
Grace View Components


Welcome to Grace

- Grace View Components is a Grace plugin for creating reusable, testable and encapsulated view components. + Congratulations, you have successfully started your first Grace application! At the moment + this is the default page, feel free to modify it to either redirect to a controller or display + whatever content you may choose. Below is a list of controllers that are currently deployed in + this application, click on each to execute its default action:

- ${new CardComponent(title: 'My First Component', content: 'This is the first Card').render()} -
- ${new CardComponent(title: 'My Second Component', content: 'This is the second Card').render()} -
- ${new CardComponent(title: 'My Third Component', content: 'This is the third Card').render()} -
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- ${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Primary Button', cssClasses: 'btn-primary').render()} - ${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Success Button', cssClasses: 'btn-success').render()} + -
- ${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Large Success Button', cssClasses: 'btn-success', size: 'lg').render()} - ${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Small Success Button', cssClasses: 'btn-success', size: 'sm').render()} -
- ${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Disabled Button', cssClasses: 'btn-success', size: 'sm', state: 'disabled').render()} -
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