Let's explore the comprehensive error standardization package developed in Go, focusing on practical implementations using the gRPC Richer Error Model and Google API Errors Model within Dapr, the 10th largest CNCF project. You will gain invaluable insights into standardizing errors in your Go programs by delving into a dedicated open-source errors standardization package. Utilizing the builder pattern, you will learn to craft standardized and enriched errors effectively. Additionally, we'll delve into the current state of error standardization efforts in Dapr, while offering actionable insights on seamlessly integrating this standardized approach into your own codebases. Errors standardization pkg: https://github.com/dapr/kit/tree/main/errors
Find the slides at CassieCoyle-StandardizingErrorsInGo-APracticalGuideWithDapr.pdf
Cassie is a devoted software engineer at Diagrid and actively contributes to Dapr, focusing on Go backend development to simplify the creation of resilient, event-driven, and microservices-based apps. She is a member of the Dapr Day 2024 program committee. Previously, she helped develop Waypoint, streamlining application building, deployment, and release across platforms. She is CKAD certified and showcased her expertise in Kubernetes cluster development at HashiTalks: Deploy 2022. Cassie is part of a Gopher family and frequently attends conferences with her twin sister, Sam.