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Say Recipes - Recipes that speak about itself


Recipes, recipes, recipes!! Ingredients, calories and more!! This webapp says a lot about recipes..

SayRecipes Home Page Screenshot


Make a .env.local file, with the similar contents as that of .env.sample file, in the root directory of the project, and paste the actual environment variables there.

Then, run below command:

npm install

Run and Build the Webapp

In the project directory, you can run:

  • npm run netlify:dev: Runs react-scripts start, but with netlify functions also served in our local environment.
  • npm start: Runs the webapp in the development server.
  • npm test: Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
  • npm run build: Builds the webapp for production to the build folder.

Notes for Developers

  • Don't add any bugs, homepage, or repository urls/fields in the package.json:

    • When I had put those fields in the package.json, ReactJS thought to serve the static files like css and optimized build of js files from https://<hostname>:<port>/<my-git-profile-username>/<repo-name>/<static-file-name>, instead of the usual url: https://<hostname>:<port>/<static-file-name>, and this issue led to 404 not found of that static file..
    • Have to check more why this was the case/issue. But for now, I don't need those fields mandatorily.
  • Before deploying to netlify, remember below points:

    • Upgrade node and npm to latest version, and also specify node and npm versions in engines field in the package.json file.

    • Don't even keep any warnings in the output of npm run build.

      This is bcoz those warnings are treated as errors, as process.env.CI = true is set by most CI servers automatically. If we require to keep the warnings as it is, then we should prefix our build command with CI= , which will unset this CI to empty, and it will help build the webapp fine.

  • Netlify Serverless Functions:

    • We have made a netlify serverless function, in the file ./netlify/functions/fetch_recipe_data.js.
    • This will be the handler for the route, and it will return a response..
    • The path to which we would send the request from the client side is actually the same path name as that of the filename of the handler. We can invoke that handler by calling fetch or some axios methods from client side code, with the url passed as '/.netlify/functions/fetch_recipe_data?query_param_key=my_value'.
    • Note that by default, the serverless functions are created inside the directory: <root-of-the-project>/netlify/functions.
    • Also note that the url to be requested will be like /.netlify/functions/<handler-name>?optional_query=value/optional_param.
    • Note the extra . (dot) in the url before the netlify/functions, and it is bcoz netlify-cli creates a temporary runtime build folder named as .netlify.