.
- doGP_lwscat = .true.
- active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2'
- ngases = 6
- rrtmgp_root = '../../ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp/'
- lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp/data/rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc'
- lw_file_clouds = 'extensions/cloud_optics/rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc'
- sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp/data/rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc'
- sw_file_clouds = 'extensions/cloud_optics/rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-reordered-sw.nc'
- rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 112
- rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128
- rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16
- rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14
- frac_grid = .true.
- cplchm = .false.
- cplflx = .false.
- cplice = .false.
- cplwav = .false.
- cplwav2atm = .false.
- do_ca = .false.
- ca_global = .false.
- ca_sgs = .true.
- nca = 1
- ncells = 5
- nlives = 12
- nseed = 1
- nfracseed = 0.5
- nthresh = 18
- ca_trigger = .true.
- nspinup = 1
- iseed_ca = 1448371824
- knob_ugwp_solver = 2
- knob_ugwp_version = 1
- knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0
- knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25
- knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4
- knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0
- knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1
- knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1
- knob_ugwp_doheat = 1
- knob_ugwp_dokdis = 2
- knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 4
- knob_ugwp_palaunch = 275.0e2
- knob_ugwp_nslope = 1
- knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3
- knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3
- knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3
- knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3
- knob_ugwp_tauamp = 0.5e-3
- knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3
- knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986'
- suite_sim_file = ''
- nprc_sim = 7
- prc_LWRAD_cfg = 0, 0, 1
- prc_SWRAD_cfg = 0, 0, 2
- prc_PBL_cfg = 1, 0, 3
- prc_GWD_cfg = 1, 0, 4
- prc_SCNV_cfg = 1, 1, 5
- prc_DCNV_cfg = 1, 1, 6
- prc_cldMP_cfg = 1, 1, 7
diff --git a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3.nml b/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1.nml
similarity index 100%
rename from ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3.nml
rename to ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1.nml
diff --git a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_ps.nml b/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_ps.nml
similarity index 100%
rename from ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_HR3_ps.nml
rename to ccpp/physics_namelists/input_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_ps.nml
diff --git a/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_RRFS_v1.nml b/ccpp/physics_namelists/input_HRRR_gf.nml
similarity index 100%
rename from ccpp/physics_namelists/input_RRFS_v1.nml
rename to ccpp/physics_namelists/input_HRRR_gf.nml
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 09bcbfa64..000000000
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- GFS_time_vary_pre
- GFS_rrtmgp_setup
- GFS_rad_time_vary
- GFS_phys_time_vary
- GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset
- GFS_rrtmgp_pre
- GFS_radiation_surface
- GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_mp
- GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_overlap
- GFS_cloud_diagnostics
- rrtmgp_aerosol_optics
- rrtmgp_sw_main
- rrtmgp_lw_main
- GFS_rrtmgp_post
- GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset
- GFS_suite_stateout_reset
- get_prs_fv3
- GFS_suite_interstitial_1
- GFS_surface_generic_pre
- GFS_surface_composites_pre
- dcyc2t3
- GFS_surface_composites_inter
- GFS_suite_interstitial_2
- sfc_diff
- GFS_surface_loop_control_part1
- sfc_nst_pre
- sfc_nst
- sfc_nst_post
- noahmpdrv
- sfc_sice
- GFS_surface_loop_control_part2
- GFS_surface_composites_post
- sfc_diag
- sfc_diag_post
- GFS_surface_generic_post
- GFS_PBL_generic_pre
- satmedmfvdifq
- GFS_PBL_generic_post
- GFS_GWD_generic_pre
- ugwpv1_gsldrag
- ugwpv1_gsldrag_post
- GFS_GWD_generic_post
- GFS_suite_stateout_update
- h2ophys
- get_phi_fv3
- GFS_suite_interstitial_3
- GFS_DCNV_generic_pre
- samfdeepcnv
- GFS_DCNV_generic_post
- GFS_SCNV_generic_pre
- samfshalcnv
- GFS_SCNV_generic_post
- GFS_suite_interstitial_4
- cnvc90
- GFS_MP_generic_pre
- mp_thompson_pre
- mp_thompson
- mp_thompson_post
- GFS_MP_generic_post
- maximum_hourly_diagnostics
- GFS_physics_post
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba77dff3..000000000
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP_ps.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- GFS_time_vary_pre
- GFS_rrtmgp_setup
- GFS_rad_time_vary
- GFS_phys_time_vary
- GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset
- GFS_rrtmgp_pre
- GFS_radiation_surface
- GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_mp
- GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_overlap
- GFS_cloud_diagnostics
- rrtmgp_aerosol_optics
- rrtmgp_sw_main
- rrtmgp_lw_main
- GFS_rrtmgp_post
- GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset
- GFS_suite_stateout_reset
- get_prs_fv3
- GFS_suite_interstitial_1
- GFS_surface_generic_pre
- scm_sfc_flux_spec
- dcyc2t3
- GFS_suite_interstitial_2
- GFS_PBL_generic_pre
- satmedmfvdifq
- GFS_PBL_generic_post
- GFS_GWD_generic_pre
- ugwpv1_gsldrag
- ugwpv1_gsldrag_post
- GFS_GWD_generic_post
- GFS_suite_stateout_update
- h2ophys
- get_phi_fv3
- GFS_suite_interstitial_3
- GFS_DCNV_generic_pre
- samfdeepcnv
- GFS_DCNV_generic_post
- GFS_SCNV_generic_pre
- samfshalcnv
- GFS_SCNV_generic_post
- GFS_suite_interstitial_4
- cnvc90
- GFS_MP_generic_pre
- mp_thompson_pre
- mp_thompson
- mp_thompson_post
- GFS_MP_generic_post
- maximum_hourly_diagnostics
- GFS_physics_post
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1.xml
similarity index 98%
rename from ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3.xml
rename to ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1.xml
index 92effe13c..865fe47f6 100644
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3.xml
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_ps.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_ps.xml
similarity index 97%
rename from ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_ps.xml
rename to ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_ps.xml
index d9e833936..cd62b628e 100644
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_ps.xml
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1_ps.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_HRRR_gf.xml
similarity index 98%
rename from ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1.xml
rename to ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_HRRR_gf.xml
index ef1c73157..f80ab4c7c 100644
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1.xml
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_HRRR_gf.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1_ps.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_HRRR_gf_ps.xml
similarity index 97%
rename from ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1_ps.xml
rename to ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_HRRR_gf_ps.xml
index 91918a6b8..3fc25cc5b 100644
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1_ps.xml
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_HRRR_gf_ps.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_cases.rst b/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_cases.rst
index b6bd183dd..cd83dc07e 100644
--- a/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_cases.rst
+++ b/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_cases.rst
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ are included in ``ccpp-scm/scm/data/processed_case_input/fv3_model_point_noah[mp
.. literalinclude:: arm_case_header.txt
:name: lst_case_input_netcdf_header_arm
:caption: example NetCDF file (CCPP-SCM format) header for case initialization and forcing data
Case input data file (DEPHY format)
@@ -409,16 +409,16 @@ Activate environment:
.. _`ufsicgenerator`:
-A script exists in ``scm/etc/scripts/UFS_IC_generator.py`` to read in UFS history (output) files and their
+A script exists in ``scm/etc/scripts/UFS_case_gen.py`` to read in UFS history (output) files and their
initial conditions to generate a SCM case input data file, in DEPHY
.. code:: bash
- ./UFS_IC_generator.py [-h] (-l LOCATION LOCATION | -ij INDEX INDEX) -d
+ ./UFS_case_gen.py [-h] (-l LOCATION LOCATION | -ij INDEX INDEX) -d
CASE_NAME [-t {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}] [-a AREA] [-oc]
[-lam] [-sc] [-near]
@@ -505,10 +505,10 @@ Optional arguments:
Examples to run from within the ``scm/etc/scripts`` directory to create SCM cases starting
with the output from a UFS Weather Model regression test(s):
-On the supported platforms Cheyenne (NCAR) and Hera (NOAA), there are
+On the supported platforms Derecho (NCAR) and Hera (NOAA), there are
staged UWM RTs located at:
-- Cheyenne ``/glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/CCPP-SCM/UFS_RTs``
+- Derecho ``/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/FV3_RT/``
- Hera ``/scratch1/BMC/gmtb/CCPP-SCM/UFS_RTs``
.. _`example1`:
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ UFS regression test, ``control_c192``, for single point.
.. code:: bash
- ./UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py -d /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/CCPP-SCM/UFS_RTs/control_c192/ -sc --C_RES 192 -dt 360 -n control_c192 -lons 300 -lats 34
+ ./UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py -d [path_to_regression_tests_output]/control_c192_intel/ -sc --C_RES 192 -dt 360 -n control_c192 -lons 300 -lats 34
Upon successful completion of the script, the command to run the case(s)
will print to the screen. For example,
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ UFS regression test, ``control_c384``, for multiple points.
.. code:: bash
- ./UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py -d /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/CCPP-SCM/UFS_RTs/control_c384/ -sc --C_RES 384 -dt 225 -n control_c384 -lons 300 300 300 300 -lats 34 35 35 37
+ ./UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py -d /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240607/control_c384_intel/ -sc --C_RES 384 -dt 225 -n control_c384 -lons 300 300 300 300 -lats 34 35 35 37
Upon successful completion of the script, the command to run the case(s)
will print to the screen. For example,
@@ -578,14 +578,14 @@ for more details.
For the purposes of this example the ``control_p8`` test has already been rerun, but if
starting from your own UWM RTs, you can rerun the UWM regression test,
-on Cheyenne for example, by running the following command in the RT
+on Derecho for example, by running the following command in the RT
directory: ``qsub job_card``
Now the cases can be generated with the following command:
.. code:: bash
- ./UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py -d /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/CCPP-SCM/UFS_RTs/control_p8/ -sc --C_RES 96 -dt 720 -n control_p8 -lonl 300 320 -latl 40 50 -nens 10 -sdf SCM_GFS_v17_p8
+ ./UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py -d /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240607/control_p8_intel -sc --C_RES 96 -dt 720 -n control_p8 -lonl 300 320 -latl 40 50 -nens 10 -sdf SCM_GFS_v17_p8
Upon successful completion of the script, the command to run the case(s)
will print to the screen. For example,
diff --git a/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_quick.rst b/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_quick.rst
index f1524079e..78a8b7155 100644
--- a/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_quick.rst
+++ b/scm/doc/TechGuide/chap_quick.rst
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ contents in the directory ``scm/data``. Similarly, do the same for
``thompson_tables.tar.gz`` and ``MG_INCCN_data.tar.gz`` and extract
to ``scm/data/physics_input_data/``.
-New with the SCM v7 release, static data is available for running cases with GOCART climatological aerosols (where the value of ``iaer`` in the ``&gfs_physics_nml`` namelist starts with 1; see the `CCPP Scientific Documentation `__ for more information); one example of this is with the default namelist settings for the GFS_v17_HR3 scheme. This dataset is very large (~12 GB), so it is recommended only to download it if you will be using it.
+New with the SCM v7 release, static data is available for running cases with GOCART climatological aerosols (where the value of ``iaer`` in the ``&gfs_physics_nml`` namelist starts with 1; see the `CCPP Scientific Documentation `__ for more information); one example of this is with the default namelist settings for the GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 suite. This dataset is very large (~12 GB), so it is recommended only to download it if you will be using it.
.. code:: bash
diff --git a/scm/etc/scm_qsub_example.py b/scm/etc/scm_qsub_example.py
index 457013dff..e34d80ab4 100755
--- a/scm/etc/scm_qsub_example.py
+++ b/scm/etc/scm_qsub_example.py
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
Description: Example script to submit a job through the HPC batch system
- Assumptions: For use on Cheyenne. This script must be copied to the bin directory.
+ Assumptions: For use on Derecho. This script must be copied to the bin directory.
The user should edit the JOB_NAME, ACCOUNT, etc.
- ./scm/etc/Cheyenne_setup_intel.sh or
- ./scm/etc/Cheyenne_setup_gnu.sh must be run before submitting this script
+ Before running this script the environment must be setup.
+ The following are instructions for that:
+ $ module purge
+ $ module use scm/etc/modules
+ $ module load derecho_gnu
+ or
+ $ module load derecho_intel
Command line arguments: none
@@ -25,10 +30,10 @@
### Begin User-editable section ###
JOB_NAME = "test_job"
-ACCOUNT = "p48503002"
WALLTIME = "walltime=00:20:00"
PROCESSORS = "select=1:ncpus=1"
-QUEUE = "share"
+QUEUE = "develop"
COMMAND = "./run_scm.py -c twpice"
diff --git a/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM.ncl b/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM.ncl
index 85f4dc2a9..4330c1563 100644
--- a/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM.ncl
+++ b/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM.ncl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
;Define constants
missing_value = -9999.0
g = 9.80665 ;gravity (m s-2)
R_dry = 287. ;ideal gas dry air constant (J kg-1 K-1)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ begin
; Time, 01Jul2006 12:00:00 UTC - 02Jul2006 12:00:00 UTC
; Must be in seconds
time = fspan(0,86400,145)
- time@long_name = "elapsed time since the beginning of the simulation"
+ time@long_name = "elapsed time since the beginning of the simulation"
time@units = "s"
; timb = fspan(0,86400,145)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ begin
; Total water specific humidity (q) at heights listed above
qt = (/ 9.3e-3, 9.3e-3, 8.5e-3, 8.4e-3, 8.3e-3, 8.2e-3, 8.1e-3, \
- 8.0e-3, 7.5e-3, 2.0e-3, 0.3e-3, 0.01e-3, 0.003e-3, 0. /)
+ 8.0e-3, 7.5e-3, 2.0e-3, 0.3e-3, 0.01e-3, 0.003e-3, 0. /)
qt@long_name = "initial profile of total water specific humidity"
qt@units = "kg kg^-1"
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ begin
end do
; Solve the hypsometric equation for p2 to attain each new pressure level
-; and fill the array (the variable to fill is levels, created above.)
+; and fill the array (the variable to fill is levels, created above.)
; The value for levels(0) = p_surf(0)
levels(0) = p_surf(0)
do i=1,dimsizes(levels)-1,1
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ begin
; Calculate thetail. Because ql and qi are not given, this is not possible,
; so the initial profile of thetail will be assumed theta.
-; The remainder of the equation used in the gmtb-scm user's guide would be
+; The remainder of the equation used in the gmtb-scm user's guide would be
; zero, leaving you with only theta.
thetail = theta
thetail@long_name = "initial profile of ice-liquid water potential "+ \
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ begin
v@long_name = "initial profile of N-S horizontal wind"
v@units = "m s^-1"
-; Use GLDAS to derive the sensible and latent heat flux for the Cabauw
-; location, then you can compare the GLDAS H/Le to the given intial Bowen
+; Use GLDAS to derive the sensible and latent heat flux for the Cabauw
+; location, then you can compare the GLDAS H/Le to the given intial Bowen
; ratio. Begin by reading in the data from each file.
-; gl_dir = "/glade/scratch/damico/GLDAS_GABLS3/"
+; gl_dir = "/path/to/GLDAS_GABLS3/"
; gl_00 = addfile(gl_dir+"GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20060701.0000.021.nc4.SUB.nc4", \
; "r")
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ begin
w_ls@units = "m s^-1"
; Geostrophic winds are given at certain times but only at the surface.
-; Instructions from GABLS suggest interpolation to surface winds up to
+; Instructions from GABLS suggest interpolation to surface winds up to
; 2000 m, and then constant from that point. This should be done for each
; time step. Starting with time.
u_geo_spec = (/ -7.8, -7.8, -6.5, -5.0, -5.0, -6.5 /)
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ begin
v_geo_t = (/ 0, 21600, 39600, 54000, 64800, 86400 /)
v_geo = linint1(v_geo_t,v_geo_spec,False,time,0)
-; Interpolate with height, linearly, from the surface values above to -2.0
+; Interpolate with height, linearly, from the surface values above to -2.0
; m s^-1 for u and 2.0 m s^-1 for v. Above 2000 m, geostrophic wind is
; constant with height (according to GABLS guide).
u_g = new((/ dimsizes(levels),dimsizes(time) /),float)
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ begin
u_g@units = "m s^-1"
v_g@unit = "m s^-1"
-; Horizontal temperature tendency due to advection, which can be converted to
-; thetail tendency. The values are give; between 200-1000m, decreasing
-; to zero down towards the surface and decreasing to zero from 1000m to
-; 1500m, with zero entirely above. Once again, there needs to be
+; Horizontal temperature tendency due to advection, which can be converted to
+; thetail tendency. The values are give; between 200-1000m, decreasing
+; to zero down towards the surface and decreasing to zero from 1000m to
+; 1500m, with zero entirely above. Once again, there needs to be
; interpolation in time and with height.
T_advec_spec = (/ -2.5e-5,7.5e-5, 0., 0. /)
T_advec_time = (/ 0, 46800,64800,86400 /)
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ begin
"horizontal advection"
h_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
-; The last remaining variable given in the data that the gmtb-scm can
-; use is horizontal specific humidity tendency. The values are given
+; The last remaining variable given in the data that the gmtb-scm can
+; use is horizontal specific humidity tendency. The values are given
; between 200-1000m, decreasing to zero down towards the surface and
-; decreasing to zero from 1000m to 1500, with zero entirely above. Once
+; decreasing to zero from 1000m to 1500, with zero entirely above. Once
; again, there needs to be interpolation in time and with height.
h_advec_spec = (/ 0., 8.e-8, 0., -8.e-8, 0., 0. /)
h_advec_time = (/ 0, 32400, 43200, 50400, 61200, 86400 /)
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ begin
v_advec_thetail = 0.
v_advec_thetail@long_name = "prescribed theta_il tendency due to " + \
"vertical advection"
- v_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
+ v_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
v_advec_qt = new((/ dimsizes(levels),dimsizes(time) /),float)
v_advec_qt = 0.
@@ -418,141 +418,141 @@ begin
; Noah LSM initialization
slmsk = 1.0 ;corresponds to land from the UFS ICs
slmsk@long_name = "land-sea-ice mask"
- tsfco = 305.0
+ tsfco = 305.0
tsfco@long_name = "sea surface temperature OR surface skin temperature over land OR sea ice surface skin temperature (depends on value of slmsk)"
tsfco@units = "K"
weasd = 0.0
weasd@long_name = "water equivalent accumulated snow depth"
weasd@units = "mm"
tg3 = 283.15 ;corresponds to case specs
tg3@units = "K"
tg3@long_name = "deep soil temperature"
zorl = 15.0 ;(cm) from case specs
zorl@long_name = "composite surface roughness length"
zorl@units = "cm"
zorlw = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorlw@long_name = "surface roughness length over ocean"
zorlw@units = "cm"
alvsf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alvsf@long_name = "60 degree vis albedo with strong cosz dependency"
alnsf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alnsf@long_name = "60 degree nir albedo with strong cosz dependency"
alvwf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alvwf@long_name = "60 degree vis albedo with weak cosz dependency"
alnwf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alnwf@long_name = "60 degree nir albedo with weak cosz dependency"
facsf = 0.50556319952 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
facsf@long_name = "fractional coverage with strong cosz dependency"
facwf = 0.49443680048 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
facwf@long_name = "fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency"
- vegfrac = 0.75 ; the value of 100% specified in the case
+ vegfrac = 0.75 ; the value of 100% specified in the case
; specifications clashes with the maximum value
; for this gridpoint from UFS ICs
vegfrac@long_name = "vegetation fraction"
canopy = 0.5 ;corresponds to typical value for grassland in the growing season
canopy@units = "kg m-2"
canopy@long_name = "amount of water stored in canopy"
f10m = missing_value ;this is not required
f10m@long_name = "ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind"
t2m = missing_value; this is not required
t2m@long_name = "2-meter absolute temperature"
t2m@units = "K"
q2m = missing_value; this is not required
q2m@long_name = "2-meter specific humidity"
q2m@units = "kg kg-1"
- vegtyp = 10 ;corresponds to the "grasslands" type for the IGBP (vegsrc=1)
+ vegtyp = 10 ;corresponds to the "grasslands" type for the IGBP (vegsrc=1)
vegtyp@long_name = "vegetation type (1-12)"
soiltyp = 12 ;corresponds to "clay" soil type
soiltyp@long_name = "soil type (1-12)"
;derive friction velocity from known values
wind1 = sqrt(u_specified(1)^2 + v_specified(1)^2)
uustar = von_K*wind1/log(u_h(1)/(0.01*zorl))
uustar@units = "m s-1"
uustar@long_name = "friction velocity"
ffmm = missing_value ;this is not required
ffmm@long_name = "Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum"
ffhh = missing_value ;this is not required
ffhh@long_name = "Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat"
hice = 0.0 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs
hice@units = "m"
hice@long_name = "sea ice thickness"
fice = 0.0 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs
fice@long_name = "ice fraction"
tisfc = tsfco ; there is no ice, but this corresponds to the surface skin temperature
tisfc@units = "K"
tisfc@long_name = "ice surface temperature"
tprcp = missing_value; not required
tprcp@units = "m"
tprcp@long_name = "instantaneous total precipitation amount"
srflag = missing_value; not required
srflag@long_name = "snow/rain flag for precipitation"
snwdph = 0.0 ;corresponds to case specs
snwdph@units = "mm"
snwdph@long_name = "water equivalent snow depth"
shdmin = 0.01 ; corresponds to minimum vegetation fraction from surface fixed data (is not actually used in Noah LSM)
shdmin@long_name = "minimum vegetation fraction"
shdmax = 0.8 ; the maximum value from the surface fixed data is closer to 0.75 (is not actually used in Noah LSM)
shdmax@long_name = "maximum vegetation fraction"
slopetyp = 1
slopetyp@long_name = "slope type (1-9)"
snoalb = 0.728796124458 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
snoalb@long_name = "maximum snow albedo"
sncovr = 0.0 ;corresponds to case specs
sncovr@long_name = "snow area fraction"
tsfcl = tsfco
tsfcl@long_name = "surface skin temperature over land"
tsfcl@units = "K"
zorll = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorll@long_name = "surface roughness length over land"
zorll@units = "cm"
zorli = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorli@long_name = "surface roughness length over ice"
zorli@units = "cm"
stc = (/ 292.55, 289.9, 285.35, 283.15 /)
stc@units = "K"
stc@long_name = "initial profile of soil temperature"
smc = (/ 0.203, 0.203, 0.203, 0.203 /)
smc@units = "m3 m-3"
smc@long_name = "initial profile of soil moisture"
slc = smc ;all liquid (no ice)
slc@units = "m3 m-3"
slc@long_name = "initial profile of soil liquid moisture"
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ begin
fo->levels = (/ levels /)
fo->soil_depth = (/ soil_depth /)
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ begin
g1->lat = lat
@@ -623,151 +623,151 @@ begin
g1->lon = lon
g1->slmsk = slmsk
g1->tsfco = tsfco
g1->weasd = weasd
g1->tg3 = tg3
g1->zorl = zorl
g1->zorlw = zorlw
g1->alvsf = alvsf
g1->alnsf = alnsf
g1->alvwf = alvwf
g1->alnwf = alnwf
g1->facsf = facsf
g1->facwf = facwf
g1->vegfrac = vegfrac
g1->canopy = canopy
g1->f10m = f10m
g1->t2m = t2m
g1->q2m = q2m
g1->vegtyp = vegtyp
g1->soiltyp = soiltyp
g1->uustar = uustar
g1->ffmm = ffmm
g1->ffhh = ffhh
g1->hice = hice
g1->fice = fice
g1->tisfc = tisfc
g1->tprcp = tprcp
g1->srflag = srflag
g1->snwdph = snwdph
g1->shdmin = shdmin
g1->shdmax = shdmax
g1->slopetyp = slopetyp
g1->snoalb = snoalb
g1->sncovr = sncovr
g1->tsfcl = tsfcl
g1->zorll = zorll
g1->zorli = zorli
g2->height = (/height/)
@@ -803,15 +803,15 @@ begin
g2->ozone = (/ozone/)
g2->stc = (/stc/)
g2->smc = (/smc/)
g2->slc = (/slc/)
diff --git a/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_NoahMP.ncl b/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_NoahMP.ncl
index aa956aebf..ad2570875 100644
--- a/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_NoahMP.ncl
+++ b/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_NoahMP.ncl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
;Define constants
missing_value = -9999.0
g = 9.80665 ;gravity (m s-2)
R_dry = 287. ;ideal gas dry air constant (J kg-1 K-1)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ begin
; Time, 01Jul2006 12:00:00 UTC - 02Jul2006 12:00:00 UTC
; Must be in seconds
time = fspan(0,86400,145)
- time@long_name = "elapsed time since the beginning of the simulation"
+ time@long_name = "elapsed time since the beginning of the simulation"
time@units = "s"
; timb = fspan(0,86400,145)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ begin
; Total water specific humidity (q) at heights listed above
qt = (/ 9.3e-3, 9.3e-3, 8.5e-3, 8.4e-3, 8.3e-3, 8.2e-3, 8.1e-3, \
- 8.0e-3, 7.5e-3, 2.0e-3, 0.3e-3, 0.01e-3, 0.003e-3, 0. /)
+ 8.0e-3, 7.5e-3, 2.0e-3, 0.3e-3, 0.01e-3, 0.003e-3, 0. /)
qt@long_name = "initial profile of total water specific humidity"
qt@units = "kg kg^-1"
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ begin
end do
; Solve the hypsometric equation for p2 to attain each new pressure level
-; and fill the array (the variable to fill is levels, created above.)
+; and fill the array (the variable to fill is levels, created above.)
; The value for levels(0) = p_surf(0)
levels(0) = p_surf(0)
do i=1,dimsizes(levels)-1,1
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ begin
; Calculate thetail. Because ql and qi are not given, this is not possible,
; so the initial profile of thetail will be assumed theta.
-; The remainder of the equation used in the gmtb-scm user's guide would be
+; The remainder of the equation used in the gmtb-scm user's guide would be
; zero, leaving you with only theta.
thetail = theta
thetail@long_name = "initial profile of ice-liquid water potential "+ \
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ begin
v@long_name = "initial profile of N-S horizontal wind"
v@units = "m s^-1"
-; Use GLDAS to derive the sensible and latent heat flux for the Cabauw
-; location, then you can compare the GLDAS H/Le to the given intial Bowen
+; Use GLDAS to derive the sensible and latent heat flux for the Cabauw
+; location, then you can compare the GLDAS H/Le to the given intial Bowen
; ratio. Begin by reading in the data from each file.
-; gl_dir = "/glade/scratch/damico/GLDAS_GABLS3/"
+; gl_dir = "/path/to/GLDAS_GABLS3/"
; gl_00 = addfile(gl_dir+"GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20060701.0000.021.nc4.SUB.nc4", \
; "r")
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ begin
w_ls@units = "m s^-1"
; Geostrophic winds are given at certain times but only at the surface.
-; Instructions from GABLS suggest interpolation to surface winds up to
+; Instructions from GABLS suggest interpolation to surface winds up to
; 2000 m, and then constant from that point. This should be done for each
; time step. Starting with time.
u_geo_spec = (/ -7.8, -7.8, -6.5, -5.0, -5.0, -6.5 /)
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ begin
v_geo_t = (/ 0, 21600, 39600, 54000, 64800, 86400 /)
v_geo = linint1(v_geo_t,v_geo_spec,False,time,0)
-; Interpolate with height, linearly, from the surface values above to -2.0
+; Interpolate with height, linearly, from the surface values above to -2.0
; m s^-1 for u and 2.0 m s^-1 for v. Above 2000 m, geostrophic wind is
; constant with height (according to GABLS guide).
u_g = new((/ dimsizes(levels),dimsizes(time) /),float)
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ begin
u_g@units = "m s^-1"
v_g@unit = "m s^-1"
-; Horizontal temperature tendency due to advection, which can be converted to
-; thetail tendency. The values are give; between 200-1000m, decreasing
-; to zero down towards the surface and decreasing to zero from 1000m to
-; 1500m, with zero entirely above. Once again, there needs to be
+; Horizontal temperature tendency due to advection, which can be converted to
+; thetail tendency. The values are give; between 200-1000m, decreasing
+; to zero down towards the surface and decreasing to zero from 1000m to
+; 1500m, with zero entirely above. Once again, there needs to be
; interpolation in time and with height.
T_advec_spec = (/ -2.5e-5,7.5e-5, 0., 0. /)
T_advec_time = (/ 0, 46800,64800,86400 /)
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ begin
"horizontal advection"
h_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
-; The last remaining variable given in the data that the gmtb-scm can
-; use is horizontal specific humidity tendency. The values are given
+; The last remaining variable given in the data that the gmtb-scm can
+; use is horizontal specific humidity tendency. The values are given
; between 200-1000m, decreasing to zero down towards the surface and
-; decreasing to zero from 1000m to 1500, with zero entirely above. Once
+; decreasing to zero from 1000m to 1500, with zero entirely above. Once
; again, there needs to be interpolation in time and with height.
h_advec_spec = (/ 0., 8.e-8, 0., -8.e-8, 0., 0. /)
h_advec_time = (/ 0, 32400, 43200, 50400, 61200, 86400 /)
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ begin
v_advec_thetail = 0.
v_advec_thetail@long_name = "prescribed theta_il tendency due to " + \
"vertical advection"
- v_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
+ v_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
v_advec_qt = new((/ dimsizes(levels),dimsizes(time) /),float)
v_advec_qt = 0.
@@ -418,141 +418,141 @@ begin
; Noah LSM initialization
slmsk = 1.0 ;corresponds to land from the UFS ICs
slmsk@long_name = "land-sea-ice mask"
- tsfco = 305.0
+ tsfco = 305.0
tsfco@long_name = "sea surface temperature OR surface skin temperature over land OR sea ice surface skin temperature (depends on value of slmsk)"
tsfco@units = "K"
weasd = 0.0
weasd@long_name = "water equivalent accumulated snow depth"
weasd@units = "mm"
tg3 = 283.15 ;corresponds to case specs
tg3@units = "K"
tg3@long_name = "deep soil temperature"
zorl = 15.0 ;(cm) from case specs
zorl@long_name = "composite surface roughness length"
zorl@units = "cm"
zorlw = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorlw@long_name = "surface roughness length over ocean"
zorlw@units = "cm"
alvsf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alvsf@long_name = "60 degree vis albedo with strong cosz dependency"
alnsf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alnsf@long_name = "60 degree nir albedo with strong cosz dependency"
alvwf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alvwf@long_name = "60 degree vis albedo with weak cosz dependency"
alnwf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alnwf@long_name = "60 degree nir albedo with weak cosz dependency"
facsf = 0.50556319952 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
facsf@long_name = "fractional coverage with strong cosz dependency"
facwf = 0.49443680048 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
facwf@long_name = "fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency"
- vegfrac = 0.75 ; the value of 100% specified in the case
+ vegfrac = 0.75 ; the value of 100% specified in the case
; specifications clashes with the maximum value
; for this gridpoint from UFS ICs
vegfrac@long_name = "vegetation fraction"
canopy = 0.5 ;corresponds to typical value for grassland in the growing season
canopy@units = "kg m-2"
canopy@long_name = "amount of water stored in canopy"
f10m = missing_value ;this is not required
f10m@long_name = "ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind"
t2m = missing_value; this is not required
t2m@long_name = "2-meter absolute temperature"
t2m@units = "K"
q2m = missing_value; this is not required
q2m@long_name = "2-meter specific humidity"
q2m@units = "kg kg-1"
- vegtyp = 10 ;corresponds to the "grasslands" type for the IGBP (vegsrc=1)
+ vegtyp = 10 ;corresponds to the "grasslands" type for the IGBP (vegsrc=1)
vegtyp@long_name = "vegetation type (1-12)"
soiltyp = 12 ;corresponds to "clay" soil type
soiltyp@long_name = "soil type (1-12)"
;derive friction velocity from known values
wind1 = sqrt(u_specified(1)^2 + v_specified(1)^2)
uustar = von_K*wind1/log(u_h(1)/(0.01*zorl))
uustar@units = "m s-1"
uustar@long_name = "friction velocity"
ffmm = missing_value ;this is not required
ffmm@long_name = "Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum"
ffhh = missing_value ;this is not required
ffhh@long_name = "Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat"
hice = 0.0 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs
hice@units = "m"
hice@long_name = "sea ice thickness"
fice = 0.0 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs
fice@long_name = "ice fraction"
tisfc = tsfco ; there is no ice, but this corresponds to the surface skin temperature
tisfc@units = "K"
tisfc@long_name = "ice surface temperature"
tprcp = missing_value; not required
tprcp@units = "m"
tprcp@long_name = "instantaneous total precipitation amount"
srflag = missing_value; not required
srflag@long_name = "snow/rain flag for precipitation"
snwdph = 0.0 ;corresponds to case specs
snwdph@units = "mm"
snwdph@long_name = "water equivalent snow depth"
shdmin = 0.01 ; corresponds to minimum vegetation fraction from surface fixed data (is not actually used in Noah LSM)
shdmin@long_name = "minimum vegetation fraction"
shdmax = 0.8 ; the maximum value from the surface fixed data is closer to 0.75 (is not actually used in Noah LSM)
shdmax@long_name = "maximum vegetation fraction"
slopetyp = 1
slopetyp@long_name = "slope type (1-9)"
snoalb = 0.728796124458 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
snoalb@long_name = "maximum snow albedo"
sncovr = 0.0 ;corresponds to case specs
sncovr@long_name = "snow area fraction"
tsfcl = tsfco
tsfcl@long_name = "surface skin temperature over land"
tsfcl@units = "K"
zorll = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorll@long_name = "surface roughness length over land"
zorll@units = "cm"
zorli = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorli@long_name = "surface roughness length over ice"
zorli@units = "cm"
stc = (/ 292.55, 289.9, 285.35, 283.15 /)
stc@units = "K"
stc@long_name = "initial profile of soil temperature"
smc = (/ 0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.33 /)
smc@units = "m3 m-3"
smc@long_name = "initial profile of soil moisture"
slc = smc ;all liquid (no ice)
slc@units = "m3 m-3"
slc@long_name = "initial profile of soil liquid moisture"
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ begin
fo->levels = (/ levels /)
fo->soil_depth = (/ soil_depth /)
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ begin
g1->lat = lat
@@ -623,151 +623,151 @@ begin
g1->lon = lon
g1->slmsk = slmsk
g1->tsfco = tsfco
g1->weasd = weasd
g1->tg3 = tg3
g1->zorl = zorl
g1->zorlw = zorlw
g1->alvsf = alvsf
g1->alnsf = alnsf
g1->alvwf = alvwf
g1->alnwf = alnwf
g1->facsf = facsf
g1->facwf = facwf
g1->vegfrac = vegfrac
g1->canopy = canopy
g1->f10m = f10m
g1->t2m = t2m
g1->q2m = q2m
g1->vegtyp = vegtyp
g1->soiltyp = soiltyp
g1->uustar = uustar
g1->ffmm = ffmm
g1->ffhh = ffhh
g1->hice = hice
g1->fice = fice
g1->tisfc = tisfc
g1->tprcp = tprcp
g1->srflag = srflag
g1->snwdph = snwdph
g1->shdmin = shdmin
g1->shdmax = shdmax
g1->slopetyp = slopetyp
g1->snoalb = snoalb
g1->sncovr = sncovr
g1->tsfcl = tsfcl
g1->zorll = zorll
g1->zorli = zorli
g2->height = (/height/)
@@ -803,15 +803,15 @@ begin
g2->ozone = (/ozone/)
g2->stc = (/stc/)
g2->smc = (/smc/)
g2->slc = (/slc/)
diff --git a/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_RUC.ncl b/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_RUC.ncl
index 167cb5023..1d096c3c3 100644
--- a/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_RUC.ncl
+++ b/scm/etc/scripts/GABLS3_LSM_RUC.ncl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
;Define constants
missing_value = -9999.0
g = 9.80665 ;gravity (m s-2)
R_dry = 287. ;ideal gas dry air constant (J kg-1 K-1)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ begin
; Time, 01Jul2006 12:00:00 UTC - 02Jul2006 12:00:00 UTC
; Must be in seconds
time = fspan(0,86400,145)
- time@long_name = "elapsed time since the beginning of the simulation"
+ time@long_name = "elapsed time since the beginning of the simulation"
time@units = "s"
; timb = fspan(0,86400,145)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ begin
; Total water specific humidity (q) at heights listed above
qt = (/ 9.3e-3, 9.3e-3, 8.5e-3, 8.4e-3, 8.3e-3, 8.2e-3, 8.1e-3, \
- 8.0e-3, 7.5e-3, 2.0e-3, 0.3e-3, 0.01e-3, 0.003e-3, 0. /)
+ 8.0e-3, 7.5e-3, 2.0e-3, 0.3e-3, 0.01e-3, 0.003e-3, 0. /)
qt@long_name = "initial profile of total water specific humidity"
qt@units = "kg kg^-1"
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ begin
end do
; Solve the hypsometric equation for p2 to attain each new pressure level
-; and fill the array (the variable to fill is levels, created above.)
+; and fill the array (the variable to fill is levels, created above.)
; The value for levels(0) = p_surf(0)
levels(0) = p_surf(0)
do i=1,dimsizes(levels)-1,1
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ begin
; Calculate thetail. Because ql and qi are not given, this is not possible,
; so the initial profile of thetail will be assumed theta.
-; The remainder of the equation used in the gmtb-scm user's guide would be
+; The remainder of the equation used in the gmtb-scm user's guide would be
; zero, leaving you with only theta.
thetail = theta
thetail@long_name = "initial profile of ice-liquid water potential "+ \
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ begin
v@long_name = "initial profile of N-S horizontal wind"
v@units = "m s^-1"
-; Use GLDAS to derive the sensible and latent heat flux for the Cabauw
-; location, then you can compare the GLDAS H/Le to the given intial Bowen
+; Use GLDAS to derive the sensible and latent heat flux for the Cabauw
+; location, then you can compare the GLDAS H/Le to the given intial Bowen
; ratio. Begin by reading in the data from each file.
-; gl_dir = "/glade/scratch/damico/GLDAS_GABLS3/"
+; gl_dir = "/path/to/GLDAS_GABLS3/"
; gl_00 = addfile(gl_dir+"GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A20060701.0000.021.nc4.SUB.nc4", \
; "r")
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ begin
w_ls@units = "m s^-1"
; Geostrophic winds are given at certain times but only at the surface.
-; Instructions from GABLS suggest interpolation to surface winds up to
+; Instructions from GABLS suggest interpolation to surface winds up to
; 2000 m, and then constant from that point. This should be done for each
; time step. Starting with time.
u_geo_spec = (/ -7.8, -7.8, -6.5, -5.0, -5.0, -6.5 /)
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ begin
v_geo_t = (/ 0, 21600, 39600, 54000, 64800, 86400 /)
v_geo = linint1(v_geo_t,v_geo_spec,False,time,0)
-; Interpolate with height, linearly, from the surface values above to -2.0
+; Interpolate with height, linearly, from the surface values above to -2.0
; m s^-1 for u and 2.0 m s^-1 for v. Above 2000 m, geostrophic wind is
; constant with height (according to GABLS guide).
u_g = new((/ dimsizes(levels),dimsizes(time) /),float)
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ begin
u_g@units = "m s^-1"
v_g@unit = "m s^-1"
-; Horizontal temperature tendency due to advection, which can be converted to
-; thetail tendency. The values are give; between 200-1000m, decreasing
-; to zero down towards the surface and decreasing to zero from 1000m to
-; 1500m, with zero entirely above. Once again, there needs to be
+; Horizontal temperature tendency due to advection, which can be converted to
+; thetail tendency. The values are give; between 200-1000m, decreasing
+; to zero down towards the surface and decreasing to zero from 1000m to
+; 1500m, with zero entirely above. Once again, there needs to be
; interpolation in time and with height.
T_advec_spec = (/ -2.5e-5,7.5e-5, 0., 0. /)
T_advec_time = (/ 0, 46800,64800,86400 /)
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ begin
"horizontal advection"
h_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
-; The last remaining variable given in the data that the gmtb-scm can
-; use is horizontal specific humidity tendency. The values are given
+; The last remaining variable given in the data that the gmtb-scm can
+; use is horizontal specific humidity tendency. The values are given
; between 200-1000m, decreasing to zero down towards the surface and
-; decreasing to zero from 1000m to 1500, with zero entirely above. Once
+; decreasing to zero from 1000m to 1500, with zero entirely above. Once
; again, there needs to be interpolation in time and with height.
h_advec_spec = (/ 0., 8.e-8, 0., -8.e-8, 0., 0. /)
h_advec_time = (/ 0, 32400, 43200, 50400, 61200, 86400 /)
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ begin
v_advec_thetail = 0.
v_advec_thetail@long_name = "prescribed theta_il tendency due to " + \
"vertical advection"
- v_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
+ v_advec_thetail@units = "K s^-1"
v_advec_qt = new((/ dimsizes(levels),dimsizes(time) /),float)
v_advec_qt = 0.
@@ -418,199 +418,199 @@ begin
; Noah LSM initialization
slmsk = 1.0 ;corresponds to land from the UFS ICs
slmsk@long_name = "land-sea-ice mask"
- tsfco = 305.0
+ tsfco = 305.0
tsfco@long_name = "sea surface temperature OR surface skin temperature over land OR sea ice surface skin temperature (depends on value of slmsk)"
tsfco@units = "K"
weasd = 0.0
weasd@long_name = "water equivalent accumulated snow depth"
weasd@units = "mm"
tg3 = 283.15 ;corresponds to case specs
tg3@units = "K"
tg3@long_name = "deep soil temperature"
zorl = 15.0 ;(cm) from case specs
zorl@long_name = "composite surface roughness length"
zorl@units = "cm"
zorlw = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorlw@long_name = "surface roughness length over ocean"
zorlw@units = "cm"
alvsf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alvsf@long_name = "60 degree vis albedo with strong cosz dependency"
alnsf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alnsf@long_name = "60 degree nir albedo with strong cosz dependency"
alvwf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alvwf@long_name = "60 degree vis albedo with weak cosz dependency"
alnwf = 0.23 ;corresponds to case specs
alnwf@long_name = "60 degree nir albedo with weak cosz dependency"
facsf = 0.50556319952 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
facsf@long_name = "fractional coverage with strong cosz dependency"
facwf = 0.49443680048 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
facwf@long_name = "fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency"
- vegfrac = 0.75 ; the value of 100% specified in the case
+ vegfrac = 0.75 ; the value of 100% specified in the case
; specifications clashes with the maximum value
; for this gridpoint from UFS ICs
vegfrac@long_name = "vegetation fraction"
canopy = 0.5 ;corresponds to typical value for grassland in the growing season
canopy@units = "kg m-2"
canopy@long_name = "amount of water stored in canopy"
f10m = missing_value ;this is not required
f10m@long_name = "ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind"
t2m = missing_value; this is not required
t2m@long_name = "2-meter absolute temperature"
t2m@units = "K"
q2m = missing_value; this is not required
q2m@long_name = "2-meter specific humidity"
q2m@units = "kg kg-1"
- vegtyp = 10 ;corresponds to the "grasslands" type for the IGBP (vegsrc=1)
+ vegtyp = 10 ;corresponds to the "grasslands" type for the IGBP (vegsrc=1)
vegtyp@long_name = "vegetation type (1-12)"
soiltyp = 12 ;corresponds to "clay" soil type
soiltyp@long_name = "soil type (1-12)"
;derive friction velocity from known values
wind1 = sqrt(u_specified(1)^2 + v_specified(1)^2)
uustar = von_K*wind1/log(u_h(1)/(0.01*zorl))
uustar@units = "m s-1"
uustar@long_name = "friction velocity"
ffmm = missing_value ;this is not required
ffmm@long_name = "Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum"
ffhh = missing_value ;this is not required
ffhh@long_name = "Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat"
hice = 0.0 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs
hice@units = "m"
hice@long_name = "sea ice thickness"
fice = 0.0 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs
fice@long_name = "ice fraction"
tisfc = tsfco ; there is no ice, but this corresponds to the surface skin temperature
tisfc@units = "K"
tisfc@long_name = "ice surface temperature"
tprcp = missing_value; not required
tprcp@units = "m"
tprcp@long_name = "instantaneous total precipitation amount"
srflag = missing_value; not required
srflag@long_name = "snow/rain flag for precipitation"
snwdph = 0.0 ;corresponds to case specs
snwdph@units = "mm"
snwdph@long_name = "water equivalent snow depth"
shdmin = 0.01 ; corresponds to minimum vegetation fraction from surface fixed data (is not actually used in Noah LSM)
shdmin@long_name = "minimum vegetation fraction"
shdmax = 0.8 ; the maximum value from the surface fixed data is closer to 0.75 (is not actually used in Noah LSM)
shdmax@long_name = "maximum vegetation fraction"
slopetyp = 1
slopetyp@long_name = "slope type (1-9)"
snoalb = 0.728796124458 ;corresponds to value from UFS ICs (static from fix files for C768)
snoalb@long_name = "maximum snow albedo"
sncovr = 0.0 ;corresponds to case specs
sncovr@long_name = "snow area fraction"
tsfcl = tsfco
tsfcl@long_name = "surface skin temperature over land"
tsfcl@units = "K"
zorll = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorll@long_name = "surface roughness length over land"
zorll@units = "cm"
zorli = zorl ;(cm) from case specs
zorli@long_name = "surface roughness length over ice"
zorli@units = "cm"
wetness = 0.37; from rucinit using Noah ICs
wetness@long_name = "normalized soil wetness for land surface model"
clw_surf_land = 0.0
clw_surf_land@long_name = "moist cloud water mixing ratio at surface over land"
clw_surf_land@units = "kg kg-1"
clw_surf_ice = 0.0
clw_surf_ice@long_name = "moist cloud water mixing ratio at surface over ice"
clw_surf_ice@units = "kg kg-1"
qwv_surf_land = qt(0)/(1.0 - qt(0))
qwv_surf_land@long_name = "water vapor mixing ratio at surface over land"
qwv_surf_land@units = "kg kg-1"
qwv_surf_ice = qwv_surf_land
qwv_surf_ice@long_name = "water vapor mixing ratio at surface over ice"
qwv_surf_ice@units = "kg kg-1"
tsnow_land = 273.14
tsnow_land@long_name = "snow temperature at the bottom of the first snow layer over land"
tsnow_land@units = "K"
tsnow_ice = tsnow_land
tsnow_ice@long_name = "snow temperature at the bottom of the first snow layer over ice"
tsnow_ice@units = "K"
snowfallac_land = 0.0
snowfallac_land@long_name = "run-total snow accumulation on the ground"
snowfallac_land@units = "kg m-2"
snowfallac_ice = 0.0
snowfallac_ice@long_name = "run-total snow accumulation on the ice"
snowfallac_ice@units = "kg m-2"
sncovr_ice = 0.0
sncovr_ice@long_name = "surface snow area fraction over ice"
sfalb_lnd = 0.23
sfalb_lnd@long_name = "mean surface diffused sw albedo over land"
sfalb_lnd_bck = 0.23
sfalb_lnd_bck@long_name = "surface snow-free albedo over ice"
sfalb_ice = 0.6
sfalb_ice@long_name = "mean surface diffused sw albedo over ice"
emis_ice = 0.97
emis_ice@long_name = "surface lw emissivity in fraction over ice"
tslb = (/ 296.55, 295.95, 294.55, 292.55, 290.65, 288.39, 285.35, 284.03, 283.15/)
tslb@units = "K"
tslb@long_name = "initial profile of soil temperature for RUC LSM"
smois = (/ 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31/)
smois@units = "fraction"
smois@long_name = "volumetric fraction of soil moisture for RUC LSM"
sh2o = smois
sh2o@units = "fraction"
sh2o@long_name = "volume fraction of unfrozen soil moisture for RUC LSM"
smfr = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0/)
smfr@units = "fraction"
smfr@long_name = "volume fraction of frozen soil moisture for RUC LSM"
flfr = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0/)
flfr@long_name = "flag for frozen soil physics for RUC LSM"
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ begin
fo->levels = (/ levels /)
fo->soil_depth = (/ soil_depth /)
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ begin
g1->lat = lat
@@ -680,207 +680,207 @@ begin
g1->lon = lon
g1->slmsk = slmsk
g1->tsfco = tsfco
g1->weasd = weasd
g1->tg3 = tg3
g1->zorl = zorl
g1->zorlw = zorlw
g1->alvsf = alvsf
g1->alnsf = alnsf
g1->alvwf = alvwf
g1->alnwf = alnwf
g1->facsf = facsf
g1->facwf = facwf
g1->vegfrac = vegfrac
g1->canopy = canopy
g1->f10m = f10m
g1->t2m = t2m
g1->q2m = q2m
g1->vegtyp = vegtyp
g1->soiltyp = soiltyp
g1->uustar = uustar
g1->ffmm = ffmm
g1->ffhh = ffhh
g1->hice = hice
g1->fice = fice
g1->tisfc = tisfc
g1->tprcp = tprcp
g1->srflag = srflag
g1->snwdph = snwdph
g1->shdmin = shdmin
g1->shdmax = shdmax
g1->slopetyp = slopetyp
g1->snoalb = snoalb
g1->sncovr = sncovr
g1->tsfcl = tsfcl
g1->zorll = zorll
g1->zorli = zorli
g1->wetness = wetness
g1->clw_surf_land = clw_surf_land
g1->clw_surf_ice = clw_surf_ice
g1->qwv_surf_land = qwv_surf_land
g1->qwv_surf_ice = qwv_surf_ice
g1->tsnow_land = tsnow_land
g1->tsnow_ice = tsnow_ice
g1->snowfallac_land = snowfallac_land
g1->snowfallac_ice = snowfallac_ice
g1->sncovr_ice = sncovr_ice
g1->sfalb_lnd = sfalb_lnd
g1->sfalb_lnd_bck = sfalb_lnd_bck
g1->sfalb_ice = sfalb_ice
g1->emis_ice = emis_ice
g2->height = (/height/)
@@ -916,23 +916,23 @@ begin
g2->ozone = (/ozone/)
g2->tslb = (/tslb/)
g2->smois = (/smois/)
g2->sh2o = (/sh2o/)
g2->smfr = (/smfr/)
g2->flfr = (/flfr/)
diff --git a/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_IC_generator.py b/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_case_gen.py
similarity index 68%
rename from scm/etc/scripts/UFS_IC_generator.py
rename to scm/etc/scripts/UFS_case_gen.py
index 5e290d3df..54802d3a7 100755
--- a/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_IC_generator.py
+++ b/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_case_gen.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#Physical constants
earth_radius = 6371000.0 #m
+Omega = 7.292E-5
rdgas = 287.05
rvgas = 461.50
cp = 1004.6
@@ -30,11 +31,28 @@
deg_to_rad = math.pi/180.0
kappa = rdgas/cp
p0 = 100000.0
+one_twelfth = 1.0/12.0
+two_thirds = 2.0/3.0
+use_oro_for_geos_wind = False #use surface geopotential in the calculation of geostrophic winds (if True, the gradient of geopotential will include the surface geopotential height gradient)
+use_actual_geos_wind = False #use geostrophic winds calculated from the large-scale UFS-modeled geopotential (the scale is determined by the modeled winds and the choice of critical Rossby number for which geostrophic balance is assumed to hold)
+critical_Rossby = 0.1 #the Rossby number under which geostrophic balance is assumed to be valid (a lower number means a larger horizontal area is required for a given wind speed); geostrophic balance can be assumed when Ro << 1.
+PBL_top_for_geos = 85000.0 # (Pa) when using the mean UFS-modeled winds as geostrophic winds, below this pressure, geostrophic winds return linearly to 0 at the surface
missing_value = -9999.0 #9.99e20
+top_pres_for_forcing = 20000.0 # (Pa) pressure above which to vertically smooth wind profiles to handle noisy model output at upper UFS levels
+const_nudging_time = 3600.0
n_lam_halo_points = 3
+n_forcing_halo_points = 2 #number of points in each direction used to retrieve forcing (1 = 3x3, 2 = 5x5, 3 = 7x7); must be >=1
+#dist_method = 'euclidean'
+dist_method = 'haversine' #faster
missing_variable_snow_layers = 3
missing_variable_soil_layers = 4
missing_variable_ice_layers = 2
@@ -66,8 +84,12 @@
parser.add_argument('-a', '--area', help='area of grid cell in m^2', type=float)
parser.add_argument('-oc', '--old_chgres', help='flag to denote that the initial conditions use an older data format (pre-chgres_cube)', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-lam', '--lam', help='flag to signal that the ICs and forcing is from a limited-area model run', action='store_true')
-parser.add_argument('-sc', '--save_comp', help='flag to create UFS reference file for comparison', action='store_true')
-parser.add_argument('-near','--use_nearest', help='flag to indicate using the nearest UFS history file gridpoint',action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-sc', '--save_comp', help='flag to create UFS reference file for comparison', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-near','--use_nearest', help='flag to indicate using the nearest UFS history file gridpoint', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-fm', '--forcing_method', help='method used to calculate forcing (1=total tendencies from UFS dycore, 2=advective terms calculated from UFS history files, 3=total time tendency terms calculated)', type=int, choices=range(1,4), default=2)
+parser.add_argument('-vm', '--vertical_method', help='method used to calculate vertical advective forcing (1=vertical advective terms calculated from UFS history files and added to total, 2=smoothed vertical velocity provided)', type=int, choices=range(1,3), default=2)
+parser.add_argument('-wn', '--wind_nudge', help='flag to turn on wind nudging to UFS profiles', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-geos','--geostrophic', help='flag to turn on geostrophic wind forcing', action='store_true')
@@ -88,6 +110,10 @@ def parse_arguments():
lam = args.lam
save_comp = args.save_comp
use_nearest = args.use_nearest
+ forcing_method = args.forcing_method
+ vertical_method = args.vertical_method
+ geos_wind_forcing = args.geostrophic
+ wind_nudge = args.wind_nudge
#validate args
if not os.path.exists(in_dir):
@@ -127,7 +153,8 @@ def parse_arguments():
raise Exception(message)
return (location, index, date_dict, in_dir, grid_dir, forcing_dir, tile, \
- area, case_name, old_chgres, lam, save_comp, use_nearest)
+ area, case_name, old_chgres, lam, save_comp, use_nearest, forcing_method, \
+ vertical_method, geos_wind_forcing, wind_nudge)
@@ -136,6 +163,74 @@ def setup_logging():
"""Sets up the logging module."""
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=LOGLEVEL)
+def haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
+ #lats and lons in degrees
+ p = 0.017453292519943295
+ hav = 0.5 - math.cos((lat2-lat1)*p)/2 + math.cos(lat1*p)*math.cos(lat2*p) * (1-math.cos((lon2-lon1)*p)) / 2
+ return 12742 * math.asin(math.sqrt(hav)) #km
+def sph2cart(az, el, r):
+ """Calculate the Cartesian coordiates from spherical coordinates"""
+ rcos_theta = r * np.cos(el)
+ x = rcos_theta * np.cos(az)
+ y = rcos_theta * np.sin(az)
+ z = r * np.sin(el)
+ return (x, y, z)
+def moving_average(interval, window_size):
+ convolve_mode = 'same'
+ window= np.ones(int(window_size))/float(window_size)
+ output = np.zeros((interval.shape[0]))
+ if (convolve_mode == 'same'):
+ convolution = np.convolve(interval, window, mode='same')
+ output = convolution
+ elif (convolve_mode == 'valid'):
+ convolution = np.convolve(interval, window, mode='valid')
+ num_not_valid_points = interval.shape[0] - (max(interval.shape[0], window_size) - min(interval.shape[0], window_size) + 1)
+ output[num_not_valid_points:] = convolution
+ for k in range(num_not_valid_points):
+ output[k] = interval[k]
+ output[-1-k] = interval[-1-k]
+ return output
+def centered_diff_derivative(y, dx):
+ #y is the variable of interest, dx is the space between contiguous points (starting from the first point)
+ cent_diff_coef_three = [-0.5, 0.0, 0.5] #second-order accuracy in space (assuming constant grid)
+ cent_diff_coef_five = [one_twelfth, -two_thirds, 0.0, two_thirds, -one_twelfth] #fourth-order accuracy in space (assuming constant grid)
+ if y.shape[0] % 2:
+ center = int((y.shape[0]-1)/2)
+ if y.shape[0] == 3:
+ deriv = np.sum(cent_diff_coef_three*y)/np.mean(dx)
+ elif y.shape[0] == 5:
+ deriv = np.sum(cent_diff_coef_five*y)/np.mean(dx)
+ else:
+ message = 'centered_diff_derivative can only use n_forcing_halo_points = 1 or 2'
+ logging.exception(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ else:
+ message = 'An even number of points was passed into centered_diff_derivative'
+ logging.exception(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ return deriv
@@ -291,24 +386,32 @@ def find_loc_indices(loc, dir, tile, lam):
if loc[0] < 180:
temp_loc[0] += 360
- #set up an array to hold the euclidean distance between the given point and every grid cell
- eucl_dist = np.zeros((longitude.shape[0],longitude.shape[1]))
- #get the Cartesian location of the given point
- cart_loc = np.asarray(sph2cart(math.radians(temp_loc[0]), math.radians(temp_loc[1]), earth_radius))
- for i in range(len(longitude)):
- for j in range(len(longitude[i])):
- #get the Cartesian location of all grid points
- cart_cell = np.asarray(sph2cart(math.radians(longitude[i,j]), math.radians(latitude[i,j]), earth_radius))
- #calculate the euclidean distance from the given point to the current grid cell
- eucl_dist[i,j] = np.linalg.norm(cart_loc - cart_cell)
+ #set up an array to hold the distance between the given point and every grid cell
+ dist = np.zeros((longitude.shape[0],longitude.shape[1]))
+ if (dist_method == 'euclidean'):
+ #get the Cartesian location of the given point
+ cart_loc = np.asarray(sph2cart(math.radians(loc[0]), math.radians(loc[1]), earth_radius))
+ for i in range(len(longitude)):
+ for j in range(len(longitude[i])):
+ #get the Cartesian location of all grid points
+ cart_cell = np.asarray(sph2cart(math.radians(longitude[i,j]), math.radians(latitude[i,j]), earth_radius))
+ #calculate the euclidean distance from the given point to the current grid cell
+ dist[i,j] = np.linalg.norm(cart_loc - cart_cell)
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(longitude)):
+ for j in range(len(longitude[i])):
+ dist[i,j] = haversine_distance(latitude[i,j],longitude[i,j],loc[1],loc[0])
#get the indices of the grid point with the minimum euclidean distance to the given point
- i,j = np.unravel_index(eucl_dist.argmin(), eucl_dist.shape)
+ i,j = np.unravel_index(dist.argmin(), dist.shape)
+ #get the direction of the closest point from the given point
+ theta = math.atan2(math.sin(math.radians(longitude[i,j] - loc[0]))*math.cos(math.radians(latitude[i,j])), math.cos(math.radians(loc[1]))*math.sin(math.radians(latitude[i,j])) - math.sin(math.radians(loc[1]))*math.cos(math.radians(latitude[i,j]))*math.cos(math.radians(longitude[i,j] - loc[0])))
+ theta_deg = math.fmod((math.degrees(theta) + 360.0), 360.0)
- return (i,j,longitude[i,j]%360.0, latitude[i,j], eucl_dist[i,j])
+ return (i,j,longitude[i,j]%360.0, latitude[i,j], dist[i,j], theta_deg)
@@ -353,6 +456,147 @@ def find_lon_lat_of_indices(indices, dir, tile, lam):
return (longitude[indices[1],indices[0]], latitude[indices[1],indices[0]])
+def find_loc_indices_UFS_history(loc, dir):
+ """Find the nearest neighbor UFS history file grid point given a lon/lat pair"""
+ #returns the indices of the nearest neighbor point in the given tile, the lon/lat of the nearest neighbor,
+ #and the distance (m) from the given point to the nearest neighbor grid cell
+ filename_pattern = 'atmf000.nc'
+ for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, filename_pattern):
+ filename = f_name
+ if not filename:
+ message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'.format(filename_pattern,dir)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,filename))
+ longitude = np.asarray(nc_file['lon'])
+ latitude = np.asarray(nc_file['lat'])
+ nc_file.close()
+ #set up an array to hold the distance between the given point and every grid cell
+ dist = np.zeros((longitude.shape[0],longitude.shape[1]))
+ if (dist_method == 'euclidean'):
+ #get the Cartesian location of the given point
+ cart_loc = np.asarray(sph2cart(math.radians(loc[0]), math.radians(loc[1]), earth_radius))
+ for i in range(len(longitude)):
+ for j in range(len(longitude[i])):
+ #get the Cartesian location of all grid points
+ cart_cell = np.asarray(sph2cart(math.radians(longitude[i,j]), math.radians(latitude[i,j]), earth_radius))
+ #calculate the euclidean distance from the given point to the current grid cell
+ dist[i,j] = np.linalg.norm(cart_loc - cart_cell)
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(longitude)):
+ for j in range(len(longitude[i])):
+ dist[i,j] = haversine_distance(latitude[i,j],longitude[i,j],loc[1],loc[0])
+ #get the indices of the grid point with the minimum euclidean distance to the given point
+ i,j = np.unravel_index(dist.argmin(), dist.shape)
+ #get the direction of the closest point from the given point
+ theta = math.atan2(math.sin(math.radians(longitude[i,j] - loc[0]))*math.cos(math.radians(latitude[i,j])), math.cos(math.radians(loc[1]))*math.sin(math.radians(latitude[i,j])) - math.sin(math.radians(loc[1]))*math.cos(math.radians(latitude[i,j]))*math.cos(math.radians(longitude[i,j] - loc[0])))
+ theta_deg = math.fmod((math.degrees(theta) + 360.0), 360.0)
+ if i < n_forcing_halo_points or i > latitude.shape[0]-1-n_forcing_halo_points:
+ message = 'Chosen point too close to the poles for this algorithm'
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ else:
+ #longitude = (n rows of latitude, 2*n columns of longitude), i index increases toward EAST; rows are circles of latitude, columns are meridians
+ #latitude = (n rows of latitude, 2*n columns of longitude), j index increases toward NORTH; rows are circles of latitude, columns are meridians
+ neighbors = np.mgrid[-n_forcing_halo_points:n_forcing_halo_points+1,-n_forcing_halo_points:n_forcing_halo_points+1]
+ neighbors[0,:,:] = neighbors[0,:,:] + i
+ neighbors[1,:,:] = neighbors[1,:,:] + j
+ # the closest point is near the western edge of the prime meridian, but longitude should be cyclic, so get neighbors on the eastern/western side of the prime meridian as necessary
+ neighbors[1,:,:] = neighbors[1,:,:]%longitude.shape[1]
+ # if j > n_forcing_halo_points:
+ # if j < latitude.shape[1]-1-n_forcing_halo_points:
+ # neighbors[1,:,:] = neighbors[1,:,:] + j
+ # else:
+ #
+ # n_points_on_eastern_side = (j + n_forcing_halo_points)%latitude.shape[1]
+ message = 'nearest history file indices (i,j): ({},{})'.format(i, j)
+ message += '\n lon/lat : {},{}'.format(longitude[i,j], latitude[i,j])
+ message += '\n distance between history file point and desired point: {} km'.format(dist[i,j])
+ message += '\n bearing from desired point to history file point: {} degrees'.format(theta_deg)
+ logging.debug(message)
+ message = 'neighboring points'
+ for ii in neighbors[0,:,0]:
+ for jj in neighbors[1,0,:]:
+ message += '\n (i,j,lon,lat,dist): ({:>},{:>},{:f},{:f},{:f})'.format(ii,jj,longitude[ii,jj], latitude[ii,jj], dist[ii,jj])
+ logging.debug(message)
+ #calc dx, dy (n_forcing_halo_points*2 x n_forcing_halo_points*2)
+ dx = np.zeros((n_forcing_halo_points*2+1,n_forcing_halo_points*2))
+ dy = np.zeros((n_forcing_halo_points*2,n_forcing_halo_points*2+1))
+ for ii in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points+1):
+ for jj in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points):
+ current_ii_index = neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ current_jj_index = neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ eastern_jj_index = neighbors[1,ii,jj+1]
+ dx[ii,jj] = haversine_distance(latitude[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],longitude[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],latitude[current_ii_index,eastern_jj_index],longitude[current_ii_index,eastern_jj_index])
+ for ii in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points):
+ for jj in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points+1):
+ current_ii_index = neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ northern_ii_index = neighbors[0,ii+1,jj]
+ current_jj_index = neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ dy[ii,jj] = haversine_distance(latitude[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],longitude[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],latitude[northern_ii_index,current_jj_index],longitude[northern_ii_index,current_jj_index])
+ return (i,j,longitude[i,j], latitude[i,j], dist[i,j], theta_deg, neighbors, dx, dy)
+def find_loc_indices_UFS_IC(loc, dir, lam, tile, indices):
+ #find tile containing the point using the supergrid if no tile is specified
+ #if not tile and not lam:
+ if not tile:
+ tile = int(find_tile(loc, dir, lam))
+ if tile < 0:
+ message = 'No tile was found for location {0}'.format(location)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ message = 'Tile found: {0}'.format(tile)
+ logging.debug(message)
+ #find index of closest point in the tile if indices are not specified
+ theta = 0.0
+ if not indices:
+ (tile_j, tile_i, point_lon, point_lat, dist_min, theta) = find_loc_indices(loc, dir, tile, lam)
+ message = 'nearest IC file indices in tile {} - (i,j): ({},{})'.format(tile, tile_i, tile_j)
+ message += '\n lon/lat : {},{}'.format(point_lon, point_lat)
+ message += '\n distance between history file point and desired point: {} km'.format(dist_min)
+ message += '\n bearing from desired point to history file point: {} degrees'.format(theta)
+ logging.debug(message)
+ else:
+ tile_i = indices[0]
+ tile_j = indices[1]
+ #still need to grab the lon/lat if the tile and indices are supplied
+ (point_lon, point_lat) = find_lon_lat_of_indices(indices, grid_dir, tile, lam)
+ message = 'This index has a central longitude/latitude of [{0},{1}]'.format(point_lon,point_lat)
+ logging.debug(message)
+ return (tile_i, tile_j, tile, point_lon, point_lat, dist_min, theta)
@@ -392,20 +636,54 @@ def get_initial_lon_lat_grid(dir, tile, lam):
- return (longitude, latitude)
+ return (longitude, latitude)
-def sph2cart(az, el, r):
- """Calculate the Cartesian coordiates from spherical coordinates"""
+def compare_hist_and_IC_points(location, hist_lon, hist_lat, IC_lon, IC_lat, hist_dist, angle_to_hist_point, IC_dist, angle_to_IC_point):
+ #determine distance and angle from IC point to hist point
+ dist = haversine_distance(IC_lat,IC_lon,hist_lat,hist_lon)
+ theta = math.atan2(math.sin(math.radians(hist_lon - IC_lon))*math.cos(math.radians(hist_lat)), math.cos(math.radians(IC_lat))*math.sin(math.radians(hist_lat)) - math.sin(math.radians(IC_lat))*math.cos(math.radians(hist_lat))*math.cos(math.radians(hist_lon - IC_lon)))
+ theta_deg = math.fmod((math.degrees(theta) + 360.0), 360.0)
- rcos_theta = r * np.cos(el)
- x = rcos_theta * np.cos(az)
- y = rcos_theta * np.sin(az)
- z = r * np.sin(el)
+ message = 'Location summary'
+ message += '\n The location as entered is {} deg E {} deg N'.format(location[0],location[1])
+ message += '\n The closest point in the UFS history file is {} deg E {} deg N, or {} km away at a bearing of {} deg'.format(hist_lon, hist_lat, hist_dist, angle_to_hist_point)
+ message += '\n The closest point in the UFS IC files (native grid) is {} deg E {} deg N, or {} km away at a bearing of {} deg'.format(IC_lon, IC_lat, IC_dist, angle_to_IC_point)
+ message += '\n Therefore, the history point (used to define the SCM grid column) is {} km away from the closest UFS native grid poing at a bearing of {} deg'.format(dist, theta_deg)
+ logging.info(message)
+ return
+def check_IC_hist_surface_compatibility(dir, i, j, surface_data, lam, old_chgres, tile):
+ # Determine UFS history file format (tiled/quilted)
+ if lam:
+ filename_pattern = '*sfcf000.tile{}.nc'.format(tile)
+ else:
+ filename_pattern = '*sfcf000.nc'
+ for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, filename_pattern):
+ filename = f_name
+ if not filename:
+ message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'.format(filename_pattern,dir)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,filename))
- return (x, y, z)
+ slmsk_hist = read_NetCDF_surface_var(nc_file, "land", j, i, old_chgres, 0)
+ if (slmsk_hist != surface_data["slmsk"]):
+ message = 'There is a mismatch between the UFS IC file and history file land masks: IC={}, history={}'.format(surface_data["slmsk"],slmsk_hist)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ else:
+ message = 'UFS IC file and history file land masks match: IC={}, history={}'.format(surface_data["slmsk"],slmsk_hist)
+ logging.info(message)
+ nc_file.close()
+ return
@@ -456,19 +734,82 @@ def read_NetCDF_surface_var(nc_file, var_name, i, j, old_chgres, vert_dim):
var = missing_value
return var
+def get_IC_data_from_UFS_history(dir, i, j, lam, tile):
+ # Determine UFS history file format (tiled/quilted)
+ if lam:
+ filename_pattern = '*atmf000.tile{}.nc'.format(tile)
+ else:
+ filename_pattern = '*atmf000.nc'
+ for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, filename_pattern):
+ filename = f_name
+ if not filename:
+ message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'.format(filename_pattern,dir)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,filename))
+ pfull = nc_file['pfull'][::-1]*100.0
+ phalf = nc_file['phalf'][::-1]*100.0
+ nlevs = len(pfull)
+ time = nc_file['time'][0] #model hours since being initialized
+ lon = nc_file['lon'][i,j]
+ lat = nc_file['lat'][i,j]
+ logging.debug('Grabbing data from history file point with lon/lat: {}/{}'.format(lon,lat))
+ delz = -1*nc_file['delz'][0,::-1,i,j] #derive zh
+ ugrd = nc_file['ugrd'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ vgrd = nc_file['vgrd'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ spfh = nc_file['spfh'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ o3mr = nc_file['o3mr'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ clwmr = nc_file['clwmr'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ icmr = nc_file['icmr'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ pressfc = nc_file['pressfc'][0,i,j]
+ tmp = nc_file['tmp'][0,::-1,i,j]
+ delz = np.asarray(delz)
+ zh = np.zeros(nlevs)
+ zh[0] = 0.5*delz[0]
+ for k in range(1,nlevs):
+ zh[k] = zh[k-1] + 0.5*delz[k-1] + 0.5*delz[k]
+ dz = np.zeros(nlevs-1)
+ for k in range(nlevs-1):
+ dz[k] = zh[k+1]-zh[k]
+ state = {
+ "nlevs": nlevs,
+ "zh": zh,
+ "dz": dz,
+ "ua": np.asarray(ugrd),
+ "va": np.asarray(vgrd),
+ "qv": np.asarray(spfh),
+ "o3": np.asarray(o3mr),
+ "ql": np.asarray(clwmr),
+ "qi": np.asarray(icmr),
+ "ps": pressfc,
+ "ta": np.asarray(tmp),
+ "pa": np.asarray(pfull),
+ "pa_i": np.asarray(phalf)
+ }
+ nc_file.close()
+ return state
-def get_UFS_IC_data(dir, grid_dir, tile, i, j, old_chgres, lam):
+def get_IC_data_from_UFS_ICs(dir, grid_dir, tile, i, j, old_chgres, lam):
"""Get the state, surface, and orographic data for the given tile and indices"""
#returns dictionaries with the data
vgrid_data = get_UFS_vgrid_data(grid_dir) #only needed for ak, bk to calculate pressure
(state_data, error_msg) = get_UFS_state_data(vgrid_data, dir, tile, i, j, old_chgres, lam)
- surface_data = get_UFS_surface_data(dir, tile, i, j, old_chgres, lam)
- oro_data = get_UFS_oro_data(dir, tile, i, j, lam)
- return (state_data, surface_data, oro_data, error_msg)
+ return (state_data, error_msg)
@@ -1351,7 +1692,7 @@ def get_UFS_oro_data(dir, tile, i, j, lam):
if lam:
nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,'oro_data.nc'))
- filename_pattern = 'oro*.tile{0}.nc'.format(tile)
+ filename_pattern = 'oro_data.tile{0}.nc'.format(tile)
for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, filename_pattern):
filename = f_name
@@ -1488,11 +1829,481 @@ def search_in_dict(listin,name):
if dictionary["name"] == name:
return count
+def expand_neighbors_for_geostrophic_balance(dir, hist_i, hist_j, neighbors, dx, dy, nlevs, lam):
+ # Determine UFS history file format (tiled/quilted)
+ if lam:
+ atm_ftag = 'atmf*.tile{0}.nc'.format(tile)
+ sfc_ftag = 'sfcf*.tile{0}.nc'.format(tile)
+ else:
+ atm_ftag = '*atmf*.nc'
+ sfc_ftag = '*sfcf*.nc'
+ # Get list of UFS history files with 3D ATMospheric state variables.
+ atm_filenames = []
+ for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, atm_ftag):
+ atm_filenames.append(f_name)
+ if not atm_filenames:
+ message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'. \
+ format(atm_ftag,dir)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ atm_filenames = sorted(atm_filenames)
+ n_filesA = len(atm_filenames)
+ npts = 2*n_forcing_halo_points+1
+ lon = np.zeros((n_filesA,npts,npts))
+ lat = np.zeros((n_filesA,npts,npts))
+ time = np.zeros((n_filesA))
+ u_wind = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ v_wind = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ wind_speed = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ wind_speed_time_mean = np.zeros((nlevs))
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,atm_filenames[0]))
+ nc_file.set_always_mask(False)
+ longitude_all = np.asarray(nc_file['lon'])
+ latitude_all = np.asarray(nc_file['lat'])
+ nc_file.close()
+ #determine average wind speeds in the existing forcing stencil
+ # Read in 3D UFS history files
+ for count, filename in enumerate(atm_filenames, start=1):
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,filename))
+ nc_file.set_always_mask(False)
+ time[count-1] = nc_file['time'][0]
+ for ii in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points+1):
+ for jj in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points+1):
+ current_ii_index = neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ current_jj_index = neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ lon[count-1,ii,jj] = nc_file['lon'][current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ lat[count-1,ii,jj] = nc_file['lat'][current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ u_wind[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['ugrd'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ v_wind[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['vgrd'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ for k in range(nlevs):
+ wind_speed[count-1,k] = np.sqrt(np.mean(u_wind[count-1,k,:,:])**2 + np.mean(v_wind[count-1,k,:,:]**2))
+ nc_file.close()
+ critical_geos_scale_npts = np.zeros((nlevs))
+ mean_lat = np.mean(lat[:,:,:])
+ coriolis = 2.0*Omega*np.sin(mean_lat*deg_to_rad)
+ grid_length_scale = np.sqrt(np.mean(dx)**2 + np.mean(dy)**2)*1.0E3
+ for k in range(nlevs):
+ wind_speed_time_mean[k] = np.mean(wind_speed[:,k])
+ critical_geos_scale = wind_speed_time_mean[k]/(coriolis*critical_Rossby)
+ critical_geos_scale_npts[k] = critical_geos_scale/grid_length_scale
+ floor = np.floor(np.mean(critical_geos_scale_npts))
+ ceiling = np.ceil(np.mean(critical_geos_scale_npts))
+ if (floor%2 == 1):
+ odd_pts = int(floor)
+ else:
+ odd_pts = int(ceiling)
+ message = 'Need {} points for approximate geostrophic balance assuming a Rossby number of {}'.format(odd_pts, critical_Rossby)
+ logging.debug(message)
+ n_geo_halo_points = int((odd_pts - 1)/2)
+ if hist_i < n_geo_halo_points or hist_i > latitude_all.shape[0]-1-n_geo_halo_points:
+ message = 'There are not enough neighboring grid cells between the chosen point and the poles for calculation of geostrophic winds'
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ else:
+ #longitude = (n rows of latitude, 2*n columns of longitude), i index increases toward EAST; rows are circles of latitude, columns are meridians
+ #latitude = (n rows of latitude, 2*n columns of longitude), j index increases toward NORTH; rows are circles of latitude, columns are meridians
+ new_neighbors = np.mgrid[-n_geo_halo_points:n_geo_halo_points+1,-n_geo_halo_points:n_geo_halo_points+1]
+ new_neighbors[0,:,:] = new_neighbors[0,:,:] + hist_i
+ new_neighbors[1,:,:] = new_neighbors[1,:,:] + hist_j
+ # the closest point is near the western edge of the prime meridian, but longitude should be cyclic, so get neighbors on the eastern/western side of the prime meridian as necessary
+ new_neighbors[1,:,:] = new_neighbors[1,:,:]%longitude_all.shape[1]
+ new_neighbors = new_neighbors.astype(int)
+ #message = 'orig neighbors',neighbors,latitude_all[neighbors[0,:,0],neighbors[1,0,:]],longitude_all[neighbors[0,:,0],neighbors[1,0,:]]
+ #logging.debug(message)
+ #message = 'new neighbors',new_neighbors,latitude_all[new_neighbors[0,:,0],new_neighbors[1,0,:]],longitude_all[new_neighbors[0,:,0],new_neighbors[1,0,:]]
+ #logging.debug(message)
+ #calc dx, dy (n_forcing_halo_points*2 x n_forcing_halo_points*2)
+ new_dx = np.zeros((n_geo_halo_points*2+1,n_geo_halo_points*2))
+ new_dy = np.zeros((n_geo_halo_points*2,n_geo_halo_points*2+1))
+ for ii in range(2*n_geo_halo_points+1):
+ for jj in range(2*n_geo_halo_points):
+ current_ii_index = new_neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ current_jj_index = new_neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ eastern_jj_index = new_neighbors[1,ii,jj+1]
+ new_dx[ii,jj] = haversine_distance(latitude_all[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],longitude_all[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],latitude_all[current_ii_index,eastern_jj_index],longitude_all[current_ii_index,eastern_jj_index])
+ for ii in range(2*n_geo_halo_points):
+ for jj in range(2*n_geo_halo_points+1):
+ current_ii_index = new_neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ northern_ii_index = new_neighbors[0,ii+1,jj]
+ current_jj_index = new_neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ new_dy[ii,jj] = haversine_distance(latitude_all[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],longitude_all[current_ii_index,current_jj_index],latitude_all[northern_ii_index,current_jj_index],longitude_all[northern_ii_index,current_jj_index])
+ return (n_geo_halo_points, new_neighbors, new_dx, new_dy)
+def get_UFS_forcing_data_advective_tendency(dir, i, j, tile, neighbors, dx, dy, nlevs, lam, save_comp_data, vertical_method, geos_wind_forcing, wind_nudge, geo_pts, geo_neighbors, geo_dx, geo_dy, use_actual_geos_wind):
+ # Determine UFS history file format (tiled/quilted)
+ if lam:
+ atm_ftag = 'atmf*.tile{0}.nc'.format(tile)
+ sfc_ftag = 'sfcf*.tile{0}.nc'.format(tile)
+ else:
+ atm_ftag = '*atmf*.nc'
+ sfc_ftag = '*sfcf*.nc'
+ # Get list of UFS history files with 3D ATMospheric state variables.
+ atm_filenames = []
+ for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, atm_ftag):
+ atm_filenames.append(f_name)
+ if not atm_filenames:
+ message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'. \
+ format(atm_ftag,dir)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ atm_filenames = sorted(atm_filenames)
+ n_filesA = len(atm_filenames)
+ npts = 2*n_forcing_halo_points+1
+ npts_geo = 2*geo_pts+1
+ lon = np.zeros((n_filesA,npts,npts))
+ lat = np.zeros((n_filesA,npts,npts))
+ time = np.zeros((n_filesA))
+ u_wind = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ v_wind = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ w_wind = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ temp = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ qv = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ pres = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ presi = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs+1))
+ pressfc = np.zeros((n_filesA,npts,npts))
+ delz = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ if(geos_wind_forcing and use_actual_geos_wind):
+ temp_geo = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts_geo,npts_geo))
+ qv_geo = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts_geo,npts_geo))
+ hgtsfc = np.zeros((n_filesA,npts,npts))
+ # Read in 3D UFS history files
+ for count, filename in enumerate(atm_filenames, start=1):
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,filename))
+ nc_file.set_always_mask(False)
+ time[count-1] = nc_file['time'][0]
+ for ii in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points+1):
+ for jj in range(2*n_forcing_halo_points+1):
+ current_ii_index = neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ current_jj_index = neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ lon[count-1,ii,jj] = nc_file['lon'][current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ lat[count-1,ii,jj] = nc_file['lat'][current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ u_wind[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['ugrd'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ v_wind[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['vgrd'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ w_wind[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['dzdt'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ temp[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['tmp'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ qv[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['spfh'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ pressfc[count-1,ii,jj] = nc_file['pressfc'][0,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ delz[count-1,:,ii,jj] = -1*nc_file['delz'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index] #derive zh
+ if (geos_wind_forcing and use_actual_geos_wind):
+ for ii in range(npts_geo):
+ for jj in range(npts_geo):
+ current_ii_index = geo_neighbors[0,ii,jj]
+ current_jj_index = geo_neighbors[1,ii,jj]
+ temp_geo[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['tmp'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ qv_geo[count-1,:,ii,jj] = nc_file['spfh'][0,::-1,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ hgtsfc[count-1,ii,jj] = nc_file['hgtsfc'][0,current_ii_index,current_jj_index]
+ pres[count-1,:] = nc_file['pfull'][::-1]*100.0
+ presi[count-1,:] = nc_file['phalf'][::-1]*100.0
+ #check for poor time resolution (e.g. if mean number of grid points traversed by the wind between data intervals is much larger than the number of grid points used for calculating the advective terms)
+ # t=0
+ # for k in range(u_wind.shape[1]):
+ # mean_u = np.mean(np.sqrt(u_wind[t,k,:,:]*u_wind[t,k,:,:]))
+ # mean_dist = 43200*mean_u*1.0E-3
+ # print("k, mean_dist, dx, grid points traversed in timestep: ",k, mean_dist, np.mean(dx), mean_dist/np.mean(dx))
+ center = n_forcing_halo_points
+ smoothed_u = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ smoothed_v = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ smoothed_w = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ smoothed_T = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ smoothed_qv = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts,npts))
+ h_advec_u = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ h_advec_v = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ h_advec_T = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ h_advec_qv = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ v_advec_u = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ v_advec_v = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ v_advec_T = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ v_advec_qv = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ t_advec_u = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ t_advec_v = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ t_advec_T = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ t_advec_qv = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ u_g = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ v_g = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs))
+ if(geos_wind_forcing and use_actual_geos_wind):
+ phii = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs+1,npts_geo,npts_geo))
+ phil = np.zeros((n_filesA,nlevs,npts_geo,npts_geo))
+ for t in range(n_filesA):
+ #velocities gets very noisy in the UFS above the tropopause; define a linear return-to-zero profile above some pressure
+ k_p_top = np.where(pres[t,:] <= top_pres_for_forcing)[0][0]
+ #smooth velocity profile
+ n_smooth_points = 5
+ for ii in range(npts):
+ for jj in range(npts):
+ #the last argument defines the averaging "window" in grid layers; greater numbers results in greater smoothing
+ smoothed_u[t,:,ii,jj] = moving_average(u_wind[t,:,ii,jj], n_smooth_points)
+ smoothed_v[t,:,ii,jj] = moving_average(v_wind[t,:,ii,jj], n_smooth_points)
+ smoothed_T[t,:,ii,jj] = moving_average(temp [t,:,ii,jj], n_smooth_points)
+ smoothed_qv[t,:,ii,jj] = moving_average(qv [t,:,ii,jj], n_smooth_points)
+ #velocities gets very noisy in the UFS above the tropopause; define a linear return-to-zero profile above some pressure
+ for k in range(k_p_top+1,nlevs):
+ lifrac = pres[t,k]/pres[t,k_p_top]
+ smoothed_u[t,k,ii,jj] = lifrac*smoothed_u[t,k_p_top,ii,jj]
+ smoothed_v[t,k,ii,jj] = lifrac*smoothed_v[t,k_p_top,ii,jj]
+ smoothed_w[t,:] = moving_average(w_wind[t,:,center,center], n_smooth_points)
+ for k in range(k_p_top+1,nlevs):
+ lifrac = pres[t,k]/pres[t,k_p_top]
+ smoothed_w[t,k] = lifrac*smoothed_w[t,k_p_top]
+ for k in range(nlevs):
+ dTdx = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_T[t,k,center,:],dx[center,:]*1.0E3)
+ dTdy = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_T[t,k,:,center],dy[:,center]*1.0E3)
+ dqdx = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_qv[t,k,center,:],dx[center,:]*1.0E3)
+ dqdy = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_qv[t,k,:,center],dy[:,center]*1.0E3)
+ dudx = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_u[t,k,center,:],dx[center,:]*1.0E3)
+ dudy = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_u[t,k,:,center],dy[:,center]*1.0E3)
+ dvdx = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_v[t,k,center,:],dx[center,:]*1.0E3)
+ dvdy = centered_diff_derivative(smoothed_v[t,k,:,center],dy[:,center]*1.0E3)
+ mean_u = np.mean(smoothed_u[t,k,center,center-1:center+1+1])
+ mean_v = np.mean(smoothed_v[t,k,center-1:center+1+1,center])
+ h_advec_T[t,k] = -mean_u*dTdx - mean_v*dTdy #K s-1
+ h_advec_qv[t,k] = -mean_u*dqdx - mean_v*dqdy #kg kg-1 s-1
+ h_advec_u[t,k] = -mean_u*dudx - mean_v*dudy #m s-1 s-1
+ h_advec_v[t,k] = -mean_u*dvdx - mean_v*dvdy #m s-1 s-1
+ if (vertical_method == 1):
+ v_advec_u[t,0] = 0.0
+ v_advec_u[t,nlevs-1] = 0.0
+ v_advec_v[t,0] = 0.0
+ v_advec_v[t,nlevs-1] = 0.0
+ v_advec_T[t,0] = 0.0
+ v_advec_T[t,nlevs-1] = 0.0
+ v_advec_qv[t,0] = 0.0
+ v_advec_qv[t,nlevs-1] = 0.0
+ for k in range(1, nlevs-1):
+ w_asc = max(smoothed_w[t,k], 0.0)
+ w_des = min(smoothed_w[t,k], 0.0)
+ #noisy wind profiles necessitate using smoothed profiles; this doesn't appear to be needed for T and qv
+ gradient_T_asc = (temp[t,k,center,center] - temp[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ gradient_T_des = (temp[t,k+1,center,center] - temp[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ #gradient_T_asc = (smoothed_T[t,k,center,center] - smoothed_T[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ #gradient_T_des = (smoothed_T[t,k+1,center,center] - smoothed_T[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ gradient_qv_asc = (qv[t,k,center,center] - qv[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ gradient_qv_des = (qv[t,k+1,center,center] - qv[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ #gradient_qv_asc = (smoothed_qv[t,k,center,center] - smoothed_qv[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ #gradient_qv_des = (smoothed_qv[t,k+1,center,center] - smoothed_qv[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ #gradient_u_asc = (u_wind[t,k,center,center] - u_wind[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ #gradient_u_des = (u_wind[t,k+1,center,center] - u_wind[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ gradient_u_asc = (smoothed_u[t,k,center,center] - smoothed_u[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ gradient_u_des = (smoothed_u[t,k+1,center,center] - smoothed_u[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ #gradient_v_asc = (v_wind[t,k,center,center] - v_wind[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ #gradient_v_des = (v_wind[t,k+1,center,center] - v_wind[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ gradient_v_asc = (smoothed_v[t,k,center,center] - smoothed_v[t,k-1,center,center])/(pres[t,k]-pres[t,k-1])
+ gradient_v_des = (smoothed_v[t,k+1,center,center] - smoothed_v[t,k,center,center])/(pres[t,k+1]-pres[t,k])
+ rho = pres[t,k]/(rdgas*temp[t,k,center,center])
+ adiabatic_exp_comp_term = -(w_asc + w_des)*grav/cp
+ v_advec_u[t,k] = rho*grav*(w_asc*gradient_u_asc + w_des*gradient_u_des)
+ v_advec_v[t,k] = rho*grav*(w_asc*gradient_v_asc + w_des*gradient_v_des)
+ v_advec_T[t,k] = rho*grav*(w_asc*gradient_T_asc + w_des*gradient_T_des) + adiabatic_exp_comp_term
+ v_advec_qv[t,k] = rho*grav*(w_asc*gradient_qv_asc + w_des*gradient_qv_des)
+ if (geos_wind_forcing):
+ coriolis = 2.0*Omega*np.sin(lat[t,center,center]*deg_to_rad)
+ if (use_actual_geos_wind):
+ #calc geopotential at interface levels, starting from surface, convert to full pressure levels
+ for ii in range(npts_geo):
+ for jj in range(npts_geo):
+ if (use_oro_for_geos_wind):
+ phii[t,0,ii,jj] = hgtsfc[t,ii,jj]*grav
+ else:
+ phii[t,0,ii,jj] = 0.0 #don't need to include orography -- geostrophic winds should assume geopotential over the geoid
+ for k in range(1,nlevs+1):
+ phii[t,k,ii,jj] = phii[t,k-1,ii,jj] - rdgas*temp_geo[t,k-1,ii,jj]*(1.0 + zvir*qv_geo[t,k-1,ii,jj])*np.log(presi[t,k]/presi[t,k-1])
+ for k in range(0,nlevs):
+ phil[t,k,ii,jj] = 0.5*(phii[t,k,ii,jj] + phii[t,k+1,ii,jj])
+ for k in range(1,nlevs):
+ dphidx = np.zeros((npts_geo,npts_geo))
+ dphidy = np.zeros((npts_geo,npts_geo))
+ #valid points:
+ #dphidx = np.zeros((npts_geo,npts_geo-2))
+ #dphidy = np.zeros((npts_geo-2,npts_geo))
+ for ii in range(0,npts_geo):
+ for jj in range(1,npts_geo-1):
+ dphidx[ii,jj] = centered_diff_derivative(phil[t,k,ii,jj-1:jj+2],geo_dx[ii,jj-1:jj+1]*1.0E3)
+ mean_dphidx = np.mean(dphidx[0:npts_geo,1:npts_geo-1])
+ for ii in range(1,npts_geo-1):
+ for jj in range(0,npts_geo):
+ dphidy[ii,jj] = centered_diff_derivative(phil[t,k,ii-1:ii+2,jj],geo_dy[ii-1:ii+1,jj]*1.0E3)
+ mean_dphidy = np.mean(dphidy[1:npts_geo-1,0:npts_geo])
+ u_g[t,k] = -mean_dphidy/coriolis
+ v_g[t,k] = mean_dphidx/coriolis
+ else:
+ for k in range(0,nlevs):
+ u_g[t,k] = np.mean(u_wind[t,k,:,:])
+ v_g[t,k] = np.mean(v_wind[t,k,:,:])
+ k_pbl_top = np.where(pres[t,:] <= PBL_top_for_geos)[0][0]
+ u_g[t,0] = 0.0
+ v_g[t,0] = 0.0
+ for k in range(1,k_pbl_top):
+ lifrac = (pres[t,k] - pres[t,0])/(pres[t,k_pbl_top] - pres[t,0])
+ u_g[t,k] = lifrac*u_g[t,k_pbl_top]
+ v_g[t,k] = lifrac*v_g[t,k_pbl_top]
+ if (vertical_method == 1):
+ t_advec_T[:,:] = h_advec_T[:,:] + v_advec_T[:,:]
+ t_advec_qv[:,:] = h_advec_qv[:,:] + v_advec_qv[:,:]
+ t_advec_u[:,:] = h_advec_u[:,:] + v_advec_u[:,:]
+ t_advec_v[:,:] = h_advec_v[:,:] + v_advec_v[:,:]
+ else:
+ t_advec_T[:,:] = h_advec_T[:,:]
+ t_advec_qv[:,:] = h_advec_qv[:,:]
+ t_advec_u[:,:] = h_advec_u[:,:]
+ t_advec_v[:,:] = h_advec_v[:,:]
+ if (save_comp_data):
+ # Read in 2D UFS history files
+ phystends = [{"name":"dtend_temp_lw"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_sw"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_deepcnv"},\
+ {"name":"dtend_temp_shalcnv"},{"name":"dtend_temp_mp"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_orogwd"},{"name":"dtend_temp_phys"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_u_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_v_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_u_orogwd"}, {"name":"dtend_v_orogwd"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_u_deepcnv"}, {"name":"dtend_v_deepcnv"},{"name":"dtend_u_shalcnv"}, {"name":"dtend_v_shalcnv"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_u_phys"}, {"name":"dtend_v_phys"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_deepcnv"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_qv_shalcnv"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_mp"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_phys"}, {"name":"dtend_poop"}]
+ for phystend in phystends: phystend["values"] = []
+ # Variables to be added to "UFS comparison file"
+ vars2d =[{"name":"spfh2m"}, {"name":"tmp2m"}, {"name":"dswrf_ave"}, \
+ {"name":"ulwrf_ave"}, {"name":"lhtfl_ave"}, {"name":"shtfl_ave"}, \
+ {"name":"dswrf"}, {"name":"ulwrf"}, {"name":"lhtfl"}, \
+ {"name":"shtfl"}, {"name":"pwat"}, {"name":"vgrd10m"}, \
+ {"name":"ugrd10m"}]
+ for var2d in vars2d: var2d["values"] = []
+ # Get list of UFS history files with 2D fields.
+ sfc_filenames = []
+ for f_name in os.listdir(dir):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, sfc_ftag):
+ sfc_filenames.append(f_name)
+ if not sfc_filenames:
+ message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'. \
+ format(sfc_ftag,dir)
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ sfc_filenames = sorted(sfc_filenames)
+ n_filesS = len(sfc_filenames)
+ if (n_filesS == n_filesA):
+ n_files = n_filesA
+ else:
+ message = 'Number of UFS 2D/3D history files is inconsistent'
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ center_ii_index = neighbors[0,center,center]
+ center_jj_index = neighbors[1,center,center]
+ for count, filename in enumerate(sfc_filenames, start=1):
+ nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(dir,filename))
+ nc_file.set_always_mask(False)
+ for var2d in vars2d:
+ data = nc_file[var2d["name"]][0,center_ii_index,center_jj_index]
+ var2d["values"].append(data)
+ var2d["units"] = nc_file[var2d["name"]].getncattr(name="units")
+ var2d["long_name"] = nc_file[var2d["name"]].getncattr(name="long_name")
+ for phystend in phystends:
+ if phystend["name"] in nc_file.variables.keys():
+ data = nc_file[phystend["name"]][0,::-1,center_ii_index,center_jj_index]
+ phystend["values"].append(data[:])
+ phystend["units"] = nc_file[phystend["name"]].getncattr(name="units")
+ phystend["long_name"] = nc_file[phystend["name"]].getncattr(name="long_name")
+ phystend["missing"] = False
+ else:
+ phystend["missing"] = True
+ nc_file.close()
+ # Convert to numpy arrays
+ for var2d in vars2d:
+ var2d["values"] = np.asarray(var2d["values"])
+ for phystend in phystends:
+ if (not phystend["missing"]):
+ phystend["values"] = np.asarray(phystend["values"])
+ sec_in_hr = 3600.
+ time[0] = 0.
+ forcing = {
+ "time": time*sec_in_hr,
+ "wa": smoothed_w,
+ "ps_forc": pressfc[:,center,center],
+ "pa_forc": pres,
+ "tnta_adv": t_advec_T[:,:],
+ "tnqv_adv": t_advec_qv[:,:],
+ "tnua_adv": t_advec_u[:,:],
+ "tnva_adv": t_advec_v[:,:],
+ "ug" : u_g[:,:],
+ "vg" : v_g[:,:],
+ "ua_nud" : u_wind[:,:,center,center],
+ "va_nud" : v_wind[:,:,center,center]
+ }
+ if (save_comp_data):
+ comp_data = {
+ "time": time*sec_in_hr,
+ "pa" : pres,
+ "ta" : temp [:,:,center,center],
+ "qv" : qv [:,:,center,center],
+ "ua" : u_wind[:,:,center,center],
+ "va" : v_wind[:,:,center,center],
+ "vars2d":vars2d,
+ "phystends":phystends}
+ else:
+ comp_data = {}
+ return (forcing, comp_data)
def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, grid_dir,
- tile, i, j, lam, save_comp_data):
+ tile, i, j, lam, save_comp_data, exact_mode):
"""Get the horizontal and vertical advective tendencies for the given tile and indices"""
# Determine UFS history file format (tiled/quilted)
@@ -1502,17 +2313,21 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
atm_ftag = '*atmf*.nc'
sfc_ftag = '*sfcf*.nc'
+ # end if
# Get list of UFS history files with 3D ATMospheric state variables.
atm_filenames = []
for f_name in os.listdir(forcing_dir):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, atm_ftag):
+ # end if
+ # end for
if not atm_filenames:
message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'. \
raise Exception(message)
+ # end if
atm_filenames = sorted(atm_filenames)
n_filesA = len(atm_filenames)
@@ -1521,11 +2336,14 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
for f_name in os.listdir(forcing_dir):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_name, sfc_ftag):
+ # end if
+ # end fo
if not sfc_filenames:
message = 'No filenames matching the pattern {0} found in {1}'. \
raise Exception(message)
+ # end if
sfc_filenames = sorted(sfc_filenames)
n_filesS = len(sfc_filenames)
@@ -1535,7 +2353,8 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
message = 'Number of UFS 2D/3D history files is inconsistent'
raise Exception(message)
+ # end if
# Physical constants (used by FV3 remapping functions)
kord_tm = -9
kord_tr = 9
@@ -1545,18 +2364,19 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
- # Read in atmospheric state, atmf*.nc history files.
+ # Read in 3D UFS history files
# Find nearest point on UFS history file (quilted) grid.
if use_nearest:
- (tile_jj, tile_ii, point_lon, point_lat, dist_min) = find_loc_indices(location, forcing_dir, -999, lam)
+ (tile_jj, tile_ii, point_lon, point_lat, dist_min, theta) = find_loc_indices(location, forcing_dir, -999, lam)
print('The closest point has indices [{0},{1}]'.format(tile_ii,tile_jj))
print('This index has a central longitude/latitude of [{0},{1}]'.format(point_lon,point_lat))
print('This grid cell is approximately {0} km away from the desired location of {1} {2}'.format(dist_min/1.0E3,location[0],location[1]))
- #
+ # end if
+ # Initialize
ps = []
p_lev = []
p_lay = []
@@ -1582,12 +2402,15 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
data_grid_lon = nc_file['grid_xt'][:,:]
data_grid_lat = nc_file['grid_yt'][:,:]
+ # end try
equal_grids = False
if (ic_grid_lon.shape == data_grid_lon.shape and \
ic_grid_lat.shape == ic_grid_lat.shape):
if (np.equal(ic_grid_lon,data_grid_lon).all() and \
equal_grids = True
+ # end if
+ # end if
# If necessary, remap history file (data_grid) to IC file (ic_grid).
if (not equal_grids):
@@ -1614,6 +2437,7 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
v_data = nc_file['vgrd'][0,::-1,:,:]
i_get = i
j_get = j
+ # end if
print('Using nearest UFS point {} progress = {}%'.format(filename, 100.0*count/(2*n_files)))
ps_data = nc_file['pressfc'][0,:,:]
@@ -1623,21 +2447,30 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
v_data = nc_file['vgrd'][0,::-1,:,:]
j_get = tile_jj
i_get = tile_ii
+ # end if (use-nearest)
- # Compute and store vertical grid information.
- ak = getattr(nc_file, "ak")[::-1]
- bk = getattr(nc_file, "bk")[::-1]
+ # Store surface pressure.
+ # Compute and store vertical grid information.
+ ak = getattr(nc_file, "ak")[::-1]
+ bk = getattr(nc_file, "bk")[::-1]
nlevs = len(nc_file.dimensions['pfull'])
+ # Compute and store pressure at layer-interfaces (nlev+1).
p_interface = np.zeros(nlevs+1)
for k in range(nlevs+1):
+ # end for
+ # Compute and store pressure at layer-centers (nlev).
p_layer = np.zeros(nlevs)
for k in range(nlevs):
p_layer[k] = ((1.0/(rocp+1.0))*(p_interface[k]**(rocp+1.0) - \
p_interface[k+1]**(rocp+1.0))/(p_interface[k] - \
+ # end for
# Store state variables.
@@ -1646,9 +2479,10 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
# Close file
+ # end for
# Convert from python list to numpy array
ps = np.asarray(ps)
@@ -1658,19 +2492,49 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
qv_lay = np.asarray(qv_lay)
u_lay = np.asarray(u_lay)
v_lay = np.asarray(v_lay)
- tv_lay = t_lay*(1.0 + zvir*qv_lay)
time_hr = np.asarray(time_hr)
+ # Compute virtual temperature.
+ tv_lay = t_lay*(1.0 + zvir*qv_lay)
+ ####################################################################################
+ #
# Read in 2D UFS history files
- vars2d =[{"name":"spfh2m"}, {"name":"tmp2m"}, \
- {"name":"dswrf_ave"}, {"name":"ulwrf_ave"},\
- {"name":"lhtfl_ave"}, {"name":"shtfl_ave"},\
- {"name":"dswrf"}, {"name":"ulwrf"},\
- {"name":"lhtfl"}, {"name":"shtfl"},\
- {"name":"pwat"}, {"name":"vgrd10m"},\
+ #
+ # Comments:
+ # These files contain the 3D (diagnostic) dynamic tendencies needed to create "exact"
+ # UFS forcings. These are stored in the python dictionary "dyntends".
+ #
+ # Additionally, a limited set of two-dimensionsal variables, python dictionary "vars2d",
+ # are output to the "case comparison file".
+ #
+ ####################################################################################
+ # Variables needed for "exact" UFS case generation.
+ dyntends = [{"name":"dtend_temp_nophys", "diag_table":'"gfs_dyn", "dtend_temp_nophys", "dtend_temp_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2'},\
+ {"name":"dtend_u_nophys", "diag_table":'"gfs_dyn", "dtend_u_nophys", "dtend_u_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2'},\
+ {"name":"dtend_v_nophys", "diag_table":'"gfs_dyn", "dtend_v_nophys", "dtend_v_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2'},\
+ {"name":"dtend_qv_nophys", "diag_table":'"gfs_dyn", "dtend_qv_nophys", "dtend_qv_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2'}]
+ for dyntend in dyntends: dyntend["values"] = []
+ # Optional diagnostic to be copied into UFS comparison file
+ phystends = [{"name":"dtend_temp_lw"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_sw"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_deepcnv"},\
+ {"name":"dtend_temp_shalcnv"},{"name":"dtend_temp_mp"}, {"name":"dtend_temp_orogwd"},{"name":"dtend_temp_phys"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_u_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_v_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_u_orogwd"}, {"name":"dtend_v_orogwd"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_u_deepcnv"}, {"name":"dtend_v_deepcnv"},{"name":"dtend_u_shalcnv"}, {"name":"dtend_v_shalcnv"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_u_phys"}, {"name":"dtend_v_phys"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_pbl"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_deepcnv"}, \
+ {"name":"dtend_qv_shalcnv"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_mp"}, {"name":"dtend_qv_phys"}, {"name":"dtend_poop"}]
+ for phystend in phystends: phystend["values"] = []
+ # Variables to be added to "UFS comparison file"
+ vars2d =[{"name":"spfh2m"}, {"name":"tmp2m"}, {"name":"dswrf_ave"}, \
+ {"name":"ulwrf_ave"}, {"name":"lhtfl_ave"}, {"name":"shtfl_ave"}, \
+ {"name":"dswrf"}, {"name":"ulwrf"}, {"name":"lhtfl"}, \
+ {"name":"shtfl"}, {"name":"pwat"}, {"name":"vgrd10m"}, \
for var2d in vars2d: var2d["values"] = []
+ # Read in 2D UFS history files
for count, filename in enumerate(sfc_filenames, start=1):
nc_file = Dataset('{0}/{1}'.format(forcing_dir,filename))
@@ -1683,12 +2547,15 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
data_grid_lon = nc_file['grid_xt'][:,:]
data_grid_lat = nc_file['grid_yt'][:,:]
+ # end try
equal_grids = False
if (ic_grid_lon.shape == data_grid_lon.shape and \
ic_grid_lat.shape == ic_grid_lat.shape):
if (np.equal(ic_grid_lon,data_grid_lon).all() and \
equal_grids = True
+ # end if
+ # endif
# If necessary, remap history file (data_grid) to IC file (ic_grid).
if (not equal_grids):
@@ -1705,53 +2572,117 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
i_get = i
j_get = j
+ # end if
print('Using nearest UFS point {} progress = {}%'.format(filename, 50+50.0*count/(n_files)))
j_get = tile_jj
i_get = tile_ii
+ # end if
for var2d in vars2d:
if not use_nearest:
data = regridder(nc_file[var2d["name"]][0,:,:])
data = nc_file[var2d["name"]][0,:,:]
+ # end if
var2d["units"] = nc_file[var2d["name"]].getncattr(name="units")
var2d["long_name"] = nc_file[var2d["name"]].getncattr(name="long_name")
+ # end for
+ for dyntend in dyntends:
+ if dyntend["name"] in nc_file.variables.keys():
+ if not use_nearest:
+ data = regridder(nc_file[dyntend["name"]][0,::-1,:,:])
+ else:
+ data = nc_file[dyntend["name"]][0,::-1,:,:]
+ # end if (use-nearest)
+ dyntend["values"].append(data[:,j_get,i_get])
+ dyntend["units"] = nc_file[dyntend["name"]].getncattr(name="units")
+ dyntend["long_name"] = nc_file[dyntend["name"]].getncattr(name="long_name")
+ dyntend["missing"] = False
+ else:
+ dyntend["missing"] = True
+ # end if
+ # end for
+ for phystend in phystends:
+ if phystend["name"] in nc_file.variables.keys():
+ if not use_nearest:
+ data = regridder(nc_file[phystend["name"]][0,::-1,:,:])
+ else:
+ data = nc_file[phystend["name"]][0,::-1,:,:]
+ # end if (use-nearest)
+ phystend["values"].append(data[:,j_get,i_get])
+ phystend["units"] = nc_file[phystend["name"]].getncattr(name="units")
+ phystend["long_name"] = nc_file[phystend["name"]].getncattr(name="long_name")
+ phystend["missing"] = False
+ else:
+ phystend["missing"] = True
+ # end if
+ # end for
+ # end for
+ # Handle the case that "exact-mode" was requested, but the UFS history files do not contains
+ # the necessary fields.
+ # In this scenario, create warning/message that informs the users how to rerun the UFS with
+ # the correct configuration.
+ # Revert to "approximate-mode"
+ if exact_mode:
+ missing_dtend_names = []
+ missing_diag_tables = []
+ for dyntend in dyntends:
+ if dyntend["missing"]:
+ missing_dtend_names.append(dyntend["name"])
+ missing_diag_tables.append(dyntend["diag_table"])
+ exact_mode = False
+ # end if
+ # end for
+ if missing_dtend_names:
+ print("#"*128)
+ print("#"*59,"WARNING","#"*60)
+ print("#"*128)
+ print("Could not find the following fields required for ",'"exact-mode"',':')
+ for missing_dtend_name in missing_dtend_names:
+ print(" -",missing_dtend_name)
+ # end for
+ print("Using ",'"approximate mode"',' instead')
+ print("")
+ print(" *NOTE*")
+ print(" You selected to create the UFS case using ",'"exact-mode"'," which requires additional (diagnostic)")
+ print(" fields in the UFS history files.")
+ print("")
+ print(" These optional diagnostics tendencies can be output from any UFS forecast by:")
+ print(" a) Modifying the physics namelist, gfs_phys_nml, so that:")
+ print(" *) ldiag3d = .true. ")
+ print(" *) qdiag3d = .true. ")
+ print(" b) Addding the following lines to the UFS diag_table:")
+ for missing_diag_table in missing_diag_tables:
+ print(' *) ',missing_diag_table )
+ # end for
+ print("")
+ print("#"*128)
+ print("#"*128)
+ # end if
+ # end if (exact-mode)
# Convert to numpy arrays
for var2d in vars2d:
var2d["values"] = np.asarray(var2d["values"])
- #
- # Create dictionary with full "Native" state (IC@t=0,ATMF*@t>0)
- #
- ps_IC = np.zeros([1])
- ps_IC[0] = state_IC["ps"]
- pi_IC = np.zeros([1,nlevs+1])
- pi_IC[0,:] = state_IC["pa_i"]
- p_IC = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- p_IC[0,:] = state_IC["pa"]
- t_IC = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- t_IC[0,:] = state_IC["ta"]
- qv_IC = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- qv_IC[0,:] = state_IC["qv"]
- u_IC = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- u_IC[0,:] = state_IC["ua"]
- v_IC = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- v_IC[0,:] = state_IC["va"]
- tv_IC = t_IC*(1.0 + zvir*qv_IC)
- stateNATIVE = {"time": np.concatenate((np.asarray([0.]), time_hr[:])), \
- "ps": np.concatenate((ps_IC, ps), axis=0), \
- "p_lev": np.concatenate((pi_IC, p_lev), axis=0), \
- "p_lay": np.concatenate((p_IC, p_lay), axis=0), \
- "t_lay": np.concatenate((t_IC, t_lay), axis=0), \
- "qv_lay": np.concatenate((qv_IC, qv_lay), axis=0), \
- "u_lay": np.concatenate((u_IC, u_lay), axis=0), \
- "v_lay": np.concatenate((v_IC, v_lay), axis=0), \
- "tv_lay": np.concatenate((tv_IC, tv_lay), axis=0)}
+ # end for
+ if exact_mode:
+ for dyntend in dyntends:
+ dyntend["values"] = np.asarray(dyntend["values"])
+ # end for
+ dtend_temp_nophys = dyntends[0]["values"]
+ dtend_u_nophys = dyntends[1]["values"]
+ dtend_v_nophys = dyntends[2]["values"]
+ dtend_qv_nophys = dyntends[3]["values"]
+ # end if (exact-mode)
+ for phystend in phystends:
+ if (not phystend["missing"]):
+ phystend["values"] = np.asarray(phystend["values"])
+ # end if
+ # end for
@@ -1775,8 +2706,8 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
- #
- nlevs = len(p_lay[0,:])
+ # Initialize
+ #nlevs = len(p_lay[0,:])
dummy = np.zeros(1)
from_p = np.zeros([1,nlevs+1])
to_p = np.zeros([1,nlevs+1])
@@ -1796,6 +2727,7 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
# First timestep...
+ # (Same for Exact-mode or Approximate mode)
# Interpolation range
@@ -1810,7 +2742,7 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
tv_rev_new = fv3_remap.map_scalar(nlevs, log_from_p, tv_init_rev[np.newaxis, :], \
dummy, nlevs, log_to_p, 0, 0, 1, \
np.abs(kord_tm), t_min)
# IC Specific humidity on vertical-grid of first UFS history file.
qv_init_rev = state_IC["qv"][::-1]
for k in range(0,nlevs): dp2[0,k] = from_p[0,k+1] - from_p[0,k]
@@ -1826,7 +2758,7 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
v_init_rev = state_IC["va"][::-1]
v_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_ppm(nlevs, from_p, v_init_rev[np.newaxis, :], 0.0, \
nlevs, to_p, 0, 0, -1, kord_tm )
# Store
p_layr[0,:] = p_lay[0,:]
p_levr[0,:] = p_lev[0,:]
@@ -1834,115 +2766,142 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
u_layr[0,:] = u_rev_new[0,::-1]
tv_layr[0,:] = tv_rev_new[0,::-1]
qv_layr[0,:] = qv_rev_new[0,::-1]
- #
- # Subsequent timestep(s)...
- # (current state on vertical grid of subsequent time-step(s). Used for differencing)
- #
- #
- for t in range(n_files-1):
+ # Subsequent timestep(s). (exact-mode only)
+ if exact_mode:
+ for t in range(n_files-1):
+ # Interpolation range
+ from_p[0,:] = p_lev[t,::-1]
+ to_p[0,:] = p_lev[t+1,::-1]
+ log_from_p[0,:] = np.log(p_lev[t,::-1])
+ log_to_p[0,:] = np.log(p_lev[t+1,::-1])
+ # Virtual Temperature @ time > 0
+ tv_rev[0,:] = tv_lay[t,::-1]
+ tv_rev_new = fv3_remap.map_scalar(nlevs, log_from_p, tv_rev, dummy, nlevs, \
+ log_to_p, 0, 0, 1, np.abs(kord_tm), t_min)
+ # Specific humidity @ time > 0
+ qv_rev[0,:] = qv_lay[t,::-1]
+ for k in range(0,nlevs): dp2[0,k] = to_p[0,k+1] - to_p[0,k]
+ qv_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_q2(nlevs, from_p, qv_rev, nlevs, to_p, dp2, \
+ 0, 0, 0, kord_tr, q_min)
+ # Zonal wind @ time > 0
+ u_rev[0,:] = u_lay[t,::-1]
+ u_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_ppm(nlevs, from_p, u_rev, 0.0, nlevs, to_p, \
+ 0, 0, -1, kord_tm )
+ # Meridional wind @ time > 0
+ v_rev[0,:] = v_lay[t,::-1]
+ v_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_ppm(nlevs, from_p, v_rev, 0.0, nlevs, to_p, \
+ 0, 0, -1, kord_tm )
+ # Store
+ p_layr[t+1,:] = p_lay[t+1,:]
+ p_levr[t+1,:] = p_lev[t+1,:]
+ tv_layr[t+1,:] = tv_rev_new[0,::-1]
+ qv_layr[t+1,:] = qv_rev_new[0,::-1]
+ u_layr[t+1,:] = u_rev_new[0,::-1]
+ v_layr[t+1,:] = v_rev_new[0,::-1]
+ # end for
- from_p[0,:] = p_lev[t,::-1]
- to_p[0,:] = p_lev[t+1,::-1]
- log_from_p[0,:] = np.log(p_lev[t,::-1])
- log_to_p[0,:] = np.log(p_lev[t+1,::-1])
- # Virtual Temperature @ time > 0
- tv_rev[0,:] = tv_lay[t,::-1]
- tv_rev_new = fv3_remap.map_scalar(nlevs, log_from_p, tv_rev, dummy, nlevs, \
- log_to_p, 0, 0, 1, np.abs(kord_tm), t_min)
- # Specific humidity @ time > 0
- qv_rev[0,:] = qv_lay[t,::-1]
- for k in range(0,nlevs): dp2[0,k] = to_p[0,k+1] - to_p[0,k]
- qv_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_q2(nlevs, from_p, qv_rev, nlevs, to_p, dp2, \
- 0, 0, 0, kord_tr, q_min)
- # Zonal wind @ time > 0
- u_rev[0,:] = u_lay[t,::-1]
- u_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_ppm(nlevs, from_p, u_rev, 0.0, nlevs, to_p, \
- 0, 0, -1, kord_tm )
- # Meridional wind @ time > 0
- v_rev[0,:] = v_lay[t,::-1]
- v_rev_new = fv3_remap.map1_ppm(nlevs, from_p, v_rev, 0.0, nlevs, to_p, \
- 0, 0, -1, kord_tm )
- # Store
- p_layr[t+1,:] = p_lay[t+1,:]
- p_levr[t+1,:] = p_lev[t+1,:]
- tv_layr[t+1,:] = tv_rev_new[0,::-1]
- qv_layr[t+1,:] = qv_rev_new[0,::-1]
- u_layr[t+1,:] = u_rev_new[0,::-1]
- v_layr[t+1,:] = v_rev_new[0,::-1]
- #
- p_layr[t+2,:] = p_layr[t+1,:]
- p_levr[t+2,:] = p_levr[t+1,:]
- tv_layr[t+2,:] = tv_layr[t+1,:]
- qv_layr[t+2,:] = qv_layr[t+1,:]
- u_layr[t+2,:] = u_layr[t+1,:]
- v_layr[t+2,:] = v_layr[t+1,:]
+ p_layr[t+2,:] = p_layr[t+1,:]
+ p_levr[t+2,:] = p_levr[t+1,:]
+ tv_layr[t+2,:] = tv_layr[t+1,:]
+ qv_layr[t+2,:] = qv_layr[t+1,:]
+ u_layr[t+2,:] = u_layr[t+1,:]
+ v_layr[t+2,:] = v_layr[t+1,:]
+ # end if (exact-mode)
# Temperature
t_layr = tv_layr/(1.0 + zvir*qv_layr)
- # Create dictionary with "Regridded" state
- stateREGRID = {"time": np.concatenate((np.asarray([0.]), time_hr[:])), \
- "ps": np.concatenate((ps[0:1], ps), axis=0), \
- "p_lev": p_levr, \
- "p_lay": p_layr, \
- "t_lay": t_layr, \
- "qv_lay": qv_layr, \
- "u_lay": u_layr, \
- "v_lay": v_layr, \
- "tv_lay": tv_layr }
+ # Save regridded initial state.
+ stateInit = {"p_lay": p_lay[0,:], \
+ "t_lay": t_lay[0,:], \
+ "qv_lay": qv_lay[0,:], \
+ "u_lay": u_lay[0,:], \
+ "v_lay": v_lay[0,:]}
- # Compute tendencies advective = total - remapping
- #
- ####################################################################################
+ # Compute forcing.
+ ####################################################################################
+ # Initialize tendencies.
dtdt_adv = np.zeros([n_files+1,nlevs])
dqvdt_adv = np.zeros([n_files+1,nlevs])
dudt_adv = np.zeros([n_files+1,nlevs])
dvdt_adv = np.zeros([n_files+1,nlevs])
pres_adv = np.zeros([n_files+1,nlevs])
pres_i_adv = np.zeros([n_files+1,nlevs+1])
- tend_remap = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- tend_total = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
- #
- for t in range(n_files):
- #
- dtime_sec = (stateNATIVE["time"][t+1] - stateNATIVE["time"][t])*sec_in_hr
- #
- pres_adv[t,:] = stateNATIVE["p_lay"][t,:]
- pres_i_adv[t,:] = stateNATIVE["p_lev"][t,:]
- #
- tend_total[0,:] = stateREGRID["t_lay"][t+1,:] - stateREGRID["t_lay"][t,:]
- tend_remap[0,:] = stateREGRID["t_lay"][t,:] - stateNATIVE["t_lay"][t,:]
- dtdt_adv[t,:] = (tend_total[0,:] - tend_remap[0,:]) / dtime_sec
- #
- tend_total[0,:] = stateREGRID["qv_lay"][t+1,:] - stateREGRID["qv_lay"][t,:]
- tend_remap[0,:] = stateREGRID["qv_lay"][t,:] - stateNATIVE["qv_lay"][t,:]
- dqvdt_adv[t,:] = (tend_total[0,:] - tend_remap[0,:]) / dtime_sec
- #
- tend_total[0,:] = stateREGRID["u_lay"][t+1,:] - stateREGRID["u_lay"][t,:]
- tend_remap[0,:] = stateREGRID["u_lay"][t,:] - stateNATIVE["u_lay"][t,:]
- dudt_adv[t,:] = (tend_total[0,:] - tend_remap[0,:]) / dtime_sec
- #
- tend_total[0,:] = stateREGRID["v_lay"][t+1,:] - stateREGRID["v_lay"][t,:]
- tend_remap[0,:] = stateREGRID["v_lay"][t,:] - stateNATIVE["v_lay"][t,:]
- dvdt_adv[t,:] = (tend_total[0,:] - tend_remap[0,:]) / dtime_sec
- #
- dtdt_adv[t+1,:] = dtdt_adv[t,:]
- dqvdt_adv[t+1,:] = dqvdt_adv[t,:]
- dudt_adv[t+1,:] = dudt_adv[t,:]
- dvdt_adv[t+1,:] = dvdt_adv[t,:]
- pres_adv[t+1,:] = pres_adv[t,:]
- pres_i_adv[t+1,:] = pres_i_adv[t,:]
+ dtdtr = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
+ dqdtr = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
+ dudtr = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
+ dvdtr = np.zeros([1,nlevs])
+ # First timestep.
+ pres_adv[0,:] = state_IC["pa"]
+ pres_i_adv[0,:] = state_IC["pa_i"]
+ dt = 3600.0*(time_hr[0])
+ if exact_mode:
+ dqdtr[0,:] = (qv_layr[0,:] - state_IC["qv"][:])/dt
+ dqvdt_adv[0,:] = dtend_qv_nophys[0,:] - dqdtr[0,:]
+ dudtr[0,:] = (u_layr[0,:] - state_IC["ua"][:])/dt
+ dudt_adv[0,:] = (dtend_u_nophys[0,:] - dudtr[0,:])
+ dvdtr[0,:] = (v_layr[0,:] - state_IC["va"][:])/dt
+ dvdt_adv[0,:] = (dtend_v_nophys[0,:] - dvdtr[0,:])
+ dtdtr[0,:] = (t_layr[0,:] - state_IC["ta"][:])/dt
+ dtdt_adv[0,:] = (dtend_temp_nophys[0,:] - dtdtr[0,:])
+ else:
+ dqdtt = qv_lay[0,:] - state_IC["qv"][:]
+ dqvdt_adv[0,:] = dqdtt/dt
+ dudtt = u_lay[0,:] - state_IC["ua"][:]
+ dudt_adv[0,:] = dudtt/dt
+ dvdtt = v_lay[0,:] - state_IC["va"][:]
+ dvdt_adv[0,:] = dvdtt/dt
+ dtdtt = t_lay[0,:] - state_IC["ta"][:]
+ dtdt_adv[0,:] = dtdtt/dt
+ # Subsequent timestep(s).
+ dtdtr = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dqdtr = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dudtr = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dvdtr = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dtdtt = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dqdtt = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dudtt = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ dvdtt = np.zeros([n_files-1,nlevs])
+ for t in range(n_files-1):
+ dt = (time_hr[t+1] - time_hr[t])*3600.
+ pres_adv[t+1,:] = p_lay[t]
+ pres_i_adv[t+1,:] = p_lev[t]
+ if exact_mode:
+ dqdtr[t,:] = (qv_layr[t+1,:] - qv_lay[t,:])/dt
+ dqvdt_adv[t+1,:] = dtend_qv_nophys[t+1,:] - dqdtr[t,:]
+ dtdtr[t,:] = (t_layr[t+1,:] - t_lay[t,:])/dt
+ dtdt_adv[t+1,:] = dtend_temp_nophys[t+1,:] - dtdtr[t,:]
+ dudtr[t,:] = (u_layr[t+1,:] - u_lay[t,:])/dt
+ dudt_adv[t+1,:] = dtend_u_nophys[t+1,:] - dudtr[t,:]
+ dvdtr[t,:] = (v_layr[t+1,:] - v_lay[t,:])/dt
+ dvdt_adv[t+1,:] = dtend_v_nophys[t+1,:] - dvdtr[t,:]
+ else:
+ dqdtt = qv_lay[t+1,:] - qv_lay[t,:]
+ dqvdt_adv[t+1,:] = (dqdtt - dqdtr[t,:])/dt
+ dudtt = u_lay[t+1,:] - u_lay[t,:]
+ dudt_adv[t+1,:] = (dudtt - dudtr[t,:])/dt
+ dvdtt = v_lay[t+1,:] - v_lay[t,:]
+ dvdt_adv[t+1,:] = (dvdtt - dvdtr[t,:])/dt
+ dtdtt = t_lay[t+1,:] - t_lay[t,:]
+ dtdt_adv[t+1,:] = (dtdtt - dtdtr[t,:])/dt
+ # end if (exact-mode)
+ # end for (ufs history files)
+ # Last timestep.
+ dtdt_adv[t+2,:] = dtdt_adv[t+1,:]
+ dqvdt_adv[t+2,:] = dqvdt_adv[t+1,:]
+ dudt_adv[t+2,:] = dudt_adv[t+1,:]
+ dvdt_adv[t+2,:] = dvdt_adv[t+1,:]
+ pres_adv[t+2,:] = pres_adv[t+1,:]
+ pres_i_adv[t+2,:] = pres_i_adv[t+1,:]
@@ -1958,8 +2917,8 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
# step)
- time_method = 'constant_simple' #this is not implemented in the SCM code yet
- #time_method = 'constant_interp'
+ #time_method = 'constant_simple' #this is not implemented in the SCM code yet
+ time_method = 'constant_interp'
#time_method = 'gradient' #this produced wonky results in the SCM; avoid until investigated more
if (time_method == 'constant_simple'):
@@ -1989,6 +2948,7 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
tot_advec_qv[:,t] = dqvdt_adv[t,:]
tot_advec_u[:,t] = dudt_adv[t,:]
tot_advec_v[:,t] = dvdt_adv[t,:]
+ # end for
elif (time_method == 'constant_interp'):
print('Forcing can be interpolated in time, but the time values are chosen such that forcing will effectively be held consant during a diagnostic time interval.')
ntimes = 2*n_files
@@ -2033,15 +2993,7 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
tot_advec_u[:,2*t+1] = tot_advec_u[:,2*t]
tot_advec_v[:,2*t] = dvdt_adv[t,:]
tot_advec_v[:,2*t+1] = tot_advec_v[:,2*t]
- #
- #p_s[2*t-1] = 0.5*(p_s[2*t] + p_s[2*t-1])
- #pressure_forc[:,2*t-1] = 0.5*(pressure_forc[:,2*t] + pressure_forc[:,2*t-1])
- #tot_advec_T[:,2*t-1] = 0.5*(tot_advec_T[:,2*t] + tot_advec_T[:,2*t-1])
- #tot_advec_qv[:,2*t-1] = 0.5*(tot_advec_qv[:,2*t] + tot_advec_qv[:,2*t-1])
- #tot_advec_u[:,2*t-1] = 0.5*(tot_advec_u[:,2*t] + tot_advec_u[:,2*t-1])
- #tot_advec_v[:,2*t-1] = 0.5*(tot_advec_v[:,2*t] + tot_advec_v[:,2*t-1])
+ # end for
elif (time_method == 'gradient'): #this produced wonky results in the SCM; avoid until investigated more
print('Forcing can be interpolated in time since the forcing terms are assumed to follow a constant time-gradient.')
@@ -2090,7 +3042,8 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
print('Unrecognized forcing time method. Exiting.')
+ # end if
w_ls = np.zeros((nlevs,ntimes),dtype=float)
omega = np.zeros((nlevs,ntimes),dtype=float)
@@ -2110,23 +3063,25 @@ def get_UFS_forcing_data(nlevs, state_IC, location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, gr
if (save_comp_data):
+ time_hr[0] = 0.0
comp_data = {
- "time": stateNATIVE["time"]*sec_in_hr,
- "pa" : stateNATIVE["p_lay"][:,:],
- "ta" : stateNATIVE["t_lay"][:,:],
- "qv" : stateNATIVE["qv_lay"][:,:],
- "ua" : stateNATIVE["u_lay"][:,:],
- "va" : stateNATIVE["v_lay"][:,:],
- "vars2d":vars2d}
+ "time" : time_hr*sec_in_hr,
+ "pa" : p_lay,#[:,::-1],
+ "ta" : t_lay,#[:,::-1],
+ "qv" : qv_lay,#[:,::-1],
+ "ua" : u_lay,#[:,::-1],
+ "va" : v_lay,#[:,::-1],
+ "vars2d":vars2d,
+ "phystends":phystends}
comp_data = {}
- return (forcing, comp_data, stateREGRID)
+ return (forcing, comp_data, stateInit)
-def write_SCM_case_file(state, surface, oro, forcing, case, date, stateREGRID):
+def write_SCM_case_file(state, surface, oro, forcing, init, case, date, forcing_method, vertical_method, geos_wind_forcing, wind_nudge):
"""Write all data to a netCDF file in the DEPHY-SCM format"""
# Working types
@@ -2193,11 +3148,21 @@ def write_SCM_case_file(state, surface, oro, forcing, case, date, stateREGRID):
nc_file.adv_qt = forcing_off
nc_file.adv_rv = forcing_off
nc_file.adv_rt = forcing_off
- nc_file.forc_wa = forcing_off
+ if (vertical_method == 2):
+ nc_file.forc_wa = forcing_on
+ else:
+ nc_file.forc_wa = forcing_off
nc_file.forc_wap = forcing_off
- nc_file.forc_geo = forcing_off
- nc_file.nudging_ua = forcing_off
- nc_file.nudging_va = forcing_off
+ if (geos_wind_forcing):
+ nc_file.forc_geo = forcing_on
+ else:
+ nc_file.forc_geo = forcing_off
+ if (wind_nudge):
+ nc_file.nudging_ua = forcing_on*const_nudging_time
+ nc_file.nudging_va = forcing_on*const_nudging_time
+ else:
+ nc_file.nudging_ua = forcing_off
+ nc_file.nudging_va = forcing_off
nc_file.nudging_ta = forcing_off
nc_file.nudging_theta = forcing_off
nc_file.nudging_thetal = forcing_off
@@ -2230,7 +3195,6 @@ def write_SCM_case_file(state, surface, oro, forcing, case, date, stateREGRID):
nc_file.adv_qv = forcing_on
nc_file.adv_ua = forcing_on
nc_file.adv_va = forcing_on
- #
nc_file.surface_forcing_temp = 'none'
nc_file.surface_forcing_moisture = 'none'
nc_file.surface_forcing_wind = 'none'
@@ -2330,24 +3294,20 @@ def write_SCM_case_file(state, surface, oro, forcing, case, date, stateREGRID):
var_dict = [{"name": "orog", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "m", "desc": "surface_altitude"},\
{"name": "zh", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m", "desc": "height"},\
- {"name": "pa", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "Pa", "desc": "air_ressure"}, \
- {"name": "ta", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "K", "desc": "air_temperature","default_value": stateREGRID["t_lay"][1,:], "override": True}, \
+ {"name": "pa", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "Pa", "desc": "air_pressure"}, \
{"name": "theta", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "K", "desc": "air_potential_temperature"}, \
{"name": "thetal", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "K", "desc": "air_liquid_potential_temperature"}, \
{"name": "rv", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "humidity_mixing_ratio"}, \
{"name": "rl", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio"}, \
{"name": "ri", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "cloud_ice_water_mixing_ratio"}, \
{"name": "rt", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "water_mixing_ratio"}, \
- {"name": "qv", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "specific_humidity","default_value": stateREGRID["qv_lay"][1,:], "override": True}, \
{"name": "ql", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air"}, \
{"name": "qi", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_water_in_air", "default_value": 0.0}, \
{"name": "qt", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "mass_fraction_of_water_in_air"}, \
{"name": "hur", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "%", "desc": "relative_humidity"}, \
{"name": "tke", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m2 s-2", "desc": "specific_turbulen_kinetic_energy", "default_value": 0.0}, \
- {"name": "ua", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m s-1", "desc": "eastward_wind", "default_value": stateREGRID["u_lay"][1,:], "override": True}, \
- {"name": "va", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m s-1", "desc": "northward_wind", "default_value": stateREGRID["v_lay"][1,:], "override": True}, \
{"name": "ts", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "K", "desc": "surface_temperature"},\
- {"name": "tskin", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "K", "desc": "surface_skin_pressure"}, \
+ {"name": "tskin", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "K", "desc": "surface_skin_temperature"}, \
{"name": "ps", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "Pa", "desc": "surface_air_pressure"}, \
{"name": "beta", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "m", "desc": "soil_water_stress_factor"}, \
{"name": "mrsos", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "kg m-2", "desc": "mass_content_of_water_in_soil_layer"}, \
@@ -2357,6 +3317,17 @@ def write_SCM_case_file(state, surface, oro, forcing, case, date, stateREGRID):
{"name": "alb", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "1", "desc": "surface_albedo"}, \
{"name": "emis", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "1", "desc": "surface_longwave_emissivity"}, \
{"name": "slmsk", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0' ), "units": "none", "desc": "land_sea_ice_mask"}]
+ if (forcing_method == 1 or forcing_method == 3):
+ var_dict.insert(3, {"name": "ta", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "K", "desc": "air_temperature","default_value": init["t_lay"][:], "override": True})
+ var_dict.insert(10,{"name": "qv", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "specific_humidity","default_value": init["qv_lay"][:], "override": True})
+ var_dict.insert(16,{"name": "ua", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m s-1", "desc": "eastward_wind","default_value": init["u_lay"][:], "override": True})
+ var_dict.insert(17,{"name": "va", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m s-1", "desc": "northward_wind","default_value": init["v_lay"][:], "override": True})
+ else:
+ var_dict.insert(3, {"name": "ta", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "K", "desc": "air_temperature"})
+ var_dict.insert(10,{"name": "qv", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "kg kg-1", "desc": "specific_humidity"})
+ var_dict.insert(16,{"name": "ua", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m s-1", "desc": "eastward_wind"})
+ var_dict.insert(17,{"name": "va", "type":wp, "dimd": ('t0', 'lev'), "units": "m s-1", "desc": "northward_wind"})
var_frc = [{"name": "zh_forc", "type":wp, "dimd": ('time', 'lev'), "units": "m", "desc": "height_forcing","default_value": 1.},\
{"name": "pa_forc", "type":wp, "dimd": ('time', 'lev'), "units": "Pa", "desc": "air_pressure_forcing"}, \
@@ -2593,7 +3564,8 @@ def write_comparison_file(comp_data, case_name, date, surface):
# Dimensions
lev_dim = nc_file.createDimension('lev', size=nlevs)
time_dim = nc_file.createDimension('time', size=ntime)
- time_ufs_history_dim = nc_file.createDimension('time_ufs_history', size=ntime-1)
+ #time_ufs_history_dim = nc_file.createDimension('time_ufs_history', size=ntime-1) #GJF why are we ignoring the first history file?
+ time_ufs_history_dim = nc_file.createDimension('time_ufs_history', size=ntime)
# Varaibles
time_var = nc_file.createVariable('time', wp, ('time',))
@@ -2604,7 +3576,7 @@ def write_comparison_file(comp_data, case_name, date, surface):
time2_var = nc_file.createVariable('time_ufs_history', wp, ('time_ufs_history',))
time2_var.units = 'second'
time2_var.long_name = 'UFS history file time'
- time2_var[:] = comp_data['time'][1::]
+ time2_var[:] = comp_data['time']
lev_var = nc_file.createVariable('levs', wp, ('time','lev',))
lev_var.units = 'Pa'
@@ -2637,6 +3609,15 @@ def write_comparison_file(comp_data, case_name, date, surface):
tempVar.long_name = var2d["long_name"]
tempVar[:] = var2d["values"]
+ for phystend in comp_data["phystends"]:
+ if (not phystend["missing"]):
+ tempVar = nc_file.createVariable(phystend["name"], wp, ('time', 'lev',))
+ tempVar.units = phystend["units"]
+ tempVar.long_name = phystend["long_name"]
+ tempVar[:] = phystend["values"]
+ # end if
+ # end for
+ # end if
@@ -2684,62 +3665,86 @@ def main():
#read in arguments
(location, indices, date, in_dir, grid_dir, forcing_dir, tile, area, case_name,
- old_chgres, lam, save_comp, use_nearest) = parse_arguments()
+ old_chgres, lam, save_comp, use_nearest, forcing_method, vertical_method, geos_wind_forcing, wind_nudge) = parse_arguments()
+ #find indices corresponding to both UFS history files and initial condition (IC) files
+ (hist_i, hist_j, hist_lon, hist_lat, hist_dist_min, angle_to_hist_point, neighbors, dx, dy) = find_loc_indices_UFS_history(location, forcing_dir)
+ (IC_i, IC_j, tile, IC_lon, IC_lat, IC_dist_min, angle_to_IC_point) = find_loc_indices_UFS_IC(location, grid_dir, lam, tile, indices)
- #find tile containing the point using the supergrid if no tile is specified
- #if not tile and not lam:
- if not tile:
- tile = int(find_tile(location, grid_dir, lam))
- if tile < 0:
- message = 'No tile was found for location {0}'.format(location)
- logging.critical(message)
- raise Exception(message)
- print('Tile found: {0}'.format(tile))
+ #compare the locations of the found history file point and UFS IC point
+ compare_hist_and_IC_points(location, hist_lon, hist_lat, IC_lon, IC_lat, hist_dist_min, angle_to_hist_point, IC_dist_min, angle_to_IC_point)
- #find index of closest point in the tile if indices are not specified
- if not indices:
- (tile_j, tile_i, point_lon, point_lat, dist_min) = find_loc_indices(location, grid_dir, tile, lam)
- print('The closest point in tile {0} has indices [{1},{2}]'.format(tile,tile_i,tile_j))
- print('This index has a central longitude/latitude of [{0},{1}]'.format(point_lon,point_lat))
- print('This grid cell is approximately {0} km away from the desired location of {1} {2}'.format(dist_min/1.0E3,location[0],location[1]))
+ #read in surface data for the intial conditions at the IC point
+ surface_data = get_UFS_surface_data(in_dir, tile, IC_i, IC_j, old_chgres, lam)
+ #when using the advective forcing methods, initial conditions are taken from the history files; check that the history file surface type is the same as the UFS IC point from which data is read
+ check_IC_hist_surface_compatibility(forcing_dir, hist_i, hist_j, surface_data, lam, old_chgres, tile)
+ #read in orographic data for the initial conditions at the IC point
+ oro_data = get_UFS_oro_data(in_dir, tile, IC_i, IC_j, lam)
+ #read in the initial condition profiles
+ if (forcing_method == 1 or forcing_method == 3):
+ #read initial condition profiles from UFS IC files
+ (state_data, error_msg) = get_IC_data_from_UFS_ICs(in_dir, grid_dir, tile, IC_i,\
+ IC_j, old_chgres, lam)
- tile_i = indices[0]
- tile_j = indices[1]
- #still need to grab the lon/lat if the tile and indices are supplied
- (point_lon, point_lat) = find_lon_lat_of_indices(indices, grid_dir, tile, lam)
- print('This index has a central longitude/latitude of [{0},{1}]'.format(point_lon,point_lat))
+ #read initial condition profiles from UFS history files (not true "initial" conditions, but after first UFS timestep)
+ state_data = get_IC_data_from_UFS_history(forcing_dir, hist_i, hist_j, lam, tile)
+ error_msg = ''
# get UFS IC data (TODO: flag to read in RESTART data rather than IC data and implement
# different file reads)
- (state_data, surface_data, oro_data, error_msg) = get_UFS_IC_data(in_dir, grid_dir, tile, tile_i,\
- tile_j, old_chgres, lam)
if (error_msg):
- print(error_msg)
- print("STOPPING")
+ print("ERROR: unknown grid orientation")
if not date:
# date was not included on command line; look in atmf* file for initial date
date = find_date(forcing_dir)
#get grid cell area if not given
if not area:
- area = get_UFS_grid_area(grid_dir, tile, tile_i, tile_j, lam)
+ area = get_UFS_grid_area(grid_dir, tile, IC_i, IC_j, lam)
surface_data["area"] = area
- surface_data["lon"] = point_lon
- surface_data["lat"] = point_lat
+ surface_data["lon"] = hist_lon
+ surface_data["lat"] = hist_lat
# Get UFS forcing data
- (forcing_data, comp_data, stateREGRID) = get_UFS_forcing_data(state_data["nlevs"], state_data, \
- location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, \
- grid_dir, tile, tile_i, tile_j, lam,\
- save_comp)
+ stateInit = {}
+ if forcing_method == 1:
+ exact_mode = True
+ (forcing_data, comp_data, stateInit) = get_UFS_forcing_data(state_data["nlevs"], state_data, \
+ location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, \
+ grid_dir, tile, IC_i, IC_j, lam,\
+ save_comp, exact_mode)
+ elif forcing_method == 2:
+ geo_pts = n_forcing_halo_points
+ geo_neighbors = ''
+ geo_dx = ''
+ geo_dy = ''
+ if (geos_wind_forcing and use_actual_geos_wind):
+ #need to check and potentially get more neighboring data for geostrophic wind (for low enough Rossby numbers where geostrophic balance can be assumed)
+ (geo_pts, geo_neighbors, geo_dx, geo_dy) = expand_neighbors_for_geostrophic_balance(forcing_dir, hist_i, hist_j, neighbors, dx, dy, state_data["nlevs"], lam)
+ (forcing_data, comp_data) = get_UFS_forcing_data_advective_tendency(forcing_dir, hist_i, hist_j, tile, neighbors, dx, dy, state_data["nlevs"], lam, save_comp, vertical_method, \
+ geos_wind_forcing, wind_nudge, geo_pts, geo_neighbors, geo_dx, geo_dy, use_actual_geos_wind)
+ elif forcing_method == 3:
+ exact_mode = False
+ (forcing_data, comp_data, stateInit) = get_UFS_forcing_data(state_data["nlevs"], state_data, \
+ location, use_nearest, forcing_dir, \
+ grid_dir, tile, IC_i, IC_j, lam,\
+ save_comp, exact_mode)
+ else:
+ message = "Unsupported forcing_method chosen"
+ logging.critical(message)
+ raise Exception(message)
# Write SCM case file
- fileOUT = write_SCM_case_file(state_data, surface_data, oro_data, forcing_data, case_name, date, \
- stateREGRID)
+ fileOUT = write_SCM_case_file(state_data, surface_data, oro_data, forcing_data, stateInit, case_name, date, forcing_method, vertical_method, geos_wind_forcing, wind_nudge)
# read in and remap the state variables to the first history file pressure profile and
# write them out to compare SCM output to (atmf for state variables and sfcf for physics
diff --git a/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py b/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py
index c4a533127..26b15e89a 100755
--- a/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py
+++ b/scm/etc/scripts/UFS_forcing_ensemble_generator.py
@@ -14,19 +14,23 @@
# Argument list
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help='path to UFS Regression Test output', required=True)
-parser.add_argument('-n', '--case_name', help='name of case', required=True)
-parser.add_argument('-lonl', '--lon_limits', help='longitude range, separated by a space', nargs=2, type=float, required=False)
-parser.add_argument('-latl', '--lat_limits', help='latitude range, separated by a space', nargs=2, type=float, required=False)
-parser.add_argument('-lons', '--lon_list', help='longitudes, separated by a space', nargs='*', type=float, required=False)
-parser.add_argument('-lats', '--lat_list', help='latitudes, separated by a space', nargs='*', type=float, required=False)
-parser.add_argument('-fxy', '--lonlat_file', help='file containing longitudes and latitude',nargs=1, required=False)
-parser.add_argument('-nens', '--nensmembers', help='number of SCM UFS ensemble memebers to create', type=int, required=False)
-parser.add_argument('-dt', '--timestep', help='SCM timestep, in seconds', type=int, default = 3600)
-parser.add_argument('-cres', '--C_RES', help='UFS spatial resolution', type=int, default = 96)
-parser.add_argument('-sdf', '--suite', help='CCPP suite definition file to use for ensemble', default = 'SCM_GFS_v16')
-parser.add_argument('-sc', '--save_comp', help='flag to save a file with UFS data for comparisons', action='store_true')
-parser.add_argument('-near', '--use_nearest', help='flag to indicate using the nearest UFS history file gridpoint, no regridding',action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help='path to UFS Regression Test output', required=True)
+parser.add_argument('-n', '--case_name', help='name of case', required=True)
+parser.add_argument('-lonl', '--lon_limits', help='longitude range, separated by a space', nargs=2, type=float, required=False)
+parser.add_argument('-latl', '--lat_limits', help='latitude range, separated by a space', nargs=2, type=float, required=False)
+parser.add_argument('-lons', '--lon_list', help='longitudes, separated by a space', nargs='*', type=float, required=False)
+parser.add_argument('-lats', '--lat_list', help='latitudes, separated by a space', nargs='*', type=float, required=False)
+parser.add_argument('-fxy', '--lonlat_file', help='file containing longitudes and latitude',nargs=1, required=False)
+parser.add_argument('-nens', '--nensmembers', help='number of SCM UFS ensemble memebers to create', type=int, required=False)
+parser.add_argument('-dt', '--timestep', help='SCM timestep, in seconds', type=int, default = 3600)
+parser.add_argument('-cres', '--C_RES', help='UFS spatial resolution', type=int, default = 96)
+parser.add_argument('-sdf', '--suite', help='CCPP suite definition file to use for ensemble', default = 'SCM_GFS_v16')
+parser.add_argument('-sc', '--save_comp', help='flag to save a file with UFS data for comparisons', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-near', '--use_nearest', help='flag to indicate using the nearest UFS history file gridpoint, no regridding',action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-fm', '--forcing_method', help='method used to calculate forcing (1=total tendencies from UFS dycore, 2=advective terms calculated from UFS history files, 3=total time tendency terms calculated)', type=int, choices=range(1,4), default=2)
+parser.add_argument('-vm', '--vertical_method',help='method used to calculate vertical advective forcing (1=vertical advective terms calculated from UFS history files and added to total, 2=smoothed vertical velocity provided)', type=int, choices=range(1,3), default=2)
+parser.add_argument('-wn', '--wind_nudge', help='flag to turn on wind nudging to UFS profiles', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('-geos', '--geostrophic', help='flag to turn on geostrophic wind forcing', action='store_true')
# Main program
@@ -134,10 +138,14 @@ def main():
{"name": "dt", "values": str(args.timestep)}, \
{"name": "C_RES", "values": str(args.C_RES)}]
- # What, if any, options neeed to be passsed to UFS_IC_generator.py?
+ # What, if any, options neeed to be passsed to UFS_case_gen.py?
com_config = ''
- if args.save_comp: com_config = com_config + ' -sc'
- if args.use_nearest: com_config = com_config + ' -near'
+ if args.save_comp: com_config = com_config + ' -sc'
+ if args.use_nearest: com_config = com_config + ' -near'
+ if args.forcing_method: com_config = com_config + ' -fm ' + str(args.forcing_method)
+ if args.vertical_method: com_config = com_config + ' -vm ' + str(args.vertical_method)
+ if args.wind_nudge: com_config = com_config + ' -wn'
+ if args.geostrophic: com_config = com_config + ' -geos'
# Create inputs to SCM
case_list = ""
@@ -145,10 +153,10 @@ def main():
count = 0
run_list = []
for pt in range(0,npts):
- # Call UFS_IC_generator.py
+ # Call UFS_case_gen.py
case_name = args.case_name +"_n" + str(pt).zfill(3)
file_scminput = "../../data/processed_case_input/"+case_name+"_SCM_driver.nc"
- com = "./UFS_IC_generator.py -l " +str(lons[pt]) + " " + str(lats[pt]) + \
+ com = "./UFS_case_gen.py -l " +str(lons[pt]) + " " + str(lats[pt]) + \
" -i " + args.dir_ic + " -g " + args.dir_grid + " -f " + args.dir_forcing + " -n " + case_name + com_config
@@ -211,12 +219,12 @@ def main():
# Display run commands
- print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+ print("#"*128)
print("Command(s) to execute in ccpp-scm/scm/bin/: ")
print(" ")
print("./run_scm.py --npz_type gfs --file " + fileOUT + " --timestep " + str(args.timestep))
- print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+ print("#"*128)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/scm/etc/tracer_config/tracers_RRFS_v1.txt b/scm/etc/tracer_config/tracers_HRRR_gf.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from scm/etc/tracer_config/tracers_RRFS_v1.txt
rename to scm/etc/tracer_config/tracers_HRRR_gf.txt
diff --git a/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90 b/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90
index d1218b8da..d8fe5f446 100644
--- a/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90
+++ b/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90
@@ -703,7 +703,9 @@ module GFS_typedefs
!< for use with internal file reads
integer :: input_nml_file_length !< length (number of lines) in namelist for internal reads
integer :: logunit
- real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero !< hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero !< hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets (current bucket)
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero_array(2) !< array to hold the the hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero_fhour(2) !< the maximum forecast length for the hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets
logical :: ldiag3d !< flag for 3d diagnostic fields
logical :: qdiag3d !< flag for 3d tracer diagnostic fields
logical :: flag_for_gwd_generic_tend !< true if GFS_GWD_generic should calculate tendencies
@@ -1121,6 +1123,7 @@ module GFS_typedefs
logical :: do_gsl_drag_ls_bl !< flag for GSL drag (mesoscale GWD and blocking only)
logical :: do_gsl_drag_ss !< flag for GSL drag (small-scale GWD only)
logical :: do_gsl_drag_tofd !< flag for GSL drag (turbulent orog form drag only)
+ logical :: do_gwd_opt_psl !< flag for PSL drag (mesoscale GWD and blocking only)
logical :: do_ugwp_v1 !< flag for version 1 ugwp GWD
logical :: do_ugwp_v1_orog_only !< flag for version 1 ugwp GWD (orographic drag only)
logical :: do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag !< flag for version 1 ugwp with OGWD of GSL
@@ -1205,6 +1208,8 @@ module GFS_typedefs
real(kind=kind_phys) :: ccwf(2) !< multiplication factor for critical cloud
!< workfunction for RAS
real(kind=kind_phys) :: cdmbgwd(4) !< multiplication factors for cdmb, gwd and NS gwd, tke based enhancement
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: alpha_fd !< alpha coefficient for turbulent orographic form drag
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: psl_gwd_dx_factor !< multiplication factors for grid spacing
real(kind=kind_phys) :: sup !< supersaturation in pdf cloud when t is very low
real(kind=kind_phys) :: ctei_rm(2) !< critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria
!< (used if mstrat=.true.)
@@ -3317,6 +3322,8 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero = 0.0 !< hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero_array(1:2) = 0.0 !< array with hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: fhzero_fhour(1:2) = 0.0 !< the maximum forecast length for the hours between clearing of diagnostic buckets
logical :: ldiag3d = .true. !< flag for 3d diagnostic fields
logical :: qdiag3d = .true. !< flag for 3d tracer diagnostic fields
logical :: lssav = .false. !< logical flag for storing diagnostics
@@ -3638,6 +3645,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
logical :: do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .false. !< flag for GSL drag (mesoscale GWD and blocking only)
logical :: do_gsl_drag_ss = .false. !< flag for GSL drag (small-scale GWD only)
logical :: do_gsl_drag_tofd = .false. !< flag for GSL drag (turbulent orog form drag only)
+ logical :: do_gwd_opt_psl = .false. !< flag for PSL drag (mesoscale GWD and blocking only)
logical :: do_ugwp_v1 = .false. !< flag for version 1 ugwp GWD
logical :: do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false. !< flag for version 1 ugwp GWD (orographic drag only)
logical :: do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = .false. !< flag for version 1 ugwp GWD (orographic drag only)
@@ -3742,6 +3750,8 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
real(kind=kind_phys) :: ccwf(2) = (/1.0d0,1.0d0/) !< multiplication factor for critical cloud
!< workfunction for RAS
real(kind=kind_phys) :: cdmbgwd(4) = (/2.0d0,0.25d0,1.0d0,1.0d0/) !< multiplication factors for cdmb, gwd, and NS gwd, tke based enhancement
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: alpha_fd = 12.0 !< alpha coefficient for turbulent orographic form drag
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: psl_gwd_dx_factor = 6.0 !< multiplication factors for grid spacing
real(kind=kind_phys) :: sup = 1.0 !< supersaturation in pdf cloud (IMP_physics=98) when t is very low
!< or ice super saturation in SHOC (when do_shoc=.true.)
real(kind=kind_phys) :: ctei_rm(2) = (/10.0d0,10.0d0/) !< critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria
@@ -3987,9 +3997,9 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
NAMELIST /gfs_physics_nml/ &
!--- general parameters
- fhzero, ldiag3d, qdiag3d, lssav, naux2d, dtend_select, &
- naux3d, aux2d_time_avg, aux3d_time_avg, fhcyc, &
- thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, &
+ fhzero, fhzero_array, fhzero_fhour, ldiag3d, qdiag3d, lssav, &
+ naux2d, dtend_select, naux3d, aux2d_time_avg, &
+ aux3d_time_avg, fhcyc, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, &
!--- coupling parameters
cplflx, cplice, cplocn2atm, cplwav, cplwav2atm, cplaqm, &
cplchm, cpllnd, cpllnd2atm, cpl_imp_mrg, cpl_imp_dbg, &
@@ -4065,6 +4075,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
gwd_opt, do_ugwp_v0, do_ugwp_v0_orog_only, &
do_ugwp_v0_nst_only, &
do_gsl_drag_ls_bl, do_gsl_drag_ss, do_gsl_drag_tofd, &
+ do_gwd_opt_psl, &
do_ugwp_v1, do_ugwp_v1_orog_only, do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag, &
ugwp_seq_update, var_ric, coef_ric_l, coef_ric_s, hurr_pbl, &
do_myjsfc, do_myjpbl, &
@@ -4073,7 +4084,9 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
shinhong, do_ysu, dspheat, lheatstrg, lseaspray, cnvcld, &
xr_cnvcld, random_clds, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, &
isatmedmf, do_deep, jcap, &
- cs_parm, flgmin, cgwf, ccwf, cdmbgwd, sup, ctei_rm, crtrh, &
+ cs_parm, flgmin, cgwf, ccwf, cdmbgwd, alpha_fd, &
+ psl_gwd_dx_factor, &
+ sup, ctei_rm, crtrh, &
dlqf, rbcr, shoc_parm, psauras, prauras, wminras, &
do_sppt, do_shum, do_skeb, &
do_spp, n_var_spp, &
@@ -4206,6 +4219,11 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%fn_nml = fn_nml
Model%logunit = logunit
Model%fhzero = fhzero
+ Model%fhzero_array = fhzero_array
+ Model%fhzero_fhour = fhzero_fhour
+ if( Model%fhzero_array(1) > 0. ) then
+ Model%fhzero = Model%fhzero_array(1)
+ endif
Model%ldiag3d = ldiag3d
Model%qdiag3d = qdiag3d
if (qdiag3d .and. .not. ldiag3d) then
@@ -4964,6 +4982,8 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%cgwf = cgwf
Model%ccwf = ccwf
Model%cdmbgwd = cdmbgwd
+ Model%alpha_fd = alpha_fd
+ Model%psl_gwd_dx_factor = psl_gwd_dx_factor
Model%sup = sup
Model%ctei_rm = ctei_rm
Model%crtrh = crtrh
@@ -5011,6 +5031,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = do_gsl_drag_ls_bl
Model%do_gsl_drag_ss = do_gsl_drag_ss
Model%do_gsl_drag_tofd = do_gsl_drag_tofd
+ Model%do_gwd_opt_psl = do_gwd_opt_psl
Model%do_ugwp_v1 = do_ugwp_v1
Model%do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = do_ugwp_v1_orog_only
Model%do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag
@@ -5026,6 +5047,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true.
Model%do_gsl_drag_ss = .true.
Model%do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false.
+ Model%do_gwd_opt_psl = .true.
Model%do_myjsfc = do_myjsfc
@@ -5676,6 +5698,10 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%restart = restart
Model%lsm_cold_start = .not. restart
Model%hydrostatic = hydrostatic
+ if (Model%me == Model%master) then
+ print *,'in atm phys init, phour=',Model%phour,'fhour=',Model%fhour,'zhour=',Model%zhour,'kdt=',Model%kdt
+ endif
if(Model%hydrostatic .and. Model%lightning_threat) then
write(0,*) 'Turning off lightning threat index for hydrostatic run.'
@@ -6469,6 +6495,8 @@ subroutine control_print(Model)
print *, ' nlunit : ', Model%nlunit
print *, ' fn_nml : ', trim(Model%fn_nml)
print *, ' fhzero : ', Model%fhzero
+ print *, ' fhzero_array : ', Model%fhzero_array
+ print *, ' fhzero_fhour : ', Model%fhzero_fhour
print *, ' ldiag3d : ', Model%ldiag3d
print *, ' qdiag3d : ', Model%qdiag3d
print *, ' lssav : ', Model%lssav
@@ -6824,6 +6852,8 @@ subroutine control_print(Model)
print *, ' cgwf : ', Model%cgwf
print *, ' ccwf : ', Model%ccwf
print *, ' cdmbgwd : ', Model%cdmbgwd
+ print *, ' alpha_fd : ', Model%alpha_fd
+ print *, ' psl_gwd_dx_factor : ', Model%psl_gwd_dx_factor
print *, ' sup : ', Model%sup
print *, ' ctei_rm : ', Model%ctei_rm
print *, ' crtrh : ', Model%crtrh
@@ -6844,6 +6874,7 @@ subroutine control_print(Model)
print *, ' do_gsl_drag_ls_bl : ', Model%do_gsl_drag_ls_bl
print *, ' do_gsl_drag_ss : ', Model%do_gsl_drag_ss
print *, ' do_gsl_drag_tofd : ', Model%do_gsl_drag_tofd
+ print *, ' do_gwd_opt_psl : ', Model%do_gwd_opt_psl
print *, ' do_ugwp_v1 : ', Model%do_ugwp_v1
print *, ' do_ugwp_v1_orog_only : ', Model%do_ugwp_v1_orog_only
print *, ' do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag : ', Model%do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag
diff --git a/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.meta b/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.meta
index 617a109e1..2e74c0e7a 100644
--- a/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.meta
+++ b/scm/src/GFS_typedefs.meta
@@ -5640,6 +5640,13 @@
dimensions = (4)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = alpha_coefficient_for_turbulent_orographic_form_drag
+ long_name = alpha coefficient for Beljaars et al turbulent orographic form drag
+ units = 1
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tunable_parameter_for_critical_cloud_workfunction_in_relaxed_arakawa_schubert_deep_convection
long_name = multiplication factor for tical_cloud_workfunction
@@ -7538,6 +7545,19 @@
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = logical
+ standard_name = do_gsl_drag_suite_with_psl_gwd_option
+ long_name = flag to activate PSL drag suite - mesoscale GWD and blocking
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = effective_grid_spacing_of_psl_gwd_suite
+ long_name = multiplication of grid spacing
+ units = 1
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
standard_name = flag_for_ugwp_version_1
long_name = flag to activate ver 1 CIRES UGWP
diff --git a/scm/src/scm_output.F90 b/scm/src/scm_output.F90
index 3458da3c9..b41347c19 100644
--- a/scm/src/scm_output.F90
+++ b/scm/src/scm_output.F90
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ subroutine output_init(scm_state, physics)
call NetCDF_def_var(ncid, 'time_rad', NF90_FLOAT, "model elapsed time for either LW or SW radiation variables", "s", time_rad_var_id, (/ time_rad_id /))
!> - Define the state variables
- CALL output_init_state(ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, vert_dim_i_id)
+ CALL output_init_state(ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, vert_dim_i_id, scm_state)
!> - Define the forcing variables
CALL output_init_forcing(ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id)
@@ -165,10 +165,12 @@ subroutine output_init(scm_state, physics)
!> @}
end subroutine output_init
-subroutine output_init_state(ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, vert_dim_i_id)
+subroutine output_init_state(ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, vert_dim_i_id, scm_state)
+ use scm_type_defs, only: scm_state_type
use NetCDF_def, only : NetCDF_def_var
integer, intent(in) :: ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, vert_dim_i_id
+ type(scm_state_type), intent(in) :: scm_state
integer :: dummy_id
@@ -187,7 +189,9 @@ subroutine output_init_state(ncid, time_inst_id, hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, vert_d
call NetCDF_def_var(ncid, 'ql', NF90_FLOAT, "suspended resolved liquid cloud water on model layer centers", "kg kg-1", dummy_id, (/ hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, time_inst_id /))
call NetCDF_def_var(ncid, 'qi', NF90_FLOAT, "suspended resolved ice cloud water on model layer centers", "kg kg-1", dummy_id, (/ hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, time_inst_id /))
call NetCDF_def_var(ncid, 'qc', NF90_FLOAT, "suspended (resolved + SGS) total cloud water on model layer centers", "kg kg-1", dummy_id, (/ hor_dim_id, vert_dim_id, time_inst_id /))
- call NetCDF_def_var(ncid, 'sigmab', NF90_FLOAT, "updraft area fraction on model layer centers", "frac", dummy_id, (/ hor_dim_id, time_inst_id /))
+ if (scm_state%sigmab_index > 0) then
+ call NetCDF_def_var(ncid, 'sigmab', NF90_FLOAT, "updraft area fraction at lowest model layer", "frac", dummy_id, (/ hor_dim_id, time_inst_id /))
+ end if
end subroutine output_init_state
@@ -498,7 +502,9 @@ subroutine output_append_state(ncid, scm_state, physics)
call NetCDF_put_var(ncid, "v", scm_state%state_v(:,:,1), scm_state%itt_out)
call NetCDF_put_var(ncid, "ql", scm_state%state_tracer(:,:,scm_state%cloud_water_index,1), scm_state%itt_out)
call NetCDF_put_var(ncid, "qi", scm_state%state_tracer(:,:,scm_state%cloud_ice_index,1), scm_state%itt_out)
- call NetCDF_put_var(ncid, "sigmab", scm_state%state_tracer(:,1,scm_state%sigmab_index,1), scm_state%itt_out)
+ if (scm_state%sigmab_index > 0) then
+ call NetCDF_put_var(ncid, "sigmab", scm_state%state_tracer(:,1,scm_state%sigmab_index,1), scm_state%itt_out)
+ endif
if (physics%model%do_mynnedmf) then
call NetCDF_put_var(ncid, "qc", scm_state%state_tracer(:,:,scm_state%cloud_water_index,1) + &
scm_state%state_tracer(:,:,scm_state%cloud_ice_index,1) + &
diff --git a/scm/src/suite_info.py b/scm/src/suite_info.py
index 5564287f2..97aebaf5f 100755
--- a/scm/src/suite_info.py
+++ b/scm/src/suite_info.py
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ def timestep(self, value):
suite_list = []
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v16', 'tracers_GFS_v16.txt', 'input_GFS_v16.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, True ))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v17_p8', 'tracers_GFS_v17_p8.txt', 'input_GFS_v17_p8.nml', 600.0, 600.0, True ))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v17_HR3', 'tracers_GFS_v17_HR3.txt', 'input_GFS_v17_HR3.nml', 600.0, 600.0, True ))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP','tracers_GFS_v17_HR3.txt', 'input_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP.nml', 600.0, 600.0, True ))
+suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1', 'tracers_GFS_v17_p8.txt', 'input_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1.nml', 600.0, 600.0, True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RAP', 'tracers_RAP.txt', 'input_RAP.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RRFS_v1', 'tracers_RRFS_v1.txt', 'input_RRFS_v1.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RRFS_v1beta', 'tracers_RRFS_v1beta.txt', 'input_RRFS_v1beta.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
+suite_list.append(suite('SCM_HRRR_gf', 'tracers_HRRR_gf.txt', 'input_HRRR_gf.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_WoFS_v0', 'tracers_WoFS_v0.txt', 'input_WoFS_v0.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_HRRR', 'tracers_HRRR.txt', 'input_HRRR.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
+suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP', 'tracers_GFS_v16.txt', 'input_GFS_v16_RRTMGP.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, True ))
+suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v17_p8', 'tracers_GFS_v17_p8.txt', 'input_GFS_v17_p8.nml', 600.0, 600.0, False))
+suite_list.append(suite('SCM_HRRR', 'tracers_HRRR.txt', 'input_HRRR.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , False))
+suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RRFS_v1beta', 'tracers_RRFS_v1beta.txt', 'input_RRFS_v1beta.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v15p2', 'tracers_GFS_v15p2.txt', 'input_GFS_v15p2.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v15p2_RRTMGP', 'tracers_GFS_v15p2.txt', 'input_GFS_v15p2_RRTMGP.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v15p2_no_nsst', 'tracers_GFS_v15p2.txt', 'input_GFS_v15p2.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ def timestep(self, value):
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v15p2_YSU', 'tracers_GFS_v15p2.txt', 'input_GFS_v15p2_YSU.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v15p2_saYSU', 'tracers_GFS_v15p2.txt', 'input_GFS_v15p2_saYSU.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v15p2_ACM', 'tracers_GFS_v15p2.txt', 'input_GFS_v15p2_ACM.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
-suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP', 'tracers_GFS_v16.txt', 'input_GFS_v16_RRTMGP.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v16_no_nsst', 'tracers_GFS_v16.txt', 'input_GFS_v16.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('HAFS_v0_hwrf', 'tracers_HAFS_v0_hwrf.txt', 'input_HAFS_v0_hwrf.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, False))
suite_list.append(suite('HAFS_v0_hwrf_thompson', 'tracers_HAFS_v0_hwrf_thompson.txt', 'input_HAFS_v0_hwrf_thompson.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , False))
diff --git a/scm/src/supported_suites.py b/scm/src/supported_suites.py
index aee06a705..6c1f0d311 100644
--- a/scm/src/supported_suites.py
+++ b/scm/src/supported_suites.py
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-suites = ["SCM_GFS_v16","SCM_GFS_v17_p8","SCM_GFS_v17_HR3","SCM_HRRR","SCM_RAP","SCM_RRFS_v1beta","SCM_WoFS_v0"]
+suites = ["SCM_GFS_v16","SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP","SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1","SCM_RAP","SCM_HRRR_gf","SCM_WoFS_v0"]
diff --git a/test/README.md b/test/README.md
index ebc4cfc5d..91878deae 100644
--- a/test/README.md
+++ b/test/README.md
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ and suites. It consists of the following scripts:
* ``rt.sh`` - Driver for the regresion test that builds, runs and calls the summarize.sh script
* ``rt_test_cases.py``- list of all supported cases and suites
-* ``summarize.sh`` - Called by ``rt.sh`` to parse the output of each test to determine pass/fail
+* ``summarize.sh`` - Called by ``rt.sh`` to parse the output of each test to determine pass/fail
Currently, the following configurations are supported:
-Machine | Cheyenne | Hera | Desktop |
+Machine | Derecho | Hera | Desktop |
------------| ---------------|----------------|----------------|
Compiler(s) | Intel, GNU | Intel | gfortran |
Build Types | Release, Debug | Release, Debug | Release, Debug |
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ The debug tests use a reduced runtime for faster turnaround and to conserve comp
# To run the tests (no baseline generation or comparison):
-On Cheyenne:
+On Derecho:
cd test
-./rt.sh cheyenne >& test.out &
+./rt.sh derecho >& test.out &
On Hera:
@@ -76,4 +76,3 @@ A useful workflow might consist of the following steps:
2. Run ``rt.sh ${machine} -g `` to generate a baseline and verify build/run
3. Make changes to your working copy
4. Run ``rt.sh ${machine} -c `` to verify your changes
diff --git a/test/rt.sh b/test/rt.sh
index d8c3259fc..e5772d70a 100755
--- a/test/rt.sh
+++ b/test/rt.sh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Assumptions:
-# Command line arguments: machine name (hera or cheyenne)
+# Command line arguments: machine name (hera or derecho)
# -g run tests, generate baseline in
# -c run tests, compare to baseline in
# -h display usage
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function usage() {
function wait_for_criteria() {
# Function that iteratively checks the return code of a given Unix command
# and returns 0 when the command is successful or 1 if not
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function wait_for_criteria() {
-machines=( hera cheyenne desktop )
+machines=( hera derecho desktop )
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage # Display usage if no command-line arguments
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ run_it=0 # Set to 1 to skip run (for t
build_types=( Release Debug ) # Set all instances of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
-if [ "${machine}" == "Cheyenne" ] ; then
+if [ "${machine}" == "Derecho" ] ; then
users=( $USER@ucar.edu )
compilers=( intel gnu )
@@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ done # End compiler loop
for compiler in "${compilers[@]}"; do
for build_type in "${build_types[@]}"; do
echo "-------------------------------------------------------" >> ${TEST_OUTPUT}
echo "Monitoring ${compiler} ${build_type} run..." >> ${TEST_OUTPUT}
echo "-------------------------------------------------------" >> ${TEST_OUTPUT}
build_type_lc=$(echo "${build_type}" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') # Make build_type all lower case
- RUN_DIR=$TOP_DIR/scm/run_${compiler}_${build_type_lc}
+ RUN_DIR=$TOP_DIR/scm/run_${compiler}_${build_type_lc}
batch_out=${job_prefix}_${compiler}_${build_type_lc}.o* # Without PID extension
diff --git a/test/rt_test_cases.py b/test/rt_test_cases.py
index 0a2bd76d0..f1db91bf9 100644
--- a/test/rt_test_cases.py
+++ b/test/rt_test_cases.py
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
# Supported suites for CCPP Version 7 release
- {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3"}, \
- {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP"}, \
+ {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"}, \
+ {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP"}, \
{"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16"}, \
{"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_WoFS_v0"}, \
- {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_RRFS_v1"}, \
- {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3"}, \
- {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP"}, \
+ {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"}, \
+ {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP"}, \
{"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16"}, \
{"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_WoFS_v0"}, \
- {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_RRFS_v1"}, \
- {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3"}, \
- {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP"}, \
+ {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"}, \
+ {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP"}, \
{"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16"}, \
{"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_WoFS_v0"}, \
- {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_RRFS_v1"}, \
- {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3"}, \
- {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP"}, \
+ {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"}, \
+ {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP"}, \
{"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16"}, \
{"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_WoFS_v0"}, \
- {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_RRFS_v1"}, \
- {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3"}, \
- {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_HR3_RRTMGP"}, \
+ {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1"}, \
+ {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16_RRTMGP"}, \
{"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_GFS_v16"}, \
{"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_WoFS_v0"}, \
- {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_RRFS_v1"}, \
+ {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
# Unsupported suites (w/ supported cases)
diff --git a/test/rt_test_cases_sp.py b/test/rt_test_cases_sp.py
index a9a888642..a52ed1562 100644
--- a/test/rt_test_cases_sp.py
+++ b/test/rt_test_cases_sp.py
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
# CCPP-SCM single precision supported suites
- {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_RAP"}, \
- {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_RAP"}, \
- {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_RAP"}, \
- {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_RAP"}, \
- {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_RAP"}, \
+# {"case": "arm_sgp_summer_1997_A", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "twpice", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "bomex", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "astex", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \
+ {"case": "LASSO_2016051812", "suite": "SCM_HRRR_gf"}, \