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Eric Simons edited this page May 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

Huge thanks to @thejmazz for taking the time to write these notes about how the codebase works! 🍻

React-Redux App Architecture


File: index.js

Imports: agent.js, store.js, ./components/*

Renders routes pointing to their associated components:

  <Provider store={store}>
    <Router history={hashHistory}>
      <Route path="/" component={App}>
        <IndexRoute component={Home} />
        <Route path="login" component={Login} />
        <Route path="register" component={Register} />
        <Route path="editor" component={Editor} />
        <Route path="editor/:slug" component={Editor} />
        <Route path="article/:id" component={Article} />
        <Route path="settings" component={Settings} />
        <Route path="@:username" component={Profile} />
        <Route path="@:username/favorites" component={ProfileFavorites} />


File: agent.js

Exports an object where each key is a "service" and a service has methods that internally run a request:

  • get
  • put
  • post
  • delete

For example, Auth:

const Auth = {
  current: () =>
  login: (email, password) =>'/users/login', { user: { email, password } }),
  register: (username, email, password) =>'/users', { user: { username, email, password } }),
  save: user =>
    requests.put('/user', { user })

Thus, these services essentially take some options, map to a request, and return the promise of that request. The general type could be:

type Service = {
    [key: string]: (opts: any) => Promise<T>

As well, agent.js locally stores a token which can be set via the exported setToken. As some config there is API_ROOT.



File: store.js

Imports: reducer.js, middleware.js

Fairly simple store setup, applies promiseMiddleware before localStorageMiddleware, logger only on development.


File: middleware.js

Imports: agent.js


Intercepts all actions where action.payload is a Promise. In which case it:

  1. store.dispatch({ type: 'ASYNC_START', subtype: action.type })
  2. action.payload.then
    • success: store.dispatch({ type: 'ASYNC_END', promise: res })
    • error: sets action.error = true, store.dispatch({ type: 'ASYNC_END', promise: action.payload })
  3. Then, for success and error, using the modified action object: store.dispatch(action)


Runs after promiseMiddleware. Intercepts REGISTER | LOGIN and either

  • a. sets token into localstorage and agent.setToken(token)
  • b. sets token in localstorage to '' and does agent.setToken(null)


File: reducer.js

Imports: ./reducers/*.js

Uses combineReducers to export a reducer where each key is the reducer of the file with the same key.

General Reducer Patterns

  • map payload into piece of state
  • toggle loading states by casing on ASYNC_START and action.subtype
  if (action.subtype === 'LOGIN' || action.subtype === 'REGISTER') {
    return { ...state, inProgress: true };
  • toggle errors by taking action.errors if it is there (see middleware)
case 'REGISTER':
  return {
    inProgress: false,
    errors: action.error ? action.payload.errors : null
  • set state keys to null if they did not come in payload (Flow type issues?)
case 'REGISTER':
  return {
    inProgress: false,
    errors: action.error ? action.payload.errors : null
  • handle redirections (will be triggered by componentWillReceiveProps somewhere)
case 'REDIRECT':
  return { ...state, redirectTo: null };
case 'LOGOUT':
  return { ...state, redirectTo: '/', token: null, currentUser: null };
  const redirectUrl = `article/${action.payload.article.slug}`;
  return { ...state, redirectTo: redirectUrl };


Most mapStateToProps won't be mentionned, as there are fairly simple. Take some objects, use them in render.

mapDispatchToProps will be referred to as "handlers". Some will emerge as common ones. Dispatching some specific handlers on some specific lifecylce methods will also emerge as a pattern.


  • onLoad
  • onUnload
  • onSubmit
  • onClick
  • onX

onLoad seems to be the most common one, used for any components that need ajax in data into store into props into their render method (which is basically everything on an SPA lol).


  • onLoad handlers pass a Promise or multiple promises via Promise.all

  • sending multiple leads to magic payload[0] and payload[1] in reducer (see reducers/article.js)

  • pass a handler, e.g. onClickTag as a prop to a child component. child component then calls it with agent: props.onClickTag(tag, agent.Articles.byTag(tag)). (does this only ever happen with a connected index.jsx inside a folder?)

  • to render or not to render:

if (! {
  component = <Loading /> // or perhaps null like in Header.js, ListErrors, EditProfileSettings in Profile
} else {
  component = <Thing data={} />
  • similary, if you cannot call handlers yet since props are not ready:
componentWillMount() {
  if (this.props.params.slug) {
    return this.props.onLoad(agent.Articles.get(this.props.params.slug));
  • use componentWillReceiveProps to call handlers if necessary, e.g. in Editor.js:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
  if (this.props.params.slug !== nextProps.params.slug) {
    if (nextProps.params.slug) {
      return this.props.onLoad(agent.Articles.get(this.props.params.slug));

Root Component - "/"

Imported components: Header


  • onLoad: (payload, token) => dispatch({ type: 'APP_LOAD', payload, token, skipTracking: true })
  • onRedirect: () => dispatch({ type: 'REDIRECT' })


componentWillMount() {
  const token = window.localStorage.getItem('jwt');
  if (token) {

  this.props.onLoad(token ? agent.Auth.current() : null, token);

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
  if (nextProps.redirectTo) {

Home Component - "/"

(<IndexRoute> on "/")


onClickTag: (tag, payload) => dispatch({ type: 'APPLY_TAG_FILTER', tag, payload }),
onLoad: (tab, payload) => dispatch({ type: 'HOME_PAGE_LOADED', tab, payload }),
onUnload: () => dispatch({  type: 'HOME_PAGE_UNLOADED' })


componentWillMount() {
  const tab = this.props.token ? 'feed' : 'all';
  const articlesPromise = this.props.token ?
    agent.Articles.feed() :

  this.props.onLoad(tab, Promise.all([agent.Tags.getAll(), articlesPromise]));

componentWillUnmount() {

Other Components

Should be self explanatory, follow patterns described above, it was just the home and index components are somewhat unique due to handling of routing.

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