This document describes a revised open metadata scheme by which MP4 (ISOBMFF) and WebM (Matroska) multimedia containers may accommodate spherical videos. Comments are welcome by discussing on the Spatial Media Google group or by filing an issue on GitHub.
Spherical video metadata is stored in a new box, sv3d
, defined in this RFC, in
an MP4 (ISOBMFF) container. The metadata is applicable to individual video
tracks in the container. Since many spherical videos are also stereoscopic, this
RFC also defines an additional optional box, st3d
, to specify metadata
specific to stereoscopic rendering.
As the V2 specification stores its metadata in a different location, it is possible for a file to contain both the V1 and V2 metadata. If both V1 and V2 metadata are contained they should contain semantically equivalent information, with V2 taking priority when they differ.
Box Type: st3d
Container: VisualSampleEntry (e.g. avc1
, mp4v
, apcn
Mandatory: No
Quantity: Zero or one
Stores additional information about stereoscopic rendering in this video track. This box must come after non-optional boxes defined by the ISOBMFF specification and before optional boxes at the end of the VisualSampleEntry definition such as the CleanApertureBox and PixelAspectRatioBox.
aligned(8) class Stereoscopic3D extends FullBox(‘st3d’, 0, 0) {
unsigned int(8) stereo_mode;
is an 8-bit unsigned integer that specifies the stereo frame layout. The values 0 to 255 are reserved for current and future layouts. The following values are defined:
stereo_mode |
Stereo Mode Description |
0 |
Monoscopic: Indicates the video frame contains a single monoscopic view. |
1 |
Stereoscopic Top-Bottom: Indicates the video frame contains a stereoscopic view storing the left eye on top half of the frame and right eye at the bottom half of the frame. |
2 |
Stereoscopic Left-Right: Indicates the video frame contains a stereoscopic view storing the left eye on left half of the frame and right eye on the right half of the frame. |
Box Type: sv3d
Container: VisualSampleEntry (e.g. avc1
, mp4v
, apcn
Mandatory: No
Quantity: Zero or one
Stores additional information about spherical video content contained in this video track. This box must come after non-optional boxes defined by the ISOBMFF specification and before optional boxes at the end of the VisualSampleEntry definition such as the CleanApertureBox and PixelAspectRatioBox. This box should be placed after the Stereoscopic3D box if one is present.
aligned(8) class SphericalVideoBox extends Box(‘sv3d’) {
Box Type: svhd
Container: sv3d
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: Exactly one
Contains spherical video information unrelated to the projection format.
aligned(8) class SphericalVideoHeader extends FullBox(‘svhd’, 0, 0) {
string metadata_source;
is a string identifier for the source tool of the SV3D metadata.
Box Type: proj
Container: sv3d
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: Exactly one
Container for projection information about the spherical video content.
This container must contain exactly one subtype of the Projection Data Box
(e.g. an equi
box) that defines the spherical projection.
aligned(8) class Projection extends Box(‘proj’) {
Box Type: prhd
Container: proj
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: Exactly one
Contains projection information about the spherical video content that is independent of the video projection.
aligned(8) class ProjectionHeader extends FullBox(‘prhd’, 0, 0) {
int(32) pose_yaw_degrees;
int(32) pose_pitch_degrees;
int(32) pose_roll_degrees;
- Pose values are 16.16 fixed point values measuring rotation in degrees. These
rotations transform the the projection as follows:
clockwise rotation in degrees around the up vector, restricted to -180.0 to 180.0pose_pitch_degrees
counter-clockwise rotation in degrees around the right vector post yaw transform, restricted to -90.0 to 90.0pose_roll_degrees
counter clockwise-rotation in degrees around the forward vector post yaw and pitch transform, restricted to -180.0 to 180.0
Box Type: Projection Dependent Identifier
Container: proj
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: Exactly one
Base class for all projection data boxes. Any new projection must subclass this
type with a unique proj_type
. There must not be more than one subclass of a
ProjectionDataBox in a given proj
aligned(8) class ProjectionDataBox(unsigned int(32) proj_type, unsigned int(32) version, unsigned int(32) flags)
extends FullBox(proj_type, version, flags) {
Box Type: cbmp
Container: proj
Specifies that the track uses a cubemap projection and contains additional
projection dependent information. The
cubemap's face layout is
defined by a unique layout
aligned(8) class CubemapProjection ProjectionDataBox(‘cbmp’, 0, 0) {
unsigned int(32) layout;
unsigned int(32) padding;
is a 32-bit unsigned integer describing the layout of cube faces. The values 0 to 255 are reserved for current and future layouts.- a value of
corresponds to a grid with 3 columns and 2 rows. Faces are oriented upwards for the front, left, right, and back faces. The up face is oriented so the top of the face is forwards and the down face is oriented so the top of the face is to the back.
- a value of
right face | left face | up face |
down face | front face | back face |
is a 32-bit unsigned integer measuring the number of pixels to pad from the edge of each cube face.
Box Type: equi
Container: proj
Specifies that the track uses an equirectangular projection. The equirectangular projection should be arranged such that the default pose has the forward vector in the center of the frame, the up vector at top of the frame, and the right vector towards the right of the frame.
aligned(8) class EquirectangularProjection ProjectionDataBox(‘equi’, 0, 0) {
unsigned int(32) projection_bounds_top;
unsigned int(32) projection_bounds_bottom;
unsigned int(32) projection_bounds_left;
unsigned int(32) projection_bounds_right;
- The projection bounds use 0.32 fixed point values. These values represent the
proportion of projection cropped from each edge not covered by the video
frame. For an uncropped frame all values are 0.
is the amount from the top of the frame to cropprojection_bounds_bottom
is the amount from the bottom of the frame to crop; must be less than 0xFFFFFFFF - projection_bounds_topprojection_bounds_left
is the amount from the left of the frame to cropprojection_bounds_right
is the amount from the right of the frame to crop; must be less than 0xFFFFFFFF - projection_bounds_left
Box Type: mshp
Container: proj
Specifies that the track uses mesh projection. A mesh projection describes the video projection in the form of a 3D mesh and associated metadata.
aligned(8) class MeshProjection ProjectionDataBox(‘mshp’, 0, 0) {
unsigned int(32) crc;
unsigned int(32) encoding_four_cc;
// All bytes below this point are compressed according to
// the algorithm specified by the encoding_four_cc field.
MeshBox() meshes[]; // At least 1 mesh box must be present.
Box(); // further boxes as needed
is the CRC32 of every byte following the CRC until the end of the MeshProjection box. -
is the encoding/compression algorithm used for all bytes that follow this field until the end of the MeshProjection box.Supported compression algorithms are:
- 'raw ' (0x72617720) signals no compression or encoding.
- 'dfl8' (0x64666c38) signals raw deflate compression that does not have zlib or gzip headers or a checksum. (
contain the projection meshes for rendering. If there is only one mesh box, it represents the left eye / monocular view and the stereo layout field expressed separately in the media container is used to determine the right eye view. If the mshp box contains two mesh boxes, the first box represents the left eye mesh and the second box represents the right eye mesh.
Box Type: mesh
Container: mshp
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: One or Two
Contains vertex and texture coordinate information required to render the projected video correctly.
A 3D mesh consists of the following information:
- Total number of unique vertices.
- For each unique vertex:
- X, Y, Z, U, V coordinates as floating point.
- Number of vertex lists used to describe the projection.
- For each vertex list:
- Texture ID indicating which texture to sample from.
- Triangle render method/type (triangle/strip/fan).
- Number of vertex indices in this list.
- For each vertex:
- Index into the unique vertex list.
- For each vertex list:
A texture ID could refer to the current video frame or a static image. This allows portions of the spherical scene to be dynamic and other portions to be static.
The multiple texture scheme helps cameras that do not capture the entire spherical field of view (360 degrees horizontal and 180 degrees vertical). Such cameras can replace the uncaptured portion of the spherical field of view with a static image.
aligned(8) class Mesh Box(‘mesh’) {
const unsigned int(1) reserved = 0;
unsigned int(31) coordinate_count;
for (i = 0; i < coordinate_count; i++) {
float(32) coordinate;
const unsigned int(1) reserved = 0;
unsigned int(31) vertex_count;
for (i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) {
unsigned int(ccsb) x_index_delta;
unsigned int(ccsb) y_index_delta;
unsigned int(ccsb) z_index_delta;
unsigned int(ccsb) u_index_delta;
unsigned int(ccsb) v_index_delta;
const unsigned int(1) padding[];
const unsigned int(1) reserved = 0;
unsigned int(31) vertex_list_count;
for (i = 0; i < vertex_list_count; i++) {
unsigned int(8) texture_id;
unsigned int(8) index_type;
const unsigned int(1) reserved = 0;
unsigned int(31) index_count;
for (j = 0; j < index_count; j++) {
unsigned int(vcsb) index_as_delta;
const unsigned int(1) padding[];
are fields where all bits are set to 0. A MeshProjection box version change is required if any of these bits are allowed to be set to 1 in a future revision of the spec. -
is the number of floating point values used in the vertices. -
is a floating point value used in mesh vertices. -
is the number of position (x,y,z) and texture coordinate (u,v) pairings used in the projection mesh. -
coordinate count size in bits =ceil(log2(coordinate_count * 2))
is a delta from the previous x_index into the list of coordinates. For the first element, the previous index is assumed to be zero. These integers are encoded in a zig-zag scheme, similar to [Protocol Buffers's signed integers] ( An integern
that is greater than or equal to 0 is encoded asn * 2
. An integern
that is less than 0 is encoded as-n * 2 - 1
. -
is a delta from the previous y_index and has the same encoding and initial index asx_index_delta
is a delta from the previous z_index and has the same encoding and initial index asx_index_delta
is a delta from the previous u_index and has the same encoding and initial index asx_index_delta
is a delta from the previous v_index and has the same encoding and initial index asx_index_delta
contains 0-7 bits to align to the next byte boundary. -
is the number of vertex index lists that describe the projection mesh. -
is the Texture ID the UV coordinates refer to.- 0 for video frames in this track.
0 reserved
specifies what the indices refer to. The valid values are:- 0: Triangles
- 1: Triangle Strip
- 2: Triangle Fan
is the number of vertex indices in this vertex list. -
vertex count size in bits =ceil(log2(vertex_count * 2))
is a delta from the previous index into the list of unique vertices. This field has the same encoding and initial index asx_index_delta
- All fields are big-endian most-significant-bit first.
- Parsers should ignore boxes they don't know about.
- Parsers should ignore extra bytes at the end of a box.
- Boxes / fields may be added to the end of a box without incrementing the version number.
- (x,y,z) coordinates are expressed in an OpenGL-style right-handed coordinate system where -Z is forward, +X is right and +Y is up. Triangles must be specified with counter-clockwise winding order.
- (u,v) coordinates are also expressed in an OpenGL-style texture coordinate system, where the lower-left corner is the origin (0,0), and the upper-right is (1,1).
- (u,v) coordinates need to be adjusted based on the stereo layout of the
- If the stereo layout is left-right:
- left u' = u * 0.5
- right u' = u * 0.5 + 0.5
- If the stereo layout is top-bottom:
- left v' = v * 0.5
- right v' = v * 0.5 + 0.5
- No adjustment is required for mono layout or when a Mesh box is provided for each eye.
- If the stereo layout is left-right:
Here is an example box hierarchy for a file containing the SV3D metadata for a monoscopic equirectangular video:
[moov: Movie Box]
[mdia: Media Box]
[minf: Media Information Box]
[stbl: Sample Table Box]
[stsd: Sample Table Sample Descriptor]
[avc1: Advance Video Coding Box]
[avcC: AVC Configuration Box]
[st3d: Stereoscopic 3D Video Box]
stereo_mode = 0
[sv3d: Spherical Video Box]
[svhd: Spherical Video Header Box]
metadata_source = "Spherical Metadata Tooling"
[proj: Projection Box]
[prhd: Projection Header Box]
pose_yaw_degrees = 0
pose_pitch_degrees = 0
pose_roll_degrees = 0
[equi: Equirectangular Projection Box]
projection_bounds_top = 0
projection_bounds_bottom = 0
projection_bounds_left = 0
projection_bounds_right = 0
[pasp: Pixel Aspect Ratio Box]
Spherical video metadata is stored in a new master element, Projection
placed inside a video track's Video
master element.
As the V2 specification stores its metadata in a different location, it is possible for a file to contain both the V1 and V2 metadata. If both V1 and V2 metadata are contained they should contain semantically equivalent information, with V2 taking priority when they differ.
ID: 0x7670
Level: 4
Mandatory: No
Type: Master
Default: N/A
Minver: 4
WebM: Yes
Container: Video
master element
Describes the video projection details. Used to render spherical and VR videos.
ID: 0x7671
Level: 5
Mandatory: Yes
Type: uinteger
Default: 0
Minver: 4
WebM: Yes
Container: Projection
master element
Describes the projection used for this video track.
is an enum. The valid values are:
- 0: Rectangular
- 1: Equirectangular
- 2: Cubemap
- 3: Mesh
ID: 0x7672
Level: 5
Mandatory: No
Type: binary
Default: N/A
Minver: 4
WebM: Yes
Container: Projection
master element
Private data that only applies to a specific projection.
- If
equals 0 (Rectangular), then this element must not be present. - If
equals 1 (Equirectangular), then this element must be present and contain the same binary data that would be stored inside an ISOBMFF Equirectangular Projection Box ('equi'). - If
equals 2 (Cubemap), then this element must be present and contain the same binary data that would be stored inside an ISOBMFF Cubemap Projection Box ('cbmp'). - If
equals 3 (Mesh), then this element must be present and contain the same binary data that would be stored inside an ISOBMFF Mesh Projection Box ('mshp').
Note: ISOBMFF box size and fourcc fields are not included in the binary data, but the FullBox version and flag fields are. This is to avoid redundant framing information while preserving versioning and semantics between the two container formats.
ID: 0x7673
Level: 5
Mandatory: Yes
Type: float
Default: 0.0
Minver: 4
WebM: Yes
Container: Projection master element
Specifies a yaw rotation to the projection.
Value represents a clockwise rotation, in degrees, around the up vector.
This rotation must be applied before any ProjectionPosePitch
rotations. The value of this field should be in the
-180 to 180 degree range.
ID: 0x7674
Level: 5
Mandatory: Yes
Type: float
Default: 0.0
Minver: 4
WebM: Yes
Container: Projection master element
Specifies a pitch rotation to the projection.
Value represents a counter-clockwise rotation, in degrees, around the right
vector. This rotation must be applied after the ProjectionPoseYaw
and before the ProjectionPoseRoll
rotation. The value of this field
should be in the -90 to 90 degree range.
ID: 0x7675
Level: 5
Mandatory: Yes
Type: float
Default: 0.0
Minver: 4
WebM: Yes
Container: Projection master element
Specifies a roll rotation to the projection.
Value represents a counter-clockwise rotation, in degrees, around the forward
vector. This rotation must be applied after the ProjectionPoseYaw
rotations. The value of this field should be in
the -180 to 180 degree range.
Here is an example element hierarchy for a file containing the Projection metadata for a stereo left-right equirectangular video:
[StereoMode value = 1]
[ProjectionType value = 1]
flags = 0
version = 0
projection_bounds_top = 0
projection_bounds_bottom = 0
projection_bounds_left = 0
projection_bounds_right = 0