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Raymond Hill edited this page Aug 23, 2014 · 30 revisions

Just a page to collect my counterarguments when I spot something which I believe deserve countering.

Who care about efficiency, I have 8 GB

Doing more with less is a virtue in software. For users of µBlock, this means:

Memory and CPU cycles are finite resources. A sure way for a developer to not be hired when being interviewed is to dismiss efficiency work because "memory is plentiful" or "CPU nowadays are fast enough".

Just use a hosts file

You can't un-break web pages with hosts file at OS level.

µBlock supports the parsing/enforcing of hosts files, and ships with a couple of them. One of them, "Peter Lowe’s Ad server list" is enabled out of the box.

With hosts file under control of µBlock, it is then possible to un-break web sites: a user can just disable µBlock for the web site which breaks, or an exception filter can be created to counter the blocking of a specific hostname appearing in a hosts file.

Many of the exception filters in "µBlock filters" are actually exception filters to counter entries in the hosts files shipped with µBlock.

I want the project to be committed to fully support the hosts files which ship with µBlock, i.e. report any issues arising from using these, and appropriate exception filters will be used.

I personally use all of these hosts files, and it increases significantly the blocking power of µBlock.

µBlock is a fork of Adblock Plus code

No. Code is wholly original, it was written from scratch. There are a very few places I borrowed code from elsewhere, and this is clearly identified. For example, for the element picker, I embedded CSS.escape from Mathias Bynens.

Adblock Edge is as light as µBlock

No it's not. Adblock Edge is like Adblock Plus, except that notably it doesn't have the "Acceptable ads" exception filters out of the box. See for yourself: here is a diff of a code change for Adblock Edge, and here is the same exact diff for Adblock Plus. The timestamps shows that Adblock Edge pulled code changes from the Adblock Plus project.

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