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Creating or Extending an Edit Mode

dcneiner edited this page Jul 9, 2011 · 18 revisions

Creating a new Edit Mode

The best way to create a new edit mode, is to extend an existing one.

Minimal new mode

define('ace/mode/example', function(require, exports, module) {

var oop = require("pilot/oop");
var TextMode = require("ace/mode/text").Mode;
var Tokenizer = require("ace/tokenizer").Tokenizer;
var ExampleHighlightRules = require("ace/mode/example_highlight_rules").ExampleHighlightRules;

var Mode = function() {
    this.$tokenizer = new Tokenizer(new ExampleHighlightRules().getRules());
oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode);

(function() {
    // Extra logic goes here. (see below)

exports.Mode = Mode;

define('ace/mode/example_highlight_rules', function(require, exports, module) {

var oop = require("pilot/oop");
var TextHighlightRules = require("ace/mode/text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules;

var ExampleHighlightRules = function() {

    this.$rules = new TextHighlightRules.getRules();

oop.inherits(ExampleHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules);

exports.ExampleHighlightRules = ExampleHighlightRules;

Extending the Mode

getNextLineIndent(state, line, tab) { }

Called with each new line, state is the name of the current highlighter state, line the complete text of the current line, and tab is the tab filler currently on the editor (e.g. 4 spaces, or a tab character). Returns a string which is appended to the new line.

createWorker(session) { }

This is called on session creation to start a worker which can perform analysis in the background, commonly annotations for highlighting errors in syntax. It should create and return a worker using the WorkerClient function. A full example can be seen in ace/mode/javascript.

checkOutdent(state, line, input)

input here is the character sequence entered. Should return true or false on whether to call autoOutdent().

autoOutdent(state, doc, row)

This function when called should perform any replacement needed to outdent the current line. A full example can be seen in ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent.

toggleCommentLines(state, doc, startRow, endRow)

Extending the Highlighter

The highlighter functions as a state machine, with regex matches used to determine tokens and transitions between states. These notes assume use of the latest Ace.

Highlighter Rules

A highlighters rules have the layout:

this.$rules = {
    stateName: [ {
        token: <token>, // String, Array, or Function
        regex: <regex>, // String
        next:  <next>   // Optional, String
    } ]

The highlighter starts off in the "start" state. Tokens are strings, and tag the text with classes of the form ace_token. Multiple tokens can be applied to the same text by adding dots in the token, eg support.function will add the classes ace_support ace_function.

A regex can either be a flat regex (abc) or have matching groups ((a+)(b+)). There is a strict requirement that if matching groups are used, then they must cover the entire matched string ((hel)lo is invalid.)

For flat regex matches, token should be a String, or a Function that takes a single argument (the match) and returns a string token.

For grouped regex, token can be a String, in which case all matched groups are given that same token. It can be an Array (of the same length as the number of groups), whereby matches are given the token of the same alignment as in the match. For a function, the Function should take the same number of arguments as there are groups, and return an array of tokens as per before.

// Example rules:

  token : "constant",
  regex : "INT_MAX|INT_MIN"
} // INT_MAX -> constant(INT_MAX)

  token : ["constant", "keyword"],
  regex : "^(#{1,6})(.+)$"
} // ### Header -> constant(###), keyword( Header)

  token : "constant",
  regex : "(a+)(b)(\\1)"
} // aabaa -> constant(aabaa) :: abaa -> constant(aba) + a

  token : function (first, second) {
    if (first == "a") return ["constant", "keyword"];
    return ["keyword", "constant"];
  regex: "(.)(world)"
} // aworld -> constant(a), keyword(world) :: bworld -> keyword(a), constant(world)

If a rule is matched which has a next state set, then the tokeniser will move into that new state. Rules are prioritised based on their position within the ruleset, and the usual matching rules for regex apply. (eg of the rules (a)(b) and .+ applied to the string cab, .+ will match even if (a)(b) is higher priority).

Highlighter Helper Functions


Returns the rules for a highlighter.

addRules(rules, prefix)

Adds a set of rules, prefixing all state names with the given prefix.

this.$rules = {
    start: [ /* ... */ ]

var newRules = {
    start: [ /* ... */ ]

this.addRules(newRules, "new-");

    this.$rules == {
        start: [ ... ],
        "new-start": [ ... ]

Embedding a different highlighter

Using embedRules it is easy to embed one highlighter within another. For instance, to embed css highlighting between ^style and ^endstyle:

var CssHighlightRules = require("ace/mode/css_highlight_rules").CssHighlightRules;

this.$rules = {
    start: [ {
        token: "keyword",
        regex: "^style\\s*$",
        next: "css-start"
    } ]

this.embedRules(CssHighlightRules, "css-", [{
   token : "keyword",
   regex: "^endstyle\\s*$",
   next  : "start"

Mode delegation

Once a highlighter is embedded, it is also easy to delegate mode behaviour to the embedded mode while we are editing inside it. This is done by modifying the Mode constructor to use the getEmbeds and createModeDelegates functions as follows:

var CssMode = require("ace/mode/css").Mode;

var Mode = function() {
    var highlighter = new ExampleHighlightRules();
    this.$tokenizer = new Tokenizer(highlighter.getRules());
    this.$embeds = highlighter.getEmbeds();
      "css-": CssMode

With this, any mode specific behaviour (such as indenting, outdenting, or keyboard reactions) will be delegated to the CssMode when we are inside a css block. The prefix in createModeDelegates should match the one used in the highlighter. Multiple modes may be embedded in this manner, and the delegation is nestable, so that a JavaScriptMode inside an HTMLMode inside a MarkdownMode would still retain proper expected behaviour.

Common Tokens

The following are the common tokens to themes. Note that not all of these may have styling associated with them, depending on the theme used.
